You know the story, I reviewed this book in 2005, while being the Business Coach host/editor/writer for another site.
Insider advice to people seeking or working in their first job.
Working as an intern or in a temporary position allows you to build your skills and business network and enhance your marketability to prospective employers.
If you were to start your own business, you would need to set up an office and purchase some equipment. The following are some of the typical items necessary to run a work-from-home-job and or business.
Computer - mobile
Internet connection
Pens, pencils
Now in 2013 it could be easier to gain some of your items, such as the library and other places provide free Internet access and Wi-Fi. If you are low income you have a very great chance of applying for a free cell phone.
As long as you have access to these things when you need them, you should be able to manage.
Internships and temporary assignments are ways to gain practical on-the-job-training while developing your professional skills.
To successfully network, you must be willing to talk to people outside of your circle of acquaintances.
You Are a Gift. Think of yourself as a gift to any company lucky enough to employ you.
Create a Resume. It is important to include your name, address, telephone number, and email address so that, if interested someone will know how to get in touch with you.
College students who decide to wait until they've earned their degrees to begin their careers may be at a professional disadvantage.
I was most thankful for Ms. Susan Morem to have her book shipped to me.
Ms. Morem decided to talk with companies and learn about the challenges they are facing with young professionals. Her goals: discover what information was missing from the classroom and provide young people, via her book, with the necessary information before they enter the work place for the first time.
Ms. Morem is a nationally recognized career and workplace expert. Her client list includes many Fortune 500 Companies, including Citiban, Coca-Cola, Honeywell, 3M, Sears, Target Stores, US Bank and Wells Fargo.
Susan has created and been featured in nine international distributed training videos.
Ms. Morem is the author of 'How To Get a Job and Keep It.