
Showing posts with label Haran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haran. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Circumcision Event Remembered - Acts 7:1-8

Then the Chief Priest said, what do you have to say for yourself?

Stephen replied, friends, fathers, and brothers, the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, before the move to Haran, and told him, leave your country and family and go to the land I'll show you.

So he left the country of the Chaldees and moved to Haran. After the death of his father, he immigrated to his country where you now live, but God gave him nothing, not so much as a foothold. He did promise to give the country to him and his son later on, even though Abraham had no son at the time. God let him know that his offspring would move to an alien country where they would be enslaved and brutalized for four hundred years. 'But,' God said, I will step in and take care of those slaveholders and bring my people out so they can worship me in this place.

Then he made a covenant with him and signed it in Abraham's flesh by circumcision. When Abraham had his son Issac, within eight days he reproduced the sign of circumcision in him. Issac became father of Jacob, and Jacob father of twelve 'Father,' each faithfully passing on the covenant sign.

This High Priest was Caiphas, the same High Priest who had earlier questioned and condemned Jesus.

Stephen launched into along speech about Israel's relationship with God. From Old Testament history he showed that the Jews had constantly rejected God's message and his Prophets, and that this council had rejected the Messiah, God's Son. He made three main points (1) Israel's history is the history of God's acts in the world; (2) People worshiped God long before there was a temple; (3) Jesus death was just one more example of Israel's rebellion and rejection of God.

Stephen wasn't really defending himself. Instead, he took the offensive, seizing the opportunity to summarize his teaching about Jesus. Stephen was accusing these religious leaders failing to obey God's laws - the laws they prided themselves in following so meticulously. This was the same accusation Jesus had leveled against them. When we witness for Christ, we don't need to be on the defensive. Instead we can simply share our faith.

Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Abram Called and Blessed ... Genesis 12:1-3

God promised to bless Abram and make him great, but there was one condition. Abram had to do what God wanted him to do. This meant leaving his home and friends and traveling to a new land where God promised to build a great nation from Abram's family. Abram obeyed, walking away from his home for God's promise of even greater things. God may be trying to lead you to a place of greater service and usefulness for him. Don't let the comfort and security of your present position make make you miss God's plan for you.

Abram moved out in faith from Ur to Haran and finally to Canaan. God then established a covenant with him. Not only would this nation be blessed, God said; but the other nations of the earth would be blessed through Abram's descendants. Israel, the nation that would come from Abram, was to follow God and influence those with whom it came in contact. Through Abram's family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity. Through Christ, all people can have a personal relationship with God and be blessed beyond measure.

Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2013 .. A Promise Kept ... 10/13/2013 'Sunday School Lesson'

Sarai/Sarah . Issac - promise . Haran . Hagar . Ishmael . Pray for all that we may lead a peaceable life . Pray for Christian Arabs . Canaan . Abraham . Kirjath-arba . Heth . Genesis/Bereshith . Isaiah 51 . Sunday School Lesson

The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7 (Devotional Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6; Background Scripture: Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7). In order to gain a good understanding of this lesson, you will need to read/study the Daily Home Bible Readings that go with this lesson at the end of this article. ... My study came from two different KJV Bibles (one of them from around 1915).

Sarah (princess)

Issac, promise child

Haran, town of Padan-aram (field of Aram), country of Mesopotamia. Aram, country northeast of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now), usually called Syria.

Hagar (flight), mother of Ishmael

Ishmael (God hears), son of Abraham

Kirjath-arba (city of Baal)

Heth, father of Hittities (early dwellers in Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria & parts of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now).

Genesis 17:15-17 ... Circumcision instituted. Issac with a numerous issue is promised. Sarai her name is changed, & she is blessed. Issac is promised.

Genesis 18:9-15 ... Sarah reproved. Sarah is reproved for laughing at the strange promise.

Genesis 21:1-7 ... Issac is born. He is circumcision. Sarah's joy.

Isaiah 51:1-6 ... The righteous exhorted, after the pattern of Abraham, to trust in Christ: certainity of his salvation.

Genesis 18:9-15

Verse 9 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Human Abodes; Tents, Used by Abraham & the Hebrews.

Verses 10,14 ... Miracles; Miracles Considered; Miracles Foretold.

Verses 11,12,13,15 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Barreness, Miraculously Removed

(Genesis 17:115-17; 18; John 1:18; Genesis 18:2; 12; 15; 17; Habakkuk 2:3 ... Reference in Sunday School Book)

Verses 21:1-7

Verses 1,2,5,6,7 ... Miracles; Supernatural Bodily Gifts & Deprivations; Gift or Denial of Children

Verse 3 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Naming at Birth

Verse 4 ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Sacraments, Worship, & Church-Fellowship; Circumcision, Applied by Abraham

(Genesis 21; 17:12; 17:17; 18:16-20; 18:19; 17:9-14; 17:12-13)

Monday - October 7, 2013 - A Childless Wife - Genesis 11:27-32

The generations of Shem & of Terah. Terah goeth from Ur to Haran.

Tuesday - October 8, 2013 - A Beautiful Wife - Genesis 12:10-20

Canaan promised.

Wednesday - October 9, 2013 - A Threatened Wife - Genesis 16:1-6

Sarai, being barren, giveth Hagar to Abram. Hagar fleeth from her mistress.

Thursday - October 10, 2013 - The Promise of a Covenant - Genesis 17:18-22

Issac is promised.

Friday - October 11, 2013 - Dispelling the Competition - Genesis 21:8-14

Sarah's joy. Hagar & Ishmael are cast forth.

Saturday - October 12, 2013 - Mourning a Beloved Wife - Genesis 23:1-6

The age & death of Sarah. The purchase of Machpelah.

Sunday - October 13, 2013 - Bearing a Child of Promise - Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7

Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible & The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible