Angela Watkins Christian Writer, Reviewer, God's Avenue to Success, Virtual Creator. Matthew 6:33; 3 John 1:2; Deuteronomy 8:13, Open for Collaboration
Showing posts with label Worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worship. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Jehosphat's prayer, praise & worship
KJV Jehosphat overthrow his enemies. His prayer, worship and praise. They worshipped the LORD God of Israel. Believe - Have Faith. 2 Chronicles 20:18-21
Thursday, April 18, 2024
David prays to be delivered from his enemies
Jing David,
King David prays,
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
God Listens to Obedient Worship - John 9:24-38 - Daily Sunday School Bible Reading
By now the man who had been blind had heard the same questions over and over. He did not know he was healed, but he knew that his life had been miraculously changed, and he was not afraid to tell the truth. You don't need to know all the answers in order to share Christ with others. It is important to tell others how Jesus has changed your life. Then trust that God will use your words.
The man's new faith was severely tested. He was cursed and evicted from the Temple. Persecution may come when you follow Jesus. You may lose friends, you may even lose your life. But no one can ever take away the Eternal Life that Jesus give you.
The longer this man experienced his new life through Christ, the more confident he became in the one who had healed him. He gained not only physical sight but Spiritual sight as he recognized Jesus first as a Prophet than as his Lord. When you turn to Christ, you begin to see him differently. Peter tells us to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." If you want to know more about Jesus, keep walking with Him.
Again the Pharisees called the man who had been blind to come to them. Give glory to God by telling the truth! they said. "We know that the man who healed is a sinner.
He replied, "I don't know if he is a sinner or not. I do know one thing, I was blind, but now I can see!"
Then they asked him, "What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?"
He answered, "I have already told you. But you didn't listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become His disciples too?"
Then they began to attack him with their words. They said we are disciples of Moses!
We know that God spoke to Moses. But we don't even know where this follow come from.
The man answered, That is really surprising! You don't know where he come from, and yet He opened my eyes.
We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does what He wants them to do.
Nobody has ever heard of anyone opening the eyes of a person born blind.
If this man had not come from God, He could do nothing.
Then the Pharisees replied, "When you were born, you were already deep in sin. How dare you talk like that to us!" And they threw him out of the synagogue.
Jesus heard that the Pharisees had thrown the man out of the synagogue. When Jesus found him, he said, do you believe in the Son of Man?
Who is He, Sir? The man asked, tell me so I can believe in Him.
Jesus said, You have now seen Him. In fact, He is the one speaking with you.
The the man said, "Lord I believe." And he worshiped Him.
They called the man back a second time - the man who had been blind - and told him. Give credit to God. We know this man is an impostor.
He replied, "I know nothing about that one way or the other. But I know one thing for sure: I was blind ... I now see."
They said, "What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?"
"I've told you over and over and you haven't listened. Why do you want to hear it again? Are you so eager to become His disciples?"
With that they jumped all over him. "You might be a disciple of that man, but we're disciples of Moses. We know for sure that God spoke to Moses. But we have no idea where this man even come from."
The man replied, "This is amazing! You claim to know nothing about Him, but the fact is He opened my eyes! It's well known that God isn't at the beck and call of sinners, but listens carefully to anyone who lives in reverence and does His will. That some one opened the eyes of a man born blind has never been heard of - ever. If this man didn't come from God, he wouldn't be able to do anything."
They said, "You're nothing but dirt! How dare you take that tone with us!" Then they threw him out in the street.
Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and went and found him. He asked him, "do you believe in the Son of Man?"
The man said, point him out to me, Sir, so that I can believe in Him.
Jesus said, "You're looking right at Him. don't you recognize my voice?"
"Master, I believe," the man said, and worshiped Him.
Scripture reference used from The Message Bible, NIrV Bible and Life Application Bible
The man's new faith was severely tested. He was cursed and evicted from the Temple. Persecution may come when you follow Jesus. You may lose friends, you may even lose your life. But no one can ever take away the Eternal Life that Jesus give you.
The longer this man experienced his new life through Christ, the more confident he became in the one who had healed him. He gained not only physical sight but Spiritual sight as he recognized Jesus first as a Prophet than as his Lord. When you turn to Christ, you begin to see him differently. Peter tells us to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." If you want to know more about Jesus, keep walking with Him.
Again the Pharisees called the man who had been blind to come to them. Give glory to God by telling the truth! they said. "We know that the man who healed is a sinner.
He replied, "I don't know if he is a sinner or not. I do know one thing, I was blind, but now I can see!"
Then they asked him, "What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?"
He answered, "I have already told you. But you didn't listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become His disciples too?"
Then they began to attack him with their words. They said we are disciples of Moses!
We know that God spoke to Moses. But we don't even know where this follow come from.
The man answered, That is really surprising! You don't know where he come from, and yet He opened my eyes.
We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does what He wants them to do.
Nobody has ever heard of anyone opening the eyes of a person born blind.
If this man had not come from God, He could do nothing.
Then the Pharisees replied, "When you were born, you were already deep in sin. How dare you talk like that to us!" And they threw him out of the synagogue.
Jesus heard that the Pharisees had thrown the man out of the synagogue. When Jesus found him, he said, do you believe in the Son of Man?
Who is He, Sir? The man asked, tell me so I can believe in Him.
Jesus said, You have now seen Him. In fact, He is the one speaking with you.
The the man said, "Lord I believe." And he worshiped Him.
They called the man back a second time - the man who had been blind - and told him. Give credit to God. We know this man is an impostor.
He replied, "I know nothing about that one way or the other. But I know one thing for sure: I was blind ... I now see."
They said, "What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?"
"I've told you over and over and you haven't listened. Why do you want to hear it again? Are you so eager to become His disciples?"
With that they jumped all over him. "You might be a disciple of that man, but we're disciples of Moses. We know for sure that God spoke to Moses. But we have no idea where this man even come from."
The man replied, "This is amazing! You claim to know nothing about Him, but the fact is He opened my eyes! It's well known that God isn't at the beck and call of sinners, but listens carefully to anyone who lives in reverence and does His will. That some one opened the eyes of a man born blind has never been heard of - ever. If this man didn't come from God, he wouldn't be able to do anything."
They said, "You're nothing but dirt! How dare you take that tone with us!" Then they threw him out in the street.
Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and went and found him. He asked him, "do you believe in the Son of Man?"
The man said, point him out to me, Sir, so that I can believe in Him.
Jesus said, "You're looking right at Him. don't you recognize my voice?"
"Master, I believe," the man said, and worshiped Him.
Scripture reference used from The Message Bible, NIrV Bible and Life Application Bible
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Jesus, Mediator of a better Covenant - Hebrews 8:1-8
In essence, we have just such a high priest right along side of God, conducting worship in the one true sanctuary built by God. The assigned task of a high priest is to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and it's no different with the priesthood of Jesus.
If we were limited to earth, he wouldn't even be a Priest. We wouldn't need him since there are plenty of priests who offer the gifts designated in the law.
These priests provide only a hint of what goes on in the true sanctuary of heaven, which Moses caught a glimpse of as he was about to set up the tent-shrine. It was then that God said "be careful to do it exactly as you saw it on the mountain."
But Jesus priestly work far surpasses what these other priest do, since his working from a far better plan. If the first-plan the Old Covenant had worked out, a second wouldn't have been needed. But we know the first was found wanting, because God said.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible
If we were limited to earth, he wouldn't even be a Priest. We wouldn't need him since there are plenty of priests who offer the gifts designated in the law.
These priests provide only a hint of what goes on in the true sanctuary of heaven, which Moses caught a glimpse of as he was about to set up the tent-shrine. It was then that God said "be careful to do it exactly as you saw it on the mountain."
But Jesus priestly work far surpasses what these other priest do, since his working from a far better plan. If the first-plan the Old Covenant had worked out, a second wouldn't have been needed. But we know the first was found wanting, because God said.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
The Sabbath Commandment ... Exodus 20:8-11
The Sabbath was a day set aside for rest and worship. God commanded a Sabbath because we need to spend unhurried time in worship and rest each week. A God who is concerned enough to provide a day each week for us to rest is indeed wonderful. To observe a regular time of rest and worship in our hurried world demonstrates the importance of God in our lives while having the extra benefit of refreshing our spirits.
Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God. Don't do any work - not you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maid, nor your animals, not even the foreign guest visiting in your town. For in six days God made Heaven, Earth, and Sea, and everything in them; he rested on the seventh day. Therefore God blessed the Sabbath Day; he set apart as a holy day.
Reference used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God. Don't do any work - not you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maid, nor your animals, not even the foreign guest visiting in your town. For in six days God made Heaven, Earth, and Sea, and everything in them; he rested on the seventh day. Therefore God blessed the Sabbath Day; he set apart as a holy day.
Reference used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
devotional message,
Exodus 20,
holy day,
Sabbath DAy,
six days,
Friday, July 21, 2017
6 of 6 ... The Heart: The Key to Everything in the Christian Life - Book Review
This fourth soil of the heart is what every Christian should strive for in their walk with God for this is the fertile ground that bears fruit for our Lord.
The other three soils were not allowed to dominate the heart. The heart did not allow any of the five thorns to take root, spread and dominate its soil to the point where it choked and suffocated the Word of God. To get the fourth point where it chocked and suffocated the Word of God.
We must hear the Word of God, gladly receive it into our hearts, understand its message of truth, then hold fast to it in order to bring forth fruit reaping a harvest thirty, sixty, a hundred times of what has been sown.
We must also receive this word into our hearts to enter into this blessed fourth soil. The Greek word for "receive" means to accept deliberately, willingly, favorably and readily and to embrace with favor and delight.
We are God's tilled field according to 1 Corinthians 3:9.
Simply being a Christian does not guarantee that the soil of the heart is in this fourth category. We have a responsibility before God to guard the soil of our heart and, as James says, "get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness."
The Word of God must also be understood if we are to abide in this fourth category of soil. All spiritual growth comes by the way of understanding the Word of God. Without understanding the seed cannot grow and produce fruit.
The next requirement of this fourth soil of the heart is that we keep and hold fast the Word of God in an honest and good heart.
The soil of our hearts is most fertile when it is living love by helping, caring for, rescuing and comforting others.
Secondly, the Word of God must be kept in a heart that is a beautiful representation of Jesus Christ so people can see our good deeds and glorify our Heavenly Father.
The last requirement of the fourth soil of the fourth soil of the heart is that it brings forth fruit with patience. The Greek word for "patience" means steadfastness, perseverance, and to remain or abide under.
Look at the patience of the farmer. He does not plant his seed and then rushes to his window the next day expecting to see a full harvest.
God's desire is that we bear much fruit, and this is His faithful promise.
Our heart needs steadfast patience and endurance to finish the race God has called us to and fully accomplish the will of God in our lives. Without this patient and endurance our heart's soil will fall into the second or third category of soil in the parable of the sower and the seed.
No one exercised more patience when he lived upon the earth than Jesus Christ.
Only when we look to Jesus can we run the appointed race with patience, steadfast endurance and not grow weary, faint, or lose heart. How many lives have been wasted by a lack of patience!
When all of the requirements of the fourth soil are met, Jesus makes an astounding promise that we shall reap a harvest thirty, sixty to hundred times what was sown. This is a yield of three thousand, six thousand and ten thousand percent.
Is this the return that we are having in the church?
Sadly, very few Christians have ever reached this forth soil. The world with all its philosophies, mantras, formulas, and education can never manufacture, replicate or create the fruit of the spirit in the human heart.
Idols have more influence on the condition of the heart than any other thing in the world! Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis and the introduction of sin into the human race, the heart has become an idol factory countless idols to love, worship and obey.
Isaiah 24:5 states that the entire earth has been polluted by idolatry and a curse has devoured the world.
The Bible is the life manual and instruction book on the ways of God and its urgent warnings against idolatry should not be ignored.
All humanity has been seduced into the snare of idolatry. Idolatry is based upon deception.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned us "Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many enter therein" (Matthew 7:13).
Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
God never lies about about who He is and what He will do.
Perfect order, peace and joy are restored when the Almighty is exalted, praised and worshipped.
The Bible teaches that the heart is the battleground of idolatry.
The heart was never meant to be a place for idols. Idolatry turns the dwelling place of God into a pagan temple.
The heart becomes what it worship.
So what exactly is an idol? An idol is anything that is more valued, loved, sought after, desired and honored than God.
What are you most devoted to?
Your eyes guide your heart as all idolatry begins with the gaze of the eye.
How could Aaron, that stood by Moses and witnessed firsthand some of the most amazing manifestations of the power of God, be so easily persuaded to fashion a false god for the children of Israel?
You can never serve two masters.
It is too dangerous to leave even one piece of any idol in the temple of our hearts. We should never utter the name of any other god, but Yahweh.
Every idol has a spirit from the kingdom of darkness behind it that drives a person to love and worship it.
Baal was believed to be the giver of life, and entire nations were devoted to Baal because they believed he was the one who would sustain their farms, flocks, and families.
The first usage of the word "believe" in the entire Bible concerns the faith of Abraham in the name of Yahweh (Genesis 15:6).
Do you have a heart for God or an idol?
Too often we have honored God with our lips, but our heart is far from Him.
We will not be able to hold our ground as Christians and stand fast in the Lord, if we allow His mighty works, powerful words and glorious presence to fade from our conscious thinking.
The Spirit of God is always teaching, leading, comforting, encouraging, helping, enlightening, reminding and instructing our hearts so we live for Christ, and do not forget God or His precious words of life.
The old nature brings to the mind, the lusts of the flesh, and the seductive trappings of this world. The new nature exercises its influence to bring us to a place where God is supreme in all our thoughts, motives, and emotions.
Doesn't God deserve to be your first love?
Lord help me to never, ever forget you!
The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate and bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history, and classics. An attorney and author. President of Goodness of God's Ministries and lives in Indianapolis with his wife and son.
The other three soils were not allowed to dominate the heart. The heart did not allow any of the five thorns to take root, spread and dominate its soil to the point where it choked and suffocated the Word of God. To get the fourth point where it chocked and suffocated the Word of God.
We must hear the Word of God, gladly receive it into our hearts, understand its message of truth, then hold fast to it in order to bring forth fruit reaping a harvest thirty, sixty, a hundred times of what has been sown.
We must also receive this word into our hearts to enter into this blessed fourth soil. The Greek word for "receive" means to accept deliberately, willingly, favorably and readily and to embrace with favor and delight.
We are God's tilled field according to 1 Corinthians 3:9.
Simply being a Christian does not guarantee that the soil of the heart is in this fourth category. We have a responsibility before God to guard the soil of our heart and, as James says, "get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness."
The Word of God must also be understood if we are to abide in this fourth category of soil. All spiritual growth comes by the way of understanding the Word of God. Without understanding the seed cannot grow and produce fruit.
The next requirement of this fourth soil of the heart is that we keep and hold fast the Word of God in an honest and good heart.
The soil of our hearts is most fertile when it is living love by helping, caring for, rescuing and comforting others.
Secondly, the Word of God must be kept in a heart that is a beautiful representation of Jesus Christ so people can see our good deeds and glorify our Heavenly Father.
The last requirement of the fourth soil of the fourth soil of the heart is that it brings forth fruit with patience. The Greek word for "patience" means steadfastness, perseverance, and to remain or abide under.
Look at the patience of the farmer. He does not plant his seed and then rushes to his window the next day expecting to see a full harvest.
God's desire is that we bear much fruit, and this is His faithful promise.
Our heart needs steadfast patience and endurance to finish the race God has called us to and fully accomplish the will of God in our lives. Without this patient and endurance our heart's soil will fall into the second or third category of soil in the parable of the sower and the seed.
No one exercised more patience when he lived upon the earth than Jesus Christ.
Only when we look to Jesus can we run the appointed race with patience, steadfast endurance and not grow weary, faint, or lose heart. How many lives have been wasted by a lack of patience!
When all of the requirements of the fourth soil are met, Jesus makes an astounding promise that we shall reap a harvest thirty, sixty to hundred times what was sown. This is a yield of three thousand, six thousand and ten thousand percent.
Is this the return that we are having in the church?
Sadly, very few Christians have ever reached this forth soil. The world with all its philosophies, mantras, formulas, and education can never manufacture, replicate or create the fruit of the spirit in the human heart.
Idols have more influence on the condition of the heart than any other thing in the world! Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis and the introduction of sin into the human race, the heart has become an idol factory countless idols to love, worship and obey.
Isaiah 24:5 states that the entire earth has been polluted by idolatry and a curse has devoured the world.
The Bible is the life manual and instruction book on the ways of God and its urgent warnings against idolatry should not be ignored.
All humanity has been seduced into the snare of idolatry. Idolatry is based upon deception.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned us "Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many enter therein" (Matthew 7:13).
Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
God never lies about about who He is and what He will do.
Perfect order, peace and joy are restored when the Almighty is exalted, praised and worshipped.
The Bible teaches that the heart is the battleground of idolatry.
The heart was never meant to be a place for idols. Idolatry turns the dwelling place of God into a pagan temple.
The heart becomes what it worship.
So what exactly is an idol? An idol is anything that is more valued, loved, sought after, desired and honored than God.
What are you most devoted to?
Your eyes guide your heart as all idolatry begins with the gaze of the eye.
How could Aaron, that stood by Moses and witnessed firsthand some of the most amazing manifestations of the power of God, be so easily persuaded to fashion a false god for the children of Israel?
You can never serve two masters.
It is too dangerous to leave even one piece of any idol in the temple of our hearts. We should never utter the name of any other god, but Yahweh.
Every idol has a spirit from the kingdom of darkness behind it that drives a person to love and worship it.
Baal was believed to be the giver of life, and entire nations were devoted to Baal because they believed he was the one who would sustain their farms, flocks, and families.
The first usage of the word "believe" in the entire Bible concerns the faith of Abraham in the name of Yahweh (Genesis 15:6).
Do you have a heart for God or an idol?
Too often we have honored God with our lips, but our heart is far from Him.
We will not be able to hold our ground as Christians and stand fast in the Lord, if we allow His mighty works, powerful words and glorious presence to fade from our conscious thinking.
The Spirit of God is always teaching, leading, comforting, encouraging, helping, enlightening, reminding and instructing our hearts so we live for Christ, and do not forget God or His precious words of life.
The old nature brings to the mind, the lusts of the flesh, and the seductive trappings of this world. The new nature exercises its influence to bring us to a place where God is supreme in all our thoughts, motives, and emotions.
Doesn't God deserve to be your first love?
Lord help me to never, ever forget you!
The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate and bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history, and classics. An attorney and author. President of Goodness of God's Ministries and lives in Indianapolis with his wife and son.
Book Review,
Holy Spirit,
Sermon on the Mount,
Word of God,
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Wednesday - Power & Strength through Weakness - II Corinthians 12:7b-10 - 2/8/17
We don't know what Paul's "thorn in the flesh" was because he doesn't tell us. Whatever it was, it was a chronic & debilitaling physical problem, which at times kept him from working. This thorn was a hindrance to his ministry, & he prayed for its removal; but God refused. Paul was a very self-sufficient person, so this thorn was difficult for him. It kept Paul humble, reminded him of his need for constant contact with God, and benefited those around him as they saw God at work in his life.
Although God did not remove Paul's physical affliction, he promised to demonstrate his power in Paul. The fact that God's power shows up in weak people should give us courage. We must rely on God for our effectiveness rather than on simple energy, effort, or talent. Our weakness not only helps develop Christian character; it also deepens our worship, for in admitting our weakness, we affirm God's strength.
God does not intend for us to seek to be weak, passive, or ineffective - life provides enough hindrances & setbacks without us creating them. When they come, we must depend on God.
Paul was not merely revealing his feelings; he was defending his authoring as an apostle of Jesus Christ. He was hurt that the church in Corinth doubted & questioned him, & he defended himself for the cause of the Gospel, not to satisfy his ego.
Reference summary used from the Life Application KJV, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Although God did not remove Paul's physical affliction, he promised to demonstrate his power in Paul. The fact that God's power shows up in weak people should give us courage. We must rely on God for our effectiveness rather than on simple energy, effort, or talent. Our weakness not only helps develop Christian character; it also deepens our worship, for in admitting our weakness, we affirm God's strength.
God does not intend for us to seek to be weak, passive, or ineffective - life provides enough hindrances & setbacks without us creating them. When they come, we must depend on God.
Paul was not merely revealing his feelings; he was defending his authoring as an apostle of Jesus Christ. He was hurt that the church in Corinth doubted & questioned him, & he defended himself for the cause of the Gospel, not to satisfy his ego.
Reference summary used from the Life Application KJV, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Sunday - Praise God the Provider - Psalm/Tehillim 65:1-2, 9-13 - 1/15/17
Verses 1-2 ... The psalmist praiseth God for his grace.
(Isaiah 6 ... Isaiah's vision of the Lord in the temple. His confession & preparation for his work. His commission, & the predicted result of his labours.
Ezekiel 1 & 2 ... The date of Ezekiel's prophecy at Chebar. His vision of 4 living creators, of the 4 wheels, & the glory of God. Ezekiel's commission. His instructions. The roll of a book spread before him.
Revelation 4 ... John's vision of the throne of God in heaven, & of the four & twenty elders around it. The elders worship him that sitteth on the throne.
Psalm 65:9-13 ...
Genesis 1:28 ... And God blessed them, & God said unto them, Be fruitful, & multiply, & replenish the earth, & subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over every living thing that (creepeth) moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:15 ... And the Lord God took the (Adam) man, & put him into the garden of E'den to dress it & to keep it.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
(Isaiah 6 ... Isaiah's vision of the Lord in the temple. His confession & preparation for his work. His commission, & the predicted result of his labours.
Ezekiel 1 & 2 ... The date of Ezekiel's prophecy at Chebar. His vision of 4 living creators, of the 4 wheels, & the glory of God. Ezekiel's commission. His instructions. The roll of a book spread before him.
Revelation 4 ... John's vision of the throne of God in heaven, & of the four & twenty elders around it. The elders worship him that sitteth on the throne.
Psalm 65:9-13 ...
Genesis 1:28 ... And God blessed them, & God said unto them, Be fruitful, & multiply, & replenish the earth, & subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over every living thing that (creepeth) moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:15 ... And the Lord God took the (Adam) man, & put him into the garden of E'den to dress it & to keep it.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Thursday - Salvation is for All People - Isaiah 49:1-7 - 1/5/17
The Messiah & the object of advent. God promiseth his protection & success.
Verse 1 ... LISTEN, ... O isles unto me; & hearken, ye people, from far'
Isaiah 41:1 ... (God calleth upon idolaters to consider his power to aid his people.) KEEP silence before me, O island; & let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.
Isaiah 49:1 ... The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.
Galatians 1:15 .. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, & called me by his grace.
Isaiah 49:2 ... And he hath made ... my mouth like a sharp sword;
Hebrews 4:12 ... (the power of God's word.) For the word of God is quick, & powerful, & sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul & spirit, & of the joints & marrow, & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.
Isaiah 49:2 ... in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, & made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;
Isaiah 51:16 ... And I have put my words in thy mouth, & I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, & lay the foundations of the earth, & say unto Zi'on, thou art my people.
Isaiah 49:3 ... And said unto me, ... Thou art my servant, O Is'ra-el, ...
Isaiah 42:1 ... (The servant of Jehovah.) BEHOLD my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gen'tiles.
Isaiah 49:3 ... in whom I will be glorified.
John 13:31 ... (The Son of man glorified.) Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, & God is glorified in him.
Isaiah 49:4 ... Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, & in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, & (my reward) my work with my God.
Ezekiel 3:19 ... Yet if thou warn the wicked, he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delievered thy soul.
Isaiah 49:5 ... And now, saith the LORD ... that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Ja'cob again to him (That Is'ra-el may be gathered to him, & I may)
Isaiah 49:5 ... be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, & my God shall be my strength.
Matthew 23:37 ... (Jesus' lamentation over Jerusalem.)
Isaiah 49:6 ... And he said, (Art thou lighten than that thou shouldest,) It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Ja'cob & to restore the preserved of Is'ra-el: I will also give thee for a ... light to the Gen'tiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Acts 13:47 ... (The Jews opposing & blaspheming, Paul & Barnabas turn to the Gentiles.) For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gen'tiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
Isaiah 49:7 ... Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Is'ra-el & his Holy One, (to him that is despised in soul) to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorrent, to a servant of rulers,Kings shall see & armies, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, & the Holy One of Is'ra-el, & he shall choose thee.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 1 ... LISTEN, ... O isles unto me; & hearken, ye people, from far'
Isaiah 41:1 ... (God calleth upon idolaters to consider his power to aid his people.) KEEP silence before me, O island; & let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.
Isaiah 49:1 ... The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.
Galatians 1:15 .. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, & called me by his grace.
Isaiah 49:2 ... And he hath made ... my mouth like a sharp sword;
Hebrews 4:12 ... (the power of God's word.) For the word of God is quick, & powerful, & sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul & spirit, & of the joints & marrow, & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.
Isaiah 49:2 ... in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, & made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;
Isaiah 51:16 ... And I have put my words in thy mouth, & I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, & lay the foundations of the earth, & say unto Zi'on, thou art my people.
Isaiah 49:3 ... And said unto me, ... Thou art my servant, O Is'ra-el, ...
Isaiah 42:1 ... (The servant of Jehovah.) BEHOLD my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gen'tiles.
Isaiah 49:3 ... in whom I will be glorified.
John 13:31 ... (The Son of man glorified.) Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, & God is glorified in him.
Isaiah 49:4 ... Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, & in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, & (my reward) my work with my God.
Ezekiel 3:19 ... Yet if thou warn the wicked, he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delievered thy soul.
Isaiah 49:5 ... And now, saith the LORD ... that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Ja'cob again to him (That Is'ra-el may be gathered to him, & I may)
Isaiah 49:5 ... be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, & my God shall be my strength.
Matthew 23:37 ... (Jesus' lamentation over Jerusalem.)
Isaiah 49:6 ... And he said, (Art thou lighten than that thou shouldest,) It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Ja'cob & to restore the preserved of Is'ra-el: I will also give thee for a ... light to the Gen'tiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Acts 13:47 ... (The Jews opposing & blaspheming, Paul & Barnabas turn to the Gentiles.) For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gen'tiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
Isaiah 49:7 ... Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Is'ra-el & his Holy One, (to him that is despised in soul) to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorrent, to a servant of rulers,Kings shall see & armies, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, & the Holy One of Is'ra-el, & he shall choose thee.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Monday - Praise, Worship, & Trust - Psalm/Tehillim 146:1-4 - 12/26/16
The psalmist voweth perpetual praises to God. He exhorted not to trust in man.
Verse 1 ... (Hallelujah) PRAISE ye the LORD. ... Praise the LORD, O my soul.
Psalm 103:1 ... BLESS the LORD, O my soul: & all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Psalm 146:2 ... While I live I will praise the LORD: ... I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
Psalm 104:33 ... (The psalmist's purpose to praise him.) I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 146:3 ... Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, ... in whom there is no (salvation) hope.
Isaiah 2:22 ... Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?
Psalm 146:4 ... His breath goeth forth, he returned to his earth; in that very day ...
Psalm 104:20 ... (An exhortation to bless the Lord for his mighty power, & wonderful providence.) Thou makest darkness, & it is night: wherein (all the beasts thereof do trample on the forest.) all beasts of the forest do creep forth.
Psalm 146:4 ... his thoughts perish.
I Corinthians 2:6 ... (The wisdom of God is revealed in the gospel,) Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, that come to nought:
Scripture references used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 1 ... (Hallelujah) PRAISE ye the LORD. ... Praise the LORD, O my soul.
Psalm 103:1 ... BLESS the LORD, O my soul: & all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Psalm 146:2 ... While I live I will praise the LORD: ... I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
Psalm 104:33 ... (The psalmist's purpose to praise him.) I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 146:3 ... Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, ... in whom there is no (salvation) hope.
Isaiah 2:22 ... Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?
Psalm 146:4 ... His breath goeth forth, he returned to his earth; in that very day ...
Psalm 104:20 ... (An exhortation to bless the Lord for his mighty power, & wonderful providence.) Thou makest darkness, & it is night: wherein (all the beasts thereof do trample on the forest.) all beasts of the forest do creep forth.
Psalm 146:4 ... his thoughts perish.
I Corinthians 2:6 ... (The wisdom of God is revealed in the gospel,) Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, that come to nought:
Scripture references used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Wednesday - The Visit of the Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-12 - 12/7/16
Wise men from the east inquire after Christ. They worship him, & offer presents.
Verse 1 ... NOW when ... Jesus was born in Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a in the days of Her'od the king, there came wise men...
Luke 2:4,6,7, ... (The taxation. The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem) And Jo'seph also went up from Gal'i-lee, out of the city of Naz'a-reth, into Ju-de'a, unto the city of Da'vid, which is called Beth'le-hem ... (because he was of the house & lineage of Da'vid,)
And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, & wrapped him swaddling clothes, & laid him in a manager; because there were no room for them in the inn.
Matthew 2:1 ... from the east to Je-ru'sa-lem,
Genesis 10:30 ... And their dwelling was from Me'sha, as thou goest unto Se'phar, a mount of the east.
Matthew 2:2 ... Saying, ... Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen ...
Luke 2:11 ... (An angel announceth it to the shepherds) For unto you is born this day in the city of Da'vid a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Matthew 2:2 ... his star in the east, & are come to worship him.
Isaiah 60:3 ... (The Gentiles shall come to her light) And the Gen'tiles shall come to thy light, & kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Matthew 2:3 ... When Her'od the king had heard these things, he was troubled, & all Je-ru'sa-lem with him.
Matthew 2:4 ... And when he had gathered all ... the chief priests & ...
II Chronicles 36:14 ... Moreover all the chief of the priests, & the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; & polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Je-ru'sa-lem.
Matthew 2:4 ... scribes of the people together, ...
II Chronicles 34:13 ... (Josiah's provideth for the repair of the temple) Also they were over the bearers of burdens, & were overseers of all that wrought the work in any manner of service: & the Le'vites there were scribes, & officers, & porters.
Matthew 2:4 ... he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
Malachi 2:7 ... (The priests reproved for neglecting their covenant) For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, & they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.
Matthew 2:5 ... And they said unto him, In Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a: for thus it is written by the prophet,
Matthew 2:6 ... And thou Beth'le-hem, in the land of Ju'da, art not the least among the princes of Ju'da: for out of thee shall come a Governor, ...
John 7:42 ... Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of Da'vid, & out of the town of Beth'le-hem, where Da'vid was.
Matthew 2:6 ... that shall (feed) rule my people Is'ra-el.
Matthew 2:7 ... Then Her'od when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
Matthew 2:8 ... And he sent them to Beth'le-hem, & said, Go & search diligently for the young child; & when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come & worship him also.
Matthew 2:9 ... When they had heard the king, they departed; & lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came & stood over where the young child was.
Matthew 2:10 ... When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:11 ... And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Ma'ry his mother, & fell down, & worshipped him: & when they had opened their treasures, ... they (offered) presented unto him; gifts; gold, & frankincense, & myrrh.
Psalm 72:10 ... (The psalmist, praying for the king, foretelleth his prosperous & glorious reign. A Psalm (of) for Solomon) The kings of Tar'shish & of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of She'ba & Se'ba shall offer gifts.
Matthew 2:12 ... And being warned of God ... in a dream that they should not return to Her'od, they departed into their own country another way.
Matthew 1:20 ... (An angel removeth the doubts of Joseph) But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Jo'seph, thou son of Da'vid, fear not to take thee Ma'ry thy wife: for that which is (begotten) conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 1 ... NOW when ... Jesus was born in Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a in the days of Her'od the king, there came wise men...
Luke 2:4,6,7, ... (The taxation. The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem) And Jo'seph also went up from Gal'i-lee, out of the city of Naz'a-reth, into Ju-de'a, unto the city of Da'vid, which is called Beth'le-hem ... (because he was of the house & lineage of Da'vid,)
And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, & wrapped him swaddling clothes, & laid him in a manager; because there were no room for them in the inn.
Matthew 2:1 ... from the east to Je-ru'sa-lem,
Genesis 10:30 ... And their dwelling was from Me'sha, as thou goest unto Se'phar, a mount of the east.
Matthew 2:2 ... Saying, ... Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen ...
Luke 2:11 ... (An angel announceth it to the shepherds) For unto you is born this day in the city of Da'vid a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Matthew 2:2 ... his star in the east, & are come to worship him.
Isaiah 60:3 ... (The Gentiles shall come to her light) And the Gen'tiles shall come to thy light, & kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Matthew 2:3 ... When Her'od the king had heard these things, he was troubled, & all Je-ru'sa-lem with him.
Matthew 2:4 ... And when he had gathered all ... the chief priests & ...
II Chronicles 36:14 ... Moreover all the chief of the priests, & the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; & polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Je-ru'sa-lem.
Matthew 2:4 ... scribes of the people together, ...
II Chronicles 34:13 ... (Josiah's provideth for the repair of the temple) Also they were over the bearers of burdens, & were overseers of all that wrought the work in any manner of service: & the Le'vites there were scribes, & officers, & porters.
Matthew 2:4 ... he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
Malachi 2:7 ... (The priests reproved for neglecting their covenant) For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, & they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.
Matthew 2:5 ... And they said unto him, In Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a: for thus it is written by the prophet,
Matthew 2:6 ... And thou Beth'le-hem, in the land of Ju'da, art not the least among the princes of Ju'da: for out of thee shall come a Governor, ...
John 7:42 ... Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of Da'vid, & out of the town of Beth'le-hem, where Da'vid was.
Matthew 2:6 ... that shall (feed) rule my people Is'ra-el.
Matthew 2:7 ... Then Her'od when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
Matthew 2:8 ... And he sent them to Beth'le-hem, & said, Go & search diligently for the young child; & when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come & worship him also.
Matthew 2:9 ... When they had heard the king, they departed; & lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came & stood over where the young child was.
Matthew 2:10 ... When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:11 ... And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Ma'ry his mother, & fell down, & worshipped him: & when they had opened their treasures, ... they (offered) presented unto him; gifts; gold, & frankincense, & myrrh.
Psalm 72:10 ... (The psalmist, praying for the king, foretelleth his prosperous & glorious reign. A Psalm (of) for Solomon) The kings of Tar'shish & of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of She'ba & Se'ba shall offer gifts.
Matthew 2:12 ... And being warned of God ... in a dream that they should not return to Her'od, they departed into their own country another way.
Matthew 1:20 ... (An angel removeth the doubts of Joseph) But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Jo'seph, thou son of Da'vid, fear not to take thee Ma'ry thy wife: for that which is (begotten) conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Unfork Your Tongue ... 2/23/2014 Sunday School Lesson
Sheminith . Psalm/Tehillim 12 . Philistines . Shochoh . Judah . Azekah . Esphesdammin . Saul . men of Israel . Valley of Elah . Goliah of Gath . 6 cubits & span . 5,000 shekels of brass . II Chronicles 15 . Spirit of God . Azariah - son of Oded . Benjamin . great vexations . prophecy of Oded . Mt. Ephraim - renewed altar of Lord - porch of Lord . Ephraim & Manasseh - Simeon . Jerusalem - 3rd month - 15th year offered unto Lord - spoil . Covenant . Be ye strong . Nehemiah 1 . Nehemiah . Hachalial . Chisleu (December) - 20th year - Shushah the palace . Shushan (Esther 1:2; Daniel 8:27) . Wall of Jerusalem . sat down - wept- mourned - fasted - prayed - God of Heaven . day & night - confess - sinned . commandments - Moses . mercy - this man . this man - Persian king . kings cupbearer (Nehemiah 2:1) . Genesis/Bereshith 24 . well . master Abraham . well of water . vigin cometh draw water for camels - woman whom Lord hath out - master's son - Rebekah came - pitcher . daughter of Bethuuel, Nahor's son . Milcah . earring upon face - bracelet upon hands . bowed head - worshipped Lord . right hand or left. Laban & Bethuel . earth . Proverb/Mishle 18. fool. wisdom . talebearer . Lord . strong tower . righteous runneth - safe . James 3 . tongue - little - boasteth great things - fire kindleth . tongue - no man can tamed . same mouth - blessings & cursings . can fig tree bear olive berries - vine fig . no fountain both yield salt water & fresh . Sunday School Lesson . Psalm/Tehillim 12:5 (Victory Over Enemies & Trouble) . Nehemiah 1:5 (The Upright Are Blessed & Prospered) . Nehemiah 1:9 (Pardon for Inquities & Sins) . Proverbs/Mishle 18:10 (Safety from Harm & Danger)
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
The Sunday School Lesson for 3/2/2014 is shared from II Samuel 7:4-16 (Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 98; Background Scripture: II Samuel 7:1-17)
Sheminith ... 8th, & probably refers here to an instrument of strings
Esphesdammin ... coast of Dammim, called Pasdammim (I Chronicles 11:13)
Philistines (wanderers), people of Philistia. In the SW corner of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now)lived the Philistines, who are said to have come from Caphtor; & apparently descendants of Mizraim. (Mizraim: dual - plural name of Egypt) (Caphtor: knob, pomegrante, in Upper Egypt)
Shochoh (I Samuel 17:1)
Judah (praise), son of Jacob, pledges himself for Benjamin, tribe of blessed by Moses, Jews derived from Judah, Israelites first called Judah
Azekah (plowed), a town of Judah
Saul ... troubled by an evil spirit, favors David & seeks to destroy him
Goliath (shining?)
Gath(a wine-press), David flees to, taken by David
6 cubits & span ... about 11 ft & 1/2
Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, God
Azariah (Jehovah helps) ten others
Oded (strengthening), prophet
Benjamin (son of the right hand), youngest son of Jacob, tribe of apostle Paul
Mt. Ephraim, a mountain; (wood of - one of the oak woods to the SW)
Ephraim & Manasseh blessed by Jacob
Simeon (hearing), son of Jacob
Covenant ... promise, unchangeable, everlasting
Nehemiah (Jehovah comforts), his grief & prayer for Jerusalem
Hachalial (Jehovah saddens)
Chisleu/Kislev (November - December), 9th month
Shushah ... capital of Persia
Commandments ... law, 10 delivered, fulfilled by Christ, end of the commandment is charity - love
Moses (saved from water), an Egyptian name, meets God in Mount Sinai, delivers law to people
Abraham (Abram), sends for a wife for Issac his son, father of a multitude, called by God (children of: Genesis/Bereshith 21:2-3; 25:1-4; I Chronicles 1:32-34)
camels ... In common use among Jews & other nations of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now) was the Arabian or one-humped camel, 'camelus arabicus.'
Rebekah ... Daughter of Bethuel, grand-niece of Abraham, becomes Issac's wife, mother of Esau & Jacob
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Bethuel (house of God) son of Nabor, father of Rebekah
Nahor (snoring), Abram's brother
Milcah (queen), wife of Nahor & mother of Bethueln
Right hand ... right side - act was often the sign of a pledge, right, straight, righteous
Left ... left hand, good name
Laban (white), hospitable, gives Jacob his two daughters, envies & oppresses him, made a covenant with him
earth ... country, ground, land, world, created by God
fool ... character & conduct, folly, depise understanding & wisdom
wisdom ... given by God, obtained in answer to prayer by Solomon, danger of despising, of Joseph, Solomon, Daniel
tongue ... unruly
James 3:1-12 ... Teachers & the tongue (Sins, Social, & Spiritual)
Verses 1-4
Verse 1 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue, Required
Verse 2 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 3 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Travelling, Different Modes
Verse 4 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Ships & Navigation; Working Ships, Steering
(James 1:19,26; 4:11-12; 5:12; Psalm/Tehillim 39:1 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 5-8
Verses 5,6,8 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 7 ... External Nature; Man & The Animal Creation; Man's Dominion over Animals
Verses 9-12
Verses 9,10 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verses 11,12 ... External Nature; Water; Wells & Fountains, Figurative
Verse 12 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Tilling The Ground; Fig Trees & Figs
(Revelation 3:16)
Monday - 2/17/2014 - Lying & Flattering Lips - Psalm/Tehillim 12
David's destitute of human comfort, craveth help of God. He comforteth himself with God's judgment on the wicked, & confidence in God's tried promises.... Psalm of Supplication: Expressing trust in god; Didactic (instruct/teach) Psalm: showing the blessing of God's people & the misery of HIS enemies
Tuesday - 2/18/2014 - Words that Imtimidate - I Samuel 17:1-11
The Israelites & Philistines being ready to battle. Goliath challenges a combat;
Wednesday - 2/19/2014 - Words that Lead to Repentance - II Chronicles 15:1-12
Judah makes a solemn covenant with God
Thursday - 2/20/2014 - Words that Lead to Mourning - Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah understanding by hannai the afflicted state of Jerusalem, mourns, fasts, & prays, his prayer
Friday - 2/21/2014 - Words that Lead to Worship - Genesis/Bereshith 24:42-52
Abraham sendeth his servant to get a wife for his son, Issac; he obtaineth Rebekah
Saturday - 2/22/2014 - Words Guided by Wisdom - Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13
The Proverbs of Solomon ... wise & foolish man, righteous & wicked, sound advice on words & tongue, lazy man/slack work, pverty & wealth
Sunday - 2/23/2014 - Taming the Tongue - James 3:1-12
We must not rashly or arrograntly reprove others: the importance of governing the tongue.
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, Zondervan Bible Commentary, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
The Sunday School Lesson for 3/2/2014 is shared from II Samuel 7:4-16 (Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 98; Background Scripture: II Samuel 7:1-17)
Sheminith ... 8th, & probably refers here to an instrument of strings
Esphesdammin ... coast of Dammim, called Pasdammim (I Chronicles 11:13)
Philistines (wanderers), people of Philistia. In the SW corner of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now)lived the Philistines, who are said to have come from Caphtor; & apparently descendants of Mizraim. (Mizraim: dual - plural name of Egypt) (Caphtor: knob, pomegrante, in Upper Egypt)
Shochoh (I Samuel 17:1)
Judah (praise), son of Jacob, pledges himself for Benjamin, tribe of blessed by Moses, Jews derived from Judah, Israelites first called Judah
Azekah (plowed), a town of Judah
Saul ... troubled by an evil spirit, favors David & seeks to destroy him
Goliath (shining?)
Gath(a wine-press), David flees to, taken by David
6 cubits & span ... about 11 ft & 1/2
Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, God
Azariah (Jehovah helps) ten others
Oded (strengthening), prophet
Benjamin (son of the right hand), youngest son of Jacob, tribe of apostle Paul
Mt. Ephraim, a mountain; (wood of - one of the oak woods to the SW)
Ephraim & Manasseh blessed by Jacob
Simeon (hearing), son of Jacob
Covenant ... promise, unchangeable, everlasting
Nehemiah (Jehovah comforts), his grief & prayer for Jerusalem
Hachalial (Jehovah saddens)
Chisleu/Kislev (November - December), 9th month
Shushah ... capital of Persia
Commandments ... law, 10 delivered, fulfilled by Christ, end of the commandment is charity - love
Moses (saved from water), an Egyptian name, meets God in Mount Sinai, delivers law to people
Abraham (Abram), sends for a wife for Issac his son, father of a multitude, called by God (children of: Genesis/Bereshith 21:2-3; 25:1-4; I Chronicles 1:32-34)
camels ... In common use among Jews & other nations of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now) was the Arabian or one-humped camel, 'camelus arabicus.'
Rebekah ... Daughter of Bethuel, grand-niece of Abraham, becomes Issac's wife, mother of Esau & Jacob
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Bethuel (house of God) son of Nabor, father of Rebekah
Nahor (snoring), Abram's brother
Milcah (queen), wife of Nahor & mother of Bethueln
Right hand ... right side - act was often the sign of a pledge, right, straight, righteous
Left ... left hand, good name
Laban (white), hospitable, gives Jacob his two daughters, envies & oppresses him, made a covenant with him
earth ... country, ground, land, world, created by God
fool ... character & conduct, folly, depise understanding & wisdom
wisdom ... given by God, obtained in answer to prayer by Solomon, danger of despising, of Joseph, Solomon, Daniel
tongue ... unruly
James 3:1-12 ... Teachers & the tongue (Sins, Social, & Spiritual)
Verses 1-4
Verse 1 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue, Required
Verse 2 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 3 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Travelling, Different Modes
Verse 4 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Ships & Navigation; Working Ships, Steering
(James 1:19,26; 4:11-12; 5:12; Psalm/Tehillim 39:1 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 5-8
Verses 5,6,8 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 7 ... External Nature; Man & The Animal Creation; Man's Dominion over Animals
Verses 9-12
Verses 9,10 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verses 11,12 ... External Nature; Water; Wells & Fountains, Figurative
Verse 12 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Tilling The Ground; Fig Trees & Figs
(Revelation 3:16)
Monday - 2/17/2014 - Lying & Flattering Lips - Psalm/Tehillim 12
David's destitute of human comfort, craveth help of God. He comforteth himself with God's judgment on the wicked, & confidence in God's tried promises.... Psalm of Supplication: Expressing trust in god; Didactic (instruct/teach) Psalm: showing the blessing of God's people & the misery of HIS enemies
Tuesday - 2/18/2014 - Words that Imtimidate - I Samuel 17:1-11
The Israelites & Philistines being ready to battle. Goliath challenges a combat;
Wednesday - 2/19/2014 - Words that Lead to Repentance - II Chronicles 15:1-12
Judah makes a solemn covenant with God
Thursday - 2/20/2014 - Words that Lead to Mourning - Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah understanding by hannai the afflicted state of Jerusalem, mourns, fasts, & prays, his prayer
Friday - 2/21/2014 - Words that Lead to Worship - Genesis/Bereshith 24:42-52
Abraham sendeth his servant to get a wife for his son, Issac; he obtaineth Rebekah
Saturday - 2/22/2014 - Words Guided by Wisdom - Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13
The Proverbs of Solomon ... wise & foolish man, righteous & wicked, sound advice on words & tongue, lazy man/slack work, pverty & wealth
Sunday - 2/23/2014 - Taming the Tongue - James 3:1-12
We must not rashly or arrograntly reprove others: the importance of governing the tongue.
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, Zondervan Bible Commentary, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible
King David,
persian king,
Spirit of God,
Sunday School Lesson,
wall of Jerusalem,
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Wise Men . East . Worship Plan ... 12/25/1988 Sermon
The Wise Men from the East & Their Worship Plan: 12-25-1988 Sermon
Jesus/Yeshua . Bethlehem . Judea . Herod the king . wise men . east . Jerusalem . King of the Jews . Worship . Matthew 2:1.2
Wise Men ... The Magi of Eastern sages who came to homage to the new-born King-Messiah, belonged to a castle of Persian notables which embraced philosophers & priests (Matthew 2:1,2).
Worship ... An act of homage or reverence - paid to God. To praise: direct acknowledgement to God, of HIS nature, attributes, ways, & claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise & thanksgiving or by deed in such acknowledgement.
Jesus ("Joshua" meaning 'Jehovah is Salvation'), the Saviour. Given to the Son of God in Incarnation as HIS personal name in obedience to the command of the angel to Joseph, the husband of HIS Mother, Mary, shortly before HE was born (Matthew 1:21).
This sermon was preached by one of my former Pastors' on Christmas Day in 1988, at my home Church.
Matthew 2:1,2
The Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
Verse 1 ... Now when ... Jesus (Daniel 9:24; Luke 2:4) ... was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men ... from (I Kings 4:30; Isaiah 11:10) ... the east to Jerusalem.
Verse 2 ... Saying, ... Where (Luke 2:11) ... is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his ... star (Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 60:3) ... in the east, & are come to worship him.
Matthew 2:2 (Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 9:9; Numbers 24:17)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & Zondervan Bible Commentary
Jesus/Yeshua . Bethlehem . Judea . Herod the king . wise men . east . Jerusalem . King of the Jews . Worship . Matthew 2:1.2
Wise Men ... The Magi of Eastern sages who came to homage to the new-born King-Messiah, belonged to a castle of Persian notables which embraced philosophers & priests (Matthew 2:1,2).
Worship ... An act of homage or reverence - paid to God. To praise: direct acknowledgement to God, of HIS nature, attributes, ways, & claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise & thanksgiving or by deed in such acknowledgement.
Jesus ("Joshua" meaning 'Jehovah is Salvation'), the Saviour. Given to the Son of God in Incarnation as HIS personal name in obedience to the command of the angel to Joseph, the husband of HIS Mother, Mary, shortly before HE was born (Matthew 1:21).
This sermon was preached by one of my former Pastors' on Christmas Day in 1988, at my home Church.
Matthew 2:1,2
The Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
Verse 1 ... Now when ... Jesus (Daniel 9:24; Luke 2:4) ... was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men ... from (I Kings 4:30; Isaiah 11:10) ... the east to Jerusalem.
Verse 2 ... Saying, ... Where (Luke 2:11) ... is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his ... star (Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 60:3) ... in the east, & are come to worship him.
Matthew 2:2 (Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 9:9; Numbers 24:17)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & Zondervan Bible Commentary
Friday, September 27, 2013
Great Rejoicing ... 8/4/2013
Festival of Booths/Tabernacles . Nehemiah . Exodus . Day of Atonement . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson for 8/4/2013 is shared from Nehemiah 8:13-18 (Background Scripture: Nehemiah 7:73b 'begins with the Levites' - 8:18 & Devotional Reading: Exodus 23:12-17)
Festival of Booths/Tabernacles (Sacred Year 7) (Civil Year 1) Tishri or Ephanim (September-October) One of the 3 greatest feasts/festivals, in the Jewish year: Tabernacle in the fall.
Day of Atonement held the week before the feast of Tabernacles. A fast (Acts 27:9). A day on which no work could be done. This day was called a 'high Sabbath' as well as a day of 'holy convocation.'
It lasted from the evening of the 9th Tishri till that day on the 10th. Ritual acts were performed by the high priest, of which the most important was his entering into the Holy of holies, which took place only on this day.
Nehemiah (Jehovah comforts)
Nehemiah 8-13 describes the combined efforts of Ezra & Nehemiah to effect the restoration of religion, including the solemn reading of the Law, the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, the confession of the Levites, the sealing of the covenant by the people, a list of the inhabitants of Jerusalem & of other cities, the dedication of the walls, & the removal of certain abuses.
Verse 13 ... Scripture; Promulgation Of Scripture; Scripture Studied
Promulgation ... make known to the public, promote, proclaim, a decree, & news
Nehemiah 8:14-15 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Feast of Tabernacles, The Renewal of the Feast by Nehemiah ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, 445-433 B.C., The Feast of Tabernacles Kept
(Nehemiah 8:120,12; Leviticus 23:39-43 ... Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)
Nehemiah 8:16-18
Verses 16,17 ... (same as Verses 14,15)
Verse 18 ... Scripture; Promulgation Of Scripture; Instances ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, The Feast of Tabernacles Kept
(Deuteronomy 16:13-15)
Verse 12 ... Sacred Seasons; The Sabbatical Seasons; The 7th Day, Its Religious Character: A Day of Rest
Verse 13 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Laws & Arguments Against Idolatry, Idol Worship Forbidden
Verses 14,15,16,17 ... Sacred Seasons; Of The Hebrew Sacred Seasons In General; Their Divine Appointment
Monday - July 29, 2013 - Rhythms of Work & Worship - Exodus 23:12-17
Tuesday - July 30, 2013 - First Bring Your Offering - Leviticus 23:9-14
The sheaf of firstfruits.
Wednesday - July 31, 2013 - Celebrating God's Bounty to Us - Deuteronomy 26:1-11
The confession of him that offereth the basket of firstfruits.
Thursday - August 1, 2013 - Fostering the Memory of God's Bounty of Deliverance - Leviticus 23:33-44
The feast of tabernacles
Friday - August 2, 2013 - Gathering to Hear God's Word - Nehemiah 7:73b - 8:6
Their oblations. The religious manner of reading & hearing the law.
Saturday - August 3, 2013 - Responding to God's Word - Nehemiah 8:7b-12 (starting with the Levites)
The religious manner of reading & hearing the law. They comfort the people.
Sunday - August 4, 2013 - Discovering a Neglected Festival - Nehemiah 8:13-18
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
The Sunday School Lesson for 8/4/2013 is shared from Nehemiah 8:13-18 (Background Scripture: Nehemiah 7:73b 'begins with the Levites' - 8:18 & Devotional Reading: Exodus 23:12-17)
Festival of Booths/Tabernacles (Sacred Year 7) (Civil Year 1) Tishri or Ephanim (September-October) One of the 3 greatest feasts/festivals, in the Jewish year: Tabernacle in the fall.
Day of Atonement held the week before the feast of Tabernacles. A fast (Acts 27:9). A day on which no work could be done. This day was called a 'high Sabbath' as well as a day of 'holy convocation.'
It lasted from the evening of the 9th Tishri till that day on the 10th. Ritual acts were performed by the high priest, of which the most important was his entering into the Holy of holies, which took place only on this day.
Nehemiah (Jehovah comforts)
Nehemiah 8-13 describes the combined efforts of Ezra & Nehemiah to effect the restoration of religion, including the solemn reading of the Law, the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, the confession of the Levites, the sealing of the covenant by the people, a list of the inhabitants of Jerusalem & of other cities, the dedication of the walls, & the removal of certain abuses.
Verse 13 ... Scripture; Promulgation Of Scripture; Scripture Studied
Promulgation ... make known to the public, promote, proclaim, a decree, & news
Nehemiah 8:14-15 ... Sacred Seasons; Historical Sacred Seasons; The Feast of Tabernacles, The Renewal of the Feast by Nehemiah ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, 445-433 B.C., The Feast of Tabernacles Kept
(Nehemiah 8:120,12; Leviticus 23:39-43 ... Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)
Nehemiah 8:16-18
Verses 16,17 ... (same as Verses 14,15)
Verse 18 ... Scripture; Promulgation Of Scripture; Instances ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, The Feast of Tabernacles Kept
(Deuteronomy 16:13-15)
Verse 12 ... Sacred Seasons; The Sabbatical Seasons; The 7th Day, Its Religious Character: A Day of Rest
Verse 13 ... Idolatry & Superstition; Laws & Arguments Against Idolatry, Idol Worship Forbidden
Verses 14,15,16,17 ... Sacred Seasons; Of The Hebrew Sacred Seasons In General; Their Divine Appointment
Monday - July 29, 2013 - Rhythms of Work & Worship - Exodus 23:12-17
Tuesday - July 30, 2013 - First Bring Your Offering - Leviticus 23:9-14
The sheaf of firstfruits.
Wednesday - July 31, 2013 - Celebrating God's Bounty to Us - Deuteronomy 26:1-11
The confession of him that offereth the basket of firstfruits.
Thursday - August 1, 2013 - Fostering the Memory of God's Bounty of Deliverance - Leviticus 23:33-44
The feast of tabernacles
Friday - August 2, 2013 - Gathering to Hear God's Word - Nehemiah 7:73b - 8:6
Their oblations. The religious manner of reading & hearing the law.
Saturday - August 3, 2013 - Responding to God's Word - Nehemiah 8:7b-12 (starting with the Levites)
The religious manner of reading & hearing the law. They comfort the people.
Sunday - August 4, 2013 - Discovering a Neglected Festival - Nehemiah 8:13-18
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
Day of Atonement,
Exodus 23,
Festival of Booths,
Festival of Tabernacles,
Leviticus 8,
Nehemiah 7,
Sunday School Lesson,
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Celebrating What Is Meaningful ... 6/30/2013 Sunday School Lesson
Ezra . Sheshbazzar . Zerubbabel . Cyrus . Darius . Jesus . Jerusalem . Judgment . Babylonians . God . Worship . Feast of Tabernacles . Lebanon . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson for June 30, 2013 is shared from Ezra 3:1-7 (Devotional Reading Matthew 23:29-39). Unit II. Worshipping in Jerusalem Again (Ezra).
For Babylonians history read the week of June 23, 2013 at my blog "Biblical History of Assyria/Assyrians."
Ezra 1-6 describes the 1st return of the Jews under Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel & Joshua, the high priest, in the 1st year of Cyrus (536 B.C.), & the rebuilding of the temple, completed in the 6th year of Darius ()516 B.C.).
Ezra 3:1-7 ... The altar is setup. Offerings frequented. Workmen prepared.
Sheshbazzar: Persian name of Zerubbabel (fire worshipper) Ezra 1:8
Zerubbabel (scattered in Babylon) (Zorobabel) prince of Judah (Ezra 2:2) ... restores the worship of God (Ezra 3:1); Nehemiah 12:47; Haggai 1:1,14; 2:1; Zechariah 4:6).
Cyrus: King of Persia, his proclamation for rebuilding the temple (II Chronicles 36:22,23; Ezra 1) ... Chronological Tables Of The Old Testament: The Jews ... Babylonia & Persia; 537 B.C.; Edict of Cyrus for restoration of Jews 536 B.C. 538; Cyrus. (Table information used/taken from KJV Precious Promise Bible).
Darius (presever), Hystaspes, his decree concerning the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 6).
Lebanon (white mountain) its cedar (Psalm/Tehillim 92:12; Song of Solomon 3:9; II Chronicles 2:8) ... very narrow & rugged range of mountains on the north of Canaan (I Kings 5:14; Isaiah 40:16)
Jerusalem (the habitation of peace). Captives return & Cyrus begins to rebuild the temple, Ezra 1:2,3, continued by Artaxerxes, Nehemiah 2 ... Temple built at (I Kings 5-8; I Chronicles 2-7). Laments over it (Matthew 23:37).
Feast of Tabernacles/Festival (Hebrews). Three great feasts or festivals in the Jewish year. Tabernacles came in the fall. Day of Atonement, held a week before the feast of Tabernacles ... Held in commemoration of the 40 years' outdoor life in the wilderness, after the Israelite came out of Egypt, when they lived in tents & "booths." This began on the 15th day of the 7th month, Tishri, & continued for one week. (Leviticus 23:25; 23:33-43; Exodus 23:16).
Ezra 3:1-3 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(II Chronicles 36:15-21; Ezra 2:2; 3:8: Nehemiah 12:18; Deuteronomy 12:5-6 ... Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)
Ezra 4:5 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built,& the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(Numbers 29:12-34; Genesis 10; Deuteronomy 29:2-3,5,7,8; Deuteronomy 29:4; Numbers 28:2-8)
Ezra 3:6-7
Verse 6 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built, & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); Materials Provided for the Temple.
(Ezra 1:2-4; 1:6; 2:68; 1:7-11; 6:3-5)

Monday - June 24, 2013 - Jesus/Yeshua Laments Over Jerusalem - Matthew 23:29-39
Of the scribes & Pharisees ... good doctrine, but evil examples for life. Matthew/Levi wrote for Jewish Christians. Matthew 23 (discourses of Jesus Christ).
Tuesday - June 25, 2013 - The Coming Judgment - Jeremiah 7:30-8:3
Jeremiah 1-45 prophecies relating to Judah & the kingdom of God. Personal history of the prophet, & events that happened during his ministry.
Wednesday - June 26, 2013 - Jerusalem Falls to the Babylonians - II Kings 24:1-12
Jehoiakim procures his own ruin. Books of Kings: history of the northern kingdom after the separation from Judah.
Thursday - June 27, 2013 - The Destruction of Jerusalem - II Chronicles 36:15-21
Authors object written from a Levitical & religious standpoint... II Chronicles 10-36, history of the southern kingdom down to the Babylonian captivity.
Friday - June 28, 2013 - Rebuild a House for God - Ezra 1:1-8
The proclamation of Cyrus for the building of the temple. Cyrus restoreth the vessels of the temple to Sheshbazzar.
Saturday - June 29, 2013 - The People Respond - Ezra 2:64-70
Return of the Jewish Exile Under Sheshbazzar (Ezra 12:1-2:70) ... 13 short of 50,000 returned ... Many Jews, remained in Babylonian, comfortable, & ran thriving businesses which they had to abandon.
Sunday - June 30, 2013 - Restoring the Worship of God - Ezra 3:1-7
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, & Zondervan Commentary
The Sunday School Lesson for June 30, 2013 is shared from Ezra 3:1-7 (Devotional Reading Matthew 23:29-39). Unit II. Worshipping in Jerusalem Again (Ezra).
For Babylonians history read the week of June 23, 2013 at my blog "Biblical History of Assyria/Assyrians."
Ezra 1-6 describes the 1st return of the Jews under Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel & Joshua, the high priest, in the 1st year of Cyrus (536 B.C.), & the rebuilding of the temple, completed in the 6th year of Darius ()516 B.C.).
Ezra 3:1-7 ... The altar is setup. Offerings frequented. Workmen prepared.
Sheshbazzar: Persian name of Zerubbabel (fire worshipper) Ezra 1:8
Zerubbabel (scattered in Babylon) (Zorobabel) prince of Judah (Ezra 2:2) ... restores the worship of God (Ezra 3:1); Nehemiah 12:47; Haggai 1:1,14; 2:1; Zechariah 4:6).
Cyrus: King of Persia, his proclamation for rebuilding the temple (II Chronicles 36:22,23; Ezra 1) ... Chronological Tables Of The Old Testament: The Jews ... Babylonia & Persia; 537 B.C.; Edict of Cyrus for restoration of Jews 536 B.C. 538; Cyrus. (Table information used/taken from KJV Precious Promise Bible).
Darius (presever), Hystaspes, his decree concerning the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 6).
Lebanon (white mountain) its cedar (Psalm/Tehillim 92:12; Song of Solomon 3:9; II Chronicles 2:8) ... very narrow & rugged range of mountains on the north of Canaan (I Kings 5:14; Isaiah 40:16)
Jerusalem (the habitation of peace). Captives return & Cyrus begins to rebuild the temple, Ezra 1:2,3, continued by Artaxerxes, Nehemiah 2 ... Temple built at (I Kings 5-8; I Chronicles 2-7). Laments over it (Matthew 23:37).
Feast of Tabernacles/Festival (Hebrews). Three great feasts or festivals in the Jewish year. Tabernacles came in the fall. Day of Atonement, held a week before the feast of Tabernacles ... Held in commemoration of the 40 years' outdoor life in the wilderness, after the Israelite came out of Egypt, when they lived in tents & "booths." This began on the 15th day of the 7th month, Tishri, & continued for one week. (Leviticus 23:25; 23:33-43; Exodus 23:16).
Ezra 3:1-3 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(II Chronicles 36:15-21; Ezra 2:2; 3:8: Nehemiah 12:18; Deuteronomy 12:5-6 ... Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)
Ezra 4:5 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built,& the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(Numbers 29:12-34; Genesis 10; Deuteronomy 29:2-3,5,7,8; Deuteronomy 29:4; Numbers 28:2-8)
Ezra 3:6-7
Verse 6 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built, & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); Materials Provided for the Temple.
(Ezra 1:2-4; 1:6; 2:68; 1:7-11; 6:3-5)

Monday - June 24, 2013 - Jesus/Yeshua Laments Over Jerusalem - Matthew 23:29-39
Of the scribes & Pharisees ... good doctrine, but evil examples for life. Matthew/Levi wrote for Jewish Christians. Matthew 23 (discourses of Jesus Christ).
Tuesday - June 25, 2013 - The Coming Judgment - Jeremiah 7:30-8:3
Jeremiah 1-45 prophecies relating to Judah & the kingdom of God. Personal history of the prophet, & events that happened during his ministry.
Wednesday - June 26, 2013 - Jerusalem Falls to the Babylonians - II Kings 24:1-12
Jehoiakim procures his own ruin. Books of Kings: history of the northern kingdom after the separation from Judah.
Thursday - June 27, 2013 - The Destruction of Jerusalem - II Chronicles 36:15-21
Authors object written from a Levitical & religious standpoint... II Chronicles 10-36, history of the southern kingdom down to the Babylonian captivity.
Friday - June 28, 2013 - Rebuild a House for God - Ezra 1:1-8
The proclamation of Cyrus for the building of the temple. Cyrus restoreth the vessels of the temple to Sheshbazzar.
Saturday - June 29, 2013 - The People Respond - Ezra 2:64-70
Return of the Jewish Exile Under Sheshbazzar (Ezra 12:1-2:70) ... 13 short of 50,000 returned ... Many Jews, remained in Babylonian, comfortable, & ran thriving businesses which they had to abandon.
Sunday - June 30, 2013 - Restoring the Worship of God - Ezra 3:1-7
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, & Zondervan Commentary
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
More than Words ... June 16, 2013 Sunday School Lesson
Genuine Worship . Worship . Cliches . Words . Prayer . Parable . Fasting . Isaiah . Jeremiah . Zechariah . Gospel of Luke . Warnings . Prophecies . Sunday School Lesson
The lesson for June 16, 2013 is shared from Isaiah 29:9-16a (Devotional Reading Luke 8:9-14). Unit I. The Prophet and Praise.
My Sunday School Lesson is coming from the Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and Isaiah for the week of June 16, 2013. I am sharing it early this week for I am in Vacation Bible School this week.
Isaiah 28-33 are a group of prophecies against Samaria & Judah, in which the prophet condemns the policy of relying on Egypt for help, and describes the overthrow of Sennacherib and the deliverance of Jerusalem.
The Assyrians and Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1-12)
The certainty of God's plans (Isaiah 29:13-24)
Isaiah 29:9-10
"Genuine Worship" vs "Words/Cliches"
Verses 9,10 ... Works Of God; The Purposes Of God; Reprobation
Reprobation ... a person who is condemned by God, hardened in sin
(Isaiah 29:1-8; Isaiah 51:21 - Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book)

Verses 11-14
Verses 11,12 ... Works Of God; The Purposes Of God; Reprobation
Verses 13,14 ... Duties To God; Prayer; Conditions of Acceptable Prayer, In Sincerity .... Fallen Man; Sins Against Our Neighbor; Hypocrisy
Worship . Integrity . Obey God
"Genuine Worship" vs "Words/Cliches"
Worship to God alone (Exouds 20:1; Deuteronomy 5:7; Luke 4:8; Revelation 19:10)
(John 4:24; Psalm/Tehillim 139:3; Psalm/Tehillim 139:1-4)
Verses 15,16 ... Fallen Man; Sins Against God; Impeaching His Attributes, His Knowledge
(Isaiah 28:15; Isaiah 45:9)
Luke 8:9-14 (The parable of the sower)
Luke's later ministry (Luke 8:1-9:50)
Luke (Lucas/Lucilius/Lucanus) the beloved physician, companion of the apostle Paul. Luke was probably a Syrian and Gentile of Antioch, and may have been converted by the apostle Paul.
Luke 8:9-14
Verses 9,10 ... Works Of God; The Purposes Of God; Individuals Elected
Verses 11,12,13,14 ... Scripture; Duty To Know & Obey Scripture; Hearers Cautioned
Verse 11 ... Scripture; Promulgation of Scripture; Instruction in Scripture
Promulgation ... decree, news, make known to the public
Monday - June 10, 2013 - Fruitless Worship - Isaiah 1:10-17
Jerusalem. present and future (Isaiah 1:!-5:30)
Judah's sickness (Isaiah 1:2-31)
Tuesday - June 11, 2013 - Worshipping Our Own Achievements - Isaiah 2:5-17
The day of judgment (Isaiah 2:1-22)
Wednesday - June 12, 2013 - Lives Untouched by Religious Observances - Isaiah 58:1-7
Judah after the return (Isaiah 56:1-66:24)
The Return of the Exiles (Isaiah 40:1-66:24)
Thursday - June 13, 2013 - Refusing to Listen - Jeremiah 13:1-11
Enacted Warnings (Jeremiah 13:1-27)
Prophecies Concerning God's Actions At Home & Aboard (Jeremiah 1:1-45:5)
Friday - June 14, 2013 - Tuning Out God - Zechariah 7:8-14
Questions about fasting, and answers (Zechariah 7:1-14)
Saturday - June 15, 2013 - Receiving the Word - Luke 8:9-15
Sunday - June 16, 2013 - Hearts Far from God - Isaiah 29:9-16a
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Reader's Digest Oxford Complete WordFinder
The lesson for June 16, 2013 is shared from Isaiah 29:9-16a (Devotional Reading Luke 8:9-14). Unit I. The Prophet and Praise.
My Sunday School Lesson is coming from the Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and Isaiah for the week of June 16, 2013. I am sharing it early this week for I am in Vacation Bible School this week.
Isaiah 28-33 are a group of prophecies against Samaria & Judah, in which the prophet condemns the policy of relying on Egypt for help, and describes the overthrow of Sennacherib and the deliverance of Jerusalem.
The Assyrians and Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1-12)
The certainty of God's plans (Isaiah 29:13-24)
Isaiah 29:9-10
"Genuine Worship" vs "Words/Cliches"
Verses 9,10 ... Works Of God; The Purposes Of God; Reprobation
Reprobation ... a person who is condemned by God, hardened in sin
(Isaiah 29:1-8; Isaiah 51:21 - Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book)

Verses 11-14
Verses 11,12 ... Works Of God; The Purposes Of God; Reprobation
Verses 13,14 ... Duties To God; Prayer; Conditions of Acceptable Prayer, In Sincerity .... Fallen Man; Sins Against Our Neighbor; Hypocrisy
Worship . Integrity . Obey God
"Genuine Worship" vs "Words/Cliches"
Worship to God alone (Exouds 20:1; Deuteronomy 5:7; Luke 4:8; Revelation 19:10)
(John 4:24; Psalm/Tehillim 139:3; Psalm/Tehillim 139:1-4)
Verses 15,16 ... Fallen Man; Sins Against God; Impeaching His Attributes, His Knowledge
(Isaiah 28:15; Isaiah 45:9)
Luke 8:9-14 (The parable of the sower)
Luke's later ministry (Luke 8:1-9:50)
Luke (Lucas/Lucilius/Lucanus) the beloved physician, companion of the apostle Paul. Luke was probably a Syrian and Gentile of Antioch, and may have been converted by the apostle Paul.
Luke 8:9-14
Verses 9,10 ... Works Of God; The Purposes Of God; Individuals Elected
Verses 11,12,13,14 ... Scripture; Duty To Know & Obey Scripture; Hearers Cautioned
Verse 11 ... Scripture; Promulgation of Scripture; Instruction in Scripture
Promulgation ... decree, news, make known to the public
Monday - June 10, 2013 - Fruitless Worship - Isaiah 1:10-17
Jerusalem. present and future (Isaiah 1:!-5:30)
Judah's sickness (Isaiah 1:2-31)
Tuesday - June 11, 2013 - Worshipping Our Own Achievements - Isaiah 2:5-17
The day of judgment (Isaiah 2:1-22)
Wednesday - June 12, 2013 - Lives Untouched by Religious Observances - Isaiah 58:1-7
Judah after the return (Isaiah 56:1-66:24)
The Return of the Exiles (Isaiah 40:1-66:24)
Thursday - June 13, 2013 - Refusing to Listen - Jeremiah 13:1-11
Enacted Warnings (Jeremiah 13:1-27)
Prophecies Concerning God's Actions At Home & Aboard (Jeremiah 1:1-45:5)
Friday - June 14, 2013 - Tuning Out God - Zechariah 7:8-14
Questions about fasting, and answers (Zechariah 7:1-14)
Saturday - June 15, 2013 - Receiving the Word - Luke 8:9-15
Sunday - June 16, 2013 - Hearts Far from God - Isaiah 29:9-16a
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Reader's Digest Oxford Complete WordFinder
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sing & Shout ! ... 6/9/13 Sunday School Lesson
Psalm/Tehillim . I Chronicles . I Timothy . Gospel of Luke .Isaiah . God . Preserves & Protects . Thanksgiving . Praise . Sacred Rites & Forms . Worship . Music . Church-Fellowship . Apostasy . Sunday School Lesson
The lesson for June 9,2013 is shared from Isaiah 12 (Devotional Reading Psalm/Tehillim 92:1-8). Unit I. The Prophet & Praise.
Isaiah 12 ... A thanksgiving for the mercies of God.
Isaiah Chapters 7-12, prophecies belonging to the period of the Syro-Ephraimitish war; the prophecy of Immanuel, and the downfall of the Assyrians.
Isaiah 12-14:23, prophecies against Babylon.
Isaiah 12:1-2
Verse 1 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; For the Removal of God's Anger
Verse 2 .. Works Of God; Preservation; Preserves & Protects Man
(Exodus 15; Philippians 1:28; I Kings 12:20-21; Isaiah 5:25, 9:12; Genesis 12 - Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 3-4
Verse 3 ... External Nature; Waters; Figurative
Verse 4 ... Everlasting Life & Heaven Promised
Verse 4 ... Duties To God; Praise; Praise Due to God
(Isaiah 55:1)
Verses 5-6
Verse 5 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; Exhortations to Thanksgiving
Verse 6 ... God; Attributes of God As Person; General Ascriptions of Greatness to God
(Psalm/Tehillim 33:1, 97:12; Exodus 15:1-8)
Psalm/Tehillim 92:1-8
Psalm/Tehillim 92... The prophet exhorts to praise God.
Psalms of Supplication: Relative to public worship... Psalms of Adoration: God's power, majesty, & glory... Didatic Psalms: Showing the blessings of God's people and the misery of his enemies.
Didatic ... Instruct; Instructive
Psalm/Tehillim 92:1-8
Verses 1,2 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; Exhortations to Thanksgiving
Verse 3 ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Sacraments, Worship, & Church-Fellowship; Music, In the Temple Service
Verses 4,5 ... Works Of God; Creation; The Creator Praised
Verse 6 ... Works Of God; God's Providence In Moral Discipline; The End of the Prosperity of the Wicked
Verse 7 ... God; Attributes Of God As Person; General Ascriptions of Greatness to God
Verse 8 ... Works Of God; God's Providence In Moral Discipline
Monday - June 3, 2013 - Giving Thanks Is Good - Psalm 92:1-8
Psalm 92 - The Relevance of Worship
Tuesday - June 4, 2013 - Coming into God's Presence with Thanksgiving - Psalm 95:1-7
Psalm 95 ... Obeisance & Obedience
Obeisance ... reverence, honor, bow, submission, respect
Wednesday - June 5, 2013 - Remembering God's Wonderful Works - I Chronicles 16:8-13
David & The Ark (I Chronicles 13:1-16:43)
The United Kingdom (I Chronicles 10:1-II Chronicles 9:31)
Thursday - June 6, 2013 - Giving Thanks & Praises to God - I Chronicles 29:10
The End of David's Reign & the Accession of Solomon (I Chronicles 28:1-29:30)
Friday - June 7, 2013 - Receiving God's Goodness with Thanksgiving - I Timothy 4:1-5
The apostasy described (I Timothy 4:1-5)
Dangers To The Church (I Timothy 4:1-16)
Apostasy ... renunciation of faith; abandonment of principles
Saturday - June 8, 2013 - Where Are The Nine? - Luke 17:11-19
The last journey to Jerusalem (Luke 17:11-19:27)
The Later Judaean Ministry (Luke 9:51-19:27)
Sunday - June 9, 2013 - Giving Thanks to the Lord - Isaiah 12
A thanksgiving hymn (Isaiah 12:1-6)
Oracles For Judah & Jerusalem (Isaiah 1:1-12:6)
Oracles ... divine inspiration, revelation
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Reference Edition; The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible; Zondervan Bible Commentary & Reader's Digest Oxford Completer WordFinder
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