
Monday, February 4, 2013

Don't Touch Me Volume 1 .. Book Review

This book is about child sexual molestation and the road to healing. .................................................. My recommendations for healing would be to seek assistance from a trusted Christian Counselor, support group or Counseling. The Bible is also a great way to heal. .................................................................... The apostle Paul tells us in Philippians to press on. ................................................................. In order to completely heal you must forgive. You must forgive those who have harmed you or hurt you or your loved ones for Jesus forgave us. ................................................................................................. Watch and Pray. ...................................................................................................... There are wolves in sheep clothing as well so beware, be alert, be sober minded. .................................... This book reveals that Tweety as well as ourselves are imperfect people; and she is in the process of healing. ........ This book is designed to aid those with pain or painful pasts and to go on a journey of their own. .................... Tweety appreciates and appreciate every spiritual leader past and present who has ever been placed in her life and is thankful that God has kept her covered by the many prayers of her spiritual leaders. ................................. The names have been changed in this book in order to protect those still struggling with the fear of exposure. ........ Tweety is thankful for her husband and daughter who allowed her to expose details about their lives. .................. There is a journal as well for each reader to write their own experiences such as happy memories, unhappy memories and at the end of the journal are nine pages for each reader to write notes of their personal roads to healing. ........... What makes our lives so significant on this earth is the fact that everything has a purpose. .......................... She discovered that life's journey is designed to be a victorious journey, in spite of everything. Being healed from depression, low self-esteem, the disease of pleasing people, marital and family problems, and the stigma of abuse and molestation is what compelled her to write about her life. Everyone goes through pain at some point and time in their lives. ............................................................................................................... In order to be in healthy relationships and have healthy attitudes about life, many of our past issues need to be dealt with and then we can be on the road to healing. ....................................................................... It is always good to acknowledge pain and face the hurt. All pain matters because each individual matter. Pain can be something such as a disapproving look, but if it hurts then it is very significant and it is worth dealing with. ...... Tweety was able to forgive and release the person to God, in spite of their denial. ................................... Many times people carry hurtful scars into their adult lives without ever realizing the impact it has on how they handle life and relationships. Pain can lead to a maturing process towards positive change. She asks God to show her what she needed to learn in order to help her continue to grow and move forward in life instead of finding herself struck all the time and not moving forward. ........................................................................... Acknowledgement of hurt and anger is actually a positive start towards the healing journey and sometimes it takes courage to face pain. ................................................................................................ Excessive Baggage ..................................................................................................... Tweety held on to the baggage of a painful life of sexual abuse growing up. The difficult part of her life was facing the pain. ............................................................................................................. Are there some things that bother you from your childhood? ............................................................ She wanted to understand why her granddaddy sexual abused her. ........................................................ She discovered her granddaddy as a pedophile after she read and studied the characteristics of such. Pedophiles are adults who engage in sexual activities through contact with children. They use friendship, love, and trust to deceive. ................................................................................................................ The responsibility of adults is to display responsible and healthy behavior towards children. ........................ Any type of abuse can lead to low self-esteem, depression and deeper issues for some victims. ........................ A child can not seduce an adult who understands their proper role and responsibility to a child. ...................... Tweety wanted to matter so much she thought about the possibility of saying something out of desperation to try and make up with her abuser, Pastor Jacobs; this is how much she felt about being important. .............................. Understanding the mindset of Pastor Jacobs and her Granddaddy helped her to resolve a lot of guilt and allow her to begin the healing process. Pedophiles find ways to be around children as often as possible even though most people who work around children are not pedophiles. Pedophiles blend in with the mixture of morally upright people and are hard to weed out. ............................................................................................................ Children are raised by their parents and grown up and become parents as well. They end up following a lot of the same ways, traditions, and habits taught them. ............................................................................. She felt like she was loving her mother and daddy more than they were loving her. They didn't want granddaddy to go to jail. Deep in her subconscious, she didn't feel like granddaddy paid for his wrong doing. She had to live with this and it affected her even though they never saw him for many years. ........................................................ Thousands of victims just walk away from the situation and carry a lifetime of scars with them. ...................... Every time she kept silence, she left an open door for the person who needed to be stopped. She gave them the opportunity to keep on doing it to someone else. ..................................................................... You can't care about the abuser more than you love yourself and a world full of other innocent victims. ............... God never intends for people to be your total source. Each person has within them the power to seek wisdom from God personally. God often works through people, but you have to be careful to ensure that people are not your total source. Your main source should be God. She has respect for the spiritual leaders who God has placed in her life. ............ God knew her as well as all of us before we were formed in our mother's womb and He called us here with a divine purpose and destiny. .................................................................................................. You have to believe and have faith in God for yourself. .............................................................. Everything that happens in life has a reason. It's about choices, consequences and lessons. ........................... Rape is an act of aggression and is one of the most violent and dehumanizing forms of human abuse. A rapist may sexually assault, any woman regardless of age, appearance, social status or race. ..................................... I would like to add that you have to even talk to and make your young boys and smaller boys aware of this as well. ................................................................................ She grew up in a black Holiness Church most of her life. As children growing up in this church, they kept each other secrets of incest, rape, physical abuse, and pedophilia activities committed by family and some of the church leaders. ......................................................................................................... There's a fine line between serving God and being controlled by religious traditions. ................................. There is a difference between being religious and righteous. ......................................................... A church is only as strong and wise as its leaders. She has great respect for the people of God. ..................... She had given up on Church for many years until one day she learned to listen to her inner voice at home all alone in her room. ........................................................................................................... The Holy Spirit is our Guide, Leader and Present Help. ............................................................... She respects and appreciate every spiritual leader past and present who has ever been placed in her life and is thankful that God was keeping her covered by the many prayers of her spiritual leaders. ............................... Arteria Stevens sent me a free copy of her books for review. ......................................................... "Tweety" Arterial Stevens is the author of Don't Touch Me Volume 1. She was raised in a Black Holiness Church and raised in the projects of Atlanta, Georgia. Wounded throughout her child hood by sexual abuse, facing depression and low self-esteem. Facing her pain will allow her to heal, move beyond unforgiveness, become a better person and live a better life.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cash In On Sports .. 2005

The only update that I would make to this article is learning how to create ideas for a blog. (2/2013) .......................................................... How many sports teams have their own websites? Learn to promote and market your team, ideal, venture, business, etc. online. ........................................................................................................................................................ I wrote this article in 2005 while being the Business Coach & Insurance Host - Editor - Writer at another site. ....................................................................................................................... How many women - female love sports? Are you missing out on a great income opportunity or biz venture? ......................................................................................................................... The late godfather of soul, James Brown once had a song out "It's a Man's World and it would be nothing without a what? Did he say a woman and a girl? ....................................................................................................................... How many sports teams have their own websites? Is this a venture for someone to consider? ....................................................................................................................... Your website could share with others about the team, ideal, venture, service, product, etc. Having a website is very important, it is like having an office. ......................................................................................................................... Learn to promote and market your team, ideal, venture, business, etc. online. You could hire a professional, high school or college student to build - design your website - webpage(s) for you. ...................................................................................................................... The person who build your webpage could also manage it, make updates as needed.

Awed by Greatness .. 2/3/2013

Sunday School Lesson for 2/3/2013. Unit III. Imitating Jesus. Awed by Greatness. Colossians 1:15-20. ................. Christ & Creation ... Colossians 1:15-17 ............................................................................. Christ & The Church .. Colossians 1:18 ............................................................................... Christ & Reconciliation ... Colossians 1:19-23 ....................................................................... Colossians was written to the Christians at Colosse, in Asia Minor (Turkey today) in reply to an inquiry which they had sent after his health and welfare. The Church was founded at Colosse, but it is doubtful that the apostle Paul was never there. ......................................................................................................... This Epistle is exhorting to the Christian faith and practice. ....................................................... Colossians 1:15-20 .................................................................................................... Verse 15 - Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Is Made Equal With God .................................................... (Exodus 33:18-23; John 4:24; John 14:5-11 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book) ............................. No one could see God and live. Christ is the image of God from eternity to eternity. ..................................................................................................................... Verses 16 - 17 ....................................................................................................... Verses 16 - Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Performs the Works of God, In Creating .................................. Verses 17 - Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Performs the Works of God, In Preserving All Things. ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Christ Possesses the Attributes of God, Is Superior to Men & Angels ................................ (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:3; Romans 8:38; Ephesians 6:12; Jude 6; Hebrews 1:2; John 1:1-2; Revelation 22:13; Hebrews 1:3 .. Reference Scripture in the Sunday School Book) ................................................................... Before "time" and "anything was created" Christ already existed. (verse 17) ...................................................................................................................... Verses 18-20 .......................................................................................................... Verse 18 - Jesus Christ; Figurative Characters of Christ; The Head of the Body. ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Christ Possesses the Attributes of God; Is Superior to Men & Angels .................................................. Verse 19 - Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Is Made Equal With God ................................................... Verse 20 - Jesus Christ; Offices of Christ; Our Propitiation; (Propitiation - an atoning sacrifice). ... Man Redeemed; The New Covenant; All May Be Saved. .................................................................................. Christ is the Head of The Body (Church) .............................................................................. The Church is in the hearts of those called out for service which is the believers/Christians/Saints of God not the building structure. .................................................................................................. Christ is the Creator of the universe/world and Establisher of the Church. Christ should have priority of our thoughts (spoken & unspoken) as well as our day-to-day-living. ................................................................. (Mathew 16:18; I Corinthians 12:12-30; I Corinthians 3:16-17; Romans 6:9; I Corinthians 15:12-28; Romans 5:10 ... Reference Scriptures in the Sunday School Book) ...................................................................... Colossians 1:20 - Despite our "chatoic world," that we live in .. what holds the world together is, the reconciliation and peace of Christ. .................................................................................................. Scripture & reference used/taken from: KJVTopical Reference Bible & KJV Precious Promise Bible; & Merrian Webster's Deluxe Dictionary

Friday, February 1, 2013

1/30/2013 .. True Worship

Devotional for 1/30/2013. These devotions are for Pastors, Christian Leaders & Workers, Junior, Young Adult & Senior Missionaries. ...................................................................................................... Jan/Feb/March 2013 Devotional & Educational Quarterly emphasis is on "True Worship." ................................ Devotion Scriptures - Matthew 4:10; Zechariah 14:9 ................................................................... Topic Scriptures - Exodus 6:7, 7:5; Isaiah 42:8-9; Exodus 12:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-5, 32:39 ............................ Psalms/Tehillim 86:10 ... For thou art great, & doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. .......................... Psalms - In Hebrew, "Praises." ....................................................................................... A collection of sacred poems instead for use in worship of Jehovah. .................................................. The Hebrew title of this treasury of "prayer, praise, & adoration" is Sepher Tehilloim', the Book of Praises." ........ Matthew 4:10 - Angels; Satan; Tempted Christ, To Purchase Dominion .................................................... Zechariah 4:10 - God; Attributes of God As Being, Unity of God ........................................................ Exodus 6:7 - The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Origin & Call of the Hebrews (In ancient times the Jews were called Hebrews. Abraham was the first Hebrews). .............................................................................. Exodus 7:5 - Miracles; Miracles Considered; Purposes of Miracles ...................................................... Isaiah 42:8 - God; Anthropomorphic & Anthropopathic Representations of God. (Anthropomorphic - having human form or human attributes) (Anthropopathic - having human feelings) ............................................................ Isaiah 42:9 - God; Attributes of God; As Person; Fore-knowledge ....................................................... Exodus 12:12 - Idolatry & Superstition; Ruin of Idols; Divine Threats ................................................. Deuteronomy 6:4 - God; Attributes of God As Being, Unity of God ....................................................... Deuteronomy 6:5 - Duties To God; LOVE; Duty of Loving God ............................................................. Deuteronomy 32:39 - God; Attributes of God As Person; Irresistible .................................................... Deuteronomy 32:39 - Promise - Health & Healing ........................................................................ This devotional is set up to read/study once a week. We choose every Wednesday. ....................................... Scripture & reference taken/used from: KJV Topical Reference Bible & KJV Precious Promise Bible; Readers's Digest Complete Word Finder & Merrian Webster's Deluxe Dictionary

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan/Feb/March 2013 – Events

Calendar of Events of National & International Months & Days for January, February, & March 2013.. This is not a complete list but the ones that I chose to dwell on. ................................................................................................................ January – National .......................................................................................... Mentoring ........................................................................................................... Health Awareness .................................................................................................... Staying Healthy ....................................................................................................... Cervical Health Awareness ......................................................................................................................................................... February – I Corinthians 13 .......................................................................................... American Heart ...................................................................................................... Black History ......................................................................................................... Creative Romance ..................................................................................................... National Children’s Dental Health .................................................................................... National Weddings ......................................................................................................................................................................... March ................................................................................................ American Dietetic Association ........................................................................................ National Nutrition Month (US) ........................................................................................ Colorectal Cancer Awareness ......................................................................................... Resurrection Sunday ................................................................................................... Women’s History (US) ................................................................................................. National Reading Day (US) March 2 .................................................................................... International Women’s Day March 8 .....................................................................................

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gaining the Prize ... 1/27/2013

Sunday School Lesson for 1/27/2013. Unit II. Exalting Christ. Gaining the Prize. Philippians 3:12-16. ............................................................... Philippians 3:12-16 ... Paul, past and present (Warning Digression)................. What motivates us to press toward a goal? .......................................... Philippians 3:12,13,14 ... Man Redeemed; Duties and Graces of The New Life; Perfection, Absolute Perfection Not Found ............................................... verses 12,14 ... rules for running the Christian race .............................. On earth, no believer/Christian will reach spiritual perfection. Paul's example for us/christians is to continue to press for the goal - Heaven. ....................... Like the apostle Paul, we must strive to make peace with our past and move forward. ................................................................................. Paul's prize, as well as believer's prize is imperishable. Our prize is more valuable than runners in a game/contest. ................................................... Philippians 3:15a ... Man Redeemed; Blessedness of the New Life; Growth in Grace ................................................................................... Christians/believers have been made righteous before God; but we still have sinful natures. Believers/christians have no excuse to live as we please - even though we will never reach perfection on earth. When we sin, we should confess/repent to Jesus, whose blood cleanses us and returns us back to our positions of perfection. We will be pressing for spiritual perfection until Jesus presents us faultless before HIS Father in Heaven. ................................................................... Philippians 3:15b-16 .... Man Redeemed; Blessedness of The New Life; Growth in Grace .................................................................................. Christians/believers should have the same mind/attitude; this is what the apostle Paul was telling the Church at Philippi. ......................................... Christians have different levels of spiritual maturity. We should be focused on being more like Christ each day, anticipating His second coming - this is when Christians will become like Christ (Glorification - Romans 8:30). ............................ Believers are not to take credit for their accomplishments, but give God the Glory. (Matthew 5:45) ................................................................................. Matthew 5:45 ... Works of God; God's Providence Among Men; Sends Good & Evil to Good & Bad Alike...... God; Attributes of God As Person; God's Goodness. ......................... This lesson only has four verses but there were many Scriptures within the lesson that I read, studied and wrote notes on. Since it was so lengthy I have not shared it online but would gladly share if requested next week. ............................. Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Bible & Zondervan Bible Commentary

Career Info Tips & Ideas

Family, Career, Job, Scholarship, & Skills ..................................................................................... Skills ... listening, parenting, reading ..................................................................................... At one time I was the bapist, business coach, and insurance host/editor for the 2nd women largest women website in the world. It was quite a journey and I did learn much........................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. When I share websites/urls I do check them at the time of sharing to insure that the information I share is family-friendly ... but we do know that as time goes on sometimes websites/urls changes hand but as of January 26,2013 this information is what I wanted to share.