I would highly recommend a study of The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit so you will better be able to fully appreciate this book.
Dr. H. L. Wilmington & Olabisi Obideyi
My pastor conducted a study with us from around December 2012/January 2013 - November 2013 in this area. I also studied on The Holy Spirit for a quarter in 2007 with our Church.
Now, do I always listen and wait on the The Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me? No, but I am doing better.
This book contains Scriptures from the Old and New Testament such as: Matthew, Psalm, Revelation, I & II Chronicles, Isaiah, Luke, Jeremiah, Job, Nehemiah, I Corinthians, Romans, Titus, John, Deuteronomy, Ephesians, Mark, Hebrews, I John, Lamentations, Daniel, I & II Samuel, Colossians, Genesis, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Numbers, Philippians, Zechariah, II Corinthians, Exodus, Jude, and Acts of the Apostles.
Prayer is the only effective secret spiritual weapon that can protect us against the wicked will and intentions of the fallen angels and no man can have this power except that they are in perfect unity with the Holy Spirit.
When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites that love to be seen and heard of men. (Matthew 6:5).
Books by Cindy Jacobs, Olabisi Obideyi, Eddie Smith, Alice Smith
To have use of God's power and authority we must have a personal relationship with HIM. We must obey and abide in God's Word.
Through Christ's perfect atonement of our sins, we acquire benefit of reconciliation with the Holy Spirit of God when we repent from our sins.
There is only One True God and One Mediator between man and God and this is Jesus Christ. As true children of God, we do not just call upon the Name of God when we want something from HIM, we call on HIM to worship, praise and reverence HIS Name which is above all other names.
God's Resurrection answer for mankind came in the form of Jesus Christ. We obtain resurrection power through Christ's death on the Cross and HIS subsequent Resurrection. God's Word is life and truth and Christ as the True Word of God revealed as the Resurrection and life and no man is alive in their soul without the living Christ dwelling in their spirit.
You must acknowledge Christ (Romans 3:23), Confess (I John 1:9), Repent (Mark 1:15), and Believe (John 3:16; Acts 16:29-34) that Christ is the Risen Saviour and Died for ALL Mankind and Sits at the Right Hand of God.
Oh, Lord my King how mighty is Your Name.
Your Spirit is Holy and Your Goodness endures forever.
You are the Great I AM, the Hope and strength of the weak.
You are JEHOVAH Rapha my Healer.
You are JEHOVAH Shalom my Peace.
You are JEHOVAH Jireh my Provider.
You are my Joy, my Power and my Shield. You have ALL Power and Authority, KNOW ALL, SEE ALL, and Present Everywhere At The Same Time.
Feed me daily with your Word and cover my soul with Your Protective Shield and Light.
Protect me daily with the Redemption, Atonement and Remission Power that is in the Blood of Jesus.
Renew my mind daily with Your knowledge of life and enrich my soul with Your wisdom.
Break every yoke of sinful relationships and destroy every ungodly contract of the enemy.
Remove every obstacle from my way and bring down every Goliath spirit seeking to prevent me from occupying the kingship position you have destined and ordained me to occupy.
By Power and Authority of God, I possess all the possessions destined for my use on earth.
Replace blindness with Your Supernatural Vision. Replace loss with Eternal profits and gains.
Prompt me daily with Your Divine Love and teach me to joyfully thank, praise and worship You All the days of my life.
Prevent me from falling into the enemy's wicked trap and equip me in Your Divine Wisdom to always rise above the wiles of the devil.
Help me to avoid corrupt communications and order my will to operate in Your Perfect Will.
Deliver me from foolish ideas and stimulate my mind with Your Perfect thoughts.
You are my healer who healed all my infirmities and in You no sickness shall have power or dominion over me. Lord Jesus You Are my King and Ruler and in You only I am assured of Eternal Life of rest, peace and everlasting joy.
Your Goodness and Mercies follows me everywhere I go and I am forever highly favored and blessed.
Favour me in my daily trials and overcome negative natural circumstances for me with Your Power.
Nullify the evil terms and conditions of dead covenants and segregate me completely from poisonous dead end flesh relationships.
By Your Grace You gave Jacob a Ladder to heaven and through Your Heavenly Ladder You placed his children in line of Your Heavenly inheritance Will. By Your Grace You delivered Israel from Egypt and turned their enemies into dust for them to trample on, and parted the Red Sea for them and met their needs in the wilderness.
You Magnified Joshua for Israel to see that just as You were with Moses so are you with him. By Your Grace, You transported Elijah from earth to heaven with Your Chariot of fire. By Your Grace, You Promised Esther, Daniel, Gideon and the likes of them - in the land of their captivity and through Your Work of Grace upon their life the ungodly testified to the fact that their God is indeed the Only One and True God. By Your Grace, You removed the veil cover of darkness from the eyes of Saul and changed him from Saul the persecuted to Paul the faithful servant. By Your Grace You gave him knowledge of Your Saviour and Resurrection.
By Your Grace, You gave us Eternal Life and we see that Lucifer is forever defeated by the conquering Power of the Lamb.
Pastor Olabisi, is the author of this book. Pastor holds an LLBC (hons) degree in law. Pastor is the founder and Senior Pastor of Freedom House International Ministries.
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