
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Paying The Price ... 10/14/2012

10/14/2012 Sunday School Lesson. Acts 7:51-60; 8:1a. Calling Out His Accusers – Acts 7:51-53 Stephen’s Vision – Acts 7:54-56 They Stone Stephen – Acts 7:57-60; 8:1a Acts 7:51-60; 8:1a Verse 51- God, Holy Spirit, Resisted Verse 52 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Crucifixion, Christ’s Death Verse 53 – Angels, Offices of Good Angels, Announces God’s Law Verse 54 – Trials and Persecution, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Bitter Hate Verses 55,56 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Ascension: Christ in Heaven Verse 57 – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Stoning to Death. The Outward Man, The Nature of The Body, The Ears Verse 58 – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Stoning to Death Verse 59 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Divinity, Christ Possesses the Attributes of God, Is An Object of Worship. Eschatology/Last Things, The Intermediate State, Retribution Begins, For The Good Verse 60 – Jesus Christ, Christ’s Divinity, Christ Possesses the Attributes of God, Is An Object of Worship. Duties to God, Externals of Prayer, Kneeling. Duties to God, Intercession, Intercession for Individuals. Trials and Persecutions, Conduct Under Persecution, Prayer for Persecutors Acts 8:1a – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecutions, Banishment