
Saturday, June 21, 2014

55+ Unite 55! Welcome All Wise Working Women: Book Review

Michael . Book Review . love . love letter . doors . all wise women . faithful friends . summon . Mark Twain . wall to wall . back to back . Arella Amarissa . Ladies nite . Women's Room . mountains . lakes . tent . Talent . Positive Thinking . 55! Oath . Party Invitation . Family Affair . Restaurant party with beautiful lites . Wisdom . Brain Power . Power of sisterhood . don't drive while distracted . Glam Glasses . Dream Team . Sparky Headbands . Party-favors . Dancing with the Stars . West Coast . B's husband . Rose . wise sisterhood . smiles . Web thinking . Networkers . Women's Networking Events . Call to Arms . Poor Economy - Bad Economy? . Fairy Tale or Possible Prophecy?

Funny Book to me (Fairy-Tale - Invented) - Fairy Tale or Possible Prophecy?

I do not review books, sometimes as I, receive them. I received this book 2/25/2013 - & reviewed it on 6/17/2014.

This book is a call - to - arms. As aging wise women, we need to leverage our strengths, face down our fears & prop one another up.

40 years later, America was graced by Betty Ford. While her marriage to Jerry was initially postponed over concerns about how voters would react to his marrying a "divorced ex-dancer," Betty brought a breath of fresh air to the White House. She used her battles with breast cancer, & alcoholism to inspire others. One slogan said, "Vote for Betty's Husband." When she died at age 93, she was heralded as someone help women & all. Her daughter continues her legacy at the famous Betty Ford Center.

Using a few of the author's friendships - sisterhood as examples, The author remind us all to treasure the power of sisterhood - sometimes all it takes is one woman telling another that she still has a lot to offer.

After a rigorous interview & 6 new hires included 3 people age 25 or under, 3 age 55 or over; 3 women & 3 men; & a mix of racial & religious backgrounds. They brought skills in areas of finance, sales & marketing, operations, quality & safety,& organizational effectiveness. 2 had master's degrees, 1 brought military leadership experiences. It was thrilling to put a Dream Team together. All had volunteered in their communities, some including global projects.

Not acting our ages, another 55! woman & the author made a "pinky promise" to help one another land safely.

Today women over 55 are uninvited on a grand scale.

Fortunately, women have unprecedented education, experience & survivor instincts - not to mention "buying power." While as individuals we are unemployed or underemployed, we know we can "summon" strength from our sisters-in-arms.

Let us remind ourselves of our brillance & help at least 1 other woman to carry on.

Eleanor's husband wisely, said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

We working women age 55! have to monitor our self-talk.

A few months into her recovery, the author wrote a 5-page account of an accident & its aftermath. Since her mother's large family is dispersed across the Midwest, she wanted them to know what happened.

Friends can't redesign the world, but they can open a release valve-even if they have to use paws!

We've Got the Power: Let's Help Each Other

Our middle-aged brains are surprisingly competent & surprisingly talented. We're calmer, happier, & as 1 scientist herself in middle age, put it: "We just know stuff." ... Barbara Strauch, The Secret Life of the Grown Up Brain.

Remember, Betty Boop, the animated 30's flapper who was flighty & full of fun? Fast forward another 40 years,to our present time - and - ta -da! - Betty White. Betty is credited by a Midwestern work ethic. Somewhat like Betty Boop, she uses innuendoes to entertain. But that is where the resemblance ends. In a book mentioned: If U Ask Me: (And of Course U Won't), she offers a sobering assessment of working mothers.

Our hearts readily go out to the recent grads with $25,000 in school loans; to the young couples who have to uproot their families in search of a job; to uproot their families in search of a job; to the single moms with 3-part-time jobs & no benefits: To the unemployed dads who awkwardly wait at school bus stops.

5 Positive Findings About 55+

Our BrainPower - Our Wisdom - Our Strength in the Numbers - Our Fierce Friendships - Food for Thought: Trials & Triumphs at 55!

We seek recommendations from people we trust, & value transparency.

When it comes to our 55! dilemma, we should consider them as secret devices.

Using a few of the author's friendships as examples, she remind us all to treasure the power of sisterhood.

Duped at 58+

The author surprised herself by getting married at 22 & becoming a mother at 37. When she divorced her corporate life at age 44 to become an independent consultant, she did not envision a return engagement.

She was wearing her "compensation hat."

But within a year, the 2008 economic crash catapulted, the author onto her front porch. The bloom was definitely off the rose.

The Incredibly Shrinking Woman

The author was overweight, at one time. She didn't want to publicize her weight problems in her new job - but cone on - did she really think she could keep something visible a secret?

She was happy in a fat club. Looks like she hosted a support group.

Her body shape shrank back into proportion, & she felt healthier.

Mean-girl behaviour was off-limits, states the author.


The author, lost some of her hair, but finally it grew back. I assumed she was a woman of many wigs!

Glam Glasses

The author has been wearing glasses for distance since her mid-20's. The natural reshaping of her eyes helped her see better.

Several celebrities have a line of eyeglasses, some available through Wal-Mart.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

When the author was banished from her job in 2008, she did not foresee that the economy's steep nosedive would remind people of the 1930's.

Amazes me how the author senses a global gale storm was brewing.

Plain vanilla work never tasted so good to the author.

Most no-profit leaders, stated by the author have social service credentials, which typically do not include finance, marketing & operational expenses ..... this amazes me, too.

Left Behind at 55?

Part of the author's self-promotion was a new site. Her blog was her habit of clipping & highlighting articles for her husband & daughter - although sometimes she can't resist.

Rome was not built in a day, & push come to shove, women were much likely to sacrifice long term career security to keep the home fires burning.

Leaving La-La Land

Or, closer to home, the author's share: if professionals were losing their jobs, who would help them hang on to their houses?

She was amazed with women who were struggling for survival. She resolved to spend her energies addressing issues close to home.

55+ Career Profiles

The author's quest is women are different - they at times mix family & carrier.

55+ Profile: Pat

The ERISA law had just passed - a complicated piece of legislative pension plan & booklet had to be brought up to compliance - was this good or bad?

Pat's Career Profile

But things don't always work out smoothly - who go back to school & start second careers, states the author.

55+ Profile: Thelma

They were a winning team in their company's fat-club: Between them they lost 75 pounds in 7 months.

When she met Thelma, she had over, 15 years of experience with banks & health care companies.

She displays the emotional maturity & humility that allows her to bend, not break.

55+ Profile: Gayle

The author met Gayle when she ran an independent bookstore with her husband.

When they closed the bookstore, the author trips were flatter. But their houses are within a 5-minute drive.

But their lives were not following a cheery script. The author was laid off, & her shop closing was linked with the poor economy.

55+ Profile: Jo Ann

The author states, not surprisingly, she is the one who alerted her to the "call for authors" that led to her 1st e-book.

Your Income - Career Profile

Now, it's your turn to create a graphic picture of your income - career path.

Think big (simple small steps) & have fun envisioning yourself wearing different hats.

Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to dark places where it leads ... Erica Jong/Writer ......................... There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Breaking Loose at 55

One judge praised the author's work for what it didn't say, as well as what was revealed.

One is Silver, the other Gold: From High School to Hollywood

Well, the book went to Hollywood, & the author's mom & her were invited to the NY premiere. 9/11 demolished those plans, but she saw the movie 8 times, with different people.

Along with a woman who has a degree in religious studies, the author accepted her invitation to be a reader of her proposal pages.

Everlasting Career Chums

Postcard from Canadaes to the author: Unparalleled turquoise lakes, views of mountains, & glaciers, the great feeling of being happily exhausted after an 11 mile hike. Tent is surrounded by mountains oh so ever changing in the sunlight, clouds, or rain.

Rose's cheerleading extends to the author, as well.

Rose encouraged the author's writing efforts.

Rose & the author missed each other several times when she was on the West Coast for business.

Everyone knows how wonderful it is to have a dog. That's what makes them a (kidnapping) target. ... Lisa Peterson, AKC spokeswoman, USA Today

All of you Yorkies, Pomeranians & other small dogs can rest assured that, the author states her husband will not pay an abductor to steal your best friend.

The author states she don't steal dogs, she rescue them. Or rather, she let them rescue her.

Peter Senge's classic 'The 5th Discipline' defines learning organizations.

Surviving & Thriving

Michael was drafted for the Vietnam War, & like the author's dad, he trained as a crew chief.

The author's husband & her flew with Michael to go skiing in Vermont, across the patchwork farm land of the Midwest, & even over her office building in Hartford, at night.

The author explained how her high school sweetheart passed in Vietnam when he was 19 leaving a diamond ring on deposit at Michael's Jewelers.

Your 10 Terrific Traits

Write them down, now.

A Final Story: Miracles Do Happen

"B," the main character, is short for Bernice, not Betty.

B married her husband in Hollywood, then moved to be near his family in CT when he was in the Navy.

His ego was hurt, but 'B' was a realistic.

Around the time B's husband started his own plumbing plumbing company, her pilot son was left totally disabled after crashing his plane. 'B' was crushed, but soon after he was sentenced to a nursing facility, 'B' brought him home.

'B' mobilized a small-medical unit in the winterized porch of their ranch house. Of course, people thought she had lost her mind to grief. Over a period of 15 years, she proved them wrong.

6 years after B's son's death, & the joyous birth of her only grandchild, B flew to Las Vegas for a national plumber's convention.

Her husband suggested they try their next vision.

Her husband told her to, for God's sake. This was Quartermania. She only planned to spend $20, so why not?

Soon, a stranger spoke to her & motioned to her right. He removed his credit card, smiled & disappeared into the crowd.

Before B's $20 was spent, lights flashed & sirens screamed. She was bewildered. She got the rainbow of $689,000.

A deeply religious woman, B did not pray for money.

The author is not suggesting that every stranger u meet will lead u to riches.

It may be a magazine article in a Dr.'s office, a TV conversation u overhear on your way to do something else, or someone who asks for help.

As the book mentioned: If U Ask Me (And Of Course U Won't)

Georgian Lussier (author), has 35 years of human resources & management experience. She earned a Master's Degree in Organizational Behavior in 1978 & is the author of 2 e-books on developing talent.

Born in 1950, she plans on working at least another 15 years.

Monday, June 16, 2014

A People's History Of the Peculiar: Book Review

Book Review . Trivia . Reference . Writers . group of writers . Fresno, California . Flags . CSU Bakersfield . library . books . books inspire . art of promotion . TV/online journalist . blogging . blogging to success . articles . CNN . homepage . news sites . nonfiction sites . nonfiction writing . novel on Twitter . Small Places . Historian Nick Belardes . Acknowledgments . Ms Knight

This is an interesting book, there are some things as a Christian I will not comment on.

Random Remedies:

(I would recommend that you contact your professional doctor before attempting any of these remedies. Sharing for information purposes.)

Nosebleed ... Run something cold down the back of your neck. Sudden chills can cause blood vessels to contract.

Headache ... Draw blood to your feet by soaking them in hot water. Add some mustard powder for exceptional purposes.

Decongestant ... The University of Nebraska found that traditional homemade chicken soup (not from a packet)contains the amino acid cysteine, which is a decongestant.

Obesity ... Tumeric, which is found in curry, has many medical uses & helps prevent obesity in lab rats.

Coughing ... Try a nice bar of chocolate. Theobromine in cocoa suppresses sensory nerves.

Insect Bites ... Dab on toothpaste to fight itching &swelling.

Bruises ... Vinegar heals bruises. Soak cotton & apply.

Cancer ... In 2008, it was announced that medical experts in the U.S. are now studying the ancient Chinese remedy of potentially deadly toad venom fro cancer patients. Often cancer patients try blend of Western & Chinese remedies to fight tumors.

Sore Throat ... Manuka honey from New Zealand can destroy over 250 bacteria strains. It can help heal burns too. Add some lemon.

Cellulite ... Mix a little olive oil with warm coffee grounds. Spread on twice a week. Cover with cling wrap for several minutes. The caffeine helps circulation.

Stroke ...Consider acupuncture to help you in your recovery. Millions of patients each year do so in China. Could they all be wrong? Get in harmony with yourself.

Sniffles ... Warm feet in hot water. Soak pair of thin socks in cold water. Wring out & wear. Add thick, dry socks & put feet up (go to bed). Boosts circulation, which can help with the sniffles.

Multifetal Pregancies ... The incidence of twins has dramatically increased in the United States since the 1970's, to epidemic proportions.

Curios Phobias:

Telephonophobia ... Fear of cell phones & other communication devices.

Nomophobia ... Fear of being out of cell phone range.

Ideophobia ... Fear of ideas.

Phobia ... Fear of long words. (No, really).

Geliophobia ... Fear of laughter.

Dextrophobia ... Fear of objects on the right side of your body.

Chrometophobia ... Fear of making money.

Euphobia ... Fear of good news.

Caligynephobia .. Fear of beautiful women (but I call myself healthy looking vs beautiful).

Random Famous Sick People:

Florence Nightingale ... She nursed 1000's during the Crimean War. After the War she became bedridden with a psychoneurosis. She lived to 90, yet constantly believed she only had months to live.

Lou Gehrig ... New York Yankees first baseman who contracted amyotrophilic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, in the 1930's. He was a reluctant spokesperson for what became known to many as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Halle Berry ... The Hollywood Star suffers from Type 2 diabetes. Slightly overweight in school but otherwise healthy, the actress was once unconscious for a week because of her illness. Other celebrities with diabetes include Tommy Lee, Mae West, Spencer Tracy, & Elvis Presley.

Robin Williams ... One of the world's funniest men in television, film & stand-up comedy suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder). As much as 5 percent of the population worldwide suffers from this energetic, lively, inattention-causing ailment. Will Smith, Michael Jordan & Jim Carrey are also known sufferers.

Muhammad Ali ... This famous world-champion boxer once known as Cassius Clay fought the "Rumble in the Jungle" & the infamous 1975 bout "Thrilla in the Manilla" against Joe Frazier. Seven years after his thrilling victory, he contracted Parkinson's disease. The ailment attacks the central nervous system, which controls balance, coordination, & body movement.

Ferdinand Marcos ... In 1967, the once popular leader of the Philippines had snail fever, or schistosomiasis, which is transmitted by freshwater snails that harbor the parasite. He told a doctor that he would name an archipelogo in the Philippines after him for helping rid the leader of the disease.

Carrie Fisher ... Princess Leia's toughest battle wasn't against Jabba the Hut but in battling bipolar disorder. A doctor 1st diagnosed her with manic-depression when she was 24 years old. She went for years before seeking treatment. Other famous people with bipolar disorder include Phil Spector, DMX, Sylvia Plath, Axl Rose, & Virginia Woolf.

Random Odd Inventions:

Toothpick Grand Piano ... Popular Science in 1940 reported that a two-inch-square grand piano had been constructed. It was so small it could be played with a toothpick.

The Two-Handles Self-Pouring Teapot ... Built in 1886, this invention was quite the catch. One press of the lid & an entire teacup was filled.

Tiny Glasses ... These glasses strapped to a band worn around the head were so they were smaller than dimes. In 1936, they were meant to shield the eyes from glare while driving.

Mechanical "Willie" ... He was a laboratory robot built in 1934 that could be quite the servant. Westinghouse claimed Willie could salute, raise flags, sit, stand, & bow via voice command.

Mechanical Page-Turner ... The 1st such invention was built in 1890 & is now on display at the British Library. More than 100 years later, an MIT student built another version. They're still not available at Wal-Mart.

Useless Patents:

Two-Handed Gloves ... Perfectly weird patent for hand-holding lovers.

Sports Jersey Chair ... U.S. Patent No. 6637447 should go well with those who manufacture & sell. It's simply a chair made out of sports jerseys.

The Love Box ... U.S. Patent No. 4194629 is a simple box with the word "love" carved into the outside & inside. Unfortunately, it's not very attractive.

MRI Scanner ... In 1971, Dr. Raymond needed an indomitable name for the huge, complicated machine they had been working on for several years. Not only did their invention, the MRIC )"magnetic resonance imager") scanner allow for early cancer defection, it provided a window into the functioning of the body as a whole. Unfortunately, when Damadian first announced in 1971 that he was building such a machine, he opened himself to years of forment & ridicule, as scientists said his ideas were wild.

Computer Mouse ... It's the name of a rodent & a device most people use to move their cursor around their computer screen. Douglass Engelbart used a chunky square box as the 1st mouse in 1968. He & his coworkers called it a mouse because of its long tail of a cord. He got the idea for the function of the mouse from the way he thought people were meant to utilize their hands to control writing instruments. If told 18 years for Engelbart to develop that simple vision into a reality. Computers have advanced at such a fast rate that no mouse was used in the writing of this book.

A Virus Invention That Affects Trusts Issues: Matthew Shaer said, A security expert at McAfee told the author that the best way to avoid getting viruses is to read the subject line of incoming messages. If there is any question at all as to the veracity of the message, check with the person before opening it. Hope Roobface doesn't damage that mutual trust, but also hope that people are a little more aware of the kind of malware that circulates through many social networks.

Social networking, as Shaer points out, is like candy to hackers. Facebook posted a short item on the site somewhere, but the majority of friends & coworkers hadn't the slightest idea what was going on & could easily have had their computers infected.

Shaer writes for the Christian Science Monitor, which after 100 years switched from a daily newspaper to magazine format.

Random Weird Jobs:

Professional Wrestler ... It's among the kinds of jobs you can find when surfing the Internet. MySpace has listings for pro wrestlers at $90/hour.

Bollywood Extra ... It's said that foreign tourists visiting Mumbai, India, are often asked to be extras in street scenes being filmed for Bollywood pictures.

Flavor Chemist ... Create natural & artifical flavors in a laboratory. Work for more than 10 years at it & you're in the $150,00 range.

Island Caretaker ... You can find the listing for this job, billed as the "Best Job in the World," at Island reejob. The caretaker of the islands of the Great Barrier Reet has a fantasy job description: write a blog while living in paradise. The job was easily filled.

Celebrity Personal Assistant ... There are many types of assistants, from bag carriers to tea markers & those who run home & private offices. In 2008, Jennifer Lopez was said to have two assistant, while Mariah Carey had an entourage of none. Some celebrity PS's have moved on to run entire companies.

Golf Ball Driver ... Brett Parker is a salvage diver in Dallas, Texas. He finds, an average an average of 3,300 golf balls each day & has made as made as $100,00 in one year.

Getting Paid For Creativity ... Being a creative writer & story board artist meant coming up with funny, fresh ideas. Time is spent playing video games because bosses nurtured creativity by allowing mints freedom to roam.

Some made the Motown Show, The Rescue Swing Cat Blues, & a host of other shows, including one about bugs called Sting that the president of the Golden Nugget & others did't like for some reason.

Random Trivia:

The Beat Generation ... In the 1950's & 1960's a group of American writers known as the Beats, including Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, & William S. Burroughs, live abroad in Mexico, Africa, & France. Those who lived in Paris stayed in a seedy hotel that's since been called the "Beat Hotel."

The Harlem of Paris ... Many African Americans lived in Paris in the 1920's in the district called Mont Martre. The name derives from the hill that is the districts most prominent feature. Famous Painters who worked in the district include Salvador Dali, Amedeo Madigliani, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, & Claude Monet.

Random Python Tales:

A Love Story ... A 7-year-old-boy & a 16-foot-long-snake in Cambodia are reported to have a special bond & have been sleeping together since the boy was an infant in a cradle.

Taser That Snake! ... WPXI news reported that police were called to a scene in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, where a man had his hand caught in the mouth of an albino python. Officers used a Taser on the snake to get it to let go.

Two Heads Are Better Than One ... A two-headed-carpet python born in Kansas & shown to the public at the World Aquarium in St. Louis in 2007 is expected to live for 25 years & grow up to be 12 feet long.

I was sent a complimentary copy of this book for review by VIVA Editions.

Acknowledgements: Ms. Knight called Nick a spider shaman & provided him opportunity.

Historian Mick Belardes (author) turned into a TV/online journalist overnight after blogging his way to success. His articles & essays have since appeared on the homepage of CNN & other news sites across America. The founding editor of Face News, an online news & nonfiction site. Nick is also the author of the 1st literary novel on Twitter & Small Places. He lives in Bakersfield, CA.

The Tuesdays are a faraway group of writers in Fresno, California.

CSU Bakersfield continues to be the library that Nick loves. Its books inspire, People are like that too (who understand the art of promotion).

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Live Honorable Lives ... 6/15/2014 Sunday School Lesson Curriculum

Haggai 2 . I Peter 1 . Isaiah 35 . Deuteronomy 28 . II Corinthians 6 . Sunday School Lesson Curriculum . Happy Father's Day . Romans 12 . I Samuel 15 . Leviticus 6 . Matthew 15 . Isaiah 29 . Psalm/Tehillim 51 . James 5 . II Chronicles 7:14

The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Haggai 2:10-19 (Devotional Reading: I Peter 1:13-21; Background Scripture: Haggai 2:10-19) for 6/15/2014, which is also Father's Day.

First, let me share that 6/8/2014 - last Sunday, I had to teach Sunday School at Church, for my teacher was late coming & I passed out - fainted (hit the floor backward) while teaching Sunday School - I am so amazed how it happened ... possibly the spirit could have knocked me down & I did not get hurt .............. but I did go on a 7 day fast & I have an overactive thyroid & I do not think the way I fasted was good - but Elohim/Adonai kept me. Thank God for those at Church that did come to my aid.

Acts 2:29, 30 ... King David, was a prophet .... Acts 2:15 'fasting' ........... Ezra 8:21-23 'fasting & praying'

Haggai 2:10-19 .... Haggai's Message Of Promise, Set In Context Of God's Unmerited Favour .... 2nd year of Darius, 9th month, 24th day: December 18, 520 B.C.

Monday - June 9, 2014 - A Highway Called the Holy Way - Isaiah 35

Tuesday - June 10, 2014 - Established as God's Holy People - Deuteronomy 28:1-9

Wednesday - June 11, 2014 - You Shall Be Holy - I Peter 1:13-21

Thursday - June 12, 2014 - You Have Been Born Anew - I Peter 1:22-23

Friday - June 13, 2014 - You Are God's People - I Peter 2:4-10

Saturday - June 14, 2014 - You Are the Temple of God - II Corinthians 6:14-7:1

Sunday - June 15, 2014 - The Hope for God's Blessing - Haggai 2:10-19

Reference on Haggai used/taken from: Zondervan Bible Commentary