
Saturday, March 23, 2013

2 of 2 .. The Privilege of Serving ... 3/24/13

Sunday School Lesson for 3/24/2013. Unit II. Resurrection Hope. The Privilege of Serving. Luke 22:14-30 (Devotional Reading with Sunday School Lesson I Corinthians 10:14-22).

The Last Hours (Luke 22:14-23:56)

The Last Supper (Luke 22:14-38)

Verses 14-20... Sacred Rites and Forms; Sacraments, Worship, & Church-Fellowship; The Lord's Supper, The Supper Itself

(Matthew 26; Mark 14; I Corinthians 11 - Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book)

Focus on the meaning and observance of The Lord's Supper.

Verses 21-23 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Ministry; His Denial by Peter, Betrayal, & Suffering

(John 12:4-6)

Jesus informed His disciples while they were at the table that the one who was at the table with Him would betray Him. The betrayer was Judas Iscariot, who served as the treasurer for the group.

Jesus chose Judas, knowing that Judas would betray Him. Judas is an example of what sin can do to anyone whether saved or unsaved.

Have you ever noticed that when you are betrayed it is often someone closest to you?

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Verse 24 ... Fallen Man; Sin Of the Spirit, & Against Ourselves; Ambition Rebuked

Verses 25,26 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Humility, Required

Verse 27 ... Sacred Persons & Offices; Of Spiritual Ministry In General; Ministerial Graces, Meekness & Humility

Verses 28,29 ... Man Redeemed; Blessedness Of The New Life; Temporal & Eternal Rewards

Verse 30 ... Eschatology (Last Things); Heaven; The Blessedness of Heaven, But Eating of the Tree of Life

(John 13)

A dispute rose among Jesus' disciples concerning who would be the greatest. Jesus told His disciples that this type of action - thinking should not be among them.

As Christians/Saints of God/Believers we must resist the attitude and temptation of striving for greatness: but strive to be servants.

I Corinthians 10:14-22 ... Dangers of indulgence

Sharing a Little History on 1 of 2 - The Privilege of Serving 3/24/2013 Sunday School Bible Daily Reading for week of 3/24/2013

Monday - 3/18/2013 ... Deuteronomy 16:1-8 - Keeping the Passover to the Lord ... The Convenant Laws (Deuteronomy 12:1-26:19) ... The Three Annual Pilgrimages (Deuteronomy 16:1-17)

Feast of the Passover ... was the convenant feast of Israel, kept on the 14th Abib, or Nisan, followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasted seven days (Leviticus 23:6)

Abib ... Hebrew Passover month (March-April).

Nisan ... April (Nehemiah 2:1; Esther 3:7)

Tuesday - 3/19/2013 - Exodus 12:21-27 ... What Does This Observance Mean? ... From Egypt to Sinai (Exodus 12:1-18:27). The Passover Instituted (Exodus 12:1-28).

Exodus Chapters 1 -18 ... the oppression of the Israelites in Egypt, the history of Moses and his dealings with Pharoh, the plagues, the exodus, the overthrow of the Egyptians, and the arrival at Sinai.

Friday - 3/22/2013 - I Corinthians 11:17-22 - Showing Contempt for the Church ... Disorders in Public Worship (I Corinthians 11:2-34). The Lord's Supper (I Corinthians 11:17-34).

Scripture reference taken/used from: KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible & Zondervan Commentary

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3-20-2013 ... True Worship

Jan/Feb/March 2013 Devotional and Educational Quarterly Emphasis covers True Worship. This devotional is studied only once a week that is provided by my Church.

"Family Worship."

Devotion Scripture - Philippians 4:6-7

Topic Scripture - Ephesians 3:14-15

"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named" (Ephesians 3:14-15). .. Key Verse

Jesus Christ: Christ's Divinity; Is Called the Son of God

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Philippians 4:6-7 ... Joy and Peace and Rest Promised

Verse 6 ... Duties To God; Prayer; The Duty of Prayer

Verse 7 ... Man Redeemed; Blessedness Of The New Life; Assurance of the Divine Favour

Topic For Discussion ... Ephesians 3:14-15; Colossians 2:1; I Thessalonians 1:2; Philippians 1:3-4; John 11:42; John 17:22a

Colossians 2:1 ... Man Redeemed; Duties and Graces Of The New Life; Chrisitian Fellowship

I Thessalonians 1:2 ... Duties To God; Intercession; For Saints, General Intercession

Philippians 1:3-4 ... Duties To God; Intercession; For Saints, General Intercession

John 11:42 .. Miracles; Miracles Considered; Purpose of Miracles

John 17:22 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Is Made Equal with God

Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Reference Bible

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

1 of 2 ... The Privilege of Serving ... 3/24/2013

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"> ........................................................................................................................ I may not approve of all ads or endorse them .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. My Sunday School Lesson Bible Reading for the week of 3/24/2013 is coming from the Books of Deuteronomy, Exodus, Luke & I Corinthians. ........................................................................................................... We are leading up to Resurrection Sunday. I prefer to say Resurrection Sunday, but many will say Easter. ............... Now think about Judas Iscariot ... he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.. Greed was the cause of this... ........... 3/18/2013 - Monday - Keeping the Passover to the Lord - Deuteronomy 16:1-18 ............................................. 3/19/2013 - Tuesday - What Does This Observance Mean? - Exodus 12:21-27 ................................................. 3/20/2013 - Wednesday - Preparations for the Last Supper - Luke 22:7-13 ................................................. 3/21/2013 - Thursday - Partaking of the Lord's Table - I Corinthians 10:14-22 ........................................... 3/22/2013 - Friday - Showing Contempt for the Church - I Corinthians 11:17-22 ........................................... 3/23/2013 - Saturday - Examine Yourselves - I Corinthians 11:23-32 ...................................................... 3/24/2013 - Sunday - The Last Supper - Luke 22:14-30 ......................................................................................................................... I may not agree or endorse all ads that show up at my blog...............................

Saturday, March 16, 2013

2 of 2 ... Dreams of a Better Tomorrow ... 3/17/13

Sunday School Lesson for 3/17/2013. Unit I. The Kingdom of God. Daniel 8:19-26 (Devotional Reading with Sunday School Lesson Psalm/Tehillim 91:1-12). ....................................................................................... The Two Beasts and The Dreadful Horn (Daniel 8:1-27) .................................................................. The interpretation (Daniel 8:15-27) ................................................................................... Daniel 8:9-26 ......................................................................................................... Verse 19 ... Angels, Good Angels; Offices of Good Angels, Convey God's Messages ....................................... "time of the Gentiles" - ...................................................................... (Daniel 8:16-27; 9:21-27; Ezekiel 30:3; Revelation 19:17-19 - Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book).............. Verses 20 - 22 ........................................................................................................ Verse 20 ... Other Nations; Notices Of Gentile Nations: Chiefly Prophetic & Denunciatory; The Medo-Persian Empire, Daniel's Vision ....................................................................................................... Verse 21 ... Other Nations; Notices Of Gentile Nations: Chiefly Prophetic & Denunciatory; The Macedonia Empire, Under Alexander ............................................................................................................. Verse 22 ... Other Nations; Notices Of Gentile Nations: Chiefly Prophetic & Denunciatory; The Macedonia Empire, To Be Broken Up After the Death of Alexander, 323 B.C. ...................................................................... Media/Medes ... those that dwelled in the land ... Scriptures that share their importance - II Kings 17:6; 18:11; Esther 1:19; Isaiah 13:17; Daniel 5:28 ................................................................................ Persia ... prophecies concerning - Daniel 5:28; 8:10; Esther married the King of Persia, and her throne was in Susa/Iran - Nehemiah 1:1; Esther 1:2; Daniel 8:2,16 ................................................................... Grecia ... Greece - Daniel 8:21 ... prophecies - Daniel 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; Zechariah 9:13 ............................. (Daniel 8:7,8,27) ..................................................................................................... Verses 23, 24, 25 .... Other Nations; Notices of Gentile Nations: Chiefly Prophetic and Denunciatory; The Macedonian Empire, Antiochus Epiphanes, the Eighth King of Syria, 176-174 B.C. ................................................... Verse 26 ... Scripture; Promulgation of Scripture; Sealing of Books (Promulgation - decree; make known) ............... (Daniel 8:9) .......................................................................................................... Psalm/Tehillim 91 ... Psalms of Adoration - Of God's goodness and mercy, Of God's power, majesty and glory; ..... Dialetic Psalms - showing the blessings of God's people and the misery of his enemies, .... There are seven Biblical Promises in Psalm/Tehillim 91:1-12. ................................................................................... Hope points us forward concerning the future. Daniel received help from Gabriel, when he could not understand the vision - there were times when Daniel interpreted dreams and knew. .................................................... Dreams to compare ... Daniel's (Book of Daniel), Joseph (Book of Genesis), and Joseph's (Book of Matthew). ............ Pray and trust God, even if you can not see God's hands. .............................................................. Scripture and reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Bible, KJV Precious Promise Bible & Zondervan Bible Commentary

Free Google: Free SEO, Social Media, & AdWords Resources for Small Business Marketing - Book Review

This book shares on Internet Marketing that will give you ideas that you will teach you step-by-step. Designed for small business marketers, with an easy to understand lay out of tips that will not break your budget (since everything is free!) ............................................................................................................. Even though SEO or Search Engine Optimization is all about getting to the top of Goggle for free, many small business owners or marketers do not know that Google produces an official free SEO guide. ...................................... But there's a problem - a catch. ...................................................................................... The catch is that despite the fact that Google is the world's number one search engine, Google does a terrible job of explaining where all the free goodies are in the Googleplex. .......................................................... The author teaches online marketing at corporate workshops, for his own company, at Stanford University Continuing Studies and elsewhere in the San Francisco Bay Area. His mission is to make SEO, Social Media Marketing, and AdWords easy, fun and (to the extent possible), free. ......................................................................... In this 299 Free Guide, the author is giving a tour to the readers amazing free but sometimes hidden, resources provided by Google for small business. ................................................................................ Internet marketing is an art, not a science. .......................................................................... This guide is an unauthorized, non-official guide to Google resources and has not been sanctioned by Google. .......... Most consumers have little idea of the algorithm behind Google Search, just as many business owners have only the vaguest of ideas about how this algorithm can be influenced to show one website over another (such is the quest called SEO or Search Engine Optimization). ................................................................................... So from the consumers perspective, Google is a search engine that displays its results in the following basic categories: ........................................................................................................... Ads ... Showing product or "shopping" as with pictures. ............................................................... Organic or natural resources ... non-paid results appearing beneath the paid ads ...................................... Google + Local results ... non-paid company listings appearing beneath the organic results. ....................................................................................................................... From the small business perspective in contrast, each of these categories presents marketing opportunities: paid ways to get to the top (advertising) as well as free ways to get there (SEO). Hidden in the Googleplex is a wealth of free tools and information resources that can help you from novice to expert in how to leverage Google to get your marketing message to more customers for less money and effort! .................................................................. In addition to Google + Local, Google has a new social media platform called Google +. On Google +, as on Facebook, individuals can set up "profiles" whereby they can post and share with their Google + friends (known as "circles"), and businesses can set up "pages" to talk with consumers. ................................................................. A final and very successful part of Google's social media strategy is YouTube, the video sharing site. YouTube is the largest video site in the world and the second largest search engine on the planet, serving more searches than Bing. ....................................................................................................................... Google provides a few very important free tools for webmasters and Internet marketers to learn how users search the Web. .................................................................................................................. Google makes more than 96% of its money from advertising, via its flagship advertising service, AdWords. .............. It's best to know where you want your ads to appear on Google and work backwards. ..................................... It is possible to use Google search techniques to penetrate into the Googleplex and identify free marketing tools and opportunities. ........................................................................................................ You can use the free GoogleAlerts to alert you to .... ................................................................ Informational items ................................................................................................... Your company name ..................................................................................................... SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is the art and science of getting to the top of Google and Bing fro free. Google has quite a few free resources for SEO for webmasters, marketers, and small business owners but they are rather hidden. ....................................................................................................................... Google does not make money on SEO, so it does not promote the tactic. ................................................. Google produces an informative, well-written guide to SEO called the "Search Engine Optimization Guide." .............. Google provides quite a few free tools to help with your SEO, especially in terms of keyword research. ................ There is also a tool called "Pagespeed insights" that will measure your website's speed and give helpful tips on how to speed it up. Website response speed is increasingly an important factor for achieving good SEO rank. .................. Since Google dominates search, it is important to pay attention to what Googlers are saying about SEO. ................ Get your free listing on Google + Local and be found by consumers in your area for your products or services by keywords. ............................................................................................................. It's a competitive game, but with some knowledge and perseverance you can out-compete your competitors and get to the top of Google's Google + Local listings for free! ..................................................................... Google + Local is free for a basic listing, and with some tips and tricks you have a shot at getting your company to appear at the top of the list, for free, for relevant Google queries! ................................................. Claiming your free business listing can be a hassle, but it only has to be done once, and then you have claimed it forever. .............................................................................................................. Once you have the basics of Google + Local under control, you will want to educate yourself on the ins and outs of successful local SEO marketing. ....................................................................................... Google + is Google's competitive challenge to Facebook, a social network platform wherein individuals can have "profiles" and businesses can have "pages." ........................................................................... As on now, Google + is not yet a huge opportunity for businesses as the social network has not yet grown to a huge subscriber base, but it has a very powerful owner - Google - so it merits watching. ................................... What's great about Google + personal is that, if you have uploaded a personal photo and correctly attached it to your website, Google will often show your picture next to search results. The more people that you follow on Google +, the more your picture shows, the more you get clicks .... thereby creating a virtuous circle on Google! ................... Businesses can get on Googlet as well, but they cannot get their pictures to show on search results. .................. Google + for business may still be worth setting up, because since Google owns Google +, there is no doubt that it will tilt search results to favor businesses that participate in the network. This is all the more likely now that the FTC has ruled in Google's favor on the monopoly issue. .................................................................... YouTube, owned by Google, is both a learning resource about free Google opportunities, and a free opportunity in its own right. ............................................................................................................ Whether it is Google Analytics, AdWords, or Webmaster tools, you can almost find both official and non-official videos that explain step-by-step tools and opportunities across the GooglePlex. .............................................. Trends on the Internet often hit YouTube first, and if your business depends on consumer trends, YouTube is one of the best free platforms to monitor consumer trends. ....................................................................... Other YouTube trend resources are somewhat hidden. .................................................................... Any business can set up its own YouTube channel, for free, and then post videos to that channel. ...................... YouTube has very good, free, analytics tools about your video engagement, but it is quite buried as well. ............. Google makes its money off advertising, and so does YouTube. So if video advertising might be good for your business, start off with their free resources to learn about how to advertise on YouTube. ....................................... In addition to Google or the "Search Network," AdWords can also place your ads across blogs, YouTube, Gmail, and other sites via what is called the "Display Network." ....................................................................... Google produces many good learning resources and tools for AdWords, if you know where to look. ........................ If you are an ad agency or web designer, you might consider becoming AdWords certified. This program allows you to become an officially certified AdWords partner at the individual or company level, and provides co-op marketing support from Google. .......................................................................................................... Analytics is Goggle's free web metrics platform. Beyond being by Google, for Google, ad about Google, it's not only free but is very powerful. ............................................................................................ Analytics can be pretty easy to set up, but it isn't necessarily easy to use. Google provides a wealth of free learning resources. ............................................................................................................ Analytics offers an ecosystem of free and paid apps similar to Google play for the masses. ............................ Almost every Google media property - AdWords, Google Webmaster tools, Google + - has an official blog. The trick is to know how to look for it, and then bookmark or subscribe to it via RSS so that you are kept informed of any and all opportunities or policy changes. ...................................................................................... Just as with blogs, Google provides a cornucopia of information on social media (Twitter, Google +, Facebook) about SEO, AdWords, Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, etc. Don't expect the Webmaster Tools Twitter feed to tell you where the AdWords Twitter feed is - of course! .............................................................................. AdWords does not seem to have its own YouTube channel but posts instead to Google Business! ........................... Some individual Googlers are so important that you should pay attention to their activity on social media: Matt Cutts and Maile Ohye. Mr. McDonald sent me a copy of his book for review. ................................................................... Copyright 2013, JM Internet Group and Excerpti Communications, Inc., All Rights Reserved. No reproduction or citation without written consent of the publisher. ............................................................................. Jason McDonald, Ph.D., is the author of this book and he teaches SEO and Social Media online for the JM Internet Group. He has coached thousands of business people, marketers, and web designers in his free online classes as well as paid seminars and corporate trainings. He is No. 1 on Google!

Friday, March 15, 2013

3-13-2013 ... True Worship

Jan/Feb/March 2013 Devotional and Educational Quarterly Emphasis is on True Worship. .................................. This lessons deals with Private Worship. .............................................................................. Devotion Scripture ... Psalm/Tehillim 61:2 ............................................................................ Topic Scripture ... John 6:15; Psalm/Tehillim 116:18,19 ............................................................... John 6:15 ... Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, he departed again to the mountain by himself. ............................................................................ Jesus Christ; Christ's Ministry; Christ's Reception by Men, Royal Honors Offered ...................................... Call to Worship - I will exalt thee, my God, O King; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever (Psalm/Tehillim 145:1) ....................................................................................................................... Duties To God; Praise; Everlasting Praise Due To God .................................................................. Psalm/Tehillim 61:2 .... Joy and Peace Promised .... Duties To God; Prayer; Objects of Prayer, Help in Trouble ........ Psalm/Tehillim 116:18,19 .... Sacred Places; The Glory and The Fate of Solomon's Temple, Desired and Beloved .......... Devotional Message ... Psalm/Tehillim 61:2 ............................................................................ Topic Discussion ... John 4:23-24; Psalm/Tehillim 116:18, 19; Psalm/Tehillim 91 ....................................... John 4:23-24.... ...................................................................................................... verse 23 ... Duties To God; Prayer; Conditions of Acceptable Prayer, In Sincerity ..................................... verse 24 ... God; Attributes of God As Being; Spirituality ............................................................ Psalm/Tehillim 51 ... A Prayer For Forgiveness ........................................................................ Scripture and reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Bible, KJV Precious Promise Bible & Zondervan Commentary