
Monday, September 10, 2012

Grace for Each Hour - Book Review

Six months of devotions designed to support, comfort, encourage, strength and reassure women when they need it. Comfort for Women Facing Breast Cancer. This book is not about breast cancer, nor how it is diagnosed or treatment options. You might want to read one devotion each day to comfort and sustain you throughout a typical six month breast cancer experience. The author is a five (5) year survival breast cancer survivor as of 2005. She leads a cancer cure ministry, serves as intercessor and mentor for women with breast cancer, consults and speaks. It wasn't until she was diagnosis with breast cancer in 1999 that the Lord won her heart. She received prayers in cards, letters, e-mails, and over the telephone. She's embarrassed to admit that her hair was the very first thought that came to mind when the possibility of cancer was discovered. Don't be discouraged and abandon your faith, no matter what happens or how long it takes. Ask God to put people you can trust to form such deep relationships in your path. They can help you become the warrior princess God planned all along. Be still, and know that I am God. The words scrolled slowly across her computer screen saver. Even before her relationship with the Lord became more intimate, she found comfort in those words.