Very inspirational book to own.
I thank Shondreka, for sending me an autographed copy for review.
We all have made mistakes, and I would like first to commend her for carrying her child full term, instead of an abortion. I am not promoting premartial affairs.
The moment you find out that you are pregnant can be the most terrifying, and yet most exciting moment of your life. It is not until the day that you hold your beautiful baby in your arms for the first time that you can realize how great that change can be.
She never wanted to place herself in a position to end up as a single parent. She thought she had it all figured out. Life has a way of throwing a curve ball. The key to moving forward and pushing through a struggle is your attitude.
Know that both you and your child are valuable worth the best life has to offer. If you are in a negative or harmful situation, keep in mind that you and your child deserve more than what is currently being brought to the table. Your heart will not put food on the table and clothes on your child's back. Start saving and get into a place where you and your child can live peacefully and that you can afford by yourself.
Shondreka, Little Miss Health fanatic would gain seventy pounds during her pregnancy. Her diet was healthy and very sensible. She craved tomatoes and also Kosher pickles. Too much of anything, healthy or not, will cause weight gain.
After her handsome baby boy was born, she set a plan of action to lose all of the baby weight in a healthy manner. After having her baby, money was tight so buying a whole new wardrobe in the new size was not a feasible option for her. Her meal routine consisted of a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner and healthy snacks throughout the day. Within three months of having her son, she lost forty pounds and within six months she lost the remaining thirty pounds. She drinks lots of water and try to stay away from sodas. She limits her fruit juice, because it is high in sugar. She don't deny herself sweets, this keeps her from straying.
Living a healthy lifestyle does not mean you can't have sweets, it just means you have to have them in moderation.
Independently Raising A Man Thoughts From a Single Mothers Perspective, Shondreka Palmer, Single Parenting, One Family Income, Budget,Child Development
You don't have to be a celebrity to get your pre-baby body back. Anyone can do it with hard work and discipline. Be sensible and try to keep your food choices as healthy as possible. Allow your baby to have the nutrients he/she needs in preparation for making his/her entrance into the world. The bundle of joy you get in the end is well worth the sacrifice.
At times, the burdens that come along with being a parent, especially a single parent, ,especially a single parent, can be very overwhelming. Children are a blessing from God and you should treat it as such. Don't just be in the same house as your child; spend valuable time with your child/children. Be creative. Be a part of your child's.
A part of being a phenomenal single parent is taking care of yourself and your health. Sometimes you just have to stop, take a break and enjoy life. You always want to be responsible and do the things that are important and need to be done.
Be positive. Be grateful and happy for what you do have. Your attitude and outlook on life will over into your child's attitude and outlook.
Budget! Budget! Budget! An absolute must when living life as a single parent.
Whenever possible, save energy and teach your children the same habits. Keep the bills low as possible, electric, gas, water, etc.
You will have to learn some smart ways to save money and shop for your child.
Sometimes as a parent you don't want to see your child grow up. Arm yourself and be ready ahead of time.
As a single parent, your disposable income is very limited, so get into the habit of spending your money wisely. You never want to put yourself in a situation where your child has nothing to wear and you don't have any money to buy clothes or shoes needed at that moment.
Don't forget about yourself when browsing resale and thrift stores. You can also save money on your clothes and find some great slacks, jeans, dresses and tops.
Groceries are another very important life necessity for you and your child.
Buy store brand items. The long term consequences of a life of unhealthy eating habits are not worth the short term savings benefit.
Use coupons. Only buy items that you actually use. Become a wise grocery shopper, and cook meals at home.
Being on a budget does not mean you have to sacrifice your appearance. The key is to adjust to what your current lifestyle allows.
Life is going to happen; no one is immune to unforeseen circumstances.
Children will try to get over on their parents. Don't fall for it.
Implementing rules and boundaries within your child's life is so important to their growth and development. Allowing your child to do and say whatever they feel is not doing them any favors. Love your child enough to want to teach them by providing the necessary guidance.
We are our children's first teachers.
It is important to remember that children need discipline and structure.
Discipline is not yelling at your child. Encourage your child often.
Discuss with your child/children what is expected at home and school daily.
Place your child on a consistent schedule.
Children need plenty of rest.
In order to support you and your child, you have to work. Take the time to research the facilities and teachers who are going to care for your child/children. Check with the State Board for any penalties or violations.
Select a daycare that models the same morals and values as you do.
Be conscious and watchful.
The first step to being a successful single parent is taking care of you and maintaining a great mental health.
Smile! Make the choice to be happy. Your main focus is and should always be your immediate family - you and your child/children.
Watch for family and friends that are constantly negative. Ignore and remove yourself from negative conversation or situations.
You have a purpose in this life. Don't allow someone else's insecurities or jealousies break you down and confuse you. You are a child of God.
You should have a couple of true genuine friends to confide in and who are truly "Team U" during the good and bad times.
Shondreka is happy and her state of mind is at peace and she feels great! She's still standing.
Be strong, happy and secure. You are on the right path to success so push harder and keep going no matter what.
Take care of your health as well. There is no reason why you can't have some mommy-me time and enjoy yourself, once you have everything together.
Take a mental break and do something that you enjoy. You might go to the movies, out to eat with a friend, maybe on a date, or any activity you enjoy.
Treat yourself to something nice. Men, this includes you too!! Stay within your budget. You will not always be restricted to a tight budget. With God, faith, a positive attitude, a plan and being proactive you will reach all your goals and dreams.
Never leave your child with an irresponsible adult, whether family or friends. Your child is a treasure and should be treated as such.
Be patient with your child/children.
Don't forget to take the time to enjoy life with your child. You never know what true unconditional love is until you have your first child.
Shondreka Palmer (Author) compiled her warm inspiring thoughts and insights on being a single parent.
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