
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Erasing the Boundary Lines .. 10/28/2012 Sunday School Lesson

Sunday School Lesson for 10/28/2012. Acts 8:26-39. Who Understands Faith? Erasing the Boundary Lines.... Erasing the Boundary of Race and Religion – Acts 8:26-29... Erasing the Boundary of Rejection – Acts 8:30-35... Erasing the Boundary of Relationship – Acts 8:36-39.... Ethiopia – country South of Egypt of the Nile.... Ethiopia Eunuch – treasurer of Candance. He had financial and political standing but had a spiritual void in his life. He was reading the book of Isaiah out loud when Philip the Evangelist/Deacon, was sent by the Holy Spirit from Samaria to help him. Philip led the African to faith in Christ from Isaiah 53..... Candance – Queen of Ethiopia.... Ethiopia – In the New Testament of the Bible, it was ruled by a queen with the title or name Candance ..... Gaza - One of the 5 influential Philistine cities, and southwest toward Egypt..... Acts 8:26-39.... Verse 26 – Angels, Offices of Good Angels, Ministering Spirits.... Verse 27 – Civil & Social Life, The Court, Overseers – of Candance. The Outward Man, The Afflictions of The Body, Mutilation (to cut off or permanently destroy).... Verse 28 – Scripture, Promulgation of Scripture, Scripture Studied. (Promulgation – to make known, public).... Verses 29, 36, 37 – Other Nations, The Conversion of the Gentiles, The Ethiopian Eunuch Baptized.... Verse 30 – Scripture, Promulgation of Scripture, Instruction in Scripture.... Verses 32, 33, 34, 35 – Jesus Christ, Prophecies Concerning Christ, Silence at the Trial.... Verse 38 – Sacred Rites & Forms; Sacraments, Worship, & Church-Fellowship; Instances of Baptism.... Verse 39 – Miracles, Miraculous Translation, Between Earthly Places.... Scripture Reference used/taken from: Holy Bible Topical Reference Edition KJV. Crusade Bible Publishers, Inc., 1970. Mt. Juliet, Tennessee; 37122

Power Brokers .. 10/21/2012 Sunday School Lesson

Power Brokers .. 10/21/2012 Sunday School Lesson. Acts 8:9-24. Who Understands Faith?...... Simon the Sorcerer – Acts 8:9-13.... Peter and John Go to Samaria – Acts 8:14-17.... I Would Like To Buy That – Acts 8:18-24..... Simon Magus, a sorcerer of Samaria, with great power & influence among the people. (Acts 8:9-13)..... Sorcery: (Occult, Demonic Forces – Witch Craft)..... Philip – Evangelist/Deacon (Acts 6:8) one of the 7 deacons (Acts 6:2) Perhaps he was instrumental in introducing Christianity into Africa..... Peter (rock) – His original was Simon (Symeon) Acts 15:14 .. a prominent apostle, outstanding leader in the early days of the Christian Church..... Some people believe that money can buy anything. The Holy Spirit can not be bought. Silver – Money can not buy Salvation..... Power – prestige, influence, advantage, greater power ..... Occult – belief/practice in areas/things forbidden by God..... Astrology/Horoscopes forbidden – Deuteronomy 18:10, Isaiah 47:12-13..... Fortune Telling forbidden – Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Isaiah 44:25; Jeremiah 27:9.... Ouija Boards/Contacting the Dead forbidden – Lev. 19:31; 2 Kings 21:6; Deut 18:10-12.... Acts 8:9-24.... Verses 9, 10, 11 – Idolatry & Superstition, Witch Craft, Magic & Sorcery.... Verses 12, 13, 14, 17 – Other Nations, The Conversion of The Gentiles, Gospel Carried to the Samaritans ..... Verses 15, 16 – God, Holy Spirit, Prayed For.... Verses 18, 19, 20 – God, Holy Spirit, Simony (Middle English Symonie, from Simon Magus, Samaritian sorcerer (Acts 8:9-24).... Verses 21, 22 – Man Redeemed, Repentance, Repentance A Duty.... Verse 23 – Fallen Man, Nature & Genesis of Sin, Sin Defined & Described.... Verse 24 – Duties to God, Intercession, Intercession Desired...... Scripture Reference used/taken from: Holy Bible Topical Reference Edition KJV. Crusade Bible Publishers, Inc., 1970. Mt. Juliet, Tennessee; 37122

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Paying The Price ... 10/14/2012

10/14/2012 Sunday School Lesson. Acts 7:51-60; 8:1a. Calling Out His Accusers – Acts 7:51-53 Stephen’s Vision – Acts 7:54-56 They Stone Stephen – Acts 7:57-60; 8:1a Acts 7:51-60; 8:1a Verse 51- God, Holy Spirit, Resisted Verse 52 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Crucifixion, Christ’s Death Verse 53 – Angels, Offices of Good Angels, Announces God’s Law Verse 54 – Trials and Persecution, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Bitter Hate Verses 55,56 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Ascension: Christ in Heaven Verse 57 – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Stoning to Death. The Outward Man, The Nature of The Body, The Ears Verse 58 – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Stoning to Death Verse 59 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Divinity, Christ Possesses the Attributes of God, Is An Object of Worship. Eschatology/Last Things, The Intermediate State, Retribution Begins, For The Good Verse 60 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Divinity, Christ Possesses the Attributes of God, Is An Object of Worship. Duties to God, Externals of Prayer, Kneeling. Duties to God, Intercession, Intercession for Individuals. Trials and Persecutions, Conduct Under Persecution, Prayer for Persecutors Acts 8:1a – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecutions, Banishment

Friday, October 5, 2012

Life is an Amazing Song - Book Review

“This book is about a finnish boy's life during the 1939-1945 war between Finland and Russia. ... I would recommend this book for women who are struggling with finances and raising their children. There is nothing like a mother's love. It is also a blessing to have loving grandparents who will help. John's mother did overcome her struggles, so mothers do not give up.... The way you face situations can make all the difference in the world.... Sometimes other people like your parents, teachers can see in you all that our Creator has made you to be. And these people can speak life and empower you to be all that you can be.... In 1942 John Raikkonen was in Oulu, Finland.... His family was jolted from sleep that morning around 3:00 a.m. to the shrillness of the horribly familiar air raids.... Even at the age of four, he remembered noticing everyone else was in their private world of fear.... There were plenty of hard times during the war. But there were good times as well. What John remembers most was a strong zest for life and an enthusiasm for the discovery of all things new.... The Finnish-Russian war (The Winter War) was fought between the years of 1939-1940. Their home was in the city of Hammeenlinna just north of Helsinki. His mom was home with his sister, Inga who was born one year after he was born. They lived in a small house next to the famous Hotel Aulanko with its national park and lookout tower. It was difficult for his mother to take care of her children with her busy schedule, so John was often with his grandparents.... The war had ravaged Finland and no one had the needed money or supplies to live because of the war. His father was stationed along the Karelian border where most of the heavy fighting took place. His mother was left alone with two small children and she had a difficult choice to make. His sister, Inga would stay with the mother in Hameenlinna and he would be sent to live with his grandparents on their farm north of Oulu.... It was later in life when he thought about growing up with his grandparents, that he came to the conclusion of having been born with the "golden spoon in his mouth." His grandparents, uncles and aunts were well off compared to his poor mother in Hameenlinna, who worked so hard to take care of his sister and Brother Kari, who was born in September. With his father being in the war and his mother working long hours, the money was tight. John worked at an early age during the summers.... Many things had been on his mind. The most disturbing was the possible separation of his Mother and Father once he would come from the service. The second unpleasant idea was going to a new school.... He would be in the third grade.... His class was studying the country of India, which he found very interesting. Geography was his favorite subject... It was the beginning of April. On the south side, where warm rays from the sun reached, the snow had began to melt. The ground was frozen solid... His mother had visited Helsinki twice meeting with his Father and lawyers. His Father insisted on divorce. His Mother didn't want the divorce, but gave in and the divorce was granted. His Father was suppose to send child support for the children, but he never did.... In 1952, Finland was ready for the Summer Olympics. Finland did receive a world-wide influx of athletes and visitors.... The world's first Miss Universe Pageant had been held in California and the first Miss Universe ever chosen, was from Finland. Her name was Miss Armi Kuusela..... In the summer of 1954, John had graduated from Lyseo, which was an advanced high school..... A hotel guest, a business man which was Mr. Schwab from Philadelphia, invited John at the age of seventeen to the United States. Mr. Schwab would arrange for his schooling and paying for his ticket to come to America..... It was a scary feeling for John to start a new school in a different country. It would be hard for him for his English was not very good... Life in America for John was wonderful and exciting. The people were friendly but it seemed as if everyone was in a rush somewhere.... Later the following summer, John returned back to Finland to fulfill his army duty in October.... It was in August when he journeyed to America aboard the SS US.... He attended Temple University, which was only three blocks away from the house, studying business and accounting. John enrolled in a class to learn how to fly airplanes. On his fifth lesson, Mr. Black the flight instructor asked him, "was he ready to fly?"... For one hour he flew around the airport and performed touch and go landings on the grass run way..... Late that summer John met his sweetheart. Paola Barboni who was born in Pescara, Italy. Paola and hiim hit it off immediately. It was like love at first sight. She was beautiful and he says she still is after fifty years of marriage. Six months later they were married. Now he ad to stop school and find work, and he was able to do so with some friends help. He became the Assistant Internal Auditor at The Benjamin Franklin Hotel in the inner city. They lived happily but very frugally... His son, John Claus was born nine months after his marriage. Two years later his daughter, Laila was born in Alexandria, Virginia where they lived at that time. Lewis Hotel School had brought him and his family to the Washington, D.C. area. He accepted a position at the famous Jockey Club. President Jack Kennedy was always escorted in through the back door. Everyone who was famous in D.C. to Hollywood considered Jockey Club as their club. After thre years with this famous restaurant, he began his Country Club Career... Over the years he became a Certified Country Club Manager, running some of the finest clubs in he United States... Him and his wife had another beautiful child, Claudia... At Rolling Green he met President Ford. He came to play golf in a large fund raising golf tournament. He shared his office with President Ford... In the fall of 1977 his Mother passed away. He was heartbroken... By 1980 John was burnt out from club management. Him and his wife purchased a closed up restaurant in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. They were featured in several newspaper articles, magazines, radio and TV interviews... While John was enjoying life, his sister Inga was diagnosed with incureable live cancer. Him and his wife visited her two weeks before her death in 1993... After twenty-three years they sold the Pasta House and moved to Charleston, South Carolina.... John says that he contributes everything in his life to a higher power, God. There were many people in their lives who helped them along to achieve what they did and what became of them, but he looks up to HIM as the giver/originator of it all.... As he learned in Finland, America is the land of opportunity... John (Juha) Raikkonen is the author of "Life is an Amazing Song."

Courage to Speak ... October 7, 2012

Our Sunday School Lesson is on Unit II. Who Understands Faith? Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-2a... Stephen was chosen to oversee food distribution to the widows of the community (Acts 6:1-6).... He was a Hellenists Jew - which means he made Greek his tongue, and adopted Greek ideas and practices (Acts 6:1; 9:29)..... Stephen was full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. He was spiritually gifted (I Corinthians 12:1-11). He was the first to do miracles who was not an apostle. He walked with God... Stephen was the first martyr and powerful evangelist/deacon.... Acts 6:8-15 ..... Verse 8 - Miracles, Miracles Considered, The Apostolic Miracles ..... Verses 9-13: Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, False Accusations .... Verse 14 - The Hebrews, Jerusalem, Destruction by the Romans Foretold ..... Verse 15 - Angels, Good Angels, Men Compared With Angels .......................................................................................................... Acts 7:1-2a .............. Verse 1 - Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, False Accusations .......... Verse 2a - The Hebrews, God's Chosen People ............... Scripture Reference used/taken from: Holy Bible Topical Reference Edition KJV. Crusade Bible Publishers, Inc., 1970. Mt. Juliet, Tennessee; USA; 37122

Having The Courage To Speak The Truth

Sandra Ford Walston is an Courage Expert, Speaker, Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Courage Coach and Author..... Her article link below is also featured in my Adult Sunday School Book in the Introduction..... ....... Our Sunday School Lesson for October 7, 2012 is coming from Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-2a. The lesson titled is Courage to Speak.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

52 Seconds - Words That Inspire: Book Review

Bernard's writing is very inspirational, positive and his book will make you thing on have a better attitude. Sharing some tips from his book: If you change the way you look at things, what you look at changes. A.I.M. Ambitious Inspired and Motivated Anyone with an aim; who is ready to go for his/her goals need be ambitious, inspired and motivated. What is your AIM? G.I.V.E. Generously Investing in Various Enterprise The act giving initiates the receiving process with the old adage, 'it's more blessed to give than receive.' Be a giver. M.U.M. Mothers: Unmatched Mentors Our first love, care, instructions and directions we receive comes from mothers and most often we learn and adapt to so many things from them unconsciously. God bless all mums. N.I.C.E. Neatly Install and Carefully Executed Isn't it lovely to have something nice, or to look nice? However let's not forget it may require some time and effort to neatly install and carefully executed it. Take time to be nice and look nice. A.R.T. Amazing Revealing Touch Everyone can be an artist, by simply adding a touch of beauty, excellence, care and love in every little thing we do - illuminating the life of others with our ART. L.O.L. Laugh Out Loud Learn to laugh out loud daily, let the kid in you enjoy life, for a "cheerful heart does good like a medicine" laugh at yourself - have some good laugh today. X. X. L. Xtra Xtra Length Many a time we do only what is required of us, not bothering to do anything extra, but it is the extra's that make the big difference, an extra hour. Those who achieve greatness in life, have gone beyond the limit, - go the extra mile. Bernard Kelvin Clive is the author of 52 Seconds "Simplified Motivation" WORDS TO INSPIRE.