
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Confronting Jezebel - Book Review

Jezebel Spirit or Control Freak?

Not all control freaks, however, are Jezebels.

True Jezebel controllers, however, are out to destroy.

Keep in mind that Satan always attempts to counterfeit the work of God.

Jezebel Hates the Prophetic -

In the Old Testament, no one rose up to oppose Queen Jezebel except the prophet Elijah.  Jezebel was Elijah archenemy.

It is not fair to identify one or two traits in someone and determine based on those that the person is dealing with a Jezebel spirit.

She Gets What She Wants -

Queen Jezebel got what she wanted, and Ahab willingly gave it to her.  The clear battle with the Jezebel principality desires to rule and control the people of God.

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The Author is Steve Sampson.  He has written eight books about the Christian walk.  He has three adult children and lives in Birmingham, Alabama.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen Books.