
Saturday, January 5, 2013

2003 ... God Has His Plan And His Time

3-30-2003 ... God Has His Plan And His Time, By Pastor Peter Lujo of South Korea ..................................... When I did an e-newsletter Pastor Peter Lujo was on my mailing list. He would share sermons and scriptures with me. I located this online tonight. ..................... Pastor Peter Lujo Sermon preached this sermon in South Korea on December 15, 2002. Only we should know that in every single moment in our lives God never forget those who trust in Him. God has his own time to do what ever pleases Him through you and me. ............................................................................. I, Angela would like to share a little history to my understanding on Genesis, Ecclesiastes and Joesph. .................................................... When I am writing or researching I like to review maps to see where the area of my writings/research is located and I also like to look at old or ancient map photos as well. The meaning for the word "Genesis" means "birth" or "beginning." Genesis also has topics in order such as: The Creation, Garden of Eden, people before the flood, the flood, the Tower of Babel, scattering of races, lives of the patriarchs Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph. .................................................... Genesis ends with the death of Joesph in Egypt. It was once brought to my attention to make a list of : a. all the beginnings in the book of Genesis. b. to have a map showing Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt when studying Genesis. ..................... The name Joseph means "he will add." Joseph was the 11th of Jacob's 12 sons and the firstborn of Rachel, who said when he was born, "The Lord shall add to me another son." (Genesis 30:24) Joseph has left on record a noble character, gentle, faithful and a forgiving spirit. Joseph was an interpreter of dreams; of the two prisoners (Genesis 40:5-23). ............................................................ If you review Genesis 40:6-13 you will see the Dreams of Pharaoh's Butler and Baker, Genesis 40:14 you will see "Gratitude Called For, " and Genesis 40:15 you will see Unjust Imprisonment. The meaning to my understanding for Ecclesiastes is "preacher" or "speaker." This book seems to have been written as talking to one's self. ....... Once you read Ecclesiastes you will notice the word "vanity" in the King James Version and it means that things will pass away, they are not lasting. If you review Ecclesiastes 7:8 you will see "patience." ................................... Now Pastor Peter Lujo Gives His Sermon Topic: God has His plan and His time and the Scripture Text is Genesis 40:6-15. ................................................ This Sermon will be preached Sunday, December 15, 2002 in South Korea. .............. The story of Joseph is one of the exiting in the Bible. The entire story illustrates the sovereignty of God and God’s providential care of His own. While Joseph had his faults, he still stands out as a spiritual giant in his own time. Joseph was one of the twelve Sons of Jacob from the lineage of Abraham; his own brothers jealously sold him to Egyptians, while in Egypt he was again sold to Potiphar (an official in Egyptian government). ......................................................... In Potiphar’s house he serve as houseboy, but yet some misfortunate followed him. Potiphar’s wife was a woman with out moral standard. She pursued Joseph to have sexual affairs, but Joseph’s mind was far away. He knew that even in the time of trial still one day the God whom he trust will come to his deliverance. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him to her husband and Joseph innocently found himself in jail. ................................................................... While he was in prison he continued to trust God, the Bible tells us that God was with him. Now the butler and the baker were important officials in Pharaoh’s palace, the two officials committed crimes and were thrown in the same prison with Joseph, however God arranged their arrest for Joseph’s sake. Joseph had been treated unjustly, but he knew that one day God would fulfill His word. One night the two officials had terrible dream and Joseph notice how they were disturbed. God however, enabled Joseph to give an immediate interpretation. .............................. Upon interpretation of the dream Joseph added an urgent personal request to his statement to the kings cupbearer. He asked the official that, when he was restored to his position with Pharaoh, he would not forget the one who had interpreted his dream for him in prison. He politely told them that he had been stolen from the land of Hebrew, further more he had committed no crime that would warren his being placed in this prison. ................................................................... Every thing happened exactly the way Joseph had predicted. The dreams accurately predicted the future and this clearly indicated that God had sent these dreams and had enabled Joseph to correctly interpret them. Three days later the dreams were fully fulfilled. The chief bearer how ever, forgot all about the young Hebrew slave in the prison and his urgent request for intercession with Pharaoh in his behalf. .......................................................................... There is a hint of discouragement and unbelief, however, in Joseph’s request. Was Joseph leaning on the arm of the flesh? If so, the arm of the flesh failed him, for the butler completely forgot about Joseph for the next two years. This was a good lesson to Joseph never to trust in men. God was ultimately going to use the butler’s bad memory to deliver Joseph, but the right time had not yet come. ............... Now the lesson for us to learn is, why Joseph had to suffer despite his believe and trust in God? The fact that man has brought evil into the world has not escape God: Evil is here by man’s choice. But God is willing to use the presence of evil and the fallen state of man’s world to develop a people who will raise above and combat evil. This is why the Bible says we must overcome the evil world. We are to be over comers. If we are to overcome, we must first become fully aware of what an evil, selfish world we live in. ................................................................ We are not exempt from daily life in fallen world. Evil, injustice, and selfish are in operation everywhere and at all times, we are continually exposed to, and suffer the consequence of, life in a fallen world. We shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the selfishness of people. .................................................. Evil should come as no surprise. We should not be shaken. We should learn to expect it and refuse to be unsettled because of it. “ God uses evil in the world to develop us in two ways: First, as a battlefield in our lives. God doesn’t intend for us to be casualties by becoming confused, angry, or resentful. He wants us to know what is taking place on this planet to develop our lives; with out letting it overtakes us. ............................................................................... Secondly God uses the fallen world to develop us through trial, testing, and tribulations. Therefore, if we are armed with realistic expectation of tests, trials, and temptations, we will not be over whelmed and overtaken by them. Yes, Our God never let any of his Child down, when we fully trusted in Him. .................... As you continue the story of Joseph you will notice that God use a wicked woman (Potiphar’s wife) to put Joseph into prison. He used the butler’s forgetfulness to keep Joseph in prison. ....................................................... Now God later used Pharohs’s dream to remove Joseph from prison. Joseph was brought out of prison at exactly the right time to prepare well for the years of famine, which would come. God uses people and circumstance to carry out his purpose. (Ecclesiastes 7:8) ................................................................ Only we should know that in every single moment in our lives God never forget those who trust in Him. God has his own time to do what ever pleases Him through you and me. ....................................................................... God bless you. ................................................................. Pastor Peter Lujo