Dustin Renz (the author), was recently introduced at a speaking engagement as - a graduate of Teen Challenge, Southeastern University and Pure Life Ministries. Both Teen Challenge and Pure Life Ministries are residential Christian programs that assist in setting people free from addictions and bondage. The seasons the author spent in those two programs serve as book - ends for nearly ten years of running from God, much like the biblical prophet, Jonah. But like Jonah, the author too realized the desperate situation he was in and cried out to God for mercy.
The author grew up in a middle - class home. He had parents who loved him and they lived a comfortable life. The greatest attacks came not from inside his home, but outside. They moved to Florida from New York when he was in the second grade. It was that year - at age seven - he was first exposed to pornography. All throughout his childhood, pornography continued to be readily available to him, which became a deeply - rooted stronghold in his life.
He became friends with another young boy and frequently spent time at his house. It was there where he was first exposed to satanic music, Ouija boards, horror movies, violent games, hypnotism and even sexual experimentation.
He went to church as a child. He claimed to be a Christian, but he had not been born again.
When he was eleven years old, his parents announced to his siblings and him that they had decided to get a divorce.
He had always been a deeply emotional person and most of his friends were female. He still attended church, but he despised Christians and hated God.
He discovered that he had the talent to rap and began rapping at parties and writing songs.
He spent all weekend partying and all week getting high or drunk before and after school.
He graduated high school, left home and began living with friends so that he could do as he pleased. It became necessary to live in his car to live in his car after having burned all bridges with family and friends.
His father allowed him to stay with him for a couple of weeks to try to help him get straightened out. After a near overdose, he realized he was out of control, and agreed to go to a program called Teen Challenge.
In July of 2002, he found himself in the intake office of Teen Challenge in Tarpon Springs, Florida. He had told his dad on the way to the program that he was not going to let them "brainwash him with all of that Jesus stuff." It soon became evident that God had a different plan!
He experienced what Scripture promises to those who surrender their lives to the Lord: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" He fell in love with Jesus. For the next year, he could not get enough of the Bible. He spent hours in prayer and worship. There was no doubt he had a real encounter was with Jesus Christ!
After graduating from Teen Challenge, he once again enjoyed freedom to do as he pleased - something he soon discovered he was not prepared for. Before he knew it, an addiction to pornography head once again taken control of his life. It was then that he met a girl named Brittany at the Christian college he was attending, and they fell in love. When he confessed to her about the pornography, she made it clear that unless he got victory over that area, there was no future for them.
They got married in May 2005. He justified his secret life. He cried out to God over and over again: repenting, apologizing and promising to do better. Clearly, he was only giving the Lord lip service and empty promises.
Over the coming months, he fell further from God. Soon, he was drinking liquor and abusing prescription pills whenever he had the chance.
He began to visualize becoming famous in the music industry and he was confident that his career would take off soon.
Brittany and he got involved in youth ministry, and he became the Assistant Pastor of their church. Lust grew in his heart, and whenever he was depressed, he would still go back to satanic music in his head for comfort.
When him and his wife was accepted to go overseas to assist missionaries for two years, everything escalated. They began the process of raising the necessary funds to go. He had definite fears about relocating to a foreign country, but instead of taking those concerns to God, he returned with great fervor to the old empty cisterns of this world.
He persuaded himself that when he got overseas, the struggle would end.
Their first daughter, Abigail, was born in May of 2010. This drastic change in their lives caused him to panic. He knew he was not ready to be a father, and the weight of that responsibility was more than he could take.
His wife began sensing that something was not right in his life. He told her that he had been lying and carrying on a secret life during the entire seven years of their relationship. She was devastated and immediately told their superiors. They were flown back to the U.S. and asked to resign.
You would think this would have been enough to bring him to repentance, but instead he grew bitter. His wife took control of their finances and watched his every moment.
When he arrived at Pure Life Ministries in April of 2011, one of the counselors said he looked like a dead man. He only agreed to enter the program in the hopes of saving his marriage, which at that point was almost certainly going to end in divorce.
There was no network television in any of their homes. They were not consumed with the latest technologies like smart phones and video games.
This was the turning point and the Lord began to restore him.
Dustin now have an abundant life in Christ and he has truly become an overcomer.
But the Lord has opened his eyes to the reality that there is freedom for the addict, purity for the lustful, and righteousness for the wicked.
Adam and Eve's oldest son provides for us the earliest example of hypocrisy.
A lifestyle of hypocrisy was at the root of Jehovah's chosen nation, Israel. This can be seen throughout the Old Testament, from the time Moses led Israel out of Egypt, to the time of the Babylonian and Assyrian captivities. It was the people's unwillingness to be fully devoted to the Lord that resulted in countless trial and judgments.
Hypocrisy is the reason that the Israelites were called to make a decision throughout the Old Testament. Perhaps the most popular Scripture where a line is drawn in the sand occurs in the book of Joshua. At this point in history, the Israelites were just setting foot into the Promised Land, but they had already shown their divided hearts on several occasions.
They had absolutely no faith to believe that the God who rescued them from Egypt could provide for their needs.
Jehovah had been good to them and provided for them the whole way.
The Israelites have the choice to either serve the Lord or to worship other gods. There is no middle ground.
Scripture says in 1 John 4:8 that God is love. Our relationship with Him is born out of a response to His love for us. Continually in Scripture, the relationship of God and man is compared to a marital relationship.
Song of Solomon paints a beautiful picture of the intimacy enjoyed between a husband and wife (and, allegorically, of God and man). We are called the Bride of Christ and Jesus the Bridegroom in several places in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit could have used any metaphor to describe our relationship with Him, but He chose to relate it to a marriage.
Listen to the sound of a heartbroken God calling out to His people through the prophet Micah:
My people, what have I done to you? How have I burdened you? Answer me. I brought you up out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery.
Jeremiah 2:19 sums up a truth he had found to be absolutely certain: "Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of me ...
When it came to fighting against idolatry and syncretism in the Old Testament, there was one King who stood out above the rest. His name was King Josiah, and he took the throne of Judah when he was eight years old. He lived in a time when the land of Israel was divided into a northern and southern kingdom. The country was in a mess. Jehovah repeatedly sent prophets to the nation to try to get their attention and cause them to repent and turn back to Him. As we have discovered, Israel remained entrenched in idolatry and the worship of false gods.
Josiah became king a few years after Manasseh, who was one of the most wicked kings to ever rule in Israel.
During his reign, many people made idols for a living. There were full-time priests who served at the altars and temples of the false gods. Many in the land were enjoying the 'benefits' afforded to them by sacred prostitution. But Josiah did not fear men, he only feared the Lord and his actions proved it.
Josiah launches an all - out attack on idolatry.
Neither before nor after Josiah was there a king like him who turned to the Lord as he did - with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength, in accordance with all the Law of Moses.
1. adjective. emphasizing or observing the letter but not the spirit of religious law; self-righteous; sanctimonious
2. pretending to be highly moral or virtuous without actually being so; hypocritical
By The Close Of The Lord The Old Testament period, the nation of Israel had returned to their homeland after being held in captivity. Jehovah had allowed northern Israel to be exiled by Assyria in 721 B.C. Eventually, Judah was taken into exile by the Babylonians for 70 years. The period between the Old and New Testaments is a duration of four hundred years of prophetic silence. There was no Word from God to His people during this time.
Then John the Baptist appears on the scene and breaks the silence. Israel was ruled by the Roman Empire at this time and Rome stayed in power throughout the life of Jesus.
The Jewish community that Jesus was born into was not the same Israel He would have encountered had He been born one thousand years earlier. A person could cease visiting temple prostitutes and still be completely driven by lust inside. Remember, hypocrisy is always a heart issue.
The Pharisees were a very influential Jew party during Jesus' time on the Earth.
Historically, the people of Israel had broken even the most basic commandments by serving idols and foreign gods. It is important to understand that the sect of the Pharisees had good intentions. It is not fair to assume that every Pharisee was wicked, despite the descriptions given in the New Testament.
We also need to realize that there were some Pharisees who were on the right track. Some did love the Lord and honored Jesus, like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.
1. noun. a person who pretends to be what he or she is not; one who pretends to be what he or she is not; one who pretends to be better than they really are so; or to be pious, virtuous, etc. without really being so.
We Have Looked In-Depth At Hypocrisy in the lives of the Israelites in the Old Testament, and we have also encountered the double-minded Pharisees of Jesus' time. Neither the Israelites nor the Pharisees were born again believers, or even had a full knowledge of the New Covenant.
John Calvin was a follower of Christ with a great understanding of Scripture. He understood what the Bible teaches about looking for spiritual fruit. What he actually taught was that if you are genuinely converted, there has to be evidence of it in your life. He taught that true conversion was an irreversible decision on the Lord's part. He taught that the moment you are converted, your salvation is eternally secure. There would be no way for a true Christian to ever go back into habitual sin and fall away. That is not an option in Calvin's teaching.
Joseph Arminius was also a godly man who studied the Word of God. He agreed with Calvin that if you were truly saved, your life would have spiritual fruit as evidence. The major point they differed on - in regards to the permanence of salvation - is that Arminius believed that a person could fall so far away from God that they could 'lose' or 'reject' their salvation. He believed that humans had more free will in cooperating with God in salvation than Calvin did.
According to Calvin's interpretation of Scripture, the lack of fruit is in itself proof that the person was never truly converted. The Arminians would say to the same person that the lack of fruit is evidence that they either were never saved in the first place, or they are backslidden and in danger of losing (or rejecting) their salvation. Either that person needs to repent (and either return to Christ or be saved) or they are in danger of Hell.
The kind of fruit that we should be looking for is in our character and walk with the Lord.
Hypocrites need to examine whether or not their beliefs actually line up with the whole teaching of the Bible.
In the Kingdom, we humble ourselves and the Lord gives promotion to us. When Jesus gave the parable of the feast in Luke 14, He said:
But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, "Friend, move up to a better place." Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Dustin Renz is a minister with a passion to see the Body of Christ become all that God has created it to be. He is the founder of Make Way Ministries, which exists to see the Body of Christ awaken, mature and arise to its responsibility in these last days.
Angela Watkins Christian Writer, Reviewer, God's Avenue to Success, Virtual Creator. Matthew 6:33; 3 John 1:2; Deuteronomy 8:13, Open for Collaboration
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Abram Called and Blessed ... Genesis 12:1-3
God promised to bless Abram and make him great, but there was one condition. Abram had to do what God wanted him to do. This meant leaving his home and friends and traveling to a new land where God promised to build a great nation from Abram's family. Abram obeyed, walking away from his home for God's promise of even greater things. God may be trying to lead you to a place of greater service and usefulness for him. Don't let the comfort and security of your present position make make you miss God's plan for you.
Abram moved out in faith from Ur to Haran and finally to Canaan. God then established a covenant with him. Not only would this nation be blessed, God said; but the other nations of the earth would be blessed through Abram's descendants. Israel, the nation that would come from Abram, was to follow God and influence those with whom it came in contact. Through Abram's family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity. Through Christ, all people can have a personal relationship with God and be blessed beyond measure.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Abram moved out in faith from Ur to Haran and finally to Canaan. God then established a covenant with him. Not only would this nation be blessed, God said; but the other nations of the earth would be blessed through Abram's descendants. Israel, the nation that would come from Abram, was to follow God and influence those with whom it came in contact. Through Abram's family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity. Through Christ, all people can have a personal relationship with God and be blessed beyond measure.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
devotional message,
Genesis 12,
great nation,
Sunday, September 24, 2017
A New Covenant of the Heart - Jeremiah 31:31-34
God would inscribe his law upon their hearts rather than upon tablets of stone as were the Ten Commandments. This change seems to describe one experience very much like the new birth and God is making the initiative. When we turn our lives over to God he, by his Holy Spirit, builds into us the desire to obey him.
The Old Covenant, broken by the people, would be replaced by an new covenant. The foundation of this new covenant is Christ. It is revolutionary, involving not only Israel and Judah, but even the Gentiles. It offers a unique personal relationship with God himself, with his laws inscribed on hearts instead of on stone. Jeremiah looked forward to the day when Jesus would come to establish this covenant. But for us today, this covenant is here. We have the wonderful opportunity to make a fresh start and establish a permanent, personal relationship with God.
Reference summary used from The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
The Old Covenant, broken by the people, would be replaced by an new covenant. The foundation of this new covenant is Christ. It is revolutionary, involving not only Israel and Judah, but even the Gentiles. It offers a unique personal relationship with God himself, with his laws inscribed on hearts instead of on stone. Jeremiah looked forward to the day when Jesus would come to establish this covenant. But for us today, this covenant is here. We have the wonderful opportunity to make a fresh start and establish a permanent, personal relationship with God.
Reference summary used from The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Sunday - Samson's Call - Judges 13:1-7, 24-25 - 6/25/17
The Philistines lived on the west side of Canaan, along the Mediterranean seacoast. From Samson's day until the time of David they were the major enemy force in the land & a constant threat to Israel. The Philistines were fierce warriors; they had the advantage over Israel in numbers, tactical expertise, & technology. They knew the secret of making weapons out of iron. But none of that mattered when God was fighting for Israel.
Once again the cycle of sin, judgment, & repentance began. The Israelites would not turn to God unless they had been stunned by suffering, oppression, & death. This suffered was not caused by God, but resulted from the fact that the people ignored God, their Judge & Ruler. The warnings in God's Word are clear; if we continue to harden our hearts against God, we can expect the same fate as Israel.
The angel of the Lord could have been a special divine messenger sent from God or a pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus Christ. The reason for the angel's visit was to give Samson's parents the vital news that Samson would begin to rescue Israel from the Philistines.
Samson was to be a Nazarite - a person who took a vow to be set apart for God's service. Samson's parents made the vow for him. A Nazarite vow was sometimes for him. A Nazarite vow was sometimes temporary, but in Samson's case, it was for life. As a Nazarite, Samson could not cut his hair, touch a dead body, or drink anything containing alcohol.
Although Samson often used poor judgment & sinned terribly, he accomplished much when he determined to be set apart for God. In this way he was like the nation Israel. As long as the Israelites remained set apart for God, the nation thrived. But they into terrible sin when they ignored God.
Manoah's wife was told that her son would begin to rescue the Israelites from Philistine oppression. It wasn't until David's day that the Philistine opposition was completely crushed. Samson's part in subduing the Philistines was just the beginning, but it was important nonetheless. It was the task God had given Samson to do. Be faithful in following God even if you don't see instant results, because you might be beginning an important job that others will finish.
Samson's tribe, Dan, continued to wander in their inherited land, which was yet unconquered. Samson must have grown up with his warlike tribe's yearnings for a permanent & settled territory. Thus his visits to the tribal army camp stirred his heart, & God's Spirit began preparing him for his role as judge & leader against the Philistines.
God uses a variety of means to develop & prepare us: hereditary traits, environmental influences, & personal experiences. As with Samson, this preparation often begins long before adulthood. Work at being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading & the tasks God has prepared for you. Your past may be more useful to you than you imagine.
Samson's Ventures: He grew up in Zorah & wanted to marry a Philistine girl from Timnah (Timnath). Tricked at his own wedding feast, he went to Ashkelon & killed some Philistine men & stole their coats to pay off a bet. Samson then let himself be captured & brought to Lehi where he snapped his ropes & killed 1,000 people.
Reference summary used from Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Once again the cycle of sin, judgment, & repentance began. The Israelites would not turn to God unless they had been stunned by suffering, oppression, & death. This suffered was not caused by God, but resulted from the fact that the people ignored God, their Judge & Ruler. The warnings in God's Word are clear; if we continue to harden our hearts against God, we can expect the same fate as Israel.
The angel of the Lord could have been a special divine messenger sent from God or a pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus Christ. The reason for the angel's visit was to give Samson's parents the vital news that Samson would begin to rescue Israel from the Philistines.
Samson was to be a Nazarite - a person who took a vow to be set apart for God's service. Samson's parents made the vow for him. A Nazarite vow was sometimes for him. A Nazarite vow was sometimes temporary, but in Samson's case, it was for life. As a Nazarite, Samson could not cut his hair, touch a dead body, or drink anything containing alcohol.
Although Samson often used poor judgment & sinned terribly, he accomplished much when he determined to be set apart for God. In this way he was like the nation Israel. As long as the Israelites remained set apart for God, the nation thrived. But they into terrible sin when they ignored God.
Manoah's wife was told that her son would begin to rescue the Israelites from Philistine oppression. It wasn't until David's day that the Philistine opposition was completely crushed. Samson's part in subduing the Philistines was just the beginning, but it was important nonetheless. It was the task God had given Samson to do. Be faithful in following God even if you don't see instant results, because you might be beginning an important job that others will finish.
Samson's tribe, Dan, continued to wander in their inherited land, which was yet unconquered. Samson must have grown up with his warlike tribe's yearnings for a permanent & settled territory. Thus his visits to the tribal army camp stirred his heart, & God's Spirit began preparing him for his role as judge & leader against the Philistines.
God uses a variety of means to develop & prepare us: hereditary traits, environmental influences, & personal experiences. As with Samson, this preparation often begins long before adulthood. Work at being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading & the tasks God has prepared for you. Your past may be more useful to you than you imagine.
Samson's Ventures: He grew up in Zorah & wanted to marry a Philistine girl from Timnah (Timnath). Tricked at his own wedding feast, he went to Ashkelon & killed some Philistine men & stole their coats to pay off a bet. Samson then let himself be captured & brought to Lehi where he snapped his ropes & killed 1,000 people.
Reference summary used from Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Angel of the Lord,
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Judges 13,
King David,
Manoah's wife,
Nazarite vow,
Sunday School Lesson,
wedding feast,
Thursday, June 15, 2017
4 of ... The Heart: The Key to Everything in the Christian Life - Book Review
The Second Soil of the Heart: Rocks, Scorching & Withering.
Let's examine the second soil of the heart & what happens when the seed of the Word of God is sown into it.
As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word & immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, & when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. (Matthew 13:20-21, ESV)
On the surface, this second soil of the heart looks like good, fertile ground for the Word of God. The seed has a sudden, brief growth spurt, but its young root can never develop & become strong. Once it hits the rock, the root soon withers away causing the tiny plant that has emerged from the soil to die. The second soil of the heart is the great enemy to the growth of the Word of God.
Never forget how important it is for the seed of the Word of God to take root deeply in our hearts so it can produce fruit. The seed of the Word of God contains everything that God is: His love, righteousness, grace, salvation, goodness, holiness, faithfulness, peace & joy just to name a few. Faith comes by hearing this magnificent seed of the Word of God & allowing it to grow & become engrafted into the very fiber of the heart.
Importance of a Strong Root System. For the seed of the Word of God to prosper & grow into a strong, healthy tree, it must have a deep root system. The root system allows the heart to be anchored to the character of God.
2 Kings 19:30 declares that we must take root downward, so that we can bear fruit upward! Proverbs 12:12 declares that the root of the righteous yields fruit, & shall not be moved, because it is anchored in the Word of God.
It is imperative as Christians that we cultivate a deep root system of the Word of God in our hearts. The truth in Psalm 1 is vital to maintain a healthy spiritual heart.
The word "blessed" describes the condition of our heart should be in daily & it is linked to what it is rooted in. The Hebrew word "blessed" conveys the idea of happiness that flows from a sense of well-being & righteous. Bad company will corrupt the heart & destroy its root system. Our delight, desire, & longing must be to know God & His Word as the great treasure of our heart.
Do we delight in the pure words of Scripture more than the words from television, radio, Internet & chatter of the trival that relentlessly bombards our lives daily?
When we delight in the Word of God & mediate upon it daily, the spiritual root system of our heart is strong in God.
Jesus Christ is the true vine & we are to abide in Him if we are to be branches that bear much spiritual fruit.
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, & let your lives be built on him.
Let's examine tribulation & persecution in more depth & see how they have such a dramatic effect on the heart.
Tribulation: The Forceful Squeezing of the Heart. The Greek word for "tribulation" is thlipsis which means to press, squeeze, compress, & crush. It was used to describe the squeezing of olives in a press to extract oil & the squeezing of grapes to produce juice.
The Lesson of Joseph. Thlipsis is the word to describe what Joseph went through before He was made governor in Egypt.
The world specializes in thlipsis.
Jesus Christ: Our Example in Times of Thlipsis. Thlipsis is nothing to Jesus Christ. He endured the worst thlipsis ever known to mankind in the ordeal of the crucifixion. His sweat was like great drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane in intense prayer to his Heavenly Father. He was about to go through forty hours of beatings, mocking, torture, physical disfigurement, & unbearable pain. He endured this brutal physical punishment to pay the price for our sin & crush the power of the kingdom of darkness, ushering us as citizens into his kingdom.
Only in Jesus Christ can we be victorious over thlipsis. Only in Jesus Christ can we endure & overcome the blistering heat of the kosmos, the entire system that the Devil has set up as the Prince of the Power of the Air.
Only in Jesus Christ can we withstand this pressure & emerge over every burden & weight thrown at our heart.
Thlipsis & the Birth of Extraordinary. God always births something extraordinary in the heart when we come through a season of thlipsis still firmly rooted in Christ & the Word of God.
God uses the word "thlipsis" to describe the anguish the female body endures in labor. The woman is pregnant with something extraordinary & amazing with a wonderful, beautiful baby forming in her womb.
Likewise our heart is pregnant with the extraordinary plans, purposes & works of God Almighty, but it is only when we come through the labor pains of thlipsis that the heart gives birth to something extraordinary. How tragic that we never give birth to God's amazing plans & purposes for our life because under the crushing pressure of thlipsis we have a miscarriage.
Jesus Christ endured the intense thlipsis of the crucifixion & bearing the sin of the human race, but now he is seated at the right hand of God having obtained eternal redemption for all those who believe.
Look what was birthed out of the heart of Joseph when he passed the thlipsis test. What an extraordinary thing God birthed in the heart of Joseph to go from a slave, condemned in prison, to a ruler of a mighty kingdom.
God birthed an extraordinary calling & work in the heart of David as he became the greatest king in the history of Israel & a man after God's own heart.
The Apostle Paul was deeply rooted in Christ & the Word of God & endured great thlipsis during his journeys to spread the gospel. He suffered beatings, stoning, false accusations, imprisonment, shipwreck, hunger, weariness, riots & persecution. His ministry turned the world upside down, & he shook the gates of hell with the truth of the gospel.
Jesus Christ: The Focal Point of all Persecution. Persecution arises out of the violent clashing between two spiritual kingdoms. The Word of God is the mighty weapon of one kingdom. The heart is at the center of this fierce battle. The Book of Revelation speaks of this. (Revelation 12:4b-5,7,9,12b,17)
Jesus Christ is the focal point of all persecution because He is God's plan for redemption. He is the Savior, the Great Shepherd, the second Adam, the Alpha & Omega, the light of the world, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the life, & the door to God's kingdom. He restored everything that Adam & Eve had lost in the Garden of Eden & conquered sin & death.
The Greek word for "hatred" in John & Luke means to pursue with hatred, to detest, to have extreme hostility towards, & to abhor.
Surprising Source of Most Persecution. The Devil is very subtle as persecution often arises from our inner circle: our churches, fellow-christians, family, friends, co-workers, teachers, professors, neighbors, & community.
The devil loves religion because it has nothing to do with the true God & is an easy facade to hide his deceptions. Look at our Savior as the constant persecution to his ministry was from the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests & scribes, who were the religious elite of his day. The great religious men & their corrupt system crucified their Messiah.
Persecution also comes from the inner circle of our family, friends, & close associates whom the Devil craftily influences to shake our faith in God & His Word.
When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem near the time of his crucifixion, great multitudes of apparent followers & disciples cried out "Hosanna (save us please) to the son of David, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord even the King of Israel! Hosanna in the highest!" This whole multitude rejoiced & praised God with a loud voice. Many of these people had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out from the grave & had heard about this great miracle. The entire city of Jerusalem was moved & the multitude declared "This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee!"
The Greek word for "seize" means to take hold of forcibly, to take into custody & arrest, to continually hold back, to hinder & restrain, to prevail & rule over, & to take into one's possession.
Jesus Christ: The Prince of Peace. Without Jesus no person on earth can ever have true peace.
In Hebrew, the word for peace, shalom, means wholeness, completeness & soundness. It is an inward & outward tranquility, a quiet assurance, & a complete well-being where nothing is lacking or broken. Peace is the highest measure of contentment, joyfulness, happiness, & satisfaction in life.
God is the source of all peace, & we have peace because of our relationship with Him. His peace is our peace. Peace can not live in a heart of unbelief.
The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history & classics. He is president of Goodness of God's Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.
Let's examine the second soil of the heart & what happens when the seed of the Word of God is sown into it.
As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word & immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, & when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. (Matthew 13:20-21, ESV)
On the surface, this second soil of the heart looks like good, fertile ground for the Word of God. The seed has a sudden, brief growth spurt, but its young root can never develop & become strong. Once it hits the rock, the root soon withers away causing the tiny plant that has emerged from the soil to die. The second soil of the heart is the great enemy to the growth of the Word of God.
Never forget how important it is for the seed of the Word of God to take root deeply in our hearts so it can produce fruit. The seed of the Word of God contains everything that God is: His love, righteousness, grace, salvation, goodness, holiness, faithfulness, peace & joy just to name a few. Faith comes by hearing this magnificent seed of the Word of God & allowing it to grow & become engrafted into the very fiber of the heart.
Importance of a Strong Root System. For the seed of the Word of God to prosper & grow into a strong, healthy tree, it must have a deep root system. The root system allows the heart to be anchored to the character of God.
2 Kings 19:30 declares that we must take root downward, so that we can bear fruit upward! Proverbs 12:12 declares that the root of the righteous yields fruit, & shall not be moved, because it is anchored in the Word of God.
It is imperative as Christians that we cultivate a deep root system of the Word of God in our hearts. The truth in Psalm 1 is vital to maintain a healthy spiritual heart.
The word "blessed" describes the condition of our heart should be in daily & it is linked to what it is rooted in. The Hebrew word "blessed" conveys the idea of happiness that flows from a sense of well-being & righteous. Bad company will corrupt the heart & destroy its root system. Our delight, desire, & longing must be to know God & His Word as the great treasure of our heart.
Do we delight in the pure words of Scripture more than the words from television, radio, Internet & chatter of the trival that relentlessly bombards our lives daily?
When we delight in the Word of God & mediate upon it daily, the spiritual root system of our heart is strong in God.
Jesus Christ is the true vine & we are to abide in Him if we are to be branches that bear much spiritual fruit.
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, & let your lives be built on him.
Let's examine tribulation & persecution in more depth & see how they have such a dramatic effect on the heart.
Tribulation: The Forceful Squeezing of the Heart. The Greek word for "tribulation" is thlipsis which means to press, squeeze, compress, & crush. It was used to describe the squeezing of olives in a press to extract oil & the squeezing of grapes to produce juice.
The Lesson of Joseph. Thlipsis is the word to describe what Joseph went through before He was made governor in Egypt.
The world specializes in thlipsis.
Jesus Christ: Our Example in Times of Thlipsis. Thlipsis is nothing to Jesus Christ. He endured the worst thlipsis ever known to mankind in the ordeal of the crucifixion. His sweat was like great drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane in intense prayer to his Heavenly Father. He was about to go through forty hours of beatings, mocking, torture, physical disfigurement, & unbearable pain. He endured this brutal physical punishment to pay the price for our sin & crush the power of the kingdom of darkness, ushering us as citizens into his kingdom.
Only in Jesus Christ can we be victorious over thlipsis. Only in Jesus Christ can we endure & overcome the blistering heat of the kosmos, the entire system that the Devil has set up as the Prince of the Power of the Air.
Only in Jesus Christ can we withstand this pressure & emerge over every burden & weight thrown at our heart.
Thlipsis & the Birth of Extraordinary. God always births something extraordinary in the heart when we come through a season of thlipsis still firmly rooted in Christ & the Word of God.
God uses the word "thlipsis" to describe the anguish the female body endures in labor. The woman is pregnant with something extraordinary & amazing with a wonderful, beautiful baby forming in her womb.
Likewise our heart is pregnant with the extraordinary plans, purposes & works of God Almighty, but it is only when we come through the labor pains of thlipsis that the heart gives birth to something extraordinary. How tragic that we never give birth to God's amazing plans & purposes for our life because under the crushing pressure of thlipsis we have a miscarriage.
Jesus Christ endured the intense thlipsis of the crucifixion & bearing the sin of the human race, but now he is seated at the right hand of God having obtained eternal redemption for all those who believe.
Look what was birthed out of the heart of Joseph when he passed the thlipsis test. What an extraordinary thing God birthed in the heart of Joseph to go from a slave, condemned in prison, to a ruler of a mighty kingdom.
God birthed an extraordinary calling & work in the heart of David as he became the greatest king in the history of Israel & a man after God's own heart.
The Apostle Paul was deeply rooted in Christ & the Word of God & endured great thlipsis during his journeys to spread the gospel. He suffered beatings, stoning, false accusations, imprisonment, shipwreck, hunger, weariness, riots & persecution. His ministry turned the world upside down, & he shook the gates of hell with the truth of the gospel.
Jesus Christ: The Focal Point of all Persecution. Persecution arises out of the violent clashing between two spiritual kingdoms. The Word of God is the mighty weapon of one kingdom. The heart is at the center of this fierce battle. The Book of Revelation speaks of this. (Revelation 12:4b-5,7,9,12b,17)
Jesus Christ is the focal point of all persecution because He is God's plan for redemption. He is the Savior, the Great Shepherd, the second Adam, the Alpha & Omega, the light of the world, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the life, & the door to God's kingdom. He restored everything that Adam & Eve had lost in the Garden of Eden & conquered sin & death.
The Greek word for "hatred" in John & Luke means to pursue with hatred, to detest, to have extreme hostility towards, & to abhor.
Surprising Source of Most Persecution. The Devil is very subtle as persecution often arises from our inner circle: our churches, fellow-christians, family, friends, co-workers, teachers, professors, neighbors, & community.
The devil loves religion because it has nothing to do with the true God & is an easy facade to hide his deceptions. Look at our Savior as the constant persecution to his ministry was from the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests & scribes, who were the religious elite of his day. The great religious men & their corrupt system crucified their Messiah.
Persecution also comes from the inner circle of our family, friends, & close associates whom the Devil craftily influences to shake our faith in God & His Word.
When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem near the time of his crucifixion, great multitudes of apparent followers & disciples cried out "Hosanna (save us please) to the son of David, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord even the King of Israel! Hosanna in the highest!" This whole multitude rejoiced & praised God with a loud voice. Many of these people had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out from the grave & had heard about this great miracle. The entire city of Jerusalem was moved & the multitude declared "This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee!"
The Greek word for "seize" means to take hold of forcibly, to take into custody & arrest, to continually hold back, to hinder & restrain, to prevail & rule over, & to take into one's possession.
Jesus Christ: The Prince of Peace. Without Jesus no person on earth can ever have true peace.
In Hebrew, the word for peace, shalom, means wholeness, completeness & soundness. It is an inward & outward tranquility, a quiet assurance, & a complete well-being where nothing is lacking or broken. Peace is the highest measure of contentment, joyfulness, happiness, & satisfaction in life.
God is the source of all peace, & we have peace because of our relationship with Him. His peace is our peace. Peace can not live in a heart of unbelief.
The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history & classics. He is president of Goodness of God's Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Sunday - God's Pervasive Love - Jonah 4:1-11 - 5/28/17
Pervasive: Having power or tendency to persuade. To win to full belief. Plead or argue with.
Why did Jonah become angry when God spared Nineveh? The Jews did not want to share God's message with Gentile nations in Jonah's day. Jonah thought God should not freely give his salvation to a wicked heathen nation.
Jonah was angry that God had spared Nineveh. How much better it would have been if he had rejoiced that sinners had repented (Luke 15:10).
Jonah reveals the reason for his reluctance to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:3). He didn't want the Ninevites forgiven, he wanted them destroyed. We must not forget that, in reality, we do not deserve to be forgiven by God.
Johan had run from the job of delivering God's message of destruction to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2,3); now he wanted to die because the destruction wouldn't happen. How quickly Jonah had forgotten God's mercy on him when he was in the fish (Jonah 2:9,10). He was happy when God saved him, but angry when Nineveh was saved. God's forgiveness was not only for Jonah or for Israel alone, & extends to all who repent & believe.
God ministered tenderly to Jonah just as he did to Nineveh & to Israel & just as he does to us. If we will obey God's Word he will gently lead us.
Jonah was angry at the death of the plant, but not over what could have happened to Nineveh. How easy it is to be more sensitive to our own interests than to the spiritual needs of people around us.
God feels compassion for the sinners we want judged. What is your attitude toward those who are especially wicked? Do you wish that they could experience God's mercy & forgiveness?
God spared the sailors when they pleaded for mercy. God saved the people of Nineveh when they responded to Jonah's preaching. God answers the prayers of those who call upon him. We can be saved if we heed God's warnings to us through his Word. If we respond in obedience, he will be gracious, & we will receive his mercy, not his judgment.
Reference summary used from Life Application Bible, KJV Bible, Tyndale Publishers, Wheaton, IL
Why did Jonah become angry when God spared Nineveh? The Jews did not want to share God's message with Gentile nations in Jonah's day. Jonah thought God should not freely give his salvation to a wicked heathen nation.
Jonah was angry that God had spared Nineveh. How much better it would have been if he had rejoiced that sinners had repented (Luke 15:10).
Jonah reveals the reason for his reluctance to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:3). He didn't want the Ninevites forgiven, he wanted them destroyed. We must not forget that, in reality, we do not deserve to be forgiven by God.
Johan had run from the job of delivering God's message of destruction to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2,3); now he wanted to die because the destruction wouldn't happen. How quickly Jonah had forgotten God's mercy on him when he was in the fish (Jonah 2:9,10). He was happy when God saved him, but angry when Nineveh was saved. God's forgiveness was not only for Jonah or for Israel alone, & extends to all who repent & believe.
God ministered tenderly to Jonah just as he did to Nineveh & to Israel & just as he does to us. If we will obey God's Word he will gently lead us.
Jonah was angry at the death of the plant, but not over what could have happened to Nineveh. How easy it is to be more sensitive to our own interests than to the spiritual needs of people around us.
God feels compassion for the sinners we want judged. What is your attitude toward those who are especially wicked? Do you wish that they could experience God's mercy & forgiveness?
God spared the sailors when they pleaded for mercy. God saved the people of Nineveh when they responded to Jonah's preaching. God answers the prayers of those who call upon him. We can be saved if we heed God's warnings to us through his Word. If we respond in obedience, he will be gracious, & we will receive his mercy, not his judgment.
Reference summary used from Life Application Bible, KJV Bible, Tyndale Publishers, Wheaton, IL
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Sunday - God's Love Manifest - John 15:1-17 - 3/19/17
The grapevine is a profilic plant: a single vine bears many grapes. In the Old Testament grapes symbolized Israel's fruitfulness in doing God's work on the earth. In the Passover meal, the fruit of the vine symbolized, God's goodness to His people.
Christ is the vine, & God is the husbandman who cares for the branches to make them fruitful. The branches are all who claim to be followers of Christ. The fruitful branches are true believers who by their living union with followers are as good as dead & will be cut off & cast aside.
Jesus makes a distinction between two kinds of pruning (1) separating & (2) cutting back branches. Fruitful branches are cut back to promote growth. God must sometimes discipline us to strength our character & faith. But branches that don't bear fruit are cut off at the trunk, because not only are they worthless, they often infect the rest of the tree.
Prayer, joy, & soul-winning are also fruit.
Abiding in Christ means (1) believing he is God's Son (2) receiving Him as Saviour (3) doing what God says (4) continuing in faith (5) & relating to the community of believers. Christ's body Jesus says to only live a truly good life is to stay close to him, like a branch attached to the vine. Apart from him our efforts are unfruitful.
When a vine bears "much fruit," God is glorified, for daily He sent the sunshine & rain to make the crops grow, & constantly be nurtured each tiny plant & prepared to blossomed. What a moment of glory for the Lord of the harvest when the harvest is brought into the barns, safe & ready for use! This farming picture shows how God is glorified when people come into a right relationship with him & begin to "bear much fruit" in their lives.
Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. The joy of living with Jesus Christ daily keeps us levelheaded no matter how high or low our circumstances.
We are to love one another as Jesus loved us, & He loved us enough to give His life for us. Give all the love you can, & then try to give a little more.
Jesus made the first choice --- to love & to die for us; to offer us eternal life. We make the next choice --- to accept or reject His offer. Without His choice, we would have no choice.
Reference summary used from the Life Application Bible KJV, Tyndale Publishing House, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Christ is the vine, & God is the husbandman who cares for the branches to make them fruitful. The branches are all who claim to be followers of Christ. The fruitful branches are true believers who by their living union with followers are as good as dead & will be cut off & cast aside.
Jesus makes a distinction between two kinds of pruning (1) separating & (2) cutting back branches. Fruitful branches are cut back to promote growth. God must sometimes discipline us to strength our character & faith. But branches that don't bear fruit are cut off at the trunk, because not only are they worthless, they often infect the rest of the tree.
Prayer, joy, & soul-winning are also fruit.
Abiding in Christ means (1) believing he is God's Son (2) receiving Him as Saviour (3) doing what God says (4) continuing in faith (5) & relating to the community of believers. Christ's body Jesus says to only live a truly good life is to stay close to him, like a branch attached to the vine. Apart from him our efforts are unfruitful.
When a vine bears "much fruit," God is glorified, for daily He sent the sunshine & rain to make the crops grow, & constantly be nurtured each tiny plant & prepared to blossomed. What a moment of glory for the Lord of the harvest when the harvest is brought into the barns, safe & ready for use! This farming picture shows how God is glorified when people come into a right relationship with him & begin to "bear much fruit" in their lives.
Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. The joy of living with Jesus Christ daily keeps us levelheaded no matter how high or low our circumstances.
We are to love one another as Jesus loved us, & He loved us enough to give His life for us. Give all the love you can, & then try to give a little more.
Jesus made the first choice --- to love & to die for us; to offer us eternal life. We make the next choice --- to accept or reject His offer. Without His choice, we would have no choice.
Reference summary used from the Life Application Bible KJV, Tyndale Publishing House, Inc., Wheaton, IL
bear fruit,
John 15,
soul winning,
Sunday School Lesson,
the vine
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Sunday - All Creation Praises God - Psalm/Tehillim 148 - 1/29/17
The psalmist exhorted the celestial, the terrestrial, & the rational creatures praise God.
Psalm 148:1 ... (Hallelujah.) PRAISE ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.
Psalm 148:2 ... (Reference scriptures: Psalm 103:20,21) Bless the LORD, ye his angels, (mighty in strength:) that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
Psalm 148:3 ... Praise ye him, sun & moon: praise him, ye all stars of light.
Psalm 148:4 ... (Reference scriptures: II Corinthians 12:2 & Genesis 1:7) I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I can not tell: God knoweth;) such a one caught up to the third heaven.
Genesis 1:7 ... And God made the firmament (between the light & between the darkness.), & divided the waters which were under the firmament from the midst of the waters of the waters which were above the firmament: & it was so.
Psalm 148:5 ... (References scriptures Genesis 1:1,6,7 ...In the creation of heaven & earth, & of the firmament. Genesis 1:7 above.) IN the beginning God created the heaven & the earth.
And God said, Let there be a (between the light & between the darkness.)firmament in the midst of the waters, & let it divide the waters from the waters.
Psalm 148:6 ... (Reference scriptures 119:90,91) ... Thy faithfulness is (to generation & generation,) unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, & it (standeth) abideth.
They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all thy servants.
Psalm 148:7 ... (Reference scripture: Isaiah 43:20 ... God's promises to his chosen people to deliver his people.) The beast of the field shall honor me, the dragons & the (ostriches) (daughters of the owl) owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, & rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.
Psalm 148:8 ... (Reference scripture: Psalm 147:15-18 ... The psalmist exhorteth to praise God for his care of the church, his power, his goodness, his mercy;)
Psalm 148:9 ... (Reference scripture: Isaiah 44:23 ... An assurance to Israel of deliverance.)
Psalm 148:10 ... Beasts, & all cattle; creeping things, & (birds of wings) flying fowl:
Psalm 148:11 ... Kings of the earth, & all people; princes, & all judges of the earth:
Psalm 148:12 ... Both young men, & maidens; old men, & children:
Psalm 148:13 ... Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is (exalted) excellent: his glory is above the earth & heaven.
Psalm 148:14 ... (Reference scripture: Ephesians 2:17) And came & preached peace to you which were afar off, & to them that were nigh.
Reference scriptures used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville,TN
Psalm 148:1 ... (Hallelujah.) PRAISE ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.
Psalm 148:2 ... (Reference scriptures: Psalm 103:20,21) Bless the LORD, ye his angels, (mighty in strength:) that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
Psalm 148:3 ... Praise ye him, sun & moon: praise him, ye all stars of light.
Psalm 148:4 ... (Reference scriptures: II Corinthians 12:2 & Genesis 1:7) I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I can not tell: God knoweth;) such a one caught up to the third heaven.
Genesis 1:7 ... And God made the firmament (between the light & between the darkness.), & divided the waters which were under the firmament from the midst of the waters of the waters which were above the firmament: & it was so.
Psalm 148:5 ... (References scriptures Genesis 1:1,6,7 ...In the creation of heaven & earth, & of the firmament. Genesis 1:7 above.) IN the beginning God created the heaven & the earth.
And God said, Let there be a (between the light & between the darkness.)firmament in the midst of the waters, & let it divide the waters from the waters.
Psalm 148:6 ... (Reference scriptures 119:90,91) ... Thy faithfulness is (to generation & generation,) unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, & it (standeth) abideth.
They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all thy servants.
Psalm 148:7 ... (Reference scripture: Isaiah 43:20 ... God's promises to his chosen people to deliver his people.) The beast of the field shall honor me, the dragons & the (ostriches) (daughters of the owl) owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, & rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.
Psalm 148:8 ... (Reference scripture: Psalm 147:15-18 ... The psalmist exhorteth to praise God for his care of the church, his power, his goodness, his mercy;)
Psalm 148:9 ... (Reference scripture: Isaiah 44:23 ... An assurance to Israel of deliverance.)
Psalm 148:10 ... Beasts, & all cattle; creeping things, & (birds of wings) flying fowl:
Psalm 148:11 ... Kings of the earth, & all people; princes, & all judges of the earth:
Psalm 148:12 ... Both young men, & maidens; old men, & children:
Psalm 148:13 ... Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is (exalted) excellent: his glory is above the earth & heaven.
Psalm 148:14 ... (Reference scripture: Ephesians 2:17) And came & preached peace to you which were afar off, & to them that were nigh.
Reference scriptures used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville,TN
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Thursday - Salvation is for All People - Isaiah 49:1-7 - 1/5/17
The Messiah & the object of advent. God promiseth his protection & success.
Verse 1 ... LISTEN, ... O isles unto me; & hearken, ye people, from far'
Isaiah 41:1 ... (God calleth upon idolaters to consider his power to aid his people.) KEEP silence before me, O island; & let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.
Isaiah 49:1 ... The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.
Galatians 1:15 .. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, & called me by his grace.
Isaiah 49:2 ... And he hath made ... my mouth like a sharp sword;
Hebrews 4:12 ... (the power of God's word.) For the word of God is quick, & powerful, & sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul & spirit, & of the joints & marrow, & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.
Isaiah 49:2 ... in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, & made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;
Isaiah 51:16 ... And I have put my words in thy mouth, & I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, & lay the foundations of the earth, & say unto Zi'on, thou art my people.
Isaiah 49:3 ... And said unto me, ... Thou art my servant, O Is'ra-el, ...
Isaiah 42:1 ... (The servant of Jehovah.) BEHOLD my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gen'tiles.
Isaiah 49:3 ... in whom I will be glorified.
John 13:31 ... (The Son of man glorified.) Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, & God is glorified in him.
Isaiah 49:4 ... Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, & in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, & (my reward) my work with my God.
Ezekiel 3:19 ... Yet if thou warn the wicked, he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delievered thy soul.
Isaiah 49:5 ... And now, saith the LORD ... that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Ja'cob again to him (That Is'ra-el may be gathered to him, & I may)
Isaiah 49:5 ... be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, & my God shall be my strength.
Matthew 23:37 ... (Jesus' lamentation over Jerusalem.)
Isaiah 49:6 ... And he said, (Art thou lighten than that thou shouldest,) It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Ja'cob & to restore the preserved of Is'ra-el: I will also give thee for a ... light to the Gen'tiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Acts 13:47 ... (The Jews opposing & blaspheming, Paul & Barnabas turn to the Gentiles.) For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gen'tiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
Isaiah 49:7 ... Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Is'ra-el & his Holy One, (to him that is despised in soul) to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorrent, to a servant of rulers,Kings shall see & armies, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, & the Holy One of Is'ra-el, & he shall choose thee.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 1 ... LISTEN, ... O isles unto me; & hearken, ye people, from far'
Isaiah 41:1 ... (God calleth upon idolaters to consider his power to aid his people.) KEEP silence before me, O island; & let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.
Isaiah 49:1 ... The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.
Galatians 1:15 .. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, & called me by his grace.
Isaiah 49:2 ... And he hath made ... my mouth like a sharp sword;
Hebrews 4:12 ... (the power of God's word.) For the word of God is quick, & powerful, & sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul & spirit, & of the joints & marrow, & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.
Isaiah 49:2 ... in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, & made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;
Isaiah 51:16 ... And I have put my words in thy mouth, & I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, & lay the foundations of the earth, & say unto Zi'on, thou art my people.
Isaiah 49:3 ... And said unto me, ... Thou art my servant, O Is'ra-el, ...
Isaiah 42:1 ... (The servant of Jehovah.) BEHOLD my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gen'tiles.
Isaiah 49:3 ... in whom I will be glorified.
John 13:31 ... (The Son of man glorified.) Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, & God is glorified in him.
Isaiah 49:4 ... Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, & in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, & (my reward) my work with my God.
Ezekiel 3:19 ... Yet if thou warn the wicked, he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delievered thy soul.
Isaiah 49:5 ... And now, saith the LORD ... that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Ja'cob again to him (That Is'ra-el may be gathered to him, & I may)
Isaiah 49:5 ... be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, & my God shall be my strength.
Matthew 23:37 ... (Jesus' lamentation over Jerusalem.)
Isaiah 49:6 ... And he said, (Art thou lighten than that thou shouldest,) It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Ja'cob & to restore the preserved of Is'ra-el: I will also give thee for a ... light to the Gen'tiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Acts 13:47 ... (The Jews opposing & blaspheming, Paul & Barnabas turn to the Gentiles.) For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gen'tiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
Isaiah 49:7 ... Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Is'ra-el & his Holy One, (to him that is despised in soul) to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorrent, to a servant of rulers,Kings shall see & armies, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, & the Holy One of Is'ra-el, & he shall choose thee.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Sunday - The Affirmation (truth) of the Promise - Luke 1:39-56 - 12/11/16
Mary visited Elisabeth. The song of Elisabeth & Mary.
Verse 39 ... And Ma'ry arose in those days, & went into the hill country with haste, ... into a city of Ju'da;
Joshua 21:9-11 ... And they gave out of the tribe of the children of Ju'dea, & out of the tribe of the children of Sim'e-on, these cities which are here (called)mentioned by name.
Which the children of A'aron, being of the families of the Ko-hath-ites, who were of the children of Le'vi, had: for theirs was the first lot.
And they gave them (Kirjath-arba) the city of Arba the father of A'nak, which city is He'bron, in the hill country of Ju'dea, with the suburbs thereof round about it.
Luke 1:40 ... And entered into the house of Zach-a-ro'as, & saluted E-lis'a-beth.
Luke 1:41 ...And it came to pass, that, when E-lis'a-beth heard the salutation of Ma'ry, the babe leaped in her womb; & E-lis'a-bethwas filled with the Holy Ghost:
Luke 1:42 ... And she spake out with a loud voice, & said, ... Blessed art thou among women, & blessed; is the fruit of the womb.
Luke 1:28 ... And the angel came in unto her, & said, Hail, thou that art (graciously accepted, or, much graced) highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
Luke 1:43 ... And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Luke 1:44 ... For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
Luke 1:45 ... And blessed is she (which believed that there) believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Luke 1:46 ... And Ma'ry said, ... My soul doth magnify the Lord,
I Samuel 2:1 ... (Hannah's song of thanksgiving) AND Han'nah prayed, & said, My heart rejoiced in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD; my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoiced in thy salvation.
Luke 1:47 ... And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Ssaviour.
Luke 1:48 ... For ... he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold, from henceforth ...
I Samuel 1:11 ... (Hannah prayeth for a child & maketh a vow) And she vowed a vow, & said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, & remember me, & not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid (seed of men) a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, & there shall no razor come upon his head.
Luke 1:48 ... all generations shall call me blessed.
Malachi 3:8 ... And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.
Luke 1:49 ... For he that is mighty ... hath done to me great things; & ...
Psalm 71:19 ... Thy righteousness also, O God is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!
Luke 1:49 ... holy is his name.
Psalm 111:9 ... (The psalmist exhorted men to praise God for his wonderful works.) He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy & reverend is his name.
Luke 1:50 ... And ... his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
Genesis 17:7 ... (Issac is promised) Then A'bra-ham fell upon his ace, & laughed, & said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? & shall Sa'rah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Luke 1:51 ... He hath shewed strength with his arm;
Psalm 98:1 (An exhortation to praise God for his salvation. A Psalm.) O SING unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, & his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.
Luke 1:51 ... he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
Psalm 33:10 ... (An exhortation to praise God for his power,) The LORD (maketh frustrate)bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.
Luke 1:52 ... He hath put down the mighty from their seats, & exalted them of low degree.
Psalm 113:6 ... (An exhortation to praise God for his excellency & his mercy.) Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, & in the earth!
Luke 1:53 ... He hath filled the hungry with good things; k the LORD shall& the rich he hath sent empty away.
Psalm 34:10 ... The young lions do lack, & suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.
Luke 1:54 ... He hath holpen his servant Is'ra-el, ... in remembrance of his mercy;
Psalm 98:3 ... (An exhortation to praise God for his salvation. A Psalm.) He hath rembered his mercy & his truth toward the house of Is'ra-el: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Luke 1:55 ... As he spoke to our fathers, to A'bra-ham, & to his seed for ever.
Genesis 17:19 ... (Issac is promised.) And God said, Sa'rah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; & thou shalt call his name I'ssac: & I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, & with his seed after him.
Luke 1:56 ... And Ma'ry abode with her about three months, & returned to her own house.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 39 ... And Ma'ry arose in those days, & went into the hill country with haste, ... into a city of Ju'da;
Joshua 21:9-11 ... And they gave out of the tribe of the children of Ju'dea, & out of the tribe of the children of Sim'e-on, these cities which are here (called)mentioned by name.
Which the children of A'aron, being of the families of the Ko-hath-ites, who were of the children of Le'vi, had: for theirs was the first lot.
And they gave them (Kirjath-arba) the city of Arba the father of A'nak, which city is He'bron, in the hill country of Ju'dea, with the suburbs thereof round about it.
Luke 1:40 ... And entered into the house of Zach-a-ro'as, & saluted E-lis'a-beth.
Luke 1:41 ...And it came to pass, that, when E-lis'a-beth heard the salutation of Ma'ry, the babe leaped in her womb; & E-lis'a-bethwas filled with the Holy Ghost:
Luke 1:42 ... And she spake out with a loud voice, & said, ... Blessed art thou among women, & blessed; is the fruit of the womb.
Luke 1:28 ... And the angel came in unto her, & said, Hail, thou that art (graciously accepted, or, much graced) highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
Luke 1:43 ... And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Luke 1:44 ... For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
Luke 1:45 ... And blessed is she (which believed that there) believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Luke 1:46 ... And Ma'ry said, ... My soul doth magnify the Lord,
I Samuel 2:1 ... (Hannah's song of thanksgiving) AND Han'nah prayed, & said, My heart rejoiced in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD; my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoiced in thy salvation.
Luke 1:47 ... And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Ssaviour.
Luke 1:48 ... For ... he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold, from henceforth ...
I Samuel 1:11 ... (Hannah prayeth for a child & maketh a vow) And she vowed a vow, & said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, & remember me, & not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid (seed of men) a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, & there shall no razor come upon his head.
Luke 1:48 ... all generations shall call me blessed.
Malachi 3:8 ... And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.
Luke 1:49 ... For he that is mighty ... hath done to me great things; & ...
Psalm 71:19 ... Thy righteousness also, O God is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!
Luke 1:49 ... holy is his name.
Psalm 111:9 ... (The psalmist exhorted men to praise God for his wonderful works.) He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy & reverend is his name.
Luke 1:50 ... And ... his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
Genesis 17:7 ... (Issac is promised) Then A'bra-ham fell upon his ace, & laughed, & said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? & shall Sa'rah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Luke 1:51 ... He hath shewed strength with his arm;
Psalm 98:1 (An exhortation to praise God for his salvation. A Psalm.) O SING unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, & his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.
Luke 1:51 ... he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
Psalm 33:10 ... (An exhortation to praise God for his power,) The LORD (maketh frustrate)bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.
Luke 1:52 ... He hath put down the mighty from their seats, & exalted them of low degree.
Psalm 113:6 ... (An exhortation to praise God for his excellency & his mercy.) Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, & in the earth!
Luke 1:53 ... He hath filled the hungry with good things; k the LORD shall& the rich he hath sent empty away.
Psalm 34:10 ... The young lions do lack, & suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.
Luke 1:54 ... He hath holpen his servant Is'ra-el, ... in remembrance of his mercy;
Psalm 98:3 ... (An exhortation to praise God for his salvation. A Psalm.) He hath rembered his mercy & his truth toward the house of Is'ra-el: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Luke 1:55 ... As he spoke to our fathers, to A'bra-ham, & to his seed for ever.
Genesis 17:19 ... (Issac is promised.) And God said, Sa'rah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; & thou shalt call his name I'ssac: & I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, & with his seed after him.
Luke 1:56 ... And Ma'ry abode with her about three months, & returned to her own house.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Monday, December 5, 2016
Monday - The New Ruler from Bethlehem - Micah 5:1-5 - 12/5/16
The birthplace of the Messiah. His Kingdom.
Verse 1 ... NOW gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops: he hath laid siege against us: they shall ... smite the judge of Is'ra-el with a rod upon the cheek.
Matthew 27:30 ... (Jesus is crowned with thorns) And they spit upon him, & took the reed, & smote him on the head.
Micah 5:2 ... But thou, ... Beth'le-hem Eph'ra-tah, though thou be little ...
Matthew 2:6 ... (Wise men from the east inquire after Christ) And thou Beth'le-hem, in the land of Ju'da, art not the least among the princes of Ju'dea: out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall (feed) rule my people Is'ra-el.
Micah 5:2 ... among the ...
I Samuel 23:23 ... See therefore, & take knowledge of all the lurking places where he hideth himself, & come ye again to me with the certainty, & I will go with you: & it shall come to pass, if he be in the land, that I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Ju'dah.
Micah 5:2 ... thousands of Ju'dah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ...
Exodus 18:25 ... (Jethro's counsel to Moses) And Mo'ses chose able men out of all Is'ra-el, & made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, & rulers of tens.
Micah 5:2 ... ruler in Is'ra-el;
Genesis 49:10 ... (Jacob foretelleth what will befall them in the last days, & blesseth them) The sceptre shall not depart from Ju'dah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shi'loh come; & unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Micah 5:2 ... whose goings forth have been from of old, ... from (the days of eternity) everlasting.
John 1:1 ... (The divinity, humanity, & office of Jesus Christ) IN the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, & the Word was God.
Micah 5:3 ... Therefore will he give them up, until the time that ... she which travaileth hath brought forth: ...
Micah 4:10 ... Be in pain, & labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, & thou shalt dwell in the field, & thou shalt dwell in the field, & thou shalt go even to Bab'y-lon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.
Micah 5:3 ... then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Is'ra-el.
Micah 4:7 ... And I will make her that halted a remnant, & her that was cast far off a strong nation: & the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zi'on from henceforth, even for ever.
Micah 5:4 ... And he shall stand & (rule) feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; & they shall abide: for now ...
Isaiah 40:11 ... He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, & carry them in his bosom, & shall gently lead those (that give suck) that are with young.
Micah 5:4 ... shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.
Luke 1:32 ... He shall be great, & shall be called the Son of the Highest; & the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father Da'vid:
Micah 5:5 ... And this man ... shall be the peace, when the As-syr'i-an shall come into our land: & when he shall come into our land: & when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, & eight (princes of men) principal men.
Psalm 72:7 ... (The psalmist, praying for the king, foretelleth his prosperous & glorious reign. A Psalm of Psalm 127 title for Solomon) In his days shall the righteous flourish; & abundance of peace (till there be no moon) so long as the moon endureth.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 1 ... NOW gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops: he hath laid siege against us: they shall ... smite the judge of Is'ra-el with a rod upon the cheek.
Matthew 27:30 ... (Jesus is crowned with thorns) And they spit upon him, & took the reed, & smote him on the head.
Micah 5:2 ... But thou, ... Beth'le-hem Eph'ra-tah, though thou be little ...
Matthew 2:6 ... (Wise men from the east inquire after Christ) And thou Beth'le-hem, in the land of Ju'da, art not the least among the princes of Ju'dea: out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall (feed) rule my people Is'ra-el.
Micah 5:2 ... among the ...
I Samuel 23:23 ... See therefore, & take knowledge of all the lurking places where he hideth himself, & come ye again to me with the certainty, & I will go with you: & it shall come to pass, if he be in the land, that I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Ju'dah.
Micah 5:2 ... thousands of Ju'dah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ...
Exodus 18:25 ... (Jethro's counsel to Moses) And Mo'ses chose able men out of all Is'ra-el, & made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, & rulers of tens.
Micah 5:2 ... ruler in Is'ra-el;
Genesis 49:10 ... (Jacob foretelleth what will befall them in the last days, & blesseth them) The sceptre shall not depart from Ju'dah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shi'loh come; & unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Micah 5:2 ... whose goings forth have been from of old, ... from (the days of eternity) everlasting.
John 1:1 ... (The divinity, humanity, & office of Jesus Christ) IN the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, & the Word was God.
Micah 5:3 ... Therefore will he give them up, until the time that ... she which travaileth hath brought forth: ...
Micah 4:10 ... Be in pain, & labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, & thou shalt dwell in the field, & thou shalt dwell in the field, & thou shalt go even to Bab'y-lon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.
Micah 5:3 ... then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Is'ra-el.
Micah 4:7 ... And I will make her that halted a remnant, & her that was cast far off a strong nation: & the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zi'on from henceforth, even for ever.
Micah 5:4 ... And he shall stand & (rule) feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; & they shall abide: for now ...
Isaiah 40:11 ... He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, & carry them in his bosom, & shall gently lead those (that give suck) that are with young.
Micah 5:4 ... shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.
Luke 1:32 ... He shall be great, & shall be called the Son of the Highest; & the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father Da'vid:
Micah 5:5 ... And this man ... shall be the peace, when the As-syr'i-an shall come into our land: & when he shall come into our land: & when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, & eight (princes of men) principal men.
Psalm 72:7 ... (The psalmist, praying for the king, foretelleth his prosperous & glorious reign. A Psalm of Psalm 127 title for Solomon) In his days shall the righteous flourish; & abundance of peace (till there be no moon) so long as the moon endureth.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Friday, December 2, 2016
Friday - Out of Nazareth - John 1:43-46 - 12/2/16
Verse 43 ... The day following Jesus would go forth into Gal'i-lee, & findeth Phil'ip, & said unto him, Follow me.
Verse 44 ... Now .. Phil'ip was of Beth-sa'i-da, the city of An'drew & Pe'ter.
John 12:21 ... The same came therefore to Phil'ip, which was of Beth-sa'i-da of Gal'i-lee, & desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. (Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus)
John 1:45 ... Phil'ip findeth ... Na-than'a-el, & saith unto him, We have found him, of whom ...
John 21:2 ... There were together Si'mon Peter & Thom'as called Did'y-mus, & Na-than'a-el, of Cana in Gal'i-lee, & the sons of Zeb'e-dee, & two other of his disciples.
John 1:45 ... Moses in the law, & the ...
Deuteronomy 18:18 ... I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, & will put my words in his mouth; & he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
John 1:45 ...prophets did write, ...
Isaiah 4:2 ... In that day shall the branch of the LORD be (beauty & glory) beautiful & glorious, & the fruit of the earth shall be excellent & comely (for the escaping of Israel) for them that are escaped of Is'ra-el.
John 1:45 ... Jesus ... of Naz'a-reth, the son of Jo'seph.
Luke 2:4 ... And Jo'seph also went up from Gal'i-lee, out of the city of Naz'a-reth, into Ju-de'a, unto the city of Da'vid, which is called Beth'le-hem (because he was of the house & lineage of Da'vid,)
John 1:46 ... And Na-than'a-el said unto him ... Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Phil'ip saith unto him, Come & see.
John 7:41,42,52 ... Others said, This is the Christ. But some said shall Christ come out of Gal'i-lee?
Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of Da'vid, & out of the Beth'le-hem, where Da'vid was.
They answered & said unto him, Art thou also of Gal'i-lee? Search, & look: for out of Gal'i-lee ariseth no prophet.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 44 ... Now .. Phil'ip was of Beth-sa'i-da, the city of An'drew & Pe'ter.
John 12:21 ... The same came therefore to Phil'ip, which was of Beth-sa'i-da of Gal'i-lee, & desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. (Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus)
John 1:45 ... Phil'ip findeth ... Na-than'a-el, & saith unto him, We have found him, of whom ...
John 21:2 ... There were together Si'mon Peter & Thom'as called Did'y-mus, & Na-than'a-el, of Cana in Gal'i-lee, & the sons of Zeb'e-dee, & two other of his disciples.
John 1:45 ... Moses in the law, & the ...
Deuteronomy 18:18 ... I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, & will put my words in his mouth; & he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
John 1:45 ...prophets did write, ...
Isaiah 4:2 ... In that day shall the branch of the LORD be (beauty & glory) beautiful & glorious, & the fruit of the earth shall be excellent & comely (for the escaping of Israel) for them that are escaped of Is'ra-el.
John 1:45 ... Jesus ... of Naz'a-reth, the son of Jo'seph.
Luke 2:4 ... And Jo'seph also went up from Gal'i-lee, out of the city of Naz'a-reth, into Ju-de'a, unto the city of Da'vid, which is called Beth'le-hem (because he was of the house & lineage of Da'vid,)
John 1:46 ... And Na-than'a-el said unto him ... Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Phil'ip saith unto him, Come & see.
John 7:41,42,52 ... Others said, This is the Christ. But some said shall Christ come out of Gal'i-lee?
Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of Da'vid, & out of the Beth'le-hem, where Da'vid was.
They answered & said unto him, Art thou also of Gal'i-lee? Search, & look: for out of Gal'i-lee ariseth no prophet.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Friday, November 18, 2016
Saturday - The Paralytic Walks Again - Matthew 9:2-8 - 11/19/16
Jesus healeth one sick of the palsy.
Verse 2 ... And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: ...
Mark 2:3 ... And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.
Matthew 9:2 ... & Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
Matthew 8:10 ... When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, & said to them that followed, verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Is'ra-el.
Matthew 9:3 ... And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
Matthew 9:4 ... And Jesus ... knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
Matthew 12:25 ... And Jesus know their thoughts, & said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; & every city or house or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Matthew 9:5 ... For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or say, Arise & walk?
Matthew 9:6 ... But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, & go unto thine house.
Matthew 9:7 ... And he arose, & departed to his house.
Matthew 9:8 ... But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled & glorified God, which had given such power unto men.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern So., Nashville, TN
Verse 2 ... And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: ...
Mark 2:3 ... And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.
Matthew 9:2 ... & Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
Matthew 8:10 ... When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, & said to them that followed, verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Is'ra-el.
Matthew 9:3 ... And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
Matthew 9:4 ... And Jesus ... knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
Matthew 12:25 ... And Jesus know their thoughts, & said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; & every city or house or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Matthew 9:5 ... For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or say, Arise & walk?
Matthew 9:6 ... But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, & go unto thine house.
Matthew 9:7 ... And he arose, & departed to his house.
Matthew 9:8 ... But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled & glorified God, which had given such power unto men.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern So., Nashville, TN
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Live What You Believe ... 2/16/2014 Sunday School Lesson
II Thessalonians 1 . I Timothy 6 . perdition . I Thessalonians 3 . Timotheus . Luke 7 . Capernaum . Pharisees . Simon . Colossains 2 . Laodicea . James 2 . Abraham . Issac . Rahab . God . your faith . charity . Churches of God . tribulations . Jesus/Yeshua . Lord Jesus . Heaven . flaming fire . punished . pray always . Lord Jesus Christ . godliness . content . destruction . love of money . righteousness - love - patience - meekness . fight good fight of faith . lay hold - Eternal Life . stand fast - in Lord . night & day praying . God - our Father . love . certain centurion's servant - sick - ready to die . elders of Jews . servant whole - had been sick . woman in city - sinner -alabaster box of ointment . certain creditors - debtors - forgave them both . her sins - are many - forgiven - for she loved much . any man beguile you - enticing words . steadfastness . walk in HIM . thanksgiving . faith - works . one God - devils believe & tremble . justified by works - received messengers . Sunday School Lesson . heal. Israel . faith - works
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 2:14-26 (Background Scripture: James 2:14-26; Devotional Reading: Luke 7:1-10) for 2/16/2014.
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
perdition ... utter destruction, eternal damnation
Timotheous (Timothy), accompanies the apostle Paul. Timothy had been left in Ephesus to check erroneous (containing errors) doctrine, while Paul went on to Macedonia to visit his loved Philippians
Capernaum (village of comfort), a city on the west shore of the sea of Galilee
Phariesees ... the word derived from the Hebrew word 'to separate,' & this title was given to the Pharisees, because of their superior strictness in adhering to the law. A class among the scribes - but not identical to scribes. Spirtually proud - without moral excellence.
Simon, reproved Pharisee
Laodicea, a city of Phrygia ( a district of Asia Minor/Turkey), near Colasse
Abraham (father of a multitude), his faith counted for righteousness - his faith in offering Issac
heal ... cure, to care for the sick, to treat, made whole, spiritual healing, to save, medical service, Divinely imparted gifts in he Churches in Apostolic times, reaching completion.
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Israel (God fights), Jacob so called
faith(Hebrews 11), trust without seeing - works (action)
Works by love (I Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 10:23)
faith without works is dead (James 2:17,20)
James 2:14-26 ... faith & works (Sins, Social,& Spiritual: James 2:1-5:6)
Verses 14-17
Verses 14,17 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 15,16 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Ministering to the Necessity of Saints
Verses 18-22
Verse 18 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verse 19 ... Angels, Evil Angels, Are Not Believers
Verse 20 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 21,22 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 21 (Genesis/Bershith 22:1,14)
(Matthew 8:29; Mark 5:7; Galatians 3:6-29 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 23-26
Verse 23 ... Man Redeemed; Justification; Faith the Instrumental Clause
Justification ... to justify. All that was necessary on God's part for our justification had been effected in the Death of Christ. He was raised from the dead. The propitation (atonement) being perfect & complete.
Verse 23 (Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; Isaiah 41:8; II Chronicles 20:7)
Verses 24,25 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 25 (Joshua 2:1,21)
Verse 26 ... Man Redeemed; Faith, Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
(Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; Joshua 2:1-21)
Monday - February 10, 2014 - The Work of Faith With Power - II Thessalonians 1:3-12
Prayer & Encouragement
Tuesday - February 11, 2014 - Faith Distracted by Loving Money - I Timothy 6:6-12
False teachers (I Timothy 6:3-10) ... The man of God (I Timothy 6:11-16) ... Regarding Relationships (I Timothy 5:1-6:21)
Wednesday - February 12, 2014 - Completeing What's Lacking in Faith - I Thessalonians 3:4-13
apostle Paul & The Thessalonian Church (I Thessalonians 2:17-3:13)
Thursday - February 13, 2014 - An Example of Great Faith - Luke 7:1-10
The centurion's servant ... The Return To Galilee (Luke 4:14-8:56)
Friday - February 14, 2014 - A Faith that Saves - Luke 7:36-50
The anointing of Jesus/Yeshua
Saturday - February 15, 2014 - Living Your Life in Christ - Colossians 2:1-7
apostle Paul's Ministry ... Christ's Person & Work (Colossians 1:3-2:7)
Sunday - February 16, 2014 - Faith Demonstrated through Works - James 2:14-26
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Editon Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 2:14-26 (Background Scripture: James 2:14-26; Devotional Reading: Luke 7:1-10) for 2/16/2014.
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
perdition ... utter destruction, eternal damnation
Timotheous (Timothy), accompanies the apostle Paul. Timothy had been left in Ephesus to check erroneous (containing errors) doctrine, while Paul went on to Macedonia to visit his loved Philippians
Capernaum (village of comfort), a city on the west shore of the sea of Galilee
Phariesees ... the word derived from the Hebrew word 'to separate,' & this title was given to the Pharisees, because of their superior strictness in adhering to the law. A class among the scribes - but not identical to scribes. Spirtually proud - without moral excellence.
Simon, reproved Pharisee
Laodicea, a city of Phrygia ( a district of Asia Minor/Turkey), near Colasse
Abraham (father of a multitude), his faith counted for righteousness - his faith in offering Issac
heal ... cure, to care for the sick, to treat, made whole, spiritual healing, to save, medical service, Divinely imparted gifts in he Churches in Apostolic times, reaching completion.
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Israel (God fights), Jacob so called
faith(Hebrews 11), trust without seeing - works (action)
Works by love (I Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 10:23)
faith without works is dead (James 2:17,20)
James 2:14-26 ... faith & works (Sins, Social,& Spiritual: James 2:1-5:6)
Verses 14-17
Verses 14,17 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 15,16 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Ministering to the Necessity of Saints
Verses 18-22
Verse 18 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verse 19 ... Angels, Evil Angels, Are Not Believers
Verse 20 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 21,22 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 21 (Genesis/Bershith 22:1,14)
(Matthew 8:29; Mark 5:7; Galatians 3:6-29 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 23-26
Verse 23 ... Man Redeemed; Justification; Faith the Instrumental Clause
Justification ... to justify. All that was necessary on God's part for our justification had been effected in the Death of Christ. He was raised from the dead. The propitation (atonement) being perfect & complete.
Verse 23 (Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; Isaiah 41:8; II Chronicles 20:7)
Verses 24,25 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 25 (Joshua 2:1,21)
Verse 26 ... Man Redeemed; Faith, Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
(Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; Joshua 2:1-21)
Monday - February 10, 2014 - The Work of Faith With Power - II Thessalonians 1:3-12
Prayer & Encouragement
Tuesday - February 11, 2014 - Faith Distracted by Loving Money - I Timothy 6:6-12
False teachers (I Timothy 6:3-10) ... The man of God (I Timothy 6:11-16) ... Regarding Relationships (I Timothy 5:1-6:21)
Wednesday - February 12, 2014 - Completeing What's Lacking in Faith - I Thessalonians 3:4-13
apostle Paul & The Thessalonian Church (I Thessalonians 2:17-3:13)
Thursday - February 13, 2014 - An Example of Great Faith - Luke 7:1-10
The centurion's servant ... The Return To Galilee (Luke 4:14-8:56)
Friday - February 14, 2014 - A Faith that Saves - Luke 7:36-50
The anointing of Jesus/Yeshua
Saturday - February 15, 2014 - Living Your Life in Christ - Colossians 2:1-7
apostle Paul's Ministry ... Christ's Person & Work (Colossians 1:3-2:7)
Sunday - February 16, 2014 - Faith Demonstrated through Works - James 2:14-26
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Editon Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary
alabaser box of ointment,
Asia Minor,
cure - heal,
flaming fire,
love of money,
Sunday School Lesson,
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Committed To Action ... 2/2/2014
Jeremiah 7.II Samuel 22 . Deuteronomy 5 . Deuteronomy 4 . Titus 1 . I John 3 . James 1 . Lord - God- Israel . Egypt . Burnt Offerings - Obey - Walk . Jeremiah 7:23 (Upright Are Blessed & Prospered) . Speak . religious vs genuine . Lamp/Candle . 2 Tablets of Stone . Baal-peor (Numbers 25) . Possess the Land . Status - Judgments . Wisdom - Understanding . Hear - Take Heed . Genuine Love . Deed - Truth . Pure Religion . Salvation. Doers - Word . Deuteronomy 4:7 (Love) . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 1:19-27 (Background Scripture: James 1:19-27; Devotional Scripture: I John 3:14-20)for 2/2/2014.
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 2:1-13 (Background Scripture: James 2:1-13; Devotional Reading: Romans 13:8-14) for 2-9-2014.
Baal-peor (lord of the opening), mountain in Moab.
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The Book of James 'Deeds Not Words' is the theme.
James is the author of the Epistle/letter of the James & half brother of Jesus Christ. He was the first overseer of the Church at Jerusalem. He had great influence & regarded of Apostolic rank.
This letter is addressed to Christian Jews - Jews outside of Palestine (Then)/Holy Land (Now), in Syria & Egypt. This letter is addressed to suffering & humble communities of Jewish Christian.
James 1:19-27
Verses 19-21 ... The anger of man & the righteousness of God. ... Religion In A Time Of Trial (James 1:2-27)
Verse 19 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 20 ... Fallen Man; Sins Against Our Neighbor; Anger, Described
Verse 21 ... Scripture; Advantages Of Scripture; Sanctifying & Saving
Verses 22-24 ... Doers & Hearers
Verse 22 ... Scripture; Duty To Know & Obey Scripture; The Law To Be Obeyed
Verses 23,24 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Furniture, Utensils, & Mechanic Arts; Mirrors
Verse 23 ... The careless man looks at his natural face in a mirror-glances at himself - & he goes away ... The earnest man looks closely into the divine mirror - & he 'lives in its company.' - He is
the man who will receive the blessing.
Verses 25-27
Verse 25 ... Doers & Hearers
Verses 26,27 ... True Religion
Verse 25 ... Man Redeemed; Blessedness Of The Righteousness New Life; Christian Liberty
Verse 25 ... Divine law; enriched by Christ which is perfect. Law of Liberty - which we obey - because we want to - in obeying we find true freedom.
Verse 26 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 26 ... The body which godliness - love of God is the informing soul.
Verse 27 ... The Family; Widows & Orphans; Their Claim to Protection
Verse 27 ... If we know God as Father we shall be concerned about HIS children
Monday - January 27, 2014 - A People Who Will Not Listen - Jeremiah 7:21-28
Fateful reliance on the Temple (Jeremiah 7:1-8:3) ... Prophecies Concerning God's Action At Home & Abroad(Jeremiah 1:1-45:5)
Tuesday - January 28, 2014 - A Lamp to Lighten My Darkness - II Samuel 22:26-31
David's Psalm of Thanksgiving (II Samuel 22:1-51)
Wednesday - January 29, 2014 - The Voice of the Living God - Deuteronomy 5:22-27
God & HIS People (Deuteronomy 5:1-11:32) ... Basic Stipulations of The Covenant (Deuteronomy 4:1-11:32)
Thursday - January 30, 2014 - Neither Add Nor Take Away Anything - Deuteronomy 4:1-10
Moses Appeals to Israel (Deuteronomy 4:1-43)
Friday - January 31, 2014 - Denying God by Actions - Titus 1:10-16
Their Call to check for false teaching (Titus 1:10-16) .... Elders (Titus 1:5-16)
Saturday - February 1, 2014 - Love in Truth & Action - I John 3:14-20
The Children of God (I John 3:1-24)
Sunday - February 2, 2014 - Hearers & Doers of the Word - James 1:19-27
Scripture used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, & Zodervan Bible Commentary
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 1:19-27 (Background Scripture: James 1:19-27; Devotional Scripture: I John 3:14-20)for 2/2/2014.
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 2:1-13 (Background Scripture: James 2:1-13; Devotional Reading: Romans 13:8-14) for 2-9-2014.
Baal-peor (lord of the opening), mountain in Moab.
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The Book of James 'Deeds Not Words' is the theme.
James is the author of the Epistle/letter of the James & half brother of Jesus Christ. He was the first overseer of the Church at Jerusalem. He had great influence & regarded of Apostolic rank.
This letter is addressed to Christian Jews - Jews outside of Palestine (Then)/Holy Land (Now), in Syria & Egypt. This letter is addressed to suffering & humble communities of Jewish Christian.
James 1:19-27
Verses 19-21 ... The anger of man & the righteousness of God. ... Religion In A Time Of Trial (James 1:2-27)
Verse 19 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 20 ... Fallen Man; Sins Against Our Neighbor; Anger, Described
Verse 21 ... Scripture; Advantages Of Scripture; Sanctifying & Saving
Verses 22-24 ... Doers & Hearers
Verse 22 ... Scripture; Duty To Know & Obey Scripture; The Law To Be Obeyed
Verses 23,24 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Furniture, Utensils, & Mechanic Arts; Mirrors
Verse 23 ... The careless man looks at his natural face in a mirror-glances at himself - & he goes away ... The earnest man looks closely into the divine mirror - & he 'lives in its company.' - He is
the man who will receive the blessing.
Verses 25-27
Verse 25 ... Doers & Hearers
Verses 26,27 ... True Religion
Verse 25 ... Man Redeemed; Blessedness Of The Righteousness New Life; Christian Liberty
Verse 25 ... Divine law; enriched by Christ which is perfect. Law of Liberty - which we obey - because we want to - in obeying we find true freedom.
Verse 26 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 26 ... The body which godliness - love of God is the informing soul.
Verse 27 ... The Family; Widows & Orphans; Their Claim to Protection
Verse 27 ... If we know God as Father we shall be concerned about HIS children
Monday - January 27, 2014 - A People Who Will Not Listen - Jeremiah 7:21-28
Fateful reliance on the Temple (Jeremiah 7:1-8:3) ... Prophecies Concerning God's Action At Home & Abroad(Jeremiah 1:1-45:5)
Tuesday - January 28, 2014 - A Lamp to Lighten My Darkness - II Samuel 22:26-31
David's Psalm of Thanksgiving (II Samuel 22:1-51)
Wednesday - January 29, 2014 - The Voice of the Living God - Deuteronomy 5:22-27
God & HIS People (Deuteronomy 5:1-11:32) ... Basic Stipulations of The Covenant (Deuteronomy 4:1-11:32)
Thursday - January 30, 2014 - Neither Add Nor Take Away Anything - Deuteronomy 4:1-10
Moses Appeals to Israel (Deuteronomy 4:1-43)
Friday - January 31, 2014 - Denying God by Actions - Titus 1:10-16
Their Call to check for false teaching (Titus 1:10-16) .... Elders (Titus 1:5-16)
Saturday - February 1, 2014 - Love in Truth & Action - I John 3:14-20
The Children of God (I John 3:1-24)
Sunday - February 2, 2014 - Hearers & Doers of the Word - James 1:19-27
Scripture used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, & Zodervan Bible Commentary
Burnt Offerings,
Churh of Jerusalem,
Epistle of James,
I John 3,
Pure Religion,
Sunday School Lesson,
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Welcoming All People ... 1/19/2014 Sunday School Lesson
Isaiah 14 . North . Stars of God . Kings of the Nations . Submit yourself . Promises . Humble yourselves . James 4 . Elders . Christ . Feed flock of God . Chief Shepherd . I Peter 5 . Praise . Lord . Sing Praises . Jerusalem . outcasts of Israel . Psalm/Tehillim 147 . Praise(Hallelujah) . Jew first - Gentile/Greek . Romans 2 . Parable . man - wedding - highest room - lowest room . sit down - lowest room . Come - Great Supper . Kingdom of God . hospitality . highways - hedges - compel them - Luke 14
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from: Luke 14:7-18a, 22-24 (Background Scripture: Luke 14:7-24; Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 147:1-11) for 1/19/2014.
1/6/2002 ... Good News For All Nations ... Isaiah 60:1-3; 6:1-6 ... (Isaiah 61:1-11) .. The year of the Lord's favour (Isaiah 60:1-22) Jerusalem's future Glory
3/15/1987 Evangelist Billy Graham preached on TV from Luke 14:17 'Come' ... for I watched him on this date & wrote it in my Bible.
The Sunday School Lesson for 1/26/2014 is shared from Luke 16:19-31 (Background Scripture: Luke 16; Devotional Reading: Luke 19:1-10).
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Chief Shepherd - Jesus/Yeshua
Parable ... an earthly story with a Heavenly meaning.
Hospitality ... pleasant or sustaining environment, cordial welcome
Luke 14:7-24 ... teacheth humility: to feast the poor: under the parable of the great supper, sheweth how worldly minded men, who contemn the Word of God, shall be shut out of Heaven.
Luke 14:7-14 ... Places at table
The parable of the great supper ... Luke 14:15-24 ... The Later Judaean Ministry (Luke 9:51-19:27)
10/7/2001 ... Purpose of Parables (Matthew 13:1-13, 34-35) understand & confusion. (10-12a & 12b-13) .... Matthew 13:1-52 ... Teaching: The Kingdom of Heaven
Acts 8:26 ... Angels, Offices of Good Angels, Ministering Spirits
Acts 8:29 ... Other Nations; The Conversion of the Gentiles; The Ethiopian Eunuch Baptized
Luke 14:7-11
Verses 7-10 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of the New Life; Humility, Required
Verse 11 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Humility, Rewarded
Luke 7:7 (Matthew 8:8) ... Luke 7:8 (Matthew 8:9) ... Luke 7:9 (Matthew 8:10) ... Luke 7:10 (Matthew 8:13)
(Luke 14:7-11, 12-14, 15-24 ... Reference Scriptures in the Sunday School Book )
Verses 12-18a
Verses 12-14 ... The Outward Man; The Sustenance Of the Body; Feasting, Directions
Verse 14 ... Eschatology/Last Things; The Resurrection Of The Body; Held to by Most Of The Jews
Verse 15 ... Eschatology/Last Things; Heaven; The Blessedness Of Heaven; But Eating Of The Tree Of Life
Verses 16-18 ... Other Nations; The Conversion Of The Gentiles; Christ's Parables Illustrating the Call of the Gentiles, The Great Supper
Verses 22-24 ... Other Nations; The Conversion Of The Gentiles; Christ's Parables Illustration the Call Of the Gentiles, The Great Supper
Luke 7:22 (Matthew 11:5) ... Luke 7:23 (Matthew 11:6) ... Luke 7:24 (Matthew 11:7)
(John 5:29; I Corinthians 15:23; Philippians 3:11; I Thessalonians 4:16; Hebrews 11:35; Revelation 20:5-6)
Monday - January 13, 2014 - The Danger of Self-Exalation - Isaiah 14:12-20
The oracle (a person/priest through whom God uses to speak) concerning Babylon (Isaiah 13:1-14) ... Oracles on Foreign Nations (Isaiah 13:1-27:13)
Tuesday - January 14, 2014 - Humble Yourself before the Lord - James 4:7-12
Exhortations to wholehearted devotion (James 4:7-10) ... Judging one another (James 4:11-12) ... Sins, Social & Spiritual (James 2:1-5:6)
Wednesday - January 15, 2014 - God Gives Grace to the Humble - I Peter 5:1-7
Exhortation to the Elders & their Younger Brethren (I Peter 5:1-5) ... An General Exhortation to Submission to God ( I Peter 5:6-11) ... Final Exhortations & Greetings (I Peter 5:1-14)
Thursday - January 16, 2014 - God Gathers the Outcasts - Psalm/Tehillim 147:1-11
HIS Power & HIS Love ... Psalm of Supplication: Relative to public worship; Psalm of Adoration: Of God's Power, majesty, & glory
Friday - January 17, 2014 - God Lifts the Poor & Needy - Psalm/Tehillim 113
Our God's Glory & Grace ... Psalm Of Adoration: Of God's goodness & mercy/Of God's power, majesty, & glory
Saturday - January 18, 2014 - God Shows No Partiality - Romans 2:1-11
Th failure of the world (Romans 1:18b-3:20) ... The Gospel For The World: 'The Righteous-By-Faith Shall Live' (Romans 1:18b-8:39)
Sunday - January 19, 2014 - Honor & Disgrace - Luke 14:7-18a,22-24
Reference Scriptures shared from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from: Luke 14:7-18a, 22-24 (Background Scripture: Luke 14:7-24; Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 147:1-11) for 1/19/2014.
1/6/2002 ... Good News For All Nations ... Isaiah 60:1-3; 6:1-6 ... (Isaiah 61:1-11) .. The year of the Lord's favour (Isaiah 60:1-22) Jerusalem's future Glory
3/15/1987 Evangelist Billy Graham preached on TV from Luke 14:17 'Come' ... for I watched him on this date & wrote it in my Bible.
The Sunday School Lesson for 1/26/2014 is shared from Luke 16:19-31 (Background Scripture: Luke 16; Devotional Reading: Luke 19:1-10).
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Chief Shepherd - Jesus/Yeshua
Parable ... an earthly story with a Heavenly meaning.
Hospitality ... pleasant or sustaining environment, cordial welcome
Luke 14:7-24 ... teacheth humility: to feast the poor: under the parable of the great supper, sheweth how worldly minded men, who contemn the Word of God, shall be shut out of Heaven.
Luke 14:7-14 ... Places at table
The parable of the great supper ... Luke 14:15-24 ... The Later Judaean Ministry (Luke 9:51-19:27)
10/7/2001 ... Purpose of Parables (Matthew 13:1-13, 34-35) understand & confusion. (10-12a & 12b-13) .... Matthew 13:1-52 ... Teaching: The Kingdom of Heaven
Acts 8:26 ... Angels, Offices of Good Angels, Ministering Spirits
Acts 8:29 ... Other Nations; The Conversion of the Gentiles; The Ethiopian Eunuch Baptized
Luke 14:7-11
Verses 7-10 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of the New Life; Humility, Required
Verse 11 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Humility, Rewarded
Luke 7:7 (Matthew 8:8) ... Luke 7:8 (Matthew 8:9) ... Luke 7:9 (Matthew 8:10) ... Luke 7:10 (Matthew 8:13)
(Luke 14:7-11, 12-14, 15-24 ... Reference Scriptures in the Sunday School Book )
Verses 12-18a
Verses 12-14 ... The Outward Man; The Sustenance Of the Body; Feasting, Directions
Verse 14 ... Eschatology/Last Things; The Resurrection Of The Body; Held to by Most Of The Jews
Verse 15 ... Eschatology/Last Things; Heaven; The Blessedness Of Heaven; But Eating Of The Tree Of Life
Verses 16-18 ... Other Nations; The Conversion Of The Gentiles; Christ's Parables Illustrating the Call of the Gentiles, The Great Supper
Verses 22-24 ... Other Nations; The Conversion Of The Gentiles; Christ's Parables Illustration the Call Of the Gentiles, The Great Supper
Luke 7:22 (Matthew 11:5) ... Luke 7:23 (Matthew 11:6) ... Luke 7:24 (Matthew 11:7)
(John 5:29; I Corinthians 15:23; Philippians 3:11; I Thessalonians 4:16; Hebrews 11:35; Revelation 20:5-6)
Monday - January 13, 2014 - The Danger of Self-Exalation - Isaiah 14:12-20
The oracle (a person/priest through whom God uses to speak) concerning Babylon (Isaiah 13:1-14) ... Oracles on Foreign Nations (Isaiah 13:1-27:13)
Tuesday - January 14, 2014 - Humble Yourself before the Lord - James 4:7-12
Exhortations to wholehearted devotion (James 4:7-10) ... Judging one another (James 4:11-12) ... Sins, Social & Spiritual (James 2:1-5:6)
Wednesday - January 15, 2014 - God Gives Grace to the Humble - I Peter 5:1-7
Exhortation to the Elders & their Younger Brethren (I Peter 5:1-5) ... An General Exhortation to Submission to God ( I Peter 5:6-11) ... Final Exhortations & Greetings (I Peter 5:1-14)
Thursday - January 16, 2014 - God Gathers the Outcasts - Psalm/Tehillim 147:1-11
HIS Power & HIS Love ... Psalm of Supplication: Relative to public worship; Psalm of Adoration: Of God's Power, majesty, & glory
Friday - January 17, 2014 - God Lifts the Poor & Needy - Psalm/Tehillim 113
Our God's Glory & Grace ... Psalm Of Adoration: Of God's goodness & mercy/Of God's power, majesty, & glory
Saturday - January 18, 2014 - God Shows No Partiality - Romans 2:1-11
Th failure of the world (Romans 1:18b-3:20) ... The Gospel For The World: 'The Righteous-By-Faith Shall Live' (Romans 1:18b-8:39)
Sunday - January 19, 2014 - Honor & Disgrace - Luke 14:7-18a,22-24
Reference Scriptures shared from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
2/23/2014 .. Sermon ' Show time' I Kings 18
Elijah - King Ahab - Mt. Carmel … My pastor preached this on 2/23/14 in the morning service from I Kings 18 … sharing my notes
Angela Watkins's insight:
I Kings 18:36-39 … It’s Show Time
Every now & then the Church have to take on the Spirit of Elijah.
King Ahab had a wife named Jezebel.
God is going to do HIS own thing in HIS own time.
Sometimes we end up in a place called ‘there.’ Sometimes God will place you in circumstances where you have to trust HIM.
Sometimes we have to be still.
After Elijah & the widow woman squared things up. God says its not going to rain - it’s not going to rain.
Mt. Carmel
The Lord is getting ready to have a ‘Show Down.; Be ready to do what HE has assigned us to do. We need to know that God will make sense out of non-sense to us. God will tell you to use what HE show you to use.
King Ahab was a hard headed against Israel.
Sometimes we lose things because we are hard headed.
If God is God serve HIM, if baal is baal serve him. You can’t have it both ways.
I Kings 18:23,24: Show Down at Mt. Carmel
Get on the Lord’s side - Victory was won on Calvary Hill.
Even if you haven’t accepted God - HE still loves you, but hate your sin.
I Kings 18:32-35
Israel was in the middle of a drought - the Church is in the middle of the drought.
Elijah prayed to the Lord - in his prayer he knew what the Lord was getting ready to do.
We got to line up with what God’s Word says.
God shows up right on time.
A show down right here between good & evil. ………….
Calvary Hill,
I Kings 18,
I Kings 18:36-39,
King Ahab,
Mt. Carmel,
Show Time,
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Jubilant! ... 12/8/13 Sunday School Lesson
Hannah . prayed . Lord . Horn . Promises . I Samuel . Samuel . Psalm/Tehillim . Abimelech . angel of the Lord . Praise . Redemption . Wisdom . God of Jacob . Zion . Luke 1 . Mary . magnified . God my Saviour . Israel . Abraham . John . Nazarite . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Luke 1:46-56 (Devotional Reading: Psalm 111; Background Scripture: Luke 1:46-56).
Hannah (grace), her vow & prayer (I Samuel 1:19); song of (I Samuel 2).
Horn ... used metaphorically to signify strength & honor, as a type of victory.
Promises: I Samuel 2:2b (Victory Over Enemies & Trouble); I Samuel 2:6; Psalm/Tehillim 146:8; 146:9 (Health & Healing); I Samuel 2:9; Psalm/Tehillim 103:13 (The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children . The Upright are Blessed & Prospered); Psalm 34:7 (The Upright are Blessed & Prospered); Psalm/Tehillim 34:8; 111:5; 146:7 (Food Provided for the Lord's Children) .. Healing comes in various ways - Prosperity does not always mean material items or money.
Abimelech or Achish (serpent?), King of Gath ... Gath (a wine-press), Goliath of (I Samuel 17:4).
Praise, God worthy of.
Wisdom, given by God. Fear of the Lord - Wisdom - Understanding.
Zion or Sion (dry place), southwestern hill of Jerusalem, surrounded on all sides except the north deep valleys
Nazarites, law of (Numbers 6)
Luke 1:46-56
Verses 46-48
Verses 46,47 ... Duties To God; Praise; Praise Due To God
Verse 47 (Habakkuk 3:18)
Verse 48 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Adoration of Saints; The Virgin Mary
(I Samuel 2:1-10; Exodus 15:20-21 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Christian Praise Music, Gospel Music, Spanish Christian Praise Music, and African American Praise Gospel Music
Christian Books on Hannah the mother of Samuel and Mary the mother of Jesus and Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist
Verses 49-52
Verse 49 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Adoration of Saints; The Virgin Mary
Verse 49 (Psalm 111:9)
Verse 50 ... Duties To God; Fear; Blessedness of Fearing God
Verse 51 ... Fallen Man; Sins of The Spirit, & Against Ourselves; Pride, Its Hatefulness
Verse 52 ... Works of God; God's Providence In Man's Temporal Affairs; Sends Changes of Fortune
(Leviticus 11:44-45; I Peter 1:15,16; Isaiah 57:15)
Verses 53-56 (Luke 1-2; Luke 1:68-79; I Samuel 2:1-10)
Verse 53 ... Works Of God; God's Providence In Man's Temporal Affairs; Sends Changes of Fortune
Verses 54-55 ... Jesus Christ; Prophecies Concerning Christ; Descent (Birth, Lineage; fact of originating from an ancestral stock; one generation in an ancestral line or genealogical scale; Decline - descent of the family to actual poverty) ... Jesus/Yeshua is Rich over all - but became lowly - humble.
Verse 56 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Visiting & Returning Home
(Romans 1:28)
Monday - December 2, 2013 - My Heart Exults in the Lord - I Samuel 2:1-10
Hannah's song in thankfulness to God.
Tuesday - December 3, 2013 - O Magnify the Lord with Me - Psalm 34:1-8
David praises God, & exhorts others thereto by his experience. They blessed who trust in God.
Wednesday - December 4, 2013 - Give Thanks to the Lord - Psalm 100
Exhortation to praise the Lord. Praise - sing - all ye lands (HIS Gates - HIS Courts = Temple)
Thursday - December 5, 2013 - Bless the Compassionate Lord - Psalm 103:13-22
Exhortation to bless God for HIS Mercy. ... Mercy of the Lord - unto Children;s Children - HIS Covenant - HIS Commandments
Friday - December 6, 2013 - Praise the Gracious & Merciful Lord - Psalm 111
The psalmist incites to praise God.
Saturday - December 7, 2013 - The Lord Reigns for ALL Generations - Psalm 146
God is only worthy to be trusted.
Sunday - December 8, 2013 - God Has Done Great Things - Luke 1:46-56
Luke 1:46,57-60 ... The Magnificat form of a beautiful lyrical poem uttered by a Jewish peasant girl whose cultural background was the O.T. writings. The main source where she draws her song is song of Hannah (I Samuel 2:1-10) ... Elisabeth's baby is born soon after Mary's departure. Elizabeth announces his name is to be John, the father receives again the power of speech, after giving signs of consents.
I Samuel 1:9-2:11 ... Hannah's prayer for a son answered.
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, KJV Special Arrangement N.T. Bible, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words, & Merriam's Webster Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Luke 1:46-56 (Devotional Reading: Psalm 111; Background Scripture: Luke 1:46-56).
Hannah (grace), her vow & prayer (I Samuel 1:19); song of (I Samuel 2).
Horn ... used metaphorically to signify strength & honor, as a type of victory.
Promises: I Samuel 2:2b (Victory Over Enemies & Trouble); I Samuel 2:6; Psalm/Tehillim 146:8; 146:9 (Health & Healing); I Samuel 2:9; Psalm/Tehillim 103:13 (The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children . The Upright are Blessed & Prospered); Psalm 34:7 (The Upright are Blessed & Prospered); Psalm/Tehillim 34:8; 111:5; 146:7 (Food Provided for the Lord's Children) .. Healing comes in various ways - Prosperity does not always mean material items or money.
Abimelech or Achish (serpent?), King of Gath ... Gath (a wine-press), Goliath of (I Samuel 17:4).
Praise, God worthy of.
Wisdom, given by God. Fear of the Lord - Wisdom - Understanding.
Zion or Sion (dry place), southwestern hill of Jerusalem, surrounded on all sides except the north deep valleys
Nazarites, law of (Numbers 6)
Luke 1:46-56
Verses 46-48
Verses 46,47 ... Duties To God; Praise; Praise Due To God
Verse 47 (Habakkuk 3:18)
Verse 48 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Adoration of Saints; The Virgin Mary
(I Samuel 2:1-10; Exodus 15:20-21 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Christian Praise Music, Gospel Music, Spanish Christian Praise Music, and African American Praise Gospel Music
Christian Books on Hannah the mother of Samuel and Mary the mother of Jesus and Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist
Verses 49-52
Verse 49 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Adoration of Saints; The Virgin Mary
Verse 49 (Psalm 111:9)
Verse 50 ... Duties To God; Fear; Blessedness of Fearing God
Verse 51 ... Fallen Man; Sins of The Spirit, & Against Ourselves; Pride, Its Hatefulness
Verse 52 ... Works of God; God's Providence In Man's Temporal Affairs; Sends Changes of Fortune
(Leviticus 11:44-45; I Peter 1:15,16; Isaiah 57:15)
Verses 53-56 (Luke 1-2; Luke 1:68-79; I Samuel 2:1-10)
Verse 53 ... Works Of God; God's Providence In Man's Temporal Affairs; Sends Changes of Fortune
Verses 54-55 ... Jesus Christ; Prophecies Concerning Christ; Descent (Birth, Lineage; fact of originating from an ancestral stock; one generation in an ancestral line or genealogical scale; Decline - descent of the family to actual poverty) ... Jesus/Yeshua is Rich over all - but became lowly - humble.
Verse 56 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Visiting & Returning Home
(Romans 1:28)
Monday - December 2, 2013 - My Heart Exults in the Lord - I Samuel 2:1-10
Hannah's song in thankfulness to God.
Tuesday - December 3, 2013 - O Magnify the Lord with Me - Psalm 34:1-8
David praises God, & exhorts others thereto by his experience. They blessed who trust in God.
Wednesday - December 4, 2013 - Give Thanks to the Lord - Psalm 100
Exhortation to praise the Lord. Praise - sing - all ye lands (HIS Gates - HIS Courts = Temple)
Thursday - December 5, 2013 - Bless the Compassionate Lord - Psalm 103:13-22
Exhortation to bless God for HIS Mercy. ... Mercy of the Lord - unto Children;s Children - HIS Covenant - HIS Commandments
Friday - December 6, 2013 - Praise the Gracious & Merciful Lord - Psalm 111
The psalmist incites to praise God.
Saturday - December 7, 2013 - The Lord Reigns for ALL Generations - Psalm 146
God is only worthy to be trusted.
Sunday - December 8, 2013 - God Has Done Great Things - Luke 1:46-56
Luke 1:46,57-60 ... The Magnificat form of a beautiful lyrical poem uttered by a Jewish peasant girl whose cultural background was the O.T. writings. The main source where she draws her song is song of Hannah (I Samuel 2:1-10) ... Elisabeth's baby is born soon after Mary's departure. Elizabeth announces his name is to be John, the father receives again the power of speech, after giving signs of consents.
I Samuel 1:9-2:11 ... Hannah's prayer for a son answered.
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, KJV Special Arrangement N.T. Bible, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words, & Merriam's Webster Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition
I Samuel,
Luke 1,
Sunday School Lesson,
Friday, November 22, 2013
Traveling Light ... 11/24/2013 Sunday School Lesson
2013 & 2003 Notes . Exodus 35-40 . Hebrews 9 . Moses . Lord . Obedience . the Ark . Mercy Seat . Congregation . Israel . Northward . Bread . Candlestick . Southward . Golden Altar . Cloud . Laver . Water . Fire . Holy Place . Wise/Wisdom . Bezaleel . Uri . Hur . Judah . tribe of Dan . Spirit of God . Aholiab . Ahisamach . Moses blessed them . Christ . high priest . perfect tabernacle . Christ's Blood . Eternal Spirit . Mediator . New Testament . Redemption . Eternal Inheritance . Offering . Miracles
Glory . Shekinah Glory . testimony (Word of God) . tent . Colors . tabernacle/Mishkan . Aaron/high priest . Holy Garments . Jewels/Stones
#12 Miracles: 12 Stones/12 foundations/12 tribes of Israel/Jesus seen of Cephas then of the 12 after HIS Resurrection/Women with the issue of blood for 12 years/Damsel woke from sleep at age of 12 (Revelation 21:14; Luke 22:30; I Corinthians 15:5; Mark 5:21-34; Mark 5:35-43)
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Exodus 40:16-30,34,38 (Devotional Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15; Background Scripture: Exodus 35-40).
Bezaleel (in the shadow of God)
Uri (enlightened)
Tribe of Dan (Numbers 1:38; 26:42), son of Jacob (Genesis/Bereshith 30:6), 1 of 12 sons of Jacob & ancestor of tribe of Dan.
Hur (noble), son of Caleb
Aholiab (tent of the father), inspired to construct the tabernacle.
Ahisamach (my brother helps)
Tabernacle/Mischan ... This was doubtless the dwelling or the headquarters of Moses, & the place where the public business of the nation was transacted. There was a Tabernacle in the camp of the Israelites previous to the erection of the one that is generally known by that name.
History of the Tabernalce, Photos of the Tabernacles
Exodus 40:16-30,34,38
Verses 16-21
Verse 16 ... Duties To God; Obeying God; Examples of Obedience
Verses 17-21 ... Sacred Places; The Tabernacle & The Ark; The Setting Up of the Tabernacle, The Tabernacle Set Up
(Exodus 12:2; Numbers 4:15; II Samuel 6:6-7 ... Reference Scriptures in the Sunday School Book)
Verses 22-30
Verses 22,30 ... Sacred Places; The Tabernacle & The Ark; The Setting Up of the Tabernacle, The Tabernacle Set Up
Verse 23 ... The Outward Man; The Sustenance Of The Body; Varities of Food, BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Bloodless Sacrifices; The Shewbread
Verses 24-30 ... Sacred Places; The Tabernacle & The Ark; The Setting Up of the Tabernacle, The Tabernacle Set Up
(Exodus 26:31-35; Leviticus 24:5-9; Exodus 25:31; Exodus 30:1-10; Exodus 30:34-38; Exodus 27:1)
Verses 34,38 ... Miracles; Miracles In The Upper Regions, & In The Atmosphere; The Pillars of Cloud & Fire
Miracles, KJV Bible, Jewish Study Bibles, Old Testament, New Testament, Exodus 1-40, Hebrews 8-10
Hebrews 9:11-15 ... Christ's Priesthood the fulfillment of Jewish expectations (Hebrews 8:1-10:18)
Monday - November 18, 2013 - Offering Our Possessions - Exodus 35:4-9
Exodus 35 ... The Sabbath. The free gifts for the Tabernacle. The readiness of the people to offer. Bezaleel & Aholiab called to the work.
Tuesday - November 19, 2013 - Offering Our Skills - Exodus 35:10-19
Wednesday - November 20, 2013 - Stirred Hearts & Willing Spirits - Exodus 35:20-29
Thursday - November 21, 2013 - Skills for Every Kind of Work - Exodus 35:30-35
Friday - November 22, 2013 - An Overabundance of Offerings - Exodus 36:2-7
The offerings delivered to the workmen. The liberality of the people restrained.
Saturday - November 23, 2013 - Blessing the Faithful Workers - Exodus 39:32-43
All viewed & approved by Moses.
Sunday - November 24, 2013 -God Affirms the Completed Work - Exodus 40:16-30,24,38
Aaron & his son is to be sanctified. A cloud covereth the tabernacle (Exodus 40:12-38)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Superfine Edition New Devotional & Explanatory Family Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
Glory . Shekinah Glory . testimony (Word of God) . tent . Colors . tabernacle/Mishkan . Aaron/high priest . Holy Garments . Jewels/Stones
#12 Miracles: 12 Stones/12 foundations/12 tribes of Israel/Jesus seen of Cephas then of the 12 after HIS Resurrection/Women with the issue of blood for 12 years/Damsel woke from sleep at age of 12 (Revelation 21:14; Luke 22:30; I Corinthians 15:5; Mark 5:21-34; Mark 5:35-43)
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Exodus 40:16-30,34,38 (Devotional Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15; Background Scripture: Exodus 35-40).
Bezaleel (in the shadow of God)
Uri (enlightened)
Tribe of Dan (Numbers 1:38; 26:42), son of Jacob (Genesis/Bereshith 30:6), 1 of 12 sons of Jacob & ancestor of tribe of Dan.
Hur (noble), son of Caleb
Aholiab (tent of the father), inspired to construct the tabernacle.
Ahisamach (my brother helps)
Tabernacle/Mischan ... This was doubtless the dwelling or the headquarters of Moses, & the place where the public business of the nation was transacted. There was a Tabernacle in the camp of the Israelites previous to the erection of the one that is generally known by that name.
History of the Tabernalce, Photos of the Tabernacles
Exodus 40:16-30,34,38
Verses 16-21
Verse 16 ... Duties To God; Obeying God; Examples of Obedience
Verses 17-21 ... Sacred Places; The Tabernacle & The Ark; The Setting Up of the Tabernacle, The Tabernacle Set Up
(Exodus 12:2; Numbers 4:15; II Samuel 6:6-7 ... Reference Scriptures in the Sunday School Book)
Verses 22-30
Verses 22,30 ... Sacred Places; The Tabernacle & The Ark; The Setting Up of the Tabernacle, The Tabernacle Set Up
Verse 23 ... The Outward Man; The Sustenance Of The Body; Varities of Food, BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Bloodless Sacrifices; The Shewbread
Verses 24-30 ... Sacred Places; The Tabernacle & The Ark; The Setting Up of the Tabernacle, The Tabernacle Set Up
(Exodus 26:31-35; Leviticus 24:5-9; Exodus 25:31; Exodus 30:1-10; Exodus 30:34-38; Exodus 27:1)
Verses 34,38 ... Miracles; Miracles In The Upper Regions, & In The Atmosphere; The Pillars of Cloud & Fire
Miracles, KJV Bible, Jewish Study Bibles, Old Testament, New Testament, Exodus 1-40, Hebrews 8-10
Hebrews 9:11-15 ... Christ's Priesthood the fulfillment of Jewish expectations (Hebrews 8:1-10:18)
Monday - November 18, 2013 - Offering Our Possessions - Exodus 35:4-9
Exodus 35 ... The Sabbath. The free gifts for the Tabernacle. The readiness of the people to offer. Bezaleel & Aholiab called to the work.
Tuesday - November 19, 2013 - Offering Our Skills - Exodus 35:10-19
Wednesday - November 20, 2013 - Stirred Hearts & Willing Spirits - Exodus 35:20-29
Thursday - November 21, 2013 - Skills for Every Kind of Work - Exodus 35:30-35
Friday - November 22, 2013 - An Overabundance of Offerings - Exodus 36:2-7
The offerings delivered to the workmen. The liberality of the people restrained.
Saturday - November 23, 2013 - Blessing the Faithful Workers - Exodus 39:32-43
All viewed & approved by Moses.
Sunday - November 24, 2013 -God Affirms the Completed Work - Exodus 40:16-30,24,38
Aaron & his son is to be sanctified. A cloud covereth the tabernacle (Exodus 40:12-38)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Superfine Edition New Devotional & Explanatory Family Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
Friday, November 8, 2013
Remember & Celebrate ... 11/10/2013 Sunday School Lesson
Exodus 5-6;11-12 . John 1 . Promises . Plague . Jewels . favour . midnight . Firstborn . Abib . lamb (kid) . Blood . Roast . Lord's Passover . Memorial . Feast . Unleavened Bread . Holy Convocation .
Rameses . Succoth . Break No Bones . Circumcision . John the Baptist . Jesus - Yeshua . Lamb of God . Sins . Israel . Water . Spirit . Baptizing . Holy Ghost . Moses . Aaron . Lord - JEHOVAH . Abraham - Issac - Jacob . Covenant . Land of Canaan . Egyptians . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Exodus 12:1-14 (Devotional Reading: John 1:29-37; Background Scripture: Exodus 6:2-30;12) for November 10, 2013.
Abib (month of the ripening ears), the Hebrew month March-April.
Abib or Nisan ... Beginning of the Sacred Year. 14th - Preparation for Passover - paschal lamb eaten in the evening. 15th - Sabbath & Holy Convocation. Week of Unleavened Bread begins. 10th - The offering of Omer or First Sheaf (Leviticus 23:10-12). 21st - Holy Convocation.
Passover ... Covenant feast of Israel, Leviticus 23:6. Preparation for the Passover (John 10:14). Luke 2:41; I Samuel 1:24 National festival included women, boys & children. Entire animal
eaten - with out breaking a bone (Exodus 12:7-11). Observed under Moses; kept by Christ, A type of Christ's death.
Rameses ... The exodus from Egypt. Egypt - The Kingdom of the East.
Succoth (booths), a city east of the Jordan, in Egypt (Exodus 12:37; 13:20).
Jewels (Angela's thoughts) Jewels could represent those set in the high priest breast - piece. Exodus 28-30. 12 Tribes of Israel.
Promises: John 1:29 ... Whosoever Will May Be Saved ... Pardon for Sins & Iniquities .... John 1:33 ... Pardon for Sins & Iniquities ... Exodus 6:6 ... Victory Over Enemies & Troubles ... Exodus 11:7 ... Safety from Harm & Danger ... Exodus 12:13 ... Pardon from Sins & Iniquities ... Safety from Harm & Danger ... Exodus 12:23 ... Safety from Harm & Danger
Exodus 12:1-14
Verses 1,2
Verse 1 ... Scripture; Books & Authors; Speakers & Hearers (Genesis & Exodus)
Verse 2 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, It Marks the Beginning of the Year (The Hebrew Civil Year began with Tishri/October. At the Exodus the Ecclesiastical Year was made to begin with Abib (April), which after the captivity was called Nisan. ... Ecclesiastical, relating to a Church/For use in a Church.
(Exodus 7:7; Exodus 4:10-16; Exodus 7:10-12 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 3-10
Verses 3,5 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, Choice of the Paschal Lamb
Verse 6 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, To Be Killed on the 14th of the Month
Verse 7 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, The Blood on the Door Posts
Verses 8,9,10 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, Time & Place of Eating

Verses 11-14
Verse 11 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, Manner of Eating ... The Outward Man; Body Clothed; Portions of Dress, Shoes & Sandals
Verse 12 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Ruin of Idols; Divine Threats Against Heathen Gods
Verse 13 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, The Passover to be Perpetual (Continued forever)
Monday - November 4, 2013 - The Lamb of God - John 12:29-37
The testimony of John the Baptist. The divinity & incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday - November 5, 2013 - The Troubles Multiply - Exodus 5:19-23
The people have no straw. Israelites cry out upon Moses & Aaron. Moses complaineth to God.
Wednesday - November 6, 2013 - Broken Spirits & Closed Ears - Exodus 6:2-9
God reneweth HIS promise by HIS name JEHOVAH. The generations of Rueben, of Simeon, of the Levi. ... Exodus 6 (Moses & Aaron descended from Jacob through the line of Levi. Israel's stay in Egypt).
Thursday - November 7, 2013 - The Final Plague - Exodus 11
God's message to the Israelites to borrow jewels of their neighbors. The death of the firstborn of Egypt threatened, etc.
Friday - November 8, 2013 - The First Passover - Exodus 12:21-28
The beginning of the year changed. The Passover instituted. The rite of the Passover. Unleavened bread. The firstborn of Egypt come to an end. The Israelites are driven out of the land. Ordinance of the Passover. Exodus 12
Saturday - November 9, 2013 - The Lord Delivered Israel - Exodus 12:43-51
Delivered from Egypt; Journey To Sinai ... After Passover they ate Unleavened Bread to remember the hasty departure from Egypt.
Sunday - November 10, 2013 - The Promise to Passover - Exodus 12:1-14
God's protection & provision for HIS children. Bitter herbs reminder of trials - sufferings in Egypt. They are paid in jewels & clothes for the tears they were in slavery by the Egyptians, who wanted them to leave. Exodus 11-12:36
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition
Rameses . Succoth . Break No Bones . Circumcision . John the Baptist . Jesus - Yeshua . Lamb of God . Sins . Israel . Water . Spirit . Baptizing . Holy Ghost . Moses . Aaron . Lord - JEHOVAH . Abraham - Issac - Jacob . Covenant . Land of Canaan . Egyptians . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Exodus 12:1-14 (Devotional Reading: John 1:29-37; Background Scripture: Exodus 6:2-30;12) for November 10, 2013.
Abib (month of the ripening ears), the Hebrew month March-April.
Abib or Nisan ... Beginning of the Sacred Year. 14th - Preparation for Passover - paschal lamb eaten in the evening. 15th - Sabbath & Holy Convocation. Week of Unleavened Bread begins. 10th - The offering of Omer or First Sheaf (Leviticus 23:10-12). 21st - Holy Convocation.
Passover ... Covenant feast of Israel, Leviticus 23:6. Preparation for the Passover (John 10:14). Luke 2:41; I Samuel 1:24 National festival included women, boys & children. Entire animal
eaten - with out breaking a bone (Exodus 12:7-11). Observed under Moses; kept by Christ, A type of Christ's death.
Rameses ... The exodus from Egypt. Egypt - The Kingdom of the East.
Succoth (booths), a city east of the Jordan, in Egypt (Exodus 12:37; 13:20).
Jewels (Angela's thoughts) Jewels could represent those set in the high priest breast - piece. Exodus 28-30. 12 Tribes of Israel.
Promises: John 1:29 ... Whosoever Will May Be Saved ... Pardon for Sins & Iniquities .... John 1:33 ... Pardon for Sins & Iniquities ... Exodus 6:6 ... Victory Over Enemies & Troubles ... Exodus 11:7 ... Safety from Harm & Danger ... Exodus 12:13 ... Pardon from Sins & Iniquities ... Safety from Harm & Danger ... Exodus 12:23 ... Safety from Harm & Danger
Exodus 12:1-14
Verses 1,2
Verse 1 ... Scripture; Books & Authors; Speakers & Hearers (Genesis & Exodus)
Verse 2 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, It Marks the Beginning of the Year (The Hebrew Civil Year began with Tishri/October. At the Exodus the Ecclesiastical Year was made to begin with Abib (April), which after the captivity was called Nisan. ... Ecclesiastical, relating to a Church/For use in a Church.
(Exodus 7:7; Exodus 4:10-16; Exodus 7:10-12 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 3-10
Verses 3,5 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, Choice of the Paschal Lamb
Verse 6 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, To Be Killed on the 14th of the Month
Verse 7 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, The Blood on the Door Posts
Verses 8,9,10 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, Time & Place of Eating

Verses 11-14
Verse 11 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, Manner of Eating ... The Outward Man; Body Clothed; Portions of Dress, Shoes & Sandals
Verse 12 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Ruin of Idols; Divine Threats Against Heathen Gods
Verse 13 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Passover, The Passover to be Perpetual (Continued forever)
Monday - November 4, 2013 - The Lamb of God - John 12:29-37
The testimony of John the Baptist. The divinity & incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday - November 5, 2013 - The Troubles Multiply - Exodus 5:19-23
The people have no straw. Israelites cry out upon Moses & Aaron. Moses complaineth to God.
Wednesday - November 6, 2013 - Broken Spirits & Closed Ears - Exodus 6:2-9
God reneweth HIS promise by HIS name JEHOVAH. The generations of Rueben, of Simeon, of the Levi. ... Exodus 6 (Moses & Aaron descended from Jacob through the line of Levi. Israel's stay in Egypt).
Thursday - November 7, 2013 - The Final Plague - Exodus 11
God's message to the Israelites to borrow jewels of their neighbors. The death of the firstborn of Egypt threatened, etc.
Friday - November 8, 2013 - The First Passover - Exodus 12:21-28
The beginning of the year changed. The Passover instituted. The rite of the Passover. Unleavened bread. The firstborn of Egypt come to an end. The Israelites are driven out of the land. Ordinance of the Passover. Exodus 12
Saturday - November 9, 2013 - The Lord Delivered Israel - Exodus 12:43-51
Delivered from Egypt; Journey To Sinai ... After Passover they ate Unleavened Bread to remember the hasty departure from Egypt.
Sunday - November 10, 2013 - The Promise to Passover - Exodus 12:1-14
God's protection & provision for HIS children. Bitter herbs reminder of trials - sufferings in Egypt. They are paid in jewels & clothes for the tears they were in slavery by the Egyptians, who wanted them to leave. Exodus 11-12:36
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition
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