
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Her Corner Office .. 2005

“I was either contacted by Trudy Bourgeois or her Public Relations person to review her book in 2005 while being the Business Coach Host/Editor for another site. ..... Marketing Yourself: ................................... Be ready .. You Will Be Tested! ................................. Make friends at every level of the organization. Treat everyone the same. ........... You are the product. There are many ways to go about marketing yourself. ............ Marketing yourself is not about stepping on others. ........................... Building your career requires that you establish the brand called you – “YOU, Inc.” Your brand is based on your strengths, talents, beliefs, values, and vision. ...... You must be willing to find a way to use your talents to serve other people. ...... Create opportunities to market yourself: ................................... Request special assignments. .......................................... Network at every level. ..................................................... Develop good listening skills. .......................................... Often you’ll discover opportunities that have yet to make it onto the grapevine. .... Building relationships: ................................................... Connect with people who have common values and principles. ....................... Quickly get away from people who suck your energy. .......................... Three Critical Components of Building A Relationship. Trust +Authenticity+Open Communication = Real and Lasting Relationships. ................................ African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics were estimated to be 25% of the U.S. consumer base at the end of 2000. The combined spending power of Hispanics and African Americans is nearing $650 million. ........................................... There is a growing and disturbing trend of women leaving big corporations to be more intimately involved in smaller companies. ..................................... Information in and of itself is not powerful. It becomes powerful when you make a choice to act on it.