
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Divine Mentor - Book Review

Christian Coaching, Biblical Coaching & Mentoring Tips ................................................................ An awesome book for the lover of the Bible, Sunday School and great devotional book as well. .......................... Who Is Your Traveling Companion? ...................................................................................... Did you know that top athletes always travel with a coach? Whether it's Roger Federeck, Andy Roddick, Tiger Woods or any other superstar athlete, all of them bring alone more than their clubs or rackets or cleats. They make sure to bring their coach. .................................................................................................... I've heard some people ask, "Why do they need a coach? Why, they're the best in the world!" ........................... That's why they're the best in the world. They understand the crucial essential of being coachable. ................... God designated some of the best mentors of the ages and assigned them to us. Sometimes they will keep us alive.Sometimes they will keep us improving. ......................................................................................................................... Assigned Mentors - Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joesph, Elijah, Nahum, John, Peter, Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, Naomi, Mary, Martha, Dorcas, Priscilla and others. They wait to speak to you. ............................................................. At times these mentors will raise their voices, because they see you rushing toward a dead end. They will stand in your path, just like the angel with the drawn sword who barred Balaam's path, and say, "You're not going to do it." ....... I can't think of better mentors for a businessman than Solomon, who reached an unbelieveable pinnacle of success while still being a young man. ............................................................................................. I can't think of a better mentor for a pastor than Moses. This great leader shephered a congregation, not of 1,000's, but of 1,000,000's! .................................................................................................. I can't think of a better mentor for a professional than Luke, the physician, or for an educator than Paul, or for a mother than Mary. ..................................................................................................... Your inheritance is what God has in store for you. He keeps most of it under the guardianship of caretakers until you come of age. ......................................................................................................... The prophets still speak. The coaches still live. ..................................................................... Death did not terminate their lives. God gave them the eternal assignment to tutor future generations of HIS children. ....................................................................................................................... Solomon ought to be the ultimate remaineder to us that it doesn't matter how smart you are, how much you know, nor how many degrees trail your name. If you shun God's counsel and turn away from the mentors that He has provided, you're in trouble. .............................................................................................................. The Bible is not a magic book. ........................................................................................ Avid Students of life will attend the University of the Holy Spirit. .................................................. If you take the Word of God into your head and spout it out to others, but don't take it any further, that's called information. The Pharisees were truly remarkable when it came to information. They refused to live it - even though they loved to teach it to others. ..................................................................................... God is intimately acquainted with our ways, and He's more concerned about transformation than He is information. ...... God promises to bless the readers of the Bible (Revelation 1:1-3). .................................................... God doesn't need someone with a masters in marketing or a Ph D in public relations. .................................. God is calling for a spokesperson - a man or woman who will deliver the very heart of God. ........................... Each year, (the author of this book) which is president of Pacific Rim Bible College in Hawaii, where he preside over the Commencement Ceremonies. ......................................................................................... There is one university that we will never leave in this lifetime. It is the university of the Holy Spirit. This is a program of lifelong learning, coaching, and on the job training. Graduation will commence when we walk through heaven's gates. The University of the Holy Spirit will include classroom learning experiences, set backs, consequences, disciplines, long journeys, and a host of traveling companions. ...................................................... You can get hired for a job, but success and advancement is a do-it-yourself proposition. ............................ Wayne Cordeiro is the author of The Divine Mentor. He is senior pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is also a songwriter, and highly sought after conference speaker, which takes him around the world. He is a church planter and has helped to plant 83 churches in the Pacific Rim. ............................................... I review books for publishing companies, publicists, authors, businesses and ministries.

Support through Mentoring .. 2/24/2013

Sunday School Lesson for 2/24/13. Unit III. Imitating Jesus. Support through Mentoring. Colossians 4:2-6. (Background Colossians 4:2-17) .................................................................................................... Christian Life In Action (Col. 3:5-4:6) ............................................................................... Prayer & Wisdom (Col 4:2-6) ........................................................................................... Conclusion: Personal Greetings & Charges (Col 4:7-18) ................................................................. Mentors, partners, guides are helpful in strengthening us so we may deal with issues successfully, gain an understanding, and or make things clear. Jesus showed compassion to those who needed help and Jesus is the one who brought forth their commitment. ....................................................................................... Colossians 4:2-6 ...................................................................................................... Verse 2 - Duties To God; Prayer; The Duty of Prayer ....................................................................................................................... Pray requests are/should be confidential. (watch who you ask to pray for you/your needs) ....................................................................................................................... Prayer and fasting go together. ...................................................................................... The apostle Paul told/urged his readers to pray & be vigilant. ....................................................... Jesus taught us to be persistent in prayer in two parables: the unjust judge & the neighbor at midnight ............... The apostle Paul told the Colossians to be alert for specific prayer needs. Jesus reminded His disciples before His betrayal about being alert & prayerful. ............................................................................... The apostle Paul made it clear to the Colossians that all prayer should include thanksgiving. We can approach God with requests as well. ..................................................................................................... I Timothy 2:1 ... Duties To God; Intercession; Duty of Intercession ................................................... Hebrews 7:25 ... Jesus Christ; Offices of Christ; Our Mediator ........................................................ (I Thessalonians 5:16-19; Luke 11:1-3; Luke 11:1-13; Matthew 26:40-41; Philippians 4:4-6 - Reference Scripture from Sunday School Book) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Verses 3, 4 - Duties To God; Intercession; For Ministers .............................................................. The apostle Paul wanted the Colossians believers to pray for him to have opportunities to witness. .................... As we know Paul was in a Roman prison during this time. ............................................................... (II Corinthians 1:11; I Thessalonians 5:25; II Thessalonians 3:1; Hebrews 13:18; Acts 1:8) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Verses 5,6 ........................................................................................................... Verse 5 - Man Redeemed; Blessedness of The New Life; The Impartation of True Wisdom, To Be Sought .................... Verse 6 - Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces of The New Life; Government of the Tongue ..................................... Live wisely, walk in wisdom, this is the appeal that the apostle Paul had for his readers. ............................ Communication skills - speak graciously, in love ...................................................................... Filled with grace - courteous, encouraging, & Christ-like when you speak. Stay free from sinful language such as gossip, hatred & prejudice. ......... Prejudice does not only mean race/culture. ...................................... The apostle Paul wanted the Colossian believers to reflect both wisdom & grace. ....................................... (Colossians 2:6-8) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Christians/Believers/Saints of God are to display wise conduct at Church, home, work/career/job, & in their communities. .......................................................................................................... There was a song once that was out when I was a little girl by I guess he could be classified as "Old School" or "Blues" .... If Walls Could Talk by Little Milton .. Saints/Christians/Believers some of them better be glad that Walls Can't Talk. ........................................................................................................... Wondering why at home .. some men/women/children are degraded and mistreated at home in the christian community and when they are in the public they are treated so kind/sweet/good/nice you would never think that there was a problem in the home front. ....................................................................................................... We are representatives of Jesus Christ on Earth. ...................................................................... Scripture & reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Bible & Zondervan Bible Commentary

2 - 20 - 2013 .. True Worship

Jan/Feb/March 2013 Devotional & Worship Educational Quarterly Emphasis is on True Worship. ............................ Devotion Scripture - Psalm/Tehillim 47:7 .............................................................................. Topic Scripture - Psalm/Tehillim 138:1 ................................................................................ Keep your mind on King David, Praise, & The Rich Young Ruler ......................................................... Ps 47:7 - Works of God; God's Providence Among Men, Generally; The King of the Earth .................................. Ps 138:1 - Duties To God; Praise; Praise Due to God ................................................................... Devotional Message: Psalm/Tehillim 113:3 .............................................................................. Ps 113:3 - Duties To God; Praise; Praise Due from All, From All on Earth .............................................. Topic Discussion - Psalm 138:1; Matthew 19:16-22; Hebrews 13:15 ....................................................... Matthew 19:16-22 ...................................................................................................... Verses 16,17- Jesus Christ; Christ's Humanity; Christ Compared with the Father, In Goodness ........................... Verses 18,19 - Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces of The New Life; Love to Man ............................................. Verse 20 - Fallen Man; Sins Of The Spirit, & Against Ourselves; Self-Righteousness & Self-Conceit ..................... Verses 21,22 - Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces of The New Life; Liberality in Giving, Enjoined (enjoined - urgent admonition) ........................................................................................................... Hebrews 13:15 - Sacred Rites & Forms; Bleeding or Animal Sacrifices*; The Significance & Worth of Sacrifices, From the Christian Standpoint ................................................................................................. *Bleeding or Animal Sacrifices (Including Sin Offerings, which were expiatory/to atone for; Burnt Offerings which denoted total self-surrender to God; & Peace Offerings, which were eucharistic/favor, grace, gratitude ................ Scripture & reference taken/used from: KJV Topical Reference Bible & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary

Friday, February 22, 2013

What Matters Most - Book Review

I reviewed this book while being the Baptist Editor/Host more than 8 years ago. ...................................... The unnamed woman in Song of Solomon is every woman who prays to God for a soul-satisfying life, only to turn around and find God forcing her into situations where she must come to grips with her role in making her prayers a reality. .................................................................................................................. Twice in Song of Solomon 6:13 she is referred to "the Shulammite," which probably tells us more about the village in which she was born. ................................................................................................. It takes a bold, free spirited woman to strike out on her own journey to discover what's important to her. ............ Love poetry was prominent throughout the ancient Near East. .......................................................... The one thing you learn is that with the journey come lessons, things to be learned. ................................. Why not follow the Church's lead and read the book's contents as a spiritual allegory where the dark headstrong woman and shepherd lover transform into Israel and God, of the Church and Christ. ........................................... Reflection on the self: Take the time right now to describe in your own words who you are. How would you describe yourself? ............................................................................................................. She is by her own admission a woman of dark complexion. The hot Mediterranean Sun has seen to it that those born beneath her rays are typically olive to dark brown in complexion. ..................................................... Thinking women of faith have been grappling for centuries for ways to talk about the unfair way women and girls are treated in society, and we've been hard-pressed to come up with a term that describes the wide spread assumptions we encounter in our society about a woman's place and women roles. ........................................................ Name some people that God has placed in your life who are your greatest cheerleaders and others who are your most ardent critics. ....................................................................................................... Dr. Weems chose to give up a career as a stock broker 25 years ago to pursue writing. She enrolled in a Ph D program after finishing seminary. ............................................................................................ Be grateful for your friends. ......................................................................................... Surrounding yourself with people, a community, a village whose love nourishes and supports you is essential. .......... Be grateful that God is loving and committed enough to our becoming to knock repeatedly until we're ready to open. ................................................................................. I review books for publishing companies, publicists, authors, businesses, and ministries.

Hobby/Ideas/Tips/Could Equal Cash

I am sharing some ideas about how one may be able to turn their hobbies/ideas into cash. ................................ Remember that no two people are the same and each person is unique with skills and talents. ............................. I might share ideas/tips maybe once a month. ............................................................................ ................ How To Start Your Own Desktop Publishing Biz ... more articles that may give you some ideas ................................................... ... Top 10 Rated Home Biz Opps ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Donations of any size are welcomed to continue with this sharing of research on this topic. ............................ The sharing of book reviews, devotions & sunday school lessons are free on my blogs/other online sources.

Esther's Zeal & The Feast of Purim .. 3/12/2003

March 12, 2003 .......................................................................................................... Esther's Zeal & The Feast of ... I would like to share that I do not hold a position of clergy, pastor, minister nor ... I have never studied Theology nor taken religion classes. ......................................................... Esther's Zeal & The Feast of Purim .................................................................................... First, I would like to share that I do not hold a position of clergy, pastor, minister nor evangelist. I have never studied Theology nor taken religion classes in any school. ............................................................ I do not represent nor am I certified in any specific field. My only resource is the Holy Inspired Written Word of God ...The Bible. One thing for certain I believe and stand on -- ALL Mankind IS precious. ................................ The Biblical Truth on Record: The greatest message of Esther is a divine providence, by which God can rule and overrule in the affairs of men and work events out according to his will. The king had a sleepless night at exactly the right time - the night before the first banquet (Esther 6:1). God could easily cause that. The king had the book of records brought before him and read. The result was that Mordecai was honored on the very day that Haman planned to hang him. Then at the second banquet Esther, was in a postion to plead for her life and the lives of her people. (Esther 7). ................................................................................................ It will help to think of Daniel or Esther when ever in a hard place. But remember most of all that the Lord is your helper as he was theirs. ............................................................................................. Key Words in Esther 4:10-17; 9:20-22, 26 and 27: Hatach, commandment, unto Mordecai, one law of his, the golden sceptre, I have not been called, Think not, enlargement, from another place, fast ye for me, and the 15th day, Purim and such as joined themselves unto them. ............................................................................... The identification of the Hebrew name Ahasuerus with Xerxes was determined via of the Babylonian form of the name. Ahasuerus is mentioned in one verse in the Book of Ezra 4:6 and in the period of his reign comes chronologically during the part of the 57 years which elasped after the events recorded in Ezra 6 and before those of Ezra 7. ................ The book of Esther was written in the Persian period around 406 - 359 BC, by a Susan Jew who was familiar with the palace, and with Persian history, and with Persian customs. .......................................................... Esther, the Persian name of HADASSAH, daughter of Abihail, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite. Esther was a beautiful Jewish maiden, whose ancestor Kish had been among the captives led away from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar when Jehoiachin was taken captive. She was an orphan without father or mother, and had been brought up by her cousin Mordecai, who had an office in the household of Ahasuerus king of Persia, and dwelt at "Shushan the palace." When Vashti was dismissed from being queen, and all the fairest virgins of the kingdom had been collected at Shushan for the king to make choice of a successor to her from among them, the choice fell upon Esther. The king, was not aware, however, of her race and parentage. .................................................................................. The opening book chapter of the book of Esther tells of a 180 day feast given by Xerxes in the third year of his reign. The banquets was a time to decide concerning an invasion of Greece. Between the third year of Xerxes, when Queen Vashti was deposed, and his seventh year (Esther 2:16), when Esther was made queen, Xerxes campaign against Greece took place, ending in dismal failure. ............................................................................................ The royal favorite was Haman, called thought to mean that he was of Amalekite descent and hence one of the hereditary obeisance. Haman was wroth and determined to get revenge by bringing about a massacre of all the Jews throughout the Persian Empire. ...................................................................................................... It was then that Mordecai, warned Esther of the terrible proposed destruction and urged her to intercede with the king in her people's behalf. Mordecai suggested that Esther elevation to the position of queen might be a part of a divine plan to save the Jews from death. There was prayer and fasting. Then Esther risked her life and went in before the king. ................................................................................................................. The king held out to Esther his scepter, and asked her what was her request. Esther invited the king and Haman to a banquet and then to a second banquet. Haman was highly elated, but Mordecai was honored instead of being hanged on the gallows prepared for him. The plot of Haman to destroy the Jews was revealed. ........................................ The 14th day of Adar, the first day on which the feast of Purim is celebrated, is called in the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees "Mordecai's day," which shows plainly that Purim was observed late in the period between the Old and New Testament (2 Macc 15:36). ............................................................................................ The 13th day has been observed by fasting in honor of Esther's prayer and fasting before she approached the king. On the following morning of the 14th, synagogue services are held, with the reading of Esther (Exodus 17:8-16) which records the destruction of the Amalekites (Esther 3:1). Presents are given to the poor and to friends, and the rest of the day, as also the 15th, is observed with feasting and rejoicing. .................................................. Scripture text-history-reference: ..................................................................................... Crusade @ Bible Publishers, Inc. 1970, Mt. Juliet, Tn, USA, 37122 .................................................... The Precious Promise Bible KJV, "International", Copyright 1915/1908 By The J C Winston Co., Entered 1915/1908 At Stationer's Hall, ALL Rights Reserved, Printed in USA New Devotional "KJV" & Explanatory Bible, Old & New Testaments, Apocrypha, Concordance, & Psalms in Metre; Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by J R Jones, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ain't No Valley - Book Review

Well you know the story... this is a book that I reviewed in 2004 while being the Baptist Host - Editor - Writer at another site. ........................................................................................................ This book is written in the form of a parable. ........................................................................ This book has three parts: ............................................................................................ The Invitation ........................................................................................................ The Preparation ....................................................................................................... The Wedding .......................................................................................................................................................................... The Parable of the Wedding Banquet.. Matthew 22:2-6, 8-10. ............................................................ Praise for Ain't No Vally, Foster's characters are unforgettable, full of life and charming.... Kweisi Mfume, President & CEO, NAACP .......................................................................................................... The lights shining on her were hot. It was good television. Pat Sajak is standing next to her. ........................ Vanna White is in front of her......................................................................................... This was her big chance. .............................................................................................. It was something that she had dreamed about for years, that she'd be on national television spinning the wheel. ....... Naomi picked her consonants and vowels. ............................................................................... She won one hundred thousand dollars! ................................................................................. Meemaw should never have volunteered to sew beads on Mary's wedding dress. ............................................ The wedding was coming so quickly. .................................................................................... Esther kept abreast of every space-age advance in straightening and coloring hair. .................................... Smitty had been part of the summer time charm of Big Esther's Beauty Shop a few years back. .......................... Smitty was Esther's husband. .......................................................................................... Meemaw is pulling out of the hedges and the highways. It's becoming like a family reunion, or one of those family-and friends days at church. The groom is from Africa, and he doesn't have many people coming. For some reason, he and Mary both have people that can't come for one reason or another. .......................................................... I want too thank you for letting me be mice (no misprint) self again. Sly Stone's lyrics ran through Anthony's mind. ..................................................................................................................... The Parable of the Wedding Banquet Matthew 22:8-12 .................................................................... The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25:1-13 ........................................................................ It was going to go crazy, she might as well go all the way. Naomi laughed to herself as she laid the map she had purchased out on the table top of the booth in front of her. .......................................................... The money from Wheel of Fortune was going to be a blessing. ......................................................... Ruthie tossed her stringy hair. Naomi noticed a tattoo on the girl's arm. It was a cross ringed with a crown. ............................................................................ Naomi hesitated and then followed. She watched as Ruthie unpacked the shoulder pack, gently patting each loaf of bread as she removed it. "Thank you, Jesus!" She whispered each time, and Naomi felt the same discomfort she had felt earlier. "Jesus is a friend of mine." ................................................................................ For the past two weeks or so - it could have been shorter or longer, Anthony had been going to the church and the hotel. ............................................................................................................... There was still no sighting of Sly Stone, but things weren't bad. ..................................................... He went to Evangel, he stayed at the hotel because he needed some kind of routine in his life. ........................ Pops told him keep looking. If you don't find what you're looking for, you for sure gonna find what you need. ......... We all know about the story of the prodigal son, don't we? ............................................................ The preacher was nodding as he spoke. The preacher waved his arms dramatically. He wanted it all, and he wanted it all now. "Daddy, give me everything that's due me. Give me all my gifts now." The congregation laughed with the preacher. "It makes you want to holler, throw up both your hands!" They all shook their heads and laughed. ..................... "So, the ungrateful young man goes off and lives a riotous life. Drinking." The congregation laughed as the preacher pretended to dance. "Til pretty soon all that he had was gone. You know the story: He found himself in mud, in slop, living with pigs. One day everything's fine. He's on top of the world - living in the palace, working in the big house. But before you know it, the brother is living in the pit. He's lost his luxury car and he doesn't even have a hoopty. He was eating caviar and drinking Dom Perignon, now he's fighting pirgs for slop... and the pigs are winning. ......... You looking for your great adventure. And the greatest adventure ain't about money. It's the story of the good king, and the evil prince who is willing to ruin the kingdom so he can have everything, and the good son willing to do anything to save his father's kingdom and all mankind. The greatest adventure is full of angels and evil -- it's a wild ride baby. ............................................................................................................ Luke 15:11-13 The Prodigal Son ........................................................................................ The Bible tells us God's ways not being our ways. And the author realized, the prize is not really money, cars, or VIP seats. That's not the prize. The prize is close relationship. God has enough to love everybody. ...................... Anthony was anxious about the wedding. ................................................................................ They were traveling on a bus to the wedding. .......................................................................... Naomi, Thelma, and Latrice - the bridesmaids were dressed in blue and white. .......................................... Sharon Ewell Foster, author, is a double Rita-Award finalist and Daily Guidepost Writer. She has found loyal fans that cross racial, religious, age and gender boundaries. A former U.S. Defense Department instructor, writer, logistician, and is also the author of Passing by Samaria. ......................................................................... I review books for publishing companies, publicists, authors, businesses and ministries.