
Showing posts with label Book Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Review. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

3 of - The Heart: The Key to Everything in the Christian Life - Book Review

The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, & he saw that everything they sought or imagined was consistently & totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had made them & put them on the earth. It broke his heart. (Genesis 6:5-6, NLT)

In Genesis 6, people's thought life had so corrupted their hearts that it reached a point of no return.

The Devil is a master general at attacking the thought life of a Christian. His war strategy involves tactics of deception, pressure, & enticement to turn our thinking away from God & toward his kingdom.

The Devil knows that in order for a person to do evil, he must first think evil.

Within ten generations he was so successful that only one person on the entire earth had godly thoughts. The population of the earth at the time of the flood was between 235 million & 7 billion people.

They were wise, rich, sophisticated, & cultured for their time, but the defining characteristic of their age was wickedness because of their thinking.

Only Noah was thinking rightly & found favor with God. Noah's thought life was pure & free from evil because he walked with God.

And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, & He was grieved in His heart. (Genesis 6:6, NKJV)

As Christians our thought life should honor God first & foremost. The Greek word translated "honor" in Romans 1:21 means to make glorious, to adorn with splendor, to make excellent, & to cause the worth of something to be made known.

Do your thoughts glorify God daily? We must never give the glory of our thoughts to another.

Before Noah, Enoch also walked with God for hundreds of years.

In the Hebrew, "to walk" is to form habit patterns that determine your way of life.

We must walk with God for life to have true meaning. A thought life without God is ultimately an exercise in foolishness, & it always lead to dangerous consequences for the heart.

Toxic thoughts are like a spiritual cancer to the heart.

Toxic thoughts are like poison, but the good news is you can break the cycle of toxic thinking.

Toxic thoughts are thoughts that trigger negative & anxious emotions, which produce biochemicals that cause the body stress.

God sets the standard high for our thought life in the book of Philippians.

Selfishness did not exist in thought life of Jesus.

We cannot serve God if we are not humble. We cannot obey God if we are not humble. We cannot love God if we are not humble.

Pride is lethal because it lifts up the heart against God.

Jesus Christ did not have one ounce of fear in his thinking. During a great Storm on the Sea of Galilee, waves pounded on the tiny boat He was in, & it was filling with water. Jesus was sleeping soundly when He was frantically awakened by His disciples. He rebuked the wind, crying out, "Peace be still" (Mark 4:39), & reproved His disciples for their lack of faith.

Jesus had great compassion for people who were hurting & suffering from physical & spiritual ailments.

Jesus never had a thought of unforgiveness or bitterness. He demonstrated great mercy & forgiveness in his thinking, no matter what the circumstance or offense.

God commands us to think from a heavenly perspective, with eternity stamped on our thoughts, & no longer allow the temporal things of this earth to control our thought life.

Carelessness in our thought life, by allowing the sin natural to control it, is dangerously destructive to our walk with God.

Train yourself for godliness. (I Timothy 4:7, NIV)

I have fought the good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. (II Timothy 4:7 KJV)

So run to win!

Only God's mighty weapons have any chance of tearing down every brick of the strongholds that captivate our hearts.

The Greek word translated "stronghold" means fortress, castle, or prison.

Do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4:27 NIV)

Leave no such room or foothold for the devil (give no opportunity to him.) (AMP)

In the battle of Jericho God sets forth the pattern of how we should approach the tearing down of every stronghold in our minds & hearts.

The second thing we must do to tear down any stronghold is to consecrate ourselves. The Hebrew word translated "consecrate" is qadash, which means to be set apart, sanctified, holy, & pure, & is used to describe what is set aside for God's purpose.

Salvation is now available through Jesus Christ.

The Battle is Not Yours but God's. Believe in your awesome God. No stronghold can stand against the Almighty God!

The Ark of the Covenant: The Power of God's Word & Presence. The sixth truth is, just as the Ark of the Covenant was marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days, we can take the Word of God & march it around every stronghold, confessing its truth & claiming its power.

The seventh truth is to have faith in God & His Word. Faith is an unwavering trust & confidence in our God that he will never fail us.

The last truth in the Battle of Jericho is that we must wait on the Lord. God did not move to demolish the walls of Jericho until the seventh day.

God does not need an advisor. God does not need a counselor.

Leading Every Thought Captive to Obey Christ. The last & great truth of how to tear down strongholds in our hearts is in 2 Corinthians 10:5.

The first thought pattern is false reasoning.

It is never wise to try to out think God Almighty!

The Lesson of Lazarus. We must take off our grave clothes when it comes to our thought life.

Jesus first calls Lazarus by name. Jesus is calling you.

The Parable of the Sower & the Seed: The Four Conditions of the Heart.

This parable is an illustration of how to build the kingdom of God in our hearts & produce an abundant harvest of fruit to the glory of God.

The most important time of a man or woman's life is when the Word of God is sown into their heart.

Listen & Behold.

The sower does not sow Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Secular humanism, modernism or spiritualism. The sower sows the God-breathed Word that proceeds directly from the mouth of God Almighty.

The Devil is the supreme enemy of the heart & he is sowing his tares in every community, city, & nation.

This seed is producing hearts that hate truth & love darkness.

In this first soil of the heart, the seed of Word of God is sown, but it has no chance to grow because the Devil comes immediately & snatches away the seed.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.

Judas was in the inner circle with Jesus Christ, one of his original twelve disciples , who followed Jesus. Yet Satan entered into his heart at the last supper & he went out into the night to betray Jesus.

There are only two spiritual fathers that can give birth to their image in our hearts: God or the Devil.

Now let us think about spiritual arteriosclerosis for a moment. This is a gradual day-by-day process where our spiritual arteries become hardened by sin, poneros evil & unbelief.

The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history, & classics. He is the president of Goodness of God Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.

2 of - The Heart: The Key to Everything in the Christian Life - Book Review

When King Solomon had the Ark of the Covenant brought to the temple at its dedication, he had the Levites play cymbals, harps, lyres , & trumpets. Singers raised their voices to praise God with this magnificent musical accompaniment. The glory of the Lord filled the temple with a cloud after this musical display. (2 Chronicles 5:12-14).

When a vast army of Moabites, Ammonites, & Meunites came against Jerusalem, King Jehoshaphat & all of Judah stood before the Lord & prayed. When the Israelites returned to Jerusalem in victory, they went to the temple of the Lord with harps, lutes, & trumpets praising God in music & song. (2 Chronicles 20:21-22,28).

In 2 Chronicles 29:25-28 we read that King Hezekiah opened the doors of the temple & cleansed it from idolatry, one of the first he did was reestablish music & song there. He furnished the Levites with cymbals, harps, trumpets, & all the instruments of David.

After rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah immediately established the singers in the temple.

The book of Nehemiah indicates in the time of David there were directors of music for the singers & songs of praise & thanks. Nehemiah realized how important music was in the service of God in the temple & for the worship of God among the people.

After Jesus instituted communion as a memorial of His death, Matthew 26:30 says, "When they had sung a hymn, they went to the Mount of Olives." Mark 14:26 states that Jesus sang this hymn along with His disciples right before He prayed in Gethsemane shortly before He was crucified. This was probably not the first time that they had sung together, but this is the only time recorded in Scripture that our Lord sang.

This hymn is believed to be from the psalms called the "Great Hallel" or the "praise Psalms," which were Psalms 113-118 & 136.

A song can lift us into the presence of God & comfort our hearts even in life's darkest hours.

Paul & Silas was severely beaten for preaching the gospel & thrown into prison with their feet in stocks, but they sang praises to God in the midst of this seemingly hopeless situation. God moved with a great earthquake that shook the entire foundation of the prison & they were set free.

Throughout time, great men in Church history have understood the profound effect of music on the heart & the importance of godly music in the life of a Christian.

Martin Luther, who is credited with igniting the flame of the Protestant Reformation, was a wonderful composer.

One of his greatest hymns, which was one of my favorite growing up, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."

Martin Luther had a legendary love for music. He often played after dinner with his family & guests & composed songs for his children. Music was not just a recreational tool for Luther - it was an integral part of his life & he found a source of strength & comfort in music.

Luther was well aware of the power of music & insisted that its proper use was "to the glorification of God & the edification to man."

During the Wesleyan Revival in the 18th Century, Charles Wesley wrote more than six thousand hymns, including some that became classics of the Church, like "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sink," "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," & "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing."

Listening to music is not meant to replace a Christian's time in studying & mediating on the Bible, or prayer & intimate fellowship with the heavenly Father & our Lord Jesus.

Music either pulls you into the heart of God or pulls you into the heart of God or pulls you into the heart of the world. God is crying out to the Church & to every Christian believer, "Do not be ignorant or fooled by music & think your listening choices are harmless to your walk & relationship with me!"

Since the fall of Lucifier, music has been a major weapon in the battle for the heart.

Often our greatest songs of praise are borne in trials & temptations.

Many Christians today have lost the song in their hearts for God. When the heart is bitter & unforgiving, when the heart forgets God, when the heart becomes entangled with the things of this world, it loses its song.

In Exodus 15, the children of Israel sang the right song when they were delivered from the army of Egypt, but they sang it on the wrong side. They should have been singing this song even when they were in bondage in Egypt, not simply after a great miracle & deliverance from God.

Our God will never fail us. Our God will never leave us, or forsake us, & His strength is perfect in our weakness.

Yes, indeed - God is my Salvation. God - yes God! is my strength & song, best of all, my salvation!

Our song is never a song of anxiety, fear, or worry. He is our strength, our defender, our provider, & our deliverer. We should be raising the roof with our praise - song to God.

We cannot keep silent about the wonder of our God & His amazing works. God cries when the song of our hearts goes silent.

Don't lose your love song for God by turning away from Him when things get tough.

Yahweh your God is there with you, the warrior-Savior. He will rejoice over you with happy song, he will renew you by His love, He will dance with shout of joy for you (NJB).

This song of God is a hymn of deliverance; victory, & Salvation. Psalm 32:7 says that God "surrounds us with songs of deliverance." God sings because He knows that He has made you in Christ & that He has given you a name & divine destiny.

But God, says, "No matter anyone says, you are my beloved, My treasure, My pearl more valueable than all the treasures of the earth."

God sings to us. We sing to God.

Nothing is more important to our life than the thoughts that occupy our minds on a daily basis. The critical question becomes "What are you thinking?"

Our hearts are built on the foundation of our thoughts. The heart is molded & shaped by our thoughts. Thoughts are the blueprint of the hear, & the heart becomes the image of its thought. We are what we think.

We can't ignore the importance of our thinking if we want to love God with all our heart.

Tozer encourages Christians to "form the habit of a holy thought life."

God commands us to love Him with all our mind (Luke 10:27).

Our thought life should prepare our hearts for the Lord so that He might live & reign from its throne room. King David, in his last admonishment to his son Solomon & the children of Israel, exhorts them to frame their thoughts carefully so God can prepare their hearts to love & serve Him above all else.

The heart is like a mirror, reflecting the image of its thoughts. God should be the only image that dominates our thinking.

The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history, & classics. An attorney & author. He is the president of Goodness of God Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Part I: The Heart The Key to Everything in the Christian Life: Book Review

The fact is the heart is the key to everything in your life! Your family, your job, your relationships, & your self-image all depend on the condition of the heart. The quality of your service & witness for Christ comes down to the condition of your heart. Even your future rewards in the kingdom of God & your responsibilities in His kingdom throughout all eternity will be determined by the motives & condition of your heart here & now.

You need to understand what constitutes a healthy heart, according to the Bible, before you can take real lasting steps toward building it up & keeping it in top condition. But you must realize that you have an Enemy who wants to take your heart captive. He wants to weigh it down with oppression, bondage, impurities, bitterness, hatred, envy, & strife so that it is weak & sickly throughout your life.

God meant for your heart to be alive with His presence, a place where He is enthroned as its rightful ruler. Your heart is a treasure that should be given fully to Him, for only in God your heart your heart will find its home. Your heart is meant to be, like the Holy Holies in the temple in the Old Testament, a place where God is vibrantly alive & present, where He lives & is enjoyed & is intimately experienced.

The loving & magnificent God of the universe has a purpose & a destiny for you. You are part of a plan that will rock Satan's kingdom to the core & shake up the world for Jesus Christ. No one else has been given your unique mission as it has been ordained by God Almighty.

There was a salt covenant with meals in the Bible in which a person would bind himself to another in utmost loyalty & truthfulness as salt was a symbol of enduring friendship, honesty, & close alliance. It is still common today for people from the Eastern culture to say, "There is salt between us."

Jesus Christ wants to make a salt covenant with your heart, too. He wants your heart to be forever knit & linked with His, united & moving forward as one.

The heart is the center of everything that is manifested & comes forth in your life.

The heart is "essentially the whole man, with all his attributes, physical, intellectual, & psychological ... & the heart was conceived of as the governing center for all of these. It is the heart which makes the man ... what he is, & governs all his actions."

Every moment you draw breath upon the earth, something is flowing out of your heart.

What flows out of the heart even determines the direction & course of your life.

The first usage of this word "wellspring" in Scripture is found in the book of Numbers, in which God reveals to Moses the borders of the Promised Land that Israel is to go & possess: "This will be your land, with its boundaries on every side" (Numbers 34:12).

God has set the boundaries of a Promised Land for your life where you can accomplish your God-given destiny & purpose that God has lovingly designed for you. This Promised Land is a place where you can enjoy the blessings of God, the peace of God, the deliverance of God, the protection of God, & the presence of God. The Promised Land is where God is enjoyed, praised, & glorified for His matchless love, grace, & mercy. But your heart can only remain in God's ordained Promised Land if you diligently guard its borders from infiltration by the enemy.

We must be aware that the enemy is always prowling near the borders of our hearts, subtly trying to gain entrance so he can establish a stronghold in the heart & exercise his control & influence.

In order to enter the Promised Land & keep its borders secure, we must guard our hearts with all diligence, protecting it from the schemes & strategies of Satan, devoting it instead wholeheartedly & passionately to God & His Word.

But the devil has also staked out a territory for your life, & it is called the wilderness. Evil is the active opposition of God's good purpose or design for a person with the intent of destroying, limiting, & hindering it in any way possible.

The devil is called the evil one (Matthew 5:37), if we are careless with our hearts, he will re-position the borders of life so that the destiny God has for you is shattered & broken into pieces.

An exodus is a departure from one geographical location to another. The most magnificent example in human history is, of course, the exodus of Israel out of the slavery & bondage of Egypt. Hundreds pf thousands of men, women, & children departed Egypt on their journey to a new land.

Is the exodus from your heart taking you to a land of promise or a land of bondage? Every journey have ever embarked upon in your life has come of the heart, & the condition of your heart will determine which path you decide to follow.

Without hearts that are utterly devoted to Him in all purity & faith, the gospel becomes dead in our Christian walk & growth.

We must take back our hearts from the clutches of Satan & allow God to heal, restore, & reign from the throne in our hearts.

The Spirit of God is the true guide, helper, encourager, purifier, & discerner of the heart. The Spirit of God enables Christians to follow God decrees, & it is always exerting its influence on the heart to obey God at all times.

The flesh & the Spirit are at odds & enmity & have been at war since the beginning.

Do people see Jesus when they see your heart? Open your spiritual eyes & look at your heart in the mirror of God's Word.

The heart is under vicious attack daily by the "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4) who wants to cripple, sicken, & twist it, so that it becomes dead to the things of God.

A Sleeping Heart Is Unguarded.

Prayer Guards the Heart.

The organ we call the human heart pumps 1,900 gallons of blood through it every day.

In Scripture we discover three important gateways to the heart: our eyes, our ears, & our thoughts.

The eye is the second most complex organ in the human body, next to the brain. Our human eye can distinguish up to one million color surfaces, & our eyes take in more information than the largest telescope known to man.

Although much good can come through the Internet, numerous people, including Christians, have allowed the Internet to consume them & poison their heart for God. Forty million U.S. adults regularly visit pornographic sites, as this is fast becoming the number one addiction not only in America, but also around the world.

Pornography is like a cancer in the Christian church & has destroyed many lives, marriages, & ministries.

The devil understood this truth & used it to his advantage in the temptation & seduction of Eve. She was deceived by the serpent because she failed to guard her eyes & thus her heart (Genesis 3:4-6).

Make a Covenant with Your Eyes.

The Ears: The Second Gateway To The Heart.

Together, the ears are stereo receivers responsible for collecting sounds, processing them, & sending signals to the brain in a form that it understands.

Faith comes by hearing.

Faith always dwells & blossoms in the heart, but it is born & originates in the ear.

Hear & Obey.

Hear, Hear! Listen, Listen! Obey, Obey!

Whenever God's Words are rejected, it brings death in some way, shape, or form to the human heart.

Test Every Word.

But we don't have to be deceived!

The Hebrew word rendered as "test" in this passage means to search out, examine, try, & prove.

The Priest's Ear: Set Apart for God.

God set up the ministry of the priest in such a beautiful way to minister the heart of God to the needs of His people. The priests were to help restore the hearts of His people to the ways of God & keep them on the path of His righteousness.

The Prophet's Downfall.

A prophet was never to speak his own words but only that which he divinely heard from the heart of God.

What a chilling statement as to what can happen to the heart when the ears go astray! The prophets had allowed their hearts to become full of idolatry, lies, & wickedness.

Your Life Is Molded By Your Ear.

Be Still & Listen!

The Prince of the Power of the Air: The Spiritual Battle for Your Ears.

Paul calls Satan "the prince of the power of the air," indeed the devil has shown himself to be the great broadcaster to the world in this media age (Ephesians 2:1-2).

Satan's programming never takes a break.

Never Fear: Our God Is Greater.

The World Never Satisfies Like God Satisfies.

The Ears: Music's Enormous Impact on the Heart.

We must be aware of the music we are allowing to saturate our hearts.

Music in the Bible.

The right music is powerful enough to drive away demons & negative spiritual influences from the heart (I Samuel 16).

Music can calm the heart & make it more receptive to hearing the voice of the Lord. Music can bring our thoughts, emotions, & desires into the presence of the Lord, where the life & words of God can flow into our hearts (2 Kings 3).

In Exodus 32, music caused an increase in evil in the hearts of the children of Israel, plunging them into idolatry.

Angelic Music

Music is a vital part of heaven & the throne of God. It has been part of the worship & praise of God since the beginning. Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:13-14), was created as a beautiful & wise archangel, an anointed cherub, & music was an integrated part of his being.

Corruption of Music.

Music can cause the heart to become a prisoner of war in Satan's kingdom.

Moses the Songwriter.

Moses was a wonderful songwriter in the Bible & we see his first song in Exodus 15 after the miraculous deliverance of the children of Israel from the Egyptian army. In Revelation 15, the song of Moses is sung in heaven.

Make Music in Your Heart for the Ears of God'

All Music Originates in the Heart.

David the Musician & Songwriter.

David was a wonderful skilled musician & songwriter. He was also an inventor of musical instruments (I Chronicles 23:5; 2 Chronicles 7:6; Amos 6:5). He helped to reestablish the functions the functions of the Levites in regards to music in the tabernacle & select singers & musicians from the non-priest to participate in worship services of song & music to God. At the heart of their music was the wonderful book of Psalm.

Psalms is the hymn book of the Bible.

Tim Rowe (author) has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor degree in biblical studies, history, & classics. An attorney & author of The Magnificent Goodness of God & How It Will Transform Your Life, he is president of Goodness of God Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

On Rust, The Movie ... Book Excerpts Discussions

What People Are Saying About Rust the Movie:

"a shining story of rediscovering faith" - Francine Brokaw of Family Magazine Group

"... all the elements of a great mystery with a helping hand of faith." - Dana Chaffin,

"...spiritually uplifting & clearly shows that God will not forsake you & that His promises will be fulfilled. Dove is pleased to award Rust our Dove Seal for ages 12 & over." - Dove Reviews,

"...mature & engrossing ... Anyone who likes a mystery should be up for this." - Greg Wright,

RUST is an uplifting tale about faith, family, & the powerful ties that bind a community.

A unique story of friendship & calling RUST is a mystery that will leave you seeking the power of Grace. The beauty in sacrifice, & the HOPE of faith renewed.
Christian Film Database
On RUST, The Movie

Discussions In RUST The Novel:

James leaves his clerical shirt & collar on the pew when he leaves the church. Discuss the symbolism within his soul & what others might think. Is he leaving the ministry behind because he feels compelled to a new calling or is he simply running away? Can you relate to James's action?

Discuss the correlation (mutual relations) between James leaving his Heavenly Father behind while, at the same time, he works up the courage to face & repair the relationship with his earthly father. Is it easier to mend an earthly relationship of the spiritual relationship with the Almighty?

Discuss the aspects of finally recognizing when the heart begins to heal. How do you handle those often times difficult epiphany (any bodily manifestation, as of a diety. A Feast observed January 6 to commmemorate the manifestation of Christ to the Magi.

Have you ever felt so broken, so helpless, so despairing, that it seemed as if nothing matters? Did you turn to God in those times? Did you receive no as an answer, peace as an answer ... or a miracle?

Have you ever experienced an epiphany that confirms you were in the wrong? How did you handle it?

Have you even been someone's knight in shining armor, sacrificed yourself or something else of value in order to save their reputation? If so, what were your secret misgivings, if any? If not, under what circumstance would be willing to sacrifice for another?

Rust: The Novel is the plight of one pastor's crisis of faith and the struggle to save his friend's life & restore hope to a floundering community. Readers will be getting a "better, fuller, richer story in the novel," says Bernsen."

The author, Corbin Bernsen First catapulted to stardom during the 1980's by the hit NBC TV series, L.A. Law, he was nominated twice for both an Emmy Award & a Golden Globe Award. Along the way he hosted Saturday Night Live, & guest starred on Seinfeld & Star Trek to name a few notable television appearances.l

Pelican Book Group is a producer of Christ-centered fiction & is the first publisher to dedicate an entire new-adult romance imprint to promoting purity. Pelican Book Group was among the first to provide subscription-based e-books to the Christian marketplace.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

2 of 2 ... The Beginning: Prelude To The Apocalypse: Book Review

The Corinthian church was so free in the grace of God that they begin to sin with some very real consequences. The truth is that we cannot exclude either the law or faith. It is faith that frees us from the law of sin & death (Romans 8:2). The eternal or second death is what we have been set free from. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

It is understood that God is the ultimate power in the universe. In heaven all the angels obey the will of God. The fact that Satan had to go to God to get permission to sift Peter is further evidence of God's complete authority. God sits on the throne & listen daily to the adversary. If the adversary brings an accusation against us, God may allow him to chasten us. This has no effect on our eternal life. This will affect the quality of our life on planet Earth.

It is through the law that all sin was made known in the universe. Until the law came, sin was not understood or known (Romans 7:7-8). In other words we all must die in the flesh to fulfill the law. So we fulfill the law by dying & we fulfill the law of grace by living. Both laws are in effect & neither has been disregarded.

We can conclude that the flesh remains under the law of death & our spirit is under the law of grace. The Corinthians began to die & became sick due to sin. Paul admonished the congregation to walk in a worthy manner when involved with holy things such as the Lord's Supper (I Corinthians 11:26-30).

Christians need to understand that the law of grace is the eternal law & affects the spirit of man in eternity.

One of the most penetrating questions about life is this: "If God is good, why does He allow evil to exist?" As we know from Jesus, Satan is the father of all evil, (John 8:44). Job calls the angelic host "the sons of God" (Job 1:6-7). We find an interesting perspective in Job.

Satan, or Lucifer, was a covering cherub (Ezekiel 28:13-15). It's apparent that Lucifer wanted to be like God (Isaiah 14:12-15).

Satan believed & preached his doctrine of equality with God through knowledge of evil. If you knew God's secret knowledge of evil you would be like God (Genesis 3:4-5). As much as God loved His family, He must give them the freedom to choose their destiny.

The knowledge of evil caught the attention of one third of the angelic hosts (Revelation 12).

God knew that all creation could only live in harmony with love if it was voluntary. Anything else is not love. God only wants those who worship Him to do so in truth & spirit (John 4:23-24).

It is important to believe every Word of God.

Man & angels had to choose by faith whether to trust God or trust Satan.

God placed two trees in the garden. The tree of life was free & it yielded its fruit for food & life. The tree of knowledge of good & evil was beautiful to behold but contained only death. It was only the knowledge of evil that could bring death. Satan believed that if Adam & Eve would eat of it they would be as gods knowing good & evil (Genesis 3:5).

Satan does not have the power to take anything. Each time you see him in heavenly scenes he is asking permission to do what he wants. He asked permission to harm Job in Job chapter one. He asked to sift Peter as wheat in Luke 22:31. In Revelation chapter twelve, Satan stands before God day & night accusing the brethren.

We are faced with the choice of trusting God by faith or living according to the way of sin (Galatians 3:11).

Enoch & Elijah was taken by God without dying. And Enoch walked with God; & he was not for God took him (Genesis 5:24). By faith Enoch was was taken away so that he did not see death (Hebrews 11:5). Then it happened, as they continued on & talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, & separated the two of them; & Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (2 Kings 2:11).

Christ was not a sinner & yet He was put to death. It was the will of God that He should be put to death. Jesus must also be recompensed for the wrong done to Him. His blood redeemed us from death & we are given to Him as His bride. Not only did Christ receive all who believe in Him, but He was given the keys of death & became Lord of all (Revelation 1:17-18).

We are given enough to make a choice of faith - to accept the Bible. The Bible does not seek to answer the questions of science.

Bruce Campbell is the author of The Beginning Prelude to the Apocalypse Companion Study Guide. He has been a pastor, evangelist and a successful business man. He currently runs The Secret Place, an international ministry to ministers. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Divinity degree. He, along with his wife and daughter live in Picayune, MS

Saturday, March 18, 2017

1 of 2 The Begining ... Book Review

Prelude To The Apocalypse: Companion Study Guide

Paradox: A statement, doctrine, or expression seemingly absurd or contradiction to the received belief or to what would naturally be believing, but perhaps really true.

Gnotics: Of, pertaining to, or possessing knowledge;

Apocalypse: The book of Revelation ... The revelation made to the Apostle John

(John 16:12-13) I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; & He will tell you things to come.

The Scriptures clearly teach that knowledge is surpassed by the love of God in Christ (Ephesians 3:19). Knowledge is not the ultimate reality in the universe.

First, the author would like to explain to his readers the oneness of God (1 John). The most important reality about God is that He is love. John tells us that God is love. God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit & that Spirit is love.

Here is why we need to understand the nature of love & how it can manifest in differing ways. When most people think about love they often think of love in one way only. The love that does not fail & always accepts us even when we don't deserve it. This kind of love is explained in I Corinthians 13.

God the Father represents a different manifestation of love. Protective love is rooted in righteousness.

The first paradox that was formed was found in the nature of love. God brought us life into existence & He loved His creation with an everlasting love. When sin came into existence it threatened life itself. God loved his angels but they were turning away from love to evil. God must be able to judge His own children & removed evil from existence. The love that cannot fail, by nature, cannot fail even Lucifer. God, in a sense, had to sacrifice His own heart in order to throw the diseased sons of God into the place of eternal quarantine prepared for them.

The Godhead is manisfected in differing ways even though the three manifestations are love.

Simply put, Jesus taught us that there is no giving or taking in marriage in heaven & that we will all be like angels (Matthew 22:29-30). There is no feminine in the Godhead & we know from the book of Job that angels are called the sons of God.

The Hebrew word for Spirit ("ruach") is feminine in Genesis 1:2. In the New Testament the Holy Spirit is presented in the masculine gender. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit "the Comforter" (John 16:7).

The church takes on the role of the feminine in the relation to Christ. The Greek word for church (ecclesia) is feminine in gender. The church is called the bride of the lamb (Revelation 19:7; 21:9). The church receives the Spirit (seed) & produces life (John 7:38,39).

Jesus submitted to His Father's will. Even though He was one with the Father in Spirit, He took on the role of submission. The church, in the same way, must learn to submit to the will of Christ.

The maternal side of love cries out for forgiving (Luke 23:34). Many people have asked, as did Jesus, "Why did God forsake Christ when he was on the cross (Mark 15:34).

Jesus is directly referenced to as the lamb that was sacrificed for sin. Christ was begotten of God & not created. He is the same essence, substance, or Spirit as the Father (John 16:27-28; John 10:30).

The lamb (Christ) was slain from the freedom of the world (Revelation 13:8). When the knowledge of good & evil came into existence through the law, the perfect Love (Holy Spirit) in a real sense had to be sacrificed, lest it should forgive Satan. Pure love can never turn away from the children.

The Passover lamb, in contrast to the sin offering, had to be a male lamb (Exodus 12:5-8). The Passover lamb represented represents the reality of eternal death passing over all who take Christ (the lamb) into their life. These are picture types that teach us about God's plan for redemption of all who receive Christ. It also shows us the protective side of love in that we are protected from death through Christ.

God's ways make sense & everything God made reflects something about the Godhead.

Angels were not begotten but rather created. Adam was first & Eve was begotten out of Adam. Planets & moons are one matter & are drawn together by the unknown force called gravity. Adam & Eve are one flesh & drawn together by love. The Father & Son are drawn together by the Holy Spirit of love.

Let us be glad & rejoice & give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, & His wife has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7). We should not think of these pictures types in fleshly terms but rather spiritual.

As the bride of Christ we are to yield (submit) to His will. Remember that in the Spirit there is no giving or taking in marriage but we shall all be as angels. We as His bride, must learn submission to His will & then we shall be exalted. The will of Christ is found in the Sermon on the Mount & Beatitudes. He told us to learn the ways of love.

In chapter eight of Proverbs wisdom speaks to us declaring she was brought forth from God.

Comparison between Christ & Wisdom:

Through Wisdom all things created: Psalm 104:24; Jeremiah 10:12; Proverbs 3:19

Through Christ all things created: John 1:1,9; Hebrews 1:2; Colossians 1:16

Find wisdom find life: Proverbs 8:35; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Proverbs 4:20-22

Find Christ find life: 1 John 1:12; John 14:6; John 10:10

Wisdom established from everlasting: Proverbs 8:23

Christ established from everlasting: John 8:58

Wisdom invites to eat her Bread & drink her wine: Proverbs 9:5

Jesus is the bread of life. Wine is life: John 6:33-48; Matthew 26:28

Satan will try to turn the picture of the Godhead in creation upside down. Evil will grow if left unchecked by power & strength. Evil masquerades as good & takes advantages of innocence.

Imagine a time before evil existed. There was no need for law or protective because there was no knowledge of evil. Because creation was innocence, God had to create a way of understanding what sin was. He spoke into existence or permissive side of love is perfectly explained in I Corinthians 13.

Mankind will attempt to become as god & reinterpret all things through selfish ambition carnal desire & call it freedom.

The world is attempting to cast off God in order to pursue carnal lust & selfish desire. The law of God is hated by those who proclaim freedom. Anyone who stands in the way of this "freedom" will be hated & reviled, even as God is reviled.

Revile: To address scandalous language; abuse; be abusive in speech or act.

When there is no longer anything to stop sin, it will run rampant.

Evil must be resisted. God the Father must turn away from His own children (fallen angels, sons of God) & eventually separate them from the family. The disease called sin must be put away into a quarantine zone forever. That zone is known as hell.

There is a concerted effort in this day to make boys more like girls in their emotions. When men become emotionally driven instead of righteously driven there will be an eroding of strength in society.

Bruce Campbell is the author of The Beginning Prelude to the Apocalypse Companion Study Guide. He has been a pastor, evangelist and a successful business man. He currently runs The Secret Place, an international ministry to ministers. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Divinity degree. He, along with his wife and daughter live in Picayune, MS

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stand - Book Review

Staying Balanced with Answers for Real Teen Life

The advice offered herein does not constitute a substitute for professional treatment, therapy, or other types of professional advice & intervention. The author nor publisher does not assume any responsibility for use of these materials & information.


a. An attitude toward a particular issue, a position taken in an argument

b. Have or maintain an upright position, supported by one's feet

c. Withstand an experience or test without being damaged

When a guy is controlling, checks your phone, manipulative or a cheater, he is not Christ-like & he is not for you. We are reminded in 2 Corinthians 6:14 that we are not to be "yoked together" with unbelievers. In biblical times, a yoke was used to keep oxen together when they would plow the fields.

Cute guys don't always have cute character. Proverbs 27:19 says, "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart." We know a person's heart by the way they live. You may be dating a cute guy, but does he treat you one way in private & another way in public?

When a guy truly cares about you, he will treat you with the same respect & adoration in public that he does in private.

Don't "sugar coat" how you feel & state upfront that you are only interested in being friends.

When your friends motives are pure, he can see things in other guys that you may not see & help protect you from making a mistake.

It is okay to say, "NO!"

Taking Out the Trash: "A woman is not written in braille. You don't have to touch her to know her." - Unknown

Why is it so important that we keep our morals? Our study group would like to assure you EVERYONE IS DOING IT. The girls in our study group have made a commitment to save themselves for their husbands.

You must be the one that is worthy of the chase.

In case you're still tempted to experiment with sex outside of marriage, knowing that approximately 750,000 teenagers get pregnant every year may help yu reconsider ("Teen Pregnancy Facts"). If you fantasize about quitting EVERYTHING in your life to take care of someone else for the next 18 years, you are definitely in the minority. I have never spoken to an unmarried teen who said, "I'm so glad I got pregnant." Their friends eventually went off to college & they were left alone. Contrary to what "Hollywood" promotes, most guys do NOT stay with or marry the teen mother of their child.

God loves you & you will never find a love greater than His.

Compromising your morals & your values is going too far.

So what if we've already messed up. I've got good news! Jesus Christ gave His life so that we can be healed from past mistakes. He can forgive you & give you a new start TODAY when you ask HIM for one. This is what His grace is all about. We've all messed up, & we all need forgiveness. Don't allow shame to tell you it's too late to start over. THAT IS A LIE. God wants to walk with you into every situation in your life. I John 1:9 say's, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful & just to forgive us & PURIFY us." He can restore the purity you have lost & make you a new creation in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). He loves you & has great plans just for you when you turn away from making your own decisions & allow Him to help you make the right ones.

Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times." Friendship is an "equal opportunity" relationship, & both friends must take responsibility for the friendship to work.

Communication is crucial in friendship because when we stop talking, problems arise.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. I Peter 4:8

Trust is a key characteristic in friendship.

God NEVER Changes!

ask God to till the hole that is there with the "high" only He can give.

Choices are life-changing.

It's our job to share the truth. It's God job to do the changing.

Beating the Bullies: Your values doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. Idiot. Ugly. Fat. Loser. For most of us, nothing is more painful than rejection. Bullies feed on their victims reactions such as hurt, fear, insecurity, & weakness. God did not design us to be mistreated or bullied. Bullies do not get to defines us, GOD does.

The most important thing you must DO is to notify your parents & health officials immediately after the rape occurs, whether it is by a boyfriend, family member or a stranger.

Shannon Perry is an author, conference speaker, recording artist & TV host. She worked in the public school system for over fourteen years as a school teacher & counselor before entering full-time ministry. She helped create an Anti-bullying program which is still used by one of the largest school systems in America. She has one son who is a Captain in the U.S. Air Force.

She is the creator of the "In Her Shoes" Conference written especially for Moms & their teen daughters.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Parenting For The Launch - Book Review

Raising Teens To Succeed In The Real World.

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility & the wings of independence. Denis Waitley

It's not easy raising teenagers, especially in our cultural climate that sends so many mixed messages (many destructive), offers innumerable distractions, & poses any number of potential perils for young people.

Are you ready, to release an eagle to soar?

Keep Your Eyes On The Goal: If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. Lawrence J. Peter

Our "destination," in this case, is the millstone launch into adulthood & the knowledge our children will require to do it successfully. This involves:

1. covering the bases with the wisdom our children need for "real world" independent (i.e., what do they need to know?)

2. instilling the principles & values for honorable living (i.e., how they should live?)

3. helping our children discover their unique assets they bring to the world (i.e., "who am I, what do I have to offer, & what are my opportunities?")

Try This: A Parenting Mission Statement

To inspire, equip, & empower our future adults who are admired for their character, respected for their gifts & talents, & remembered for the love & service they gave to others.

We will raise future leaders of excellence who will purposefully & honorably, who will understand & passionately offer their unique assets, who leave a legacy of significance & joyful service, who will value relationships & faith, who will exude gratitude & courage, & who will live with the confidence of knowing they are loved unconditionally & believed-in emphatically.

During this time, it pays to get to know the other voices in your teens life, both the good & potentially not-so-good. Some "voices" you want to be paying attention to are:

Other adults



Your home

Their inner voice (conscience)

Other Adults: have been especially valuable during the teen years, when our children didn't want to hear so much from Mom & Dad. These voices have included:

their grandparents & extended family members,

long-time family friends,

friends from our faith community; youth group leaders/mentors,

teachers & coaches who took a special interest in our kids & invested in them, &

parents of some of their friends.

Try This:

1. Consider having a "No Screen/No Tech Day" in your household once in a while. (This can be as difficult for parents as it is for teens!) Make an effort to lesson the influence of the technology & entertainment on all of you.

2. Make a list of the five most influential people in your teen's life.

3. Do they align with your family values?

Moving From Driver To Passenger:

The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. Frank A. Clark

What They Need From Us

In order to accomplish a successful launch, we need to provide them with:

our unconditional love & understanding

our belief & encouragement,

preparation & practical wisdom,

our perspective of their uniqueness & value,

full acknowledgement that it's their live & their dreams, not ours

a healthy & enduring relationship based on trust,

an open door 24-7, &

realistic expectations.

The authors are Dennis Trittin & Arlyn Lawrence. Authors/Publishers/Writers. Dennis penned "What I Wish I Knew at 18: Life Lessons for the Road Ahead.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Judging Me

“Seeking justice for those who cannot fight for themselves is a pursuit that deeply binds me. My honor to this commitment has allowed me to rise above a set of ongoing horrific and absurd circumstances.”

--From the book “Judging Me”
By Mary Elizabeth Bullock

“Judging Me” by Mary Elizabeth Bullock is actually three books in one. First, it covers--in detail--the abuse suffered by the author during her childhood and formative years. Second, it covers her as she grows up and makes her way through the maze of being a ‘survivor’, as she makes her way towards adulthood, eventually entering the field of law. She rises in the ranks of the legal profession--but hides a sinister ‘payback’ side which manages to surface. Lastly, the work features a very frank discussion of the field of law from an insider’s view as a law school student, lawyer, teacher of law, and finally--a judge.

The book has been out for a little while, as it is listed on This is NOT going to be a book that one will ‘breeze through’ in a weekend, nor does it have a ‘happily every after’ ending. However, IF you are looking for a work that speaks specifically on the issues and sub-issues which surround childhood sexual abuse, Bullock delivers. Those who deal with victims of such abuse in the counseling center or the jailhouse should view this book as required reading, whether dealing with female OR male victims.

“Judging Me” is a self-published memoir (2013, 162 pages, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform), composed of 27 short chapters. Bullock, who has retired from the bench, writes honestly from--and for--the heart. Yes, the book does discuss spirituality and religion--and its impact upon the issues which she raises. However, it does NOT examine the freeing relationship of Jesus Christ which has appeared in the testimonies and memoirs of some of the other authors in this genre. At the end of the day though, the real blessing of the book comes from the fact that the author is on the front lines fighting for others. This is a credit to her legal training, and her dedication to helping others who may not have a champion for themselves.

“Judging Me” can be found on line, or contact may be made with the author at

Mike Ramey is a Minister, Reviewer and Syndicated Columnist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. On Line Reviews brings current and lesser-known titles to public light in the quest to re-kindle a love for reading in a sea of modern technology.

Lift up Christ and lay the sinner low. --C. H. Spurgeon

Friday, February 19, 2016

Family Shepherds

“The character of the Church and of the state depends on the character of the family. If religion dies out in the family, it cannot elsewhere be maintained.”
--From the book “Family Shepherds”
By Voddie Baucham, Jr.

Studies have recently surfaced about the rush of Millennial youth back to the church. One of the cornerstones of such research: Millennials are returning to church because they are hungry for the truth regarding God, Jesus Christ, church and…the family. Thus, in our ‘teched-out’ age, a return to tradition is being ushered in not based upon whim, but based upon actual need. One cannot learn how to lead a family for the glory of God, unless one understands that God has given men the duty and responsibility to create and lead godly homes, and raise up godly families.

Pastor and Author Voddie Baucham, Jr. has put together an inspirational work that clearly shows how men have been called by God to lead in the home--right from the Scriptures. His book “Family Shepherds: Calling And Equipping Men To Lead Their Homes” (2011, 190 Pages, Crossway) is an outgrowth of some monthly meetings he held with the men of his own church. Some of the talks he had with them centered upon the need for strengthening their own homes, with tools provided from the Word of God. In his bold view the church is the equipper of men to head their own families…NOT the usurper of that ‘head of household’ role from a godly man.

“Family Shepherds” is divided into five sections, with three chapters each. Among the sections you will find such headings as: “The Need To Equip Family Shepherds”, “The Training And Discipline Of Children”, and “Marriage Enrichment”. What makes the work truly useful is the section on single-headed homes/fatherless families…something which contains a lot of useful items that swim against the ‘social’ dictates of the modern era.

Godly men don’t just ‘happen’ to become spiritual leaders, leading husbands and loving fathers. It takes work, more work, and still more work, rooted in strong churches with courageous pastors who will train their men in how to get the job done. If you want a successful blueprint, this is the book for you--and your church.

Mike Ramey is a Minister, Reviewer and Syndicated Columnist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. On Line Reviews brings current and lesser-known titles to public light in the quest to re-kindle a love for reading in a sea of modern technology.

Lift up Christ and lay the sinner low. --C. H. Spurgeon

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Full Sufficiency of Christ .. Book Review

Book Review . Jesus . Eternal Life . Salvation . Christ . Death . Resurrection . Hell

For God so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only Son, that whosoever believes in HIM will; have eternal
life. (John 3:16)

The Bible teaches that people are sinners by nature and that we choose to sin, or do wrong. As Romans says, "...all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, as it is written>(None is righteous, no not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God.

Without God we are in bondage to sin, we are in chains.

Most of the world's religions, for except for Christianity, teach that a mixture of faith and works is needed to be made right with God.

Ephesians 2:8-9 declares, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so no man can boast."

Salvation is a free gift from God. It cannot be obtained by good works, baptism, church membership, church attendance, witnessing to others, by knocking on doors, mission trips, or giving financially to a church.

The gospel message is that all people are sinners, and our sin separates us from a loving God, our Creator, who wants to have a relationship with everyone. This can't occur through our good works, bout only through in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins. and HIS bodily resurrection from the dead.

The book of Hebrews describes Christ death in the following ways: It saves believers completely(Hebrews 7:25), it gives believers eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12), it makes believers holy (Hebrews 10:10), it makes us perfect forever (Hebrews 10:14), and where sins have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 10:18).

The Bible says that "the wages of sins is death" (Romans 6:23) and that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins" (Hebrews 9:22).

As the writer of Hebrews says, "for it IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE Blood of bulls and goats to take away sins" (Hebrews 10:4).

I Peter 2:24 says "HE himself bore our sins in HIS body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By HIS wounds you have been healed." And 1 Peter 3:18a says, "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring us to God.

John 1:1-3 states in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. HE was in the beginning with God.

Not only did Jesus have to be 100% human, He had to be 100% totally and fully God.

The Bible says, "But God shows HIS love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The Bible says that God is love. Love is many things, and one of these things in action.

Jesus resurrection showed that HE was truly sent from God, because only God has the power over sin and death.

"See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.

Then HE said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe. Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God! (John 20:27-28).

God sent HIS Son
They call HIM Jesus
HE came to love, heal, and forgive
HE lived and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives

Because HE lives I can face tomorrow
And life i worth living just because HE lives

Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, prayed, "My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done" (Matthew 26:42).

If there was another way, then Christ would not needed to die.

God didn't create people with the intention that any would go to Hell. But God gave them free will, with which they can choose to be with HIM or reject HIM.

Jude 1:7 reads, "Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Rahah the prostitute was justified in the eyes of the messengers she saved. Before this, she already had faith in the true God; now she was acting out of faith. First, she believed in God, because of that faith she acted.

The Book of James is saying that when one is saved by faith (belief) alone in the life, death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, he is saved by a faith that will produce good deeds and changes in the person's life.

Christopher Hearn sent me a copy of his book to review. The author has served as a missionary to Russia with (OM) Operation Mobilization and currently is the Pastor of the First Baptist Church of New Sweden, Maine. He has a MDIV from Bethel Theological Seminary San Diego.

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Method For Prayer 1710 Edition: Book Review

Book review . A Method For Prayer With Scripture Expressions Proper To Be Used Under Each Head 1710 Edition . Rev Matthew Henry . Minister of the gospel in Chester . London . 1710 . Steve Kindorf . Prayer . Prayerbook . Adoration . Confession of Sin . Petitions & Requests . Thanksgiving . Intercession . Addresses to God . Funerals . Want of Rain . Occasion of Fire . Forms of Prayers. morning prayer . evening prayer . Steve's Affection . Glossary . Bible Reading Plan . teshuvah

An Awesome Prayer Book. I love it!!!!

I was most impressed when Steve sent me a case of books for me & my family - I placed 4 in our Church & the others outside of my Church.

To The Reader:

For if we have spiritual senses exercised, true devotion, that inspiring flame of pious affections to God, as far as in a judgment of charity we discern it in others (though in different shapes & dresses, which may seem uncouth to one another) cannot but appear beautiful & amiable.

Pythagaras's golden verses begin with the precept; Whatever men made a god of they prayed to, Deliver me, for thou art my god (Isaiah 44:17). It is a piece of respect & homage so exactly consonant to the natural ideas which all men have of God, that it is certain those that live without prayer live without God in the world.

Prayer is the solemn & religious offering up of devout acknowledgments & desires to God, or a sincere representation of holy affections, with a design to give unto God the glory due unto HIS name thereby, & to obtain from HIM promised favours, & both through the mediator. Humble adorations of God, & thanksgiving to HIM, are as necessary in prayer, as any other part of it. The Greek word Proseuche from Euche is a vow directed to God. The Latin word Votum is is used for prayer: Jonah's mariners with their sacrifices made vows; for prayer is to move & oblige ourselves, not to move or oblige God. And long discourse of his there to shew that his ho gosnoticos, i.e., his believer (for faith is called knowledge, & pgf. 719, he makes his companions to be hoi homoioos pepis teucotes, those that have in like manner believed)lives a life of communion with God, & so is praying always; that he have their stated hours of prayer, but he para holon euchatai ton bion, prays all his life long. The Scripture describes prayer to be our drawing near to God, lifting up our souls to HIM, pouring out our hearts before HIM.

Some words there must be, of the mind at least, in which, as in the smoke, this incense must ascend; not that God may understand us, for our thoughts afar off are known to HIM, but that we may the better understand ourselves.

Thus prayer must be sparsim (a sprinkling of it) in every duty, & our eyes must be ever towards the Lord.

Nay if the groanings be such as cannot be uttered, HE that searcheth the heart knows them to be the mind of the Spirit, & will accept of them (Romans 8:26,27).

If we had the tongue of men & angels, & have not the heart of humble serious Christians in prayer, we are but as sounding brass & a tinkling cymbal. It is only the effectual fervent prayer, the Deesis energumene, the in-wrought, in-laid prayer that avails much.

And if any good Christians receive assistance from Rev Matthew Henry's Prayer Book in their devotions, he hoped they would not deny him one request, which is, that they would pray for him, that he may obtain mercy of the Lord to be found among the faithful watchmen on Jerusalem's walls, who never held their peace day or night, but gave themselves to the word & prayer, that at length he may finish have finished his course with joy. .... Matth. Henry, Chester, March 25, 1710


Of First Part Of Prayer, Which Is Address To God, Adoration Of HIM, With Suitable Acknowledgments, Professions, & Preparatory Requests.

Let us now attend upon the Lord without distraction, & let not our hearts be far from HIM when we draw nigh to HIM with our mouths, & honour HIM with our lips (I Corinthians 7:35; Matthew 15:8).

Having thus engaged our hearts to approach unto God (Jeremiah 30:21).

We Must Reverently Adore GOD As A Being Transcendently Bright & Blessed, Self-Existent & Self-Sufficient, An Infinite & Eternal Spirit, That Has All Perfections In Himself, And Give HIM Glory Of His titles & Attributes.

Thou art the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness or shadow of turning, & from whom preceedeth every good & perfect gift (James 1:17)

Thou art the blessed & only Potentate; the King of king, & Lord of lords, who only hast immortality; dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen nor can see (I Timothy 6:15,16).

We Must Give To GOD Glory The Praise Of That Splendor & Glory Wherein HE Is Pleased To Manifest HIMSELF In The Upper Room.

We Must Give Honor To The Three Persons In The GodHead Distinctly, To The FATHER, The SON, & The HOLY GHOST, That Great & Sacred Name Into Which We Were Baptized, & In Which We Assemble For Religious Worship, In Communion With The Universal Church.

We Must Acknowledge It An Unspeakable Favour, & An Inestimable Privilege, That We Are Not Only Admitted, But Invited & Encouraged To Draw Nigh To GOD In Prayer.

We Must Express The Sense The Sense We Have Of Our Own Meanness & Unworthiness To Draw Near To GOD, & Speak To HIM.

We Must Likewise Profess Our Believing HOPE & Confidence In GOD, & HIS ALL_Sufficiency, In HIS POWER, PROVIDENCE, & PROMISE.

We Must Intreat GOD'S Favourable Acceptable Of Us & Our Poor Performance.

We Must Beg For POWERFUL Assistance & Influence Of The Blessed Spirit Of Grace In Our Prayers.

O pour upon us the spirit of grace & supplication; the Spirit of adoption teaching us to cry, Abba Father; that we may find in our hearts to pray this prayer (Zechariah 12:10; Romans 8:13; II Samuel 7:27).



Confession of Sin


Having given glory to GOD, which is HIS due, we must next take shame to ourselves, which is our due, & humble ourselves before HIM in the sense of our own sinfulness & vileness; & herein also we must give glory to HIM, as our judge, by whom we deserved to be condemned, & yet hope, through Christ, to be acquitted & be absolved (Joshua 7:19).

In this part of our work,

We must acknowledge the great reason the great reason we have to lie very low before GOD, & to be ashamed of ourselves when we come into HIS presence, & to be afraid of HIS wrath, having made ourselves both odious to HIS holiness, & obnoxious to HIS justice.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

55+ Unite 55! Welcome All Wise Working Women: Book Review

Michael . Book Review . love . love letter . doors . all wise women . faithful friends . summon . Mark Twain . wall to wall . back to back . Arella Amarissa . Ladies nite . Women's Room . mountains . lakes . tent . Talent . Positive Thinking . 55! Oath . Party Invitation . Family Affair . Restaurant party with beautiful lites . Wisdom . Brain Power . Power of sisterhood . don't drive while distracted . Glam Glasses . Dream Team . Sparky Headbands . Party-favors . Dancing with the Stars . West Coast . B's husband . Rose . wise sisterhood . smiles . Web thinking . Networkers . Women's Networking Events . Call to Arms . Poor Economy - Bad Economy? . Fairy Tale or Possible Prophecy?

Funny Book to me (Fairy-Tale - Invented) - Fairy Tale or Possible Prophecy?

I do not review books, sometimes as I, receive them. I received this book 2/25/2013 - & reviewed it on 6/17/2014.

This book is a call - to - arms. As aging wise women, we need to leverage our strengths, face down our fears & prop one another up.

40 years later, America was graced by Betty Ford. While her marriage to Jerry was initially postponed over concerns about how voters would react to his marrying a "divorced ex-dancer," Betty brought a breath of fresh air to the White House. She used her battles with breast cancer, & alcoholism to inspire others. One slogan said, "Vote for Betty's Husband." When she died at age 93, she was heralded as someone help women & all. Her daughter continues her legacy at the famous Betty Ford Center.

Using a few of the author's friendships - sisterhood as examples, The author remind us all to treasure the power of sisterhood - sometimes all it takes is one woman telling another that she still has a lot to offer.

After a rigorous interview & 6 new hires included 3 people age 25 or under, 3 age 55 or over; 3 women & 3 men; & a mix of racial & religious backgrounds. They brought skills in areas of finance, sales & marketing, operations, quality & safety,& organizational effectiveness. 2 had master's degrees, 1 brought military leadership experiences. It was thrilling to put a Dream Team together. All had volunteered in their communities, some including global projects.

Not acting our ages, another 55! woman & the author made a "pinky promise" to help one another land safely.

Today women over 55 are uninvited on a grand scale.

Fortunately, women have unprecedented education, experience & survivor instincts - not to mention "buying power." While as individuals we are unemployed or underemployed, we know we can "summon" strength from our sisters-in-arms.

Let us remind ourselves of our brillance & help at least 1 other woman to carry on.

Eleanor's husband wisely, said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

We working women age 55! have to monitor our self-talk.

A few months into her recovery, the author wrote a 5-page account of an accident & its aftermath. Since her mother's large family is dispersed across the Midwest, she wanted them to know what happened.

Friends can't redesign the world, but they can open a release valve-even if they have to use paws!

We've Got the Power: Let's Help Each Other

Our middle-aged brains are surprisingly competent & surprisingly talented. We're calmer, happier, & as 1 scientist herself in middle age, put it: "We just know stuff." ... Barbara Strauch, The Secret Life of the Grown Up Brain.

Remember, Betty Boop, the animated 30's flapper who was flighty & full of fun? Fast forward another 40 years,to our present time - and - ta -da! - Betty White. Betty is credited by a Midwestern work ethic. Somewhat like Betty Boop, she uses innuendoes to entertain. But that is where the resemblance ends. In a book mentioned: If U Ask Me: (And of Course U Won't), she offers a sobering assessment of working mothers.

Our hearts readily go out to the recent grads with $25,000 in school loans; to the young couples who have to uproot their families in search of a job; to uproot their families in search of a job; to the single moms with 3-part-time jobs & no benefits: To the unemployed dads who awkwardly wait at school bus stops.

5 Positive Findings About 55+

Our BrainPower - Our Wisdom - Our Strength in the Numbers - Our Fierce Friendships - Food for Thought: Trials & Triumphs at 55!

We seek recommendations from people we trust, & value transparency.

When it comes to our 55! dilemma, we should consider them as secret devices.

Using a few of the author's friendships as examples, she remind us all to treasure the power of sisterhood.

Duped at 58+

The author surprised herself by getting married at 22 & becoming a mother at 37. When she divorced her corporate life at age 44 to become an independent consultant, she did not envision a return engagement.

She was wearing her "compensation hat."

But within a year, the 2008 economic crash catapulted, the author onto her front porch. The bloom was definitely off the rose.

The Incredibly Shrinking Woman

The author was overweight, at one time. She didn't want to publicize her weight problems in her new job - but cone on - did she really think she could keep something visible a secret?

She was happy in a fat club. Looks like she hosted a support group.

Her body shape shrank back into proportion, & she felt healthier.

Mean-girl behaviour was off-limits, states the author.


The author, lost some of her hair, but finally it grew back. I assumed she was a woman of many wigs!

Glam Glasses

The author has been wearing glasses for distance since her mid-20's. The natural reshaping of her eyes helped her see better.

Several celebrities have a line of eyeglasses, some available through Wal-Mart.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

When the author was banished from her job in 2008, she did not foresee that the economy's steep nosedive would remind people of the 1930's.

Amazes me how the author senses a global gale storm was brewing.

Plain vanilla work never tasted so good to the author.

Most no-profit leaders, stated by the author have social service credentials, which typically do not include finance, marketing & operational expenses ..... this amazes me, too.

Left Behind at 55?

Part of the author's self-promotion was a new site. Her blog was her habit of clipping & highlighting articles for her husband & daughter - although sometimes she can't resist.

Rome was not built in a day, & push come to shove, women were much likely to sacrifice long term career security to keep the home fires burning.

Leaving La-La Land

Or, closer to home, the author's share: if professionals were losing their jobs, who would help them hang on to their houses?

She was amazed with women who were struggling for survival. She resolved to spend her energies addressing issues close to home.

55+ Career Profiles

The author's quest is women are different - they at times mix family & carrier.

55+ Profile: Pat

The ERISA law had just passed - a complicated piece of legislative pension plan & booklet had to be brought up to compliance - was this good or bad?

Pat's Career Profile

But things don't always work out smoothly - who go back to school & start second careers, states the author.

55+ Profile: Thelma

They were a winning team in their company's fat-club: Between them they lost 75 pounds in 7 months.

When she met Thelma, she had over, 15 years of experience with banks & health care companies.

She displays the emotional maturity & humility that allows her to bend, not break.

55+ Profile: Gayle

The author met Gayle when she ran an independent bookstore with her husband.

When they closed the bookstore, the author trips were flatter. But their houses are within a 5-minute drive.

But their lives were not following a cheery script. The author was laid off, & her shop closing was linked with the poor economy.

55+ Profile: Jo Ann

The author states, not surprisingly, she is the one who alerted her to the "call for authors" that led to her 1st e-book.

Your Income - Career Profile

Now, it's your turn to create a graphic picture of your income - career path.

Think big (simple small steps) & have fun envisioning yourself wearing different hats.

Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to dark places where it leads ... Erica Jong/Writer ......................... There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Breaking Loose at 55

One judge praised the author's work for what it didn't say, as well as what was revealed.

One is Silver, the other Gold: From High School to Hollywood

Well, the book went to Hollywood, & the author's mom & her were invited to the NY premiere. 9/11 demolished those plans, but she saw the movie 8 times, with different people.

Along with a woman who has a degree in religious studies, the author accepted her invitation to be a reader of her proposal pages.

Everlasting Career Chums

Postcard from Canadaes to the author: Unparalleled turquoise lakes, views of mountains, & glaciers, the great feeling of being happily exhausted after an 11 mile hike. Tent is surrounded by mountains oh so ever changing in the sunlight, clouds, or rain.

Rose's cheerleading extends to the author, as well.

Rose encouraged the author's writing efforts.

Rose & the author missed each other several times when she was on the West Coast for business.

Everyone knows how wonderful it is to have a dog. That's what makes them a (kidnapping) target. ... Lisa Peterson, AKC spokeswoman, USA Today

All of you Yorkies, Pomeranians & other small dogs can rest assured that, the author states her husband will not pay an abductor to steal your best friend.

The author states she don't steal dogs, she rescue them. Or rather, she let them rescue her.

Peter Senge's classic 'The 5th Discipline' defines learning organizations.

Surviving & Thriving

Michael was drafted for the Vietnam War, & like the author's dad, he trained as a crew chief.

The author's husband & her flew with Michael to go skiing in Vermont, across the patchwork farm land of the Midwest, & even over her office building in Hartford, at night.

The author explained how her high school sweetheart passed in Vietnam when he was 19 leaving a diamond ring on deposit at Michael's Jewelers.

Your 10 Terrific Traits

Write them down, now.

A Final Story: Miracles Do Happen

"B," the main character, is short for Bernice, not Betty.

B married her husband in Hollywood, then moved to be near his family in CT when he was in the Navy.

His ego was hurt, but 'B' was a realistic.

Around the time B's husband started his own plumbing plumbing company, her pilot son was left totally disabled after crashing his plane. 'B' was crushed, but soon after he was sentenced to a nursing facility, 'B' brought him home.

'B' mobilized a small-medical unit in the winterized porch of their ranch house. Of course, people thought she had lost her mind to grief. Over a period of 15 years, she proved them wrong.

6 years after B's son's death, & the joyous birth of her only grandchild, B flew to Las Vegas for a national plumber's convention.

Her husband suggested they try their next vision.

Her husband told her to, for God's sake. This was Quartermania. She only planned to spend $20, so why not?

Soon, a stranger spoke to her & motioned to her right. He removed his credit card, smiled & disappeared into the crowd.

Before B's $20 was spent, lights flashed & sirens screamed. She was bewildered. She got the rainbow of $689,000.

A deeply religious woman, B did not pray for money.

The author is not suggesting that every stranger u meet will lead u to riches.

It may be a magazine article in a Dr.'s office, a TV conversation u overhear on your way to do something else, or someone who asks for help.

As the book mentioned: If U Ask Me (And Of Course U Won't)

Georgian Lussier (author), has 35 years of human resources & management experience. She earned a Master's Degree in Organizational Behavior in 1978 & is the author of 2 e-books on developing talent.

Born in 1950, she plans on working at least another 15 years.

Monday, June 16, 2014

A People's History Of the Peculiar: Book Review

Book Review . Trivia . Reference . Writers . group of writers . Fresno, California . Flags . CSU Bakersfield . library . books . books inspire . art of promotion . TV/online journalist . blogging . blogging to success . articles . CNN . homepage . news sites . nonfiction sites . nonfiction writing . novel on Twitter . Small Places . Historian Nick Belardes . Acknowledgments . Ms Knight

This is an interesting book, there are some things as a Christian I will not comment on.

Random Remedies:

(I would recommend that you contact your professional doctor before attempting any of these remedies. Sharing for information purposes.)

Nosebleed ... Run something cold down the back of your neck. Sudden chills can cause blood vessels to contract.

Headache ... Draw blood to your feet by soaking them in hot water. Add some mustard powder for exceptional purposes.

Decongestant ... The University of Nebraska found that traditional homemade chicken soup (not from a packet)contains the amino acid cysteine, which is a decongestant.

Obesity ... Tumeric, which is found in curry, has many medical uses & helps prevent obesity in lab rats.

Coughing ... Try a nice bar of chocolate. Theobromine in cocoa suppresses sensory nerves.

Insect Bites ... Dab on toothpaste to fight itching &swelling.

Bruises ... Vinegar heals bruises. Soak cotton & apply.

Cancer ... In 2008, it was announced that medical experts in the U.S. are now studying the ancient Chinese remedy of potentially deadly toad venom fro cancer patients. Often cancer patients try blend of Western & Chinese remedies to fight tumors.

Sore Throat ... Manuka honey from New Zealand can destroy over 250 bacteria strains. It can help heal burns too. Add some lemon.

Cellulite ... Mix a little olive oil with warm coffee grounds. Spread on twice a week. Cover with cling wrap for several minutes. The caffeine helps circulation.

Stroke ...Consider acupuncture to help you in your recovery. Millions of patients each year do so in China. Could they all be wrong? Get in harmony with yourself.

Sniffles ... Warm feet in hot water. Soak pair of thin socks in cold water. Wring out & wear. Add thick, dry socks & put feet up (go to bed). Boosts circulation, which can help with the sniffles.

Multifetal Pregancies ... The incidence of twins has dramatically increased in the United States since the 1970's, to epidemic proportions.

Curios Phobias:

Telephonophobia ... Fear of cell phones & other communication devices.

Nomophobia ... Fear of being out of cell phone range.

Ideophobia ... Fear of ideas.

Phobia ... Fear of long words. (No, really).

Geliophobia ... Fear of laughter.

Dextrophobia ... Fear of objects on the right side of your body.

Chrometophobia ... Fear of making money.

Euphobia ... Fear of good news.

Caligynephobia .. Fear of beautiful women (but I call myself healthy looking vs beautiful).

Random Famous Sick People:

Florence Nightingale ... She nursed 1000's during the Crimean War. After the War she became bedridden with a psychoneurosis. She lived to 90, yet constantly believed she only had months to live.

Lou Gehrig ... New York Yankees first baseman who contracted amyotrophilic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, in the 1930's. He was a reluctant spokesperson for what became known to many as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Halle Berry ... The Hollywood Star suffers from Type 2 diabetes. Slightly overweight in school but otherwise healthy, the actress was once unconscious for a week because of her illness. Other celebrities with diabetes include Tommy Lee, Mae West, Spencer Tracy, & Elvis Presley.

Robin Williams ... One of the world's funniest men in television, film & stand-up comedy suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder). As much as 5 percent of the population worldwide suffers from this energetic, lively, inattention-causing ailment. Will Smith, Michael Jordan & Jim Carrey are also known sufferers.

Muhammad Ali ... This famous world-champion boxer once known as Cassius Clay fought the "Rumble in the Jungle" & the infamous 1975 bout "Thrilla in the Manilla" against Joe Frazier. Seven years after his thrilling victory, he contracted Parkinson's disease. The ailment attacks the central nervous system, which controls balance, coordination, & body movement.

Ferdinand Marcos ... In 1967, the once popular leader of the Philippines had snail fever, or schistosomiasis, which is transmitted by freshwater snails that harbor the parasite. He told a doctor that he would name an archipelogo in the Philippines after him for helping rid the leader of the disease.

Carrie Fisher ... Princess Leia's toughest battle wasn't against Jabba the Hut but in battling bipolar disorder. A doctor 1st diagnosed her with manic-depression when she was 24 years old. She went for years before seeking treatment. Other famous people with bipolar disorder include Phil Spector, DMX, Sylvia Plath, Axl Rose, & Virginia Woolf.

Random Odd Inventions:

Toothpick Grand Piano ... Popular Science in 1940 reported that a two-inch-square grand piano had been constructed. It was so small it could be played with a toothpick.

The Two-Handles Self-Pouring Teapot ... Built in 1886, this invention was quite the catch. One press of the lid & an entire teacup was filled.

Tiny Glasses ... These glasses strapped to a band worn around the head were so they were smaller than dimes. In 1936, they were meant to shield the eyes from glare while driving.

Mechanical "Willie" ... He was a laboratory robot built in 1934 that could be quite the servant. Westinghouse claimed Willie could salute, raise flags, sit, stand, & bow via voice command.

Mechanical Page-Turner ... The 1st such invention was built in 1890 & is now on display at the British Library. More than 100 years later, an MIT student built another version. They're still not available at Wal-Mart.

Useless Patents:

Two-Handed Gloves ... Perfectly weird patent for hand-holding lovers.

Sports Jersey Chair ... U.S. Patent No. 6637447 should go well with those who manufacture & sell. It's simply a chair made out of sports jerseys.

The Love Box ... U.S. Patent No. 4194629 is a simple box with the word "love" carved into the outside & inside. Unfortunately, it's not very attractive.

MRI Scanner ... In 1971, Dr. Raymond needed an indomitable name for the huge, complicated machine they had been working on for several years. Not only did their invention, the MRIC )"magnetic resonance imager") scanner allow for early cancer defection, it provided a window into the functioning of the body as a whole. Unfortunately, when Damadian first announced in 1971 that he was building such a machine, he opened himself to years of forment & ridicule, as scientists said his ideas were wild.

Computer Mouse ... It's the name of a rodent & a device most people use to move their cursor around their computer screen. Douglass Engelbart used a chunky square box as the 1st mouse in 1968. He & his coworkers called it a mouse because of its long tail of a cord. He got the idea for the function of the mouse from the way he thought people were meant to utilize their hands to control writing instruments. If told 18 years for Engelbart to develop that simple vision into a reality. Computers have advanced at such a fast rate that no mouse was used in the writing of this book.

A Virus Invention That Affects Trusts Issues: Matthew Shaer said, A security expert at McAfee told the author that the best way to avoid getting viruses is to read the subject line of incoming messages. If there is any question at all as to the veracity of the message, check with the person before opening it. Hope Roobface doesn't damage that mutual trust, but also hope that people are a little more aware of the kind of malware that circulates through many social networks.

Social networking, as Shaer points out, is like candy to hackers. Facebook posted a short item on the site somewhere, but the majority of friends & coworkers hadn't the slightest idea what was going on & could easily have had their computers infected.

Shaer writes for the Christian Science Monitor, which after 100 years switched from a daily newspaper to magazine format.

Random Weird Jobs:

Professional Wrestler ... It's among the kinds of jobs you can find when surfing the Internet. MySpace has listings for pro wrestlers at $90/hour.

Bollywood Extra ... It's said that foreign tourists visiting Mumbai, India, are often asked to be extras in street scenes being filmed for Bollywood pictures.

Flavor Chemist ... Create natural & artifical flavors in a laboratory. Work for more than 10 years at it & you're in the $150,00 range.

Island Caretaker ... You can find the listing for this job, billed as the "Best Job in the World," at Island reejob. The caretaker of the islands of the Great Barrier Reet has a fantasy job description: write a blog while living in paradise. The job was easily filled.

Celebrity Personal Assistant ... There are many types of assistants, from bag carriers to tea markers & those who run home & private offices. In 2008, Jennifer Lopez was said to have two assistant, while Mariah Carey had an entourage of none. Some celebrity PS's have moved on to run entire companies.

Golf Ball Driver ... Brett Parker is a salvage diver in Dallas, Texas. He finds, an average an average of 3,300 golf balls each day & has made as made as $100,00 in one year.

Getting Paid For Creativity ... Being a creative writer & story board artist meant coming up with funny, fresh ideas. Time is spent playing video games because bosses nurtured creativity by allowing mints freedom to roam.

Some made the Motown Show, The Rescue Swing Cat Blues, & a host of other shows, including one about bugs called Sting that the president of the Golden Nugget & others did't like for some reason.

Random Trivia:

The Beat Generation ... In the 1950's & 1960's a group of American writers known as the Beats, including Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, & William S. Burroughs, live abroad in Mexico, Africa, & France. Those who lived in Paris stayed in a seedy hotel that's since been called the "Beat Hotel."

The Harlem of Paris ... Many African Americans lived in Paris in the 1920's in the district called Mont Martre. The name derives from the hill that is the districts most prominent feature. Famous Painters who worked in the district include Salvador Dali, Amedeo Madigliani, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, & Claude Monet.

Random Python Tales:

A Love Story ... A 7-year-old-boy & a 16-foot-long-snake in Cambodia are reported to have a special bond & have been sleeping together since the boy was an infant in a cradle.

Taser That Snake! ... WPXI news reported that police were called to a scene in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, where a man had his hand caught in the mouth of an albino python. Officers used a Taser on the snake to get it to let go.

Two Heads Are Better Than One ... A two-headed-carpet python born in Kansas & shown to the public at the World Aquarium in St. Louis in 2007 is expected to live for 25 years & grow up to be 12 feet long.

I was sent a complimentary copy of this book for review by VIVA Editions.

Acknowledgements: Ms. Knight called Nick a spider shaman & provided him opportunity.

Historian Mick Belardes (author) turned into a TV/online journalist overnight after blogging his way to success. His articles & essays have since appeared on the homepage of CNN & other news sites across America. The founding editor of Face News, an online news & nonfiction site. Nick is also the author of the 1st literary novel on Twitter & Small Places. He lives in Bakersfield, CA.

The Tuesdays are a faraway group of writers in Fresno, California.

CSU Bakersfield continues to be the library that Nick loves. Its books inspire, People are like that too (who understand the art of promotion).

Friday, June 13, 2014

Honorable Intentions: Book Review

Book Review . Memorial . Military . Law Enforcement . Vietnam . Honorable Intentions . American Warrior . Russell Jones . Flag Day - June 14, 2014

This book was dedicated to the memory of brave men who served with honor.

Mr. Robert Jones via sent me a complimentary copy for review.

The opinions expressed in this book are the author's & don't reflect the position of, nor the endorsement by any of the aforementioned associations, their members, officers, chapters or boards.

Some events aren't in chronological order in this book & some have been condensed.

The reader is caution for the language in the book - has gritty language peppers military & law enforcement environments. In some passages he removed the profanity. (But I did not include profanity in my review).

Mr. Jones deemed it prudent to protect identities, in this book.

This his book was dedicated to the memory of brave men who served with honor.

He began to think back to his wedding reception & the last talk he had with Pastor Bishop. Barely a week after graduation from flight school, Susan Cadloni & he were married in Los Gatos at Calvary Baptist Church. She was his best friend, & he knew she'd make a wonderful wife & mother. They had discussed whether they should get married before or after, Vietnam, & they decided to get married before. after the wedding ceremony, they held a reception in the Church gymnasium. Knowing he was off to Vietnam, everyone had a word of support for him.

They told him 'we'll be praying for you.'

They encouraged him 'they had faith he was doing the right thing. God bless you, &, remember, to God be the glory.'

Pastor bishop managed to get a few words in with him before he left the reception.

"Now don't forget your Lord Russ. Keep up with your Bible studies & attend Church. They expected him to be a witness for HIM while he was serving our country. They would be praying for him & asking God to bless him with a safe return."

He asked 'Doesn't God already know what's in store for me?

Pastor bishop gently placed his left hand on his shoulder, & with a soft smile & a twinkle in his eye, simply, "Yes."

It's predestined, already written in the BOOK.

After completing high school in 1964, he majored in administration of justice for two years at West Valley College in Campbell, CA. Impatient to be out of his parents' home & on his own he transferred for his third year to John Brown University, a reputable Christian University, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. He wasn't ready for the rigors of a university, & a few of the courses in administration of justice from West Valley weren't transferable into any program at John Brown. He was considered a sophomore while in his third year of college. At twenty years of age, he found himself ready to be drafted into military service.

The navy & air force needed a four-year degree to get into flight school, & neither of their programs for MP seemed attractive. While in the army recruiter's office, he happened to notice a poster on the wall promoting their helicopter pilot program.

He asked "Does the army require a four-year degree for flight school?"

No, sir. Only two years of college is required. Interested in flying?

He was already writing an appointment slip for him. They test tomorrow at 1330.

March 7 was turning into a long & boring day as Reid & he flew Colonel Kroesen to various LZs in the Que Son Valley. They finally landed at LZ West & shut down. His crew sat around playing cribbage, & waited while the Colonel conducted his business in the battalion tactical operations center (B-TOC).

He opened some C rations, ate peaches & pound cake, & then walked around among the soliders who had just returned or were getting ready to move out on patrol. Their body language showed bravery, but their haunting eyes & faces displaced a common denominator of loneliness bewilderment, & fear. ... All soliders - service personnel should be on our Church's prayer listing. .... The day was hot. He looked at his watch & saw it was only 1420. The day was dragging.

This time a solider was standing, marking the spot for them to land. Perfect. Right out of training manual. As he sat down the chopper, the solider in front ran off to the left where others were ready to load the wounded. He noticed two body bags lying off to the side.

It wasn't like in the movies. For a moment, it all seemed to be happening in slow motion.

He said 'Jesus, what ...?' A shock wave slammed against his body, &, instantaneously small holes appeared across his windshield. Then it felt like someone had thrown gravel at his helmet & chicken plate. His right leg jumped as he took several hits around the knee.

He had access to an airplane, & they'd frequently fly to South Lake Tahoe for a day or two.

On workdays, he arrived at the police station a half hour early & dressed in the locker room. He prepare for battle every morning. Before heading to briefing, he stopped in front of a full-length mirror & he would admire himself.

Back in CA, he continued working as a forensic consultant.

Those in the program whose background did indicate a substance abuse showed characteristics of someone with underlying psychological issues or conditions. Whether the fault of private health insurance or lack of government programs, they were falling through the cracks of the mental health care system. It was clear that some of the court-referred clients were self-medicating, & they needed professional help above & beyond what could be provided in any thirteen-week court-mandated group program.

He was reminded of the hazards associated with untreated, self-medicating mentally disturbed individuals on an afternoon he attended the San Jose North Rotary Club. Pat Dwyer, a Rotary member who had been one of the sergeants, looked distraught, as he came up to him before the meeting started.

"Did you hear the news? Two officers are 'down.' ..." One's DOA. The other one is in surgery.

He muddled through his talk to the Rotarians & then rushed over to the hospital to join the concerned crowd of police officers. He learned from them that Simpson had been called to a donut shop with a mentally disturbed homeless man.

During a tour of duty with the marines, his son Robert "Joey" Jones was sent to the army jump school at Fort Benning, Georgia. Upon his discharge from the military, he entered competition skydiving, eventually earning 5 world championships & 14 national championships. He has set several & has held the title of all-around champion of combined formation skydiving 3 times. Today, he contracts for specialized military sky-diving training. His clinics have included the US Naval Special Warfare Development Group, along with Belgium, British, Canadian & Danish Special forces. He also contracts with several national skydiving competition teams, which he has coached to numerous championships. He & his wife Lena, a gold-medal winner with the Swedish women's skydiving team reside in Empuriabrava, Spain.

Russell Jones (author), is an ocean sailor, combat helicopter pilot, police officer, & intelligence operative. Russell has experienced a life of adventure, risks, & struggles against man, machine, & nature. He holds a Bachelor & Master degrees from the University of San Francisco. State & federal courts have recognized him as an expert in the psychological & physiological effects. He is frequently on TV & talk radio, & he is often a guest speaker at Colleges, Universities, & Community Service Organizations across the nation.