
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Paul's Testimony Before Roman Authorities .. 11/4/2012

11-4-12 Sunday School Lesson. Taking a Stand. Where Does Faith Take Us? Acts 26:19-32.................... Paul came from a respected family in Asia Minor (known as Turkey today) where his father was an official........................ A Roman citizen was assumed innocent until he was tried and proven guilty. Paul was knowledgeable of his legal rights as Roman citizen.............. Taking a Stand for the Ministry – Acts 26:19-21 ................. Taking a Stand for the Message – Acts 26:22-28 ................... Taking a Stand for the Master – Acts 26:29-32 ....................... verses 19, 20 – The Hebrews, Labors Among the Jews in Other Places, St. Paul’s Testimony in the Summer of 60 A.D................ verse 21 – Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, Conspiracy, The Conspiracy To Murder Paul in Jerusalem ........................ verse 22 – Jesus Christ, Prophecies Concerning Christ, Birth .............. verses 24, 25, 26,28,29 – Other Nations, The Conversion of The Gentiles, St. Paul in Cesarea 59-61A.D., Impressions Made by Paul’s Speech ................ verse 27 – Mediums and Methods of Revelation, The Prophet’s Reception By The People ..................... verses 30,31,32 – Other Nations, The Conversion of The Gentiles, St. Paul in Cesarea 59-61 A.D., He is Pronounced Innocent But Must Go To Rome .................. Scripture reference used/taken from: Holy Bible Topical Reference Edition KJV, Crusade Bible Publishers, Inc., 1970. Mt. Juliet, TN; USA; 37122