
Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Guide To Finding Your Boaz - Book Review

On October 23, 2011 our Sunday School Lesson was titled "A Kiss Is Still A Kiss." The focus of the lesson was on marriage. In the Sunday School Teacher's Guide it stated to plan a movie night with some friends and watc "Why Did I Get Married?" or "Why Did I Get Married Too?" by Tyler Perry. And then have a discussion. There are Scriptures in the Adult Sunday School Book on Biblical Guidelines for: Courtship, Wedding & Marriage. I plan to write more on this matter in 2013. Divorce is running rampant in society today and the rate of divorce is increasing in the Christian community. Antastasia E. Means shares that her painful divorce and numerous failed relationships prompted her to write this book. Divorce is painful even when both parties are amicable in the situation. She ended up in a verbally abusive marriage that left her emotionally damaged, broke, and a single mother of three children struggling just to make ends meet. She thought she would never recover from this ordeal because when she left her husband, she walked away with her children, the clothes on her back, a couple of things, and her faith in God. This book is geared toward helping singles; but the married person may find some nuggets as well. The Story of Ruth: What made Ruth so special? The book of Ruth, is a powerful story of favor, redemption, and how she met "Boaz" the man of her dream. Although Ruth lost her husband, she didn't get desperate for a man. She positioned herself to receive another man. Ruth remains with her grieving mother-in-law because of the lost of her two sons: Mahloin and Kilion. Naomi admonishes her daughter-in-laws (Ruth and Orpah) to return to their mother's home. Orpah kisses her mother-in-law good-bye and leaves. Ruth decides to stay with her mother-in-law instead of going to her home land of Bethlehem. She also decides to serve the God that Naomi serves. If Ruth would have left, she never would have received her blessing, "Boaz." When Boaz discovered Ruth, she was gleaning in the field. She was gleaning in Boaz's field. Once Boaz notices Ruth in his field, he is impressed, and he gives her favor. Naomi encourages Ruth t take a bath, put on some sweet-smelling perfume, adorn herself in her best outfit, and go lay on the threshing floor at Boaz's feet. As a godly woman, it's the beauty within that will spill over into your outward beauty. Boaz will more than likely find you in the everyday trenches of life, not in the nightclub. The Proverbial Woman: Who can find a virtous woman? For her price is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10). Ruth understood her purpose. If you know that your purpose is to be a motivational speaker and the mate you choose isn't willing to support your vision then division has set in. If God has placed you to complete a specific task or assignment, you must remain faithful where God has planted you. Hope's Story: Woman at the Well Syndrome. Hope struggled with anger and believed she lacked the ability to forgive. As a result, she hadn't been to church in a while. She was finding men, but they were never interested in a long-term relationship. She was feisty and demanding, and she had a wall up due to the sexual abuse she had experienced at the age of seven years old. She like the woman at the well, had a thirst that only God could fulfill. At the age of sixteen she found out she was pregnant. When she told her boyfriend, Xavier he wanted to know "how did she know it was his?" He begged her to have an abortion. He threatened to commit suicide, and she gave in. By the time she started her firs year in college, she was frustrated, so she decided to join the Air Force. Before leaving, she had a wonderful celebration hosted by her sister before being shipped overseas. Xavier showed up. When she arrived overseas she met Derrick on her new job assignment. One morning she woke up feeling horrible - she knew she was pregnant. She shared the news with Derrick, but told him that the baby was likely Xavier back home. She moved back home. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy that summer. The blood test came back confirming that Xavier was the father. Hope started attending church and establishing a relationship with God, and she explained to Xavier it was time to settle down and get married. A few months after Hope graduated from college, she found Xavier cheating on her. By this time, she had already made up her mind that she was out of there. Desires and Non-negotiables: Will God honor my requests? Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (Philippians 4:6) How are you going to recognize what you want, if you haven't written down your vision? Habakkuk 2:2 states, "And the Lord answered me, and said, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." Habakkuk was making a complaint regarding injustice. We are dealing with imperfect people because we are flawed, but it's important to know what you want, what you don't want, write it down, and pray over it. If you are married, you may want to complete the activity and pray for your current spouse, and turn yours into a prayer journal. How to Attract Boaz. We must be born again. You can't bypass God and His institution and expect success. God is love. Romans 10:9 says "that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Through reading the Scriptures continually and praying for understanding you will be able to allow the Word of God to become real in your life. The godly man is attracted to a woman who has power. Please forgive all those men from your past who have hurt you. You must forget those things that are behind you and press toward the mark of a higher calling in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13). How can God truly forgive you and wipe your slate clean with un-forgiveness in your heart? Submit to God. Submitting to God requires that you seek what God requires of you, and then you obey. If you're having trouble submitting to God while you're single, it will be impossible to submit to your husband. The husband is the head over the wife, he gets his orders from God and conveys the message to his wife. Submitting to God includes: spending time in His Word, developing a relationship, and obeying God's Word. Pray for yourself and declare Scriptures over your husband. Develop a quiet time/devotional time when it's just you and God. Talk shows are great; but they don't provide enough sustenance to maintain your marriage. Do not cohabit with your mate before marriage. Once you start having sex, it becomes difficult to stop. You must understand agape love, the God kind of love. Marriage 101: Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord (Proverbws 18:22). Some of the benefits included in being married: working together to fight the enemy, teaming up to fulfill the call of God in your lives, having a sexually fulfilling relationship that's not based on selfishness, raising children in a two-parent home, and growing old with someone with whom you're able to make wonderful memories. Women must honor their Boaz as priest in the home and not dis-respect them. He should feel like the king of the castle when he arrives home. Keep what goes on in your household, in your household. After Salvation, marriage is one of the biggest decisions that we will make in life. Anastasia E. Means is a resident of Atlanta, Georgia. She has been an educator for over thirteen years, and she is currently and educator in the Dekalb County School System. Her goal is to finish her doctorate degree, write books and songs, and spread God's love around the world. She is currently working on her first CD, titled, Master Plan. She has three wonderful boys. She's a member of World Changers Church International, College Park, Georgia. Her life is based on Matthew 6:33.