
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

God Knows About National Affairs... 2007

The Angels of The Lord Are Guardians of Cities and Nations ............... Thursday, July 12, 2007 ... the date I shared this online. ....................... God Knows About National Affairs. ...................................... Amos had to deal with the social evils of his day. Amos was pious and devoted prophet who studied to know the mind of God. ............................... God Knows About National Affairs Universal, World Events and Tension Outcomes are on The Prince of Peace Timetable. ............................ Isaiah 26:3 has wonderful words "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee..." ................................ Ezekiel 9:1 reads " He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand. ............................................ Daniel 10:21 reads "But I will shew thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Micheal your prince. ......................................................... Daniel 12:1 reads "And at that time shall Micheal stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people. ...................................... God does know about National Affairs and let's journey back in time to Amos chapter 5 - 8 . The time frame that I am looking at is around B.C. 760 and our destination will be to Bethel. Amos was a peculiar and unique person. He was a native of Tekoa in Judah. God called Amos to be a prophet. ............................... Amos had to deal with the social evils of his day. Amos was pious and devoted prophet who studied to know the mind of God. Amos believed in justice, and he believed in righteousness. He believed that God was just and fair in his dealings. The wise shall see, hear, but say nothing for the time shall warrant God's infliction; his divine tolerance shall no longer endure the sins of the wicked. ........................... The wise people did continue to pray. Amos may have been presented as a good hard working man. Amos was a national leader; he prayed and cried out for the preservation of the nations as a father would pray and cry for the sake and preservation of his children. ........................................... Psalm 91:4 ""HE will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge." God's desire is to care for us and protect us. This psalm's promise of safety must not be taken as an insurance policy against trouble. .................. But God does promise, "I will be with (you) in trouble." It is not necessary for one to be a genius nor a pessimist to recognize a problem and the progressive educators have not solved the problems. ................................... Biblical Facts: Revelation 7:1-2 Acts 12:7 Psalm 147:4 Exodus 3:7 Acts 15:18 Matthew 11:23 .............................................. The Angels hold back the 4 winds of heaven ............................... The Angels deliver God knows every area of the universe .................... God knows our sorrows God knows the past, present and the future ............. God knows what might or could have been ................................. If we have studied history enough to be able to look back over the centuries, we can see that there have been great and critical problems in the past. ............ I have faith that God is on the throne and that HE will rule in the affairs.