
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Debt Diet - Book Review

Sharing tips from this book. ............................................... I reviewed this book in January 2005. ................ When Ellie Kay and her husband got married, they had $40,000 in consumer debt. In two and a half years they were debt free and they haven't looked back since. ........... Surf your way to College Savings .. Nifty Internet Tools (resources included in this book as well) .................................................... It is important to check with your tax professional (hire one, please) before you make major financial decisions. .......................................... There are nine (9) different money personalities. ............................. According to Dr. Kathleen Gurney, CEO of Financial Psychology Corporated, and author of Your Money Personality: What If Is and How You Can Profit From It. .............. Our Attitude About Money -- Most people like the color green. ..................... If the green becomes the center of life, then it becomes a demanding master. Do we worship the green so that it has become a god? Do we have to wear our green so others can see it and thereby define success by what we drive, own, and wear? ............... Money is great, but only if it contributes to your sense of well being rather than detracts from it. ........................................................ Happy Attitude About Finances - Wealth. By finding purpose - bringing it out in ourselves and in others and putting it to good use, we find true wealth - a wealth that stock market downturns or economic slumps cannot take away. .................... Top Ten Financial Values for Every Child .......................................... The Value of a Good Work Ethnic ........................................ The Value of a Dollar .................................................... The Value of Budgeting ......................................................... The Value of Saving and Not Spending ............................................ The Value of Investing ......................................................... The Value of Delayed Gratification ............................................ The Value of Sharing .............................................................. The Value of Diligence .......................................................... The Value of Diligence ........................................................... The Value of Responsibility and Accountability ...................................... The Value of Rest ................................................................... In the author's book it shares ... To find the starting salary in your field on the Internet, just type "starting salary for ____________" into any search engine. ............................................ Ellie Kay, the author is a gifted speaker as well as author. She is knonw as America's Family Financial Expert. She is a graduate of Colorado Christian University with a degree in the management of human resources.