
Thursday, January 3, 2013

How To Gain The Professional Edge 2nd Edition - Book Review

I think that I received this book in 2005. ......................................... Sharing some tips for Chapter 2(Two) & 3 (Three)..................................... One of the best ways to learn more about a company, industry, or occupation is by talking with people who know first hand what it is like. ......................... Informational interviews can help you: ............................................. Make valuable connections and expand your network ................................... Gain knowledge and insight about a company or industry .............................. Uncover additional resources and opportunities available to you ..................... Grasp the reality of what a particular job entails .................................. The purpose of an informational interview is to obtain information, not a job. However, informational interviews do help generate referrals, and occasionally, may lead to a job offer. .............................................................. Jay Lipe, author of The Marketing Tool Kit for Growing Businesses, recalls scheduling an informational interview that led to an offer. Jay scheduled informational interviews with individuals in fields that he wanted to learn more about. Jay's intent with these informational interviews was not to get a job. Rather, it was to learn from respected leaders about certain fields. ................................ Do recognize the value of conducting informational interviews and in connecting with others. Every time you talk with someone on the phone or in person, you remind that person about you, increasing the chance that person will think of you when opportunities arise. ............................................................ Some questions you might ask are: ................................................ How did you get into this line of work? .......................................... What's the best way to break into this field or industry? ............................. What is a typical day like? .................................................... What sets your company apart from the competition? ............................... When hiring, what do you look for in job candidates? ............................ You don't want to overstay your welcome - informational interviews should be brief. Keep your informational interview to a half an hour or less. .......................... When the interview is over, thank the person for his or her time, leave your resume or card, and get a business card. After the interview, do what you would after any other interview; make notes about the interview and anything you need to follow up on, then write and send a thank you note. .............................................. Yes, you should participate in an internship. An internship is brief, and considered a temporary period of employment with a company. ................................... Some companies pay their interns; others do not. An internship has value, whether you earn a salary or do the work for free. No internship is a waste of time. Any time you are a part of the inner workings of a business or office you will benefit by both observing and being involved. .................................................... The best time to seek an internship is while you are still in school; however, it's never too late to pursue an internship experience. Internships have many benefits and help you to: ................................................................... Gain career-related experience .................................................... Determine the type of work you enjoy and want to pursue ............................ Make valuable contacts and connections ......................................... Understand the dynamics of a work environment. ..................................... Acquire new skills and abilities .................................................... Put into practice what you have learned .......................................... Get your foot in the door at a company, possibly leading to future employment ....... Be open to learning and to the ideas of others .................................... Your Past Can Lead To Future Opportunities ..................................... What volunteer work have I done? .................................................... What leadership positions have I held? ............................................. What awards or special recognition have I received? ................................. What hobbies do I have? .......................................................... What skills do I utilize in my leisure time? ........................................ An experience doesn't have to pay you money or be career related for it to have value and impact. ..................................................................... Ms Susan Morem, How To Get A Job & Keep It, 2nd Edition. She is a nationally recognized career expert that provides job seekers & recent graduates step-by-step guidance. She offers advice on achieving career goals, managing life & career, and job search. ......................................................................... Ms Morem Company sent me her new edition of her book in September to review and I did thank them. I became familiar with Ms Morem & her company while being the Business Coach Host - Editor/Writer at another site.