
Friday, December 21, 2012

Living Together .. 12-16-2012

Sunday School Lesson for 12-16-12. Unit I. Victory in Jesus. Ephesians 4:1-16. ...... Unity and Diversity (Ephesians 4:1-16) ............................. Maintenance and basis of Christian unity (verses 1- 6) ......................... The gifts that develop this corporate life (verses 7 - 16) ......................... Ephesians 4:1-16 .............................. verses 1, 2 - Man Redeemed, Duties and Graces of The New Life, Meekness ........... verse 3 - Man Redeemed, Duties and Graces of The New Life, Peaceableness ........... verses 4,5,6 - GOD, The Trinity ................................ We must show love which is the Christian virtue, pray and ask God to help you become more loving if you need help in this area. ............................... The apostle Paul admonished people to live their life worthy of their calling. ...... (Now I do not know what my gift is ... I know what I enjoy doing and that is what I do... but I have never been Seminary/Theology School either) ................... verse 7 - Promise: Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit Promised ....................... verse 7 - Scripture, Jesus Christ, Christ's Divinity ......................... verse 8 - Promise: Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit Promised ............................... verses 8,9,10- Jesus Christ, Christ's Ascension: Christ in Heaven, Christ's Ascension ......................... verses 11,12 - Sacred Persons and Offices, Offices and Gifts, In General ............. verses 13,14- Man Redeemed, Duties and Graces of The New Life, Perfection, To Be Aimed At ..................... verse 15 - Jesus Christ, Figurative Characters of Christ, The Head of the Body ...... verse 16 - Jesus Christ, Offices of Christ, Our Life ............................ We must speak/teach/share the Word of God truthfully in love ...................... Scripture reference taken/used from: KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, and Zondervan Bible Commentary