
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Motives & Messages ... 1/6/2013 Sunday School Lesson

Sunday School Lesson for 1/6/13. Unit II. Exalting Christ. Motives and Messages. Philippians 1:15-26. .............................................................. In your quiet time you may read Philippians 1:15-26. ........................... Paul and The Philippians Church ................................................ Philippians 1:12-20 .... Paul's immediate circumstances .......................... Philippians 1:21-26 ... Paul and his prospects ................................... Philippians 1:15, 16, 17, 18 .... Sacred Persons and Offices; OF Spiritual Ministry In General; Ministerial Graces, Forbearance ....................................... Christians are strengthened in their faith through the prayers of others and the help of the Holy Spirit. ......................................................... God often/can use our impure motives, sufferings, and hardships to advance the Gospel ............................................................. (Ezra 1 - the Lord has the power to accomplish His divine purpose) .................. Philippians 1:19, 20 .... Sacred Persons and Offices; Of Spiritual Ministry In General; The Reward of Ministerial Fidelity .................................... Philippians 1:19-21 .... Power of Prayer ........................................ Philippians 1:21, 22, 23 ... Eschatology (Last Things); The Intermediate State; Retribution Begins, For The Good..... The Outward Man; The Death Of The Body; The Blessedness of Those Who Die in the Lord ......................................... Philippians 1:22, 23 .... Sacred Persons & Offices; Of Spiritual Ministry In General; Ministerial Graces, Zeal & Devotion ............................................ Philippians 1:22-26 .... Regardless of the Christian circumstances the Gospel requires commitment. ............................................................... Philippians 1:21 ... Sacred Persons & Offices; Of Spiritual Ministry In General; The Reward of Ministerial Fidelity .................................................. Philippians 1:24, 25, 26 ... Sacred Persons & Offices; Of Spiritual Ministry In General; The Reward of Ministerial Fidelity ....................................... Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Bible & Zondervan Bible Commentary