Angela Watkins Christian Writer, Reviewer, God's Avenue to Success, Virtual Creator. Matthew 6:33; 3 John 1:2; Deuteronomy 8:13, Open for Collaboration
Showing posts with label Abraham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abraham. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
God Made an Agreement with our Fathers
KJV Thy Offsprings on Earth are Blessed, Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant - agreement which God made with our fathers, He spoke unto Abraham, And in thy offspring- seed shall all the kindred of the earth be blessed. Acts 3:25
Saturday, October 7, 2017
God's Promise Realized Through Faith - Romans 4:13-25
That famous promise God gave Abraham - that he and his children would posses the earth was not given because of something Abraham did or would do. It was based on God's decision to put everything together for him, which Abraham then entered when he believed.
If those who get what God gives them only get it by doing everything they are told to do and filling out all the right forms properly signed, that eliminates personal trust completely and turns the promise into an iron clad contract! That's not a holy promise; that's a business deal.
A contract drawn up by a hard nosed lawyer and with plenty of fine print only makes sure that you will never be able to collect. But if there is no contract in the first place, simply a promise - and God's promise if that - you can't break it. This is why the fulfillment of God's promise depends entirely on trusting God and his ways and then simply embracing him and what he does.
God's promise arrives as a pure gift. That's the only way everyone can be sure to get in on it, those who keep the religious traditions and those who have never heard of them.
For Abraham is father of us all. He is not our racial father - that's reading the story backward. He is our faith father. We call Abraham "Father" not because he got God's attention by living a faithful life, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody.
Isn't that what we're always reading in Scripture "I set you up as Father of many peoples?" Abraham was first named "father" and then became a father because he he trusted God to do only what God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.
When everything was hopeless Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do. And so he was made father of a multitude of peoples.
God himself said to him you're going to have a big family, Abraham!
Ceremonies and rituals serve as reminders of our faith. They instruct new and younger believers, but we should not think that they give us any special merit before God. They are outward signs and seal that demonstrate belief and trust. The focus of our faith should be on Christ and his saving actions, not on our own actions.
Paul explains that Abraham pleased God through his faith alone, before he ever heard about the rituals that would become so important to the Jewish people. We too are saved by faith. It is not by loving God and doing good that we are saved; neither is it by faith plus love or faith plus good works.
We are saved only through faith in Christ, trusting him to forgive all our sins. For more on Abraham, see his profile in Genesis 18.
The promise (or covenant) God gave Abraham said that Abraham would be the father of many nations and that the entire world would be blessed through him. This promise was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Jesus was from Abraham's line, and truly the world was blessed through him.
Paul points out that the promise to Abraham to be the father of many nations extended beyond Israel to all the nations of the world. Abraham never doubted that God would fulfill his promise. His life was marked by mistakes, sins, and failures as well as by wisdom and goodness, but he consistently trusted God. His faith was strengthened by the obstacles he faced.
His life is an example of faith in action. If he had looked only at his own resources for subduing Canaan and founding of a nation, he would have given up in despair. But he looked to God, obeyed him and waited for God to fulfill his word to him.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
If those who get what God gives them only get it by doing everything they are told to do and filling out all the right forms properly signed, that eliminates personal trust completely and turns the promise into an iron clad contract! That's not a holy promise; that's a business deal.
A contract drawn up by a hard nosed lawyer and with plenty of fine print only makes sure that you will never be able to collect. But if there is no contract in the first place, simply a promise - and God's promise if that - you can't break it. This is why the fulfillment of God's promise depends entirely on trusting God and his ways and then simply embracing him and what he does.
God's promise arrives as a pure gift. That's the only way everyone can be sure to get in on it, those who keep the religious traditions and those who have never heard of them.
For Abraham is father of us all. He is not our racial father - that's reading the story backward. He is our faith father. We call Abraham "Father" not because he got God's attention by living a faithful life, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody.
Isn't that what we're always reading in Scripture "I set you up as Father of many peoples?" Abraham was first named "father" and then became a father because he he trusted God to do only what God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.
When everything was hopeless Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do. And so he was made father of a multitude of peoples.
God himself said to him you're going to have a big family, Abraham!
Ceremonies and rituals serve as reminders of our faith. They instruct new and younger believers, but we should not think that they give us any special merit before God. They are outward signs and seal that demonstrate belief and trust. The focus of our faith should be on Christ and his saving actions, not on our own actions.
Paul explains that Abraham pleased God through his faith alone, before he ever heard about the rituals that would become so important to the Jewish people. We too are saved by faith. It is not by loving God and doing good that we are saved; neither is it by faith plus love or faith plus good works.
We are saved only through faith in Christ, trusting him to forgive all our sins. For more on Abraham, see his profile in Genesis 18.
The promise (or covenant) God gave Abraham said that Abraham would be the father of many nations and that the entire world would be blessed through him. This promise was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Jesus was from Abraham's line, and truly the world was blessed through him.
Paul points out that the promise to Abraham to be the father of many nations extended beyond Israel to all the nations of the world. Abraham never doubted that God would fulfill his promise. His life was marked by mistakes, sins, and failures as well as by wisdom and goodness, but he consistently trusted God. His faith was strengthened by the obstacles he faced.
His life is an example of faith in action. If he had looked only at his own resources for subduing Canaan and founding of a nation, he would have given up in despair. But he looked to God, obeyed him and waited for God to fulfill his word to him.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Circumcision Event Remembered - Acts 7:1-8
Then the Chief Priest said, what do you have to say for yourself?
Stephen replied, friends, fathers, and brothers, the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, before the move to Haran, and told him, leave your country and family and go to the land I'll show you.
So he left the country of the Chaldees and moved to Haran. After the death of his father, he immigrated to his country where you now live, but God gave him nothing, not so much as a foothold. He did promise to give the country to him and his son later on, even though Abraham had no son at the time. God let him know that his offspring would move to an alien country where they would be enslaved and brutalized for four hundred years. 'But,' God said, I will step in and take care of those slaveholders and bring my people out so they can worship me in this place.
Then he made a covenant with him and signed it in Abraham's flesh by circumcision. When Abraham had his son Issac, within eight days he reproduced the sign of circumcision in him. Issac became father of Jacob, and Jacob father of twelve 'Father,' each faithfully passing on the covenant sign.
This High Priest was Caiphas, the same High Priest who had earlier questioned and condemned Jesus.
Stephen launched into along speech about Israel's relationship with God. From Old Testament history he showed that the Jews had constantly rejected God's message and his Prophets, and that this council had rejected the Messiah, God's Son. He made three main points (1) Israel's history is the history of God's acts in the world; (2) People worshiped God long before there was a temple; (3) Jesus death was just one more example of Israel's rebellion and rejection of God.
Stephen wasn't really defending himself. Instead, he took the offensive, seizing the opportunity to summarize his teaching about Jesus. Stephen was accusing these religious leaders failing to obey God's laws - the laws they prided themselves in following so meticulously. This was the same accusation Jesus had leveled against them. When we witness for Christ, we don't need to be on the defensive. Instead we can simply share our faith.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Stephen replied, friends, fathers, and brothers, the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, before the move to Haran, and told him, leave your country and family and go to the land I'll show you.
So he left the country of the Chaldees and moved to Haran. After the death of his father, he immigrated to his country where you now live, but God gave him nothing, not so much as a foothold. He did promise to give the country to him and his son later on, even though Abraham had no son at the time. God let him know that his offspring would move to an alien country where they would be enslaved and brutalized for four hundred years. 'But,' God said, I will step in and take care of those slaveholders and bring my people out so they can worship me in this place.
Then he made a covenant with him and signed it in Abraham's flesh by circumcision. When Abraham had his son Issac, within eight days he reproduced the sign of circumcision in him. Issac became father of Jacob, and Jacob father of twelve 'Father,' each faithfully passing on the covenant sign.
This High Priest was Caiphas, the same High Priest who had earlier questioned and condemned Jesus.
Stephen launched into along speech about Israel's relationship with God. From Old Testament history he showed that the Jews had constantly rejected God's message and his Prophets, and that this council had rejected the Messiah, God's Son. He made three main points (1) Israel's history is the history of God's acts in the world; (2) People worshiped God long before there was a temple; (3) Jesus death was just one more example of Israel's rebellion and rejection of God.
Stephen wasn't really defending himself. Instead, he took the offensive, seizing the opportunity to summarize his teaching about Jesus. Stephen was accusing these religious leaders failing to obey God's laws - the laws they prided themselves in following so meticulously. This was the same accusation Jesus had leveled against them. When we witness for Christ, we don't need to be on the defensive. Instead we can simply share our faith.
Reference summary used from The Message Bible and The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Sunday - Circumcision - Genesis 17:1-14 - 9/10/17
The Lord told Abram, I am the Almighty God, walk before me. He has the same message for us today. We are to obey because he is God - that is reason enough. If you don't think the benefits are worth it, consider who God is - the only one with the power and ability to meet your every need.
Twice before God had mentioned his agreement (Genesis 12 & 15). God was bringing it into focus and preparing to carry it out. He revealed to Abram several specific parts of his covenant. (1) God would give Abram many descendants; (2) many nations would descend from him; (3) God would maintain his covenant with Abram's descendants; (4) God would give Abram's descendants the land of Canaan.
God changed Abram's name to Abraham ("the father of a great multitude") shortly before the promised son was conceived. From this point on the Bible always calls him Abraham.
God was making a covenant, or contract, between himself and Abraham. The terms were simple: Abraham would obey God and circumcise all the males in his household. God's part was to give Abraham heirs, property, power, and wealth. Most contracts are even trades: we give something and in turn receive something of equal value. But when we become part of God's covenant family, the blessings we receive far outweigh what we must give up.
God required circumcision (1) As a sign of obedience to him in all matters. (2) As a sign of belonging to his covenant people. Once circumcised, there was no turning back. The man would be identified as a Jew forever. (3) As a symbol of "cutting off" the old life of sin, purifying one's heart and dedicating oneself to God. (4) Possibly as a health measure.
Circumcision more than any other practice separated God's people from their heathen neighbors. In Abraham's day, this was essential to develop the pure worship of the one true God.
Reference summary used from The Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.; Wheaton, IL
Twice before God had mentioned his agreement (Genesis 12 & 15). God was bringing it into focus and preparing to carry it out. He revealed to Abram several specific parts of his covenant. (1) God would give Abram many descendants; (2) many nations would descend from him; (3) God would maintain his covenant with Abram's descendants; (4) God would give Abram's descendants the land of Canaan.
God changed Abram's name to Abraham ("the father of a great multitude") shortly before the promised son was conceived. From this point on the Bible always calls him Abraham.
God was making a covenant, or contract, between himself and Abraham. The terms were simple: Abraham would obey God and circumcise all the males in his household. God's part was to give Abraham heirs, property, power, and wealth. Most contracts are even trades: we give something and in turn receive something of equal value. But when we become part of God's covenant family, the blessings we receive far outweigh what we must give up.
God required circumcision (1) As a sign of obedience to him in all matters. (2) As a sign of belonging to his covenant people. Once circumcised, there was no turning back. The man would be identified as a Jew forever. (3) As a symbol of "cutting off" the old life of sin, purifying one's heart and dedicating oneself to God. (4) Possibly as a health measure.
Circumcision more than any other practice separated God's people from their heathen neighbors. In Abraham's day, this was essential to develop the pure worship of the one true God.
Reference summary used from The Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.; Wheaton, IL
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Sunday ... Re-Created To Live In Harmony - Galatians 3:26-4:7 -2/5/17
In Roman society, a youth coming of age laid aside the robe of childhood & put on a new toga. This represented his move into adult citizenship with full rights & responsibilities. Apostle Paul combines this understanding with baptism. By becoming Christians & being baptized, they were becoming spiritually grown up & ready to take on the privileges & responsibilities of the mature. You have laid aside the old clothes of the Law, & now you are putting on Christ's new robe of righteousness.
Jewish males greeted each new day by prayer, Lord, I thank you that I am not a Gentile, a slave, or a woman. The role of women was enhanced by Christianity. Faith in Christ transcends these differences & makes all believers one in Christ.
The original covenant with Abraham was intended for the whole world, not just for his descendants. All believers partake of this covenant & are blessed as children of Abraham.
The apostle Paul uses the illustration of slavery to show that before Christ came & died for sins, people were in bondage to the Law.
Thinking they could be saved by it, they became enslaved to trying - & failing - to keep it. The Good News is that we who were once slaves are now God's very own children with an intimate relationship with him. Because of Christ, there is no reason to be afraid of God. We can come boldly into his presence, knowing he will welcome us as his family members.
True Christianity: Christians are those who believe inwardly & outwardly that Jesus' death has allowed God to offer them forgiveness & eternal life as a gift. They have accepted that gift by faith & are seeking to live a life of obedient gratitude for what God has done for them.
Christianity is both private & public, heart-belief & mouth-confession. Our relationship to God & the power he provides result in obedience. Having received the gift of forgiveness & eternal life, we are now daily challenged to live that life with his help.
When the fulness of the time was come "God sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins. For centuries the Jews were wondering when their Messiah would come - but God's timing was perfect.
Jesus was born of a woman - he was human. He was born as a Jew - he was subject to God's Law & fulfilled it perfectly. Thus Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because, although he was fully human, he never sinned. His death bought freedom for us who were enslaved to sin so we could be adopted into God's family.
Under Roman law, an adopted child was guaranteed all legal rights to his father's property. "Abba" is an Aramaic word for father. It was used by Christ in prayer in Mark 14:36. As adopted children of God, we share with Jesus all rights to God's resources. As God's heirs, we can claim what he has provided for us - our full identity as his children.
Reference summary used from the Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Jewish males greeted each new day by prayer, Lord, I thank you that I am not a Gentile, a slave, or a woman. The role of women was enhanced by Christianity. Faith in Christ transcends these differences & makes all believers one in Christ.
The original covenant with Abraham was intended for the whole world, not just for his descendants. All believers partake of this covenant & are blessed as children of Abraham.
The apostle Paul uses the illustration of slavery to show that before Christ came & died for sins, people were in bondage to the Law.
Thinking they could be saved by it, they became enslaved to trying - & failing - to keep it. The Good News is that we who were once slaves are now God's very own children with an intimate relationship with him. Because of Christ, there is no reason to be afraid of God. We can come boldly into his presence, knowing he will welcome us as his family members.
True Christianity: Christians are those who believe inwardly & outwardly that Jesus' death has allowed God to offer them forgiveness & eternal life as a gift. They have accepted that gift by faith & are seeking to live a life of obedient gratitude for what God has done for them.
Christianity is both private & public, heart-belief & mouth-confession. Our relationship to God & the power he provides result in obedience. Having received the gift of forgiveness & eternal life, we are now daily challenged to live that life with his help.
When the fulness of the time was come "God sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins. For centuries the Jews were wondering when their Messiah would come - but God's timing was perfect.
Jesus was born of a woman - he was human. He was born as a Jew - he was subject to God's Law & fulfilled it perfectly. Thus Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because, although he was fully human, he never sinned. His death bought freedom for us who were enslaved to sin so we could be adopted into God's family.
Under Roman law, an adopted child was guaranteed all legal rights to his father's property. "Abba" is an Aramaic word for father. It was used by Christ in prayer in Mark 14:36. As adopted children of God, we share with Jesus all rights to God's resources. As God's heirs, we can claim what he has provided for us - our full identity as his children.
Reference summary used from the Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Tuesday - All Peoples are Blessed Through Abraham - Genesis 22:15-18 -1/31/17
Abraham received abundant blessings because he obeyed God. First, God gave Abraham's descendants the ability to conquer their enemies. Second, God promised Abraham children & grandchildren who in turn the whole earth would be blessed. People's lives would be changed as a result of knowing Abraham & his descendants. Most often we think of blessings as gifts to be enjoyed. But when God blesses us, his blessings are intended to overflow to others.
Reference summary used from the KJV Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Reference summary used from the KJV Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Thursday - Shall I Indeed Bear a Child - Genesis 18:9-15 - 12/1/16
Verse 9 ... And they said unto him, Where is Sa'rah thy wife? And he said,Behold, ... in the tent.
Genesis 24:67 ... And I'ssac brought her into his mother Sa'rah's tent, & took Re-bek'ah, & she became his wife; & he loved her: & I'ssac was comforted after his mother's death.
Genesis 18:10 ... And he said, I ... will certainly return unto thee ...
Genesis 18:14 ... Is there anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee; according to the time of life, & Sa'rah shall have a son.
Genesis 18:10 ... according to the time of life; & lo, ...
II Kings 4:16 ... And he said, About this (set time) season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid. (Elisha promised a son to the Shunammite woman)
Genesis 18:10 ... Sa'rah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent-door, which was behind him.
Genesis 18:11 ... Now ... A'bra-ham & Sa'rah were old & well stricken in age; it ceased to be with Sa'rah ...
Genesis 17:17 ... Then A'bra-ham fell upon his face, & laughed, & said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? & shall Sa'rah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Genesis 18:11 ... after the manner of women.
Genesis 31:35 ... And she said to her father, (Ra'chel) Let it not displease my lord that I can not rise up before thee; for the custom of women is upon me. And he searched, but found not the images.
Genesis 18:12 ... Therefore Sa'rah ... laughed within herself, saying,
Genesis 17:17 ... Then A'bra-ham fell upon his face, & laughed, & said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? & shall Sa'rah, that is ninety years old bear?
Genesis 18:12 ... After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my ...
Luke 1:18 ... And Zach-a-ri'as said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, & my wife stricken in years. (The angel Gabriel foretelleth to Zacharias the birth & office of John)
Genesis 18:12 ... lord being old also?
I Peter 3:6 ... Even as Sa'rah obeyed A'bra-ham, calling him lord: whose (children) daughters ye are,as long as ye do well, & are not afraid with any amazement. (The apostle teachetg the duty of wives & husbands)
Genesis 18:13 ... And the LORD said unto A'bra-ham, Wherefore did Sa'rah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
Genesis 18:14 ... Is anything too hard for the LORD?
Luke 1:37 ... For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Genesis 18:14 ... At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, & Sa'rah shall have a son.
Genesis 17:21 ... But my covenant will I establish with I'ssac, which Sa'rah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.
Genesis 18:15 ... Then Sa'rah denied saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Genesis 24:67 ... And I'ssac brought her into his mother Sa'rah's tent, & took Re-bek'ah, & she became his wife; & he loved her: & I'ssac was comforted after his mother's death.
Genesis 18:10 ... And he said, I ... will certainly return unto thee ...
Genesis 18:14 ... Is there anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee; according to the time of life, & Sa'rah shall have a son.
Genesis 18:10 ... according to the time of life; & lo, ...
II Kings 4:16 ... And he said, About this (set time) season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid. (Elisha promised a son to the Shunammite woman)
Genesis 18:10 ... Sa'rah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent-door, which was behind him.
Genesis 18:11 ... Now ... A'bra-ham & Sa'rah were old & well stricken in age; it ceased to be with Sa'rah ...
Genesis 17:17 ... Then A'bra-ham fell upon his face, & laughed, & said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? & shall Sa'rah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Genesis 18:11 ... after the manner of women.
Genesis 31:35 ... And she said to her father, (Ra'chel) Let it not displease my lord that I can not rise up before thee; for the custom of women is upon me. And he searched, but found not the images.
Genesis 18:12 ... Therefore Sa'rah ... laughed within herself, saying,
Genesis 17:17 ... Then A'bra-ham fell upon his face, & laughed, & said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? & shall Sa'rah, that is ninety years old bear?
Genesis 18:12 ... After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my ...
Luke 1:18 ... And Zach-a-ri'as said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, & my wife stricken in years. (The angel Gabriel foretelleth to Zacharias the birth & office of John)
Genesis 18:12 ... lord being old also?
I Peter 3:6 ... Even as Sa'rah obeyed A'bra-ham, calling him lord: whose (children) daughters ye are,as long as ye do well, & are not afraid with any amazement. (The apostle teachetg the duty of wives & husbands)
Genesis 18:13 ... And the LORD said unto A'bra-ham, Wherefore did Sa'rah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
Genesis 18:14 ... Is anything too hard for the LORD?
Luke 1:37 ... For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Genesis 18:14 ... At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, & Sa'rah shall have a son.
Genesis 17:21 ... But my covenant will I establish with I'ssac, which Sa'rah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.
Genesis 18:15 ... Then Sa'rah denied saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Unfork Your Tongue ... 2/23/2014 Sunday School Lesson
Sheminith . Psalm/Tehillim 12 . Philistines . Shochoh . Judah . Azekah . Esphesdammin . Saul . men of Israel . Valley of Elah . Goliah of Gath . 6 cubits & span . 5,000 shekels of brass . II Chronicles 15 . Spirit of God . Azariah - son of Oded . Benjamin . great vexations . prophecy of Oded . Mt. Ephraim - renewed altar of Lord - porch of Lord . Ephraim & Manasseh - Simeon . Jerusalem - 3rd month - 15th year offered unto Lord - spoil . Covenant . Be ye strong . Nehemiah 1 . Nehemiah . Hachalial . Chisleu (December) - 20th year - Shushah the palace . Shushan (Esther 1:2; Daniel 8:27) . Wall of Jerusalem . sat down - wept- mourned - fasted - prayed - God of Heaven . day & night - confess - sinned . commandments - Moses . mercy - this man . this man - Persian king . kings cupbearer (Nehemiah 2:1) . Genesis/Bereshith 24 . well . master Abraham . well of water . vigin cometh draw water for camels - woman whom Lord hath out - master's son - Rebekah came - pitcher . daughter of Bethuuel, Nahor's son . Milcah . earring upon face - bracelet upon hands . bowed head - worshipped Lord . right hand or left. Laban & Bethuel . earth . Proverb/Mishle 18. fool. wisdom . talebearer . Lord . strong tower . righteous runneth - safe . James 3 . tongue - little - boasteth great things - fire kindleth . tongue - no man can tamed . same mouth - blessings & cursings . can fig tree bear olive berries - vine fig . no fountain both yield salt water & fresh . Sunday School Lesson . Psalm/Tehillim 12:5 (Victory Over Enemies & Trouble) . Nehemiah 1:5 (The Upright Are Blessed & Prospered) . Nehemiah 1:9 (Pardon for Inquities & Sins) . Proverbs/Mishle 18:10 (Safety from Harm & Danger)
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
The Sunday School Lesson for 3/2/2014 is shared from II Samuel 7:4-16 (Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 98; Background Scripture: II Samuel 7:1-17)
Sheminith ... 8th, & probably refers here to an instrument of strings
Esphesdammin ... coast of Dammim, called Pasdammim (I Chronicles 11:13)
Philistines (wanderers), people of Philistia. In the SW corner of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now)lived the Philistines, who are said to have come from Caphtor; & apparently descendants of Mizraim. (Mizraim: dual - plural name of Egypt) (Caphtor: knob, pomegrante, in Upper Egypt)
Shochoh (I Samuel 17:1)
Judah (praise), son of Jacob, pledges himself for Benjamin, tribe of blessed by Moses, Jews derived from Judah, Israelites first called Judah
Azekah (plowed), a town of Judah
Saul ... troubled by an evil spirit, favors David & seeks to destroy him
Goliath (shining?)
Gath(a wine-press), David flees to, taken by David
6 cubits & span ... about 11 ft & 1/2
Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, God
Azariah (Jehovah helps) ten others
Oded (strengthening), prophet
Benjamin (son of the right hand), youngest son of Jacob, tribe of apostle Paul
Mt. Ephraim, a mountain; (wood of - one of the oak woods to the SW)
Ephraim & Manasseh blessed by Jacob
Simeon (hearing), son of Jacob
Covenant ... promise, unchangeable, everlasting
Nehemiah (Jehovah comforts), his grief & prayer for Jerusalem
Hachalial (Jehovah saddens)
Chisleu/Kislev (November - December), 9th month
Shushah ... capital of Persia
Commandments ... law, 10 delivered, fulfilled by Christ, end of the commandment is charity - love
Moses (saved from water), an Egyptian name, meets God in Mount Sinai, delivers law to people
Abraham (Abram), sends for a wife for Issac his son, father of a multitude, called by God (children of: Genesis/Bereshith 21:2-3; 25:1-4; I Chronicles 1:32-34)
camels ... In common use among Jews & other nations of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now) was the Arabian or one-humped camel, 'camelus arabicus.'
Rebekah ... Daughter of Bethuel, grand-niece of Abraham, becomes Issac's wife, mother of Esau & Jacob
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Bethuel (house of God) son of Nabor, father of Rebekah
Nahor (snoring), Abram's brother
Milcah (queen), wife of Nahor & mother of Bethueln
Right hand ... right side - act was often the sign of a pledge, right, straight, righteous
Left ... left hand, good name
Laban (white), hospitable, gives Jacob his two daughters, envies & oppresses him, made a covenant with him
earth ... country, ground, land, world, created by God
fool ... character & conduct, folly, depise understanding & wisdom
wisdom ... given by God, obtained in answer to prayer by Solomon, danger of despising, of Joseph, Solomon, Daniel
tongue ... unruly
James 3:1-12 ... Teachers & the tongue (Sins, Social, & Spiritual)
Verses 1-4
Verse 1 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue, Required
Verse 2 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 3 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Travelling, Different Modes
Verse 4 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Ships & Navigation; Working Ships, Steering
(James 1:19,26; 4:11-12; 5:12; Psalm/Tehillim 39:1 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 5-8
Verses 5,6,8 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 7 ... External Nature; Man & The Animal Creation; Man's Dominion over Animals
Verses 9-12
Verses 9,10 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verses 11,12 ... External Nature; Water; Wells & Fountains, Figurative
Verse 12 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Tilling The Ground; Fig Trees & Figs
(Revelation 3:16)
Monday - 2/17/2014 - Lying & Flattering Lips - Psalm/Tehillim 12
David's destitute of human comfort, craveth help of God. He comforteth himself with God's judgment on the wicked, & confidence in God's tried promises.... Psalm of Supplication: Expressing trust in god; Didactic (instruct/teach) Psalm: showing the blessing of God's people & the misery of HIS enemies
Tuesday - 2/18/2014 - Words that Imtimidate - I Samuel 17:1-11
The Israelites & Philistines being ready to battle. Goliath challenges a combat;
Wednesday - 2/19/2014 - Words that Lead to Repentance - II Chronicles 15:1-12
Judah makes a solemn covenant with God
Thursday - 2/20/2014 - Words that Lead to Mourning - Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah understanding by hannai the afflicted state of Jerusalem, mourns, fasts, & prays, his prayer
Friday - 2/21/2014 - Words that Lead to Worship - Genesis/Bereshith 24:42-52
Abraham sendeth his servant to get a wife for his son, Issac; he obtaineth Rebekah
Saturday - 2/22/2014 - Words Guided by Wisdom - Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13
The Proverbs of Solomon ... wise & foolish man, righteous & wicked, sound advice on words & tongue, lazy man/slack work, pverty & wealth
Sunday - 2/23/2014 - Taming the Tongue - James 3:1-12
We must not rashly or arrograntly reprove others: the importance of governing the tongue.
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, Zondervan Bible Commentary, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
The Sunday School Lesson for 3/2/2014 is shared from II Samuel 7:4-16 (Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 98; Background Scripture: II Samuel 7:1-17)
Sheminith ... 8th, & probably refers here to an instrument of strings
Esphesdammin ... coast of Dammim, called Pasdammim (I Chronicles 11:13)
Philistines (wanderers), people of Philistia. In the SW corner of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now)lived the Philistines, who are said to have come from Caphtor; & apparently descendants of Mizraim. (Mizraim: dual - plural name of Egypt) (Caphtor: knob, pomegrante, in Upper Egypt)
Shochoh (I Samuel 17:1)
Judah (praise), son of Jacob, pledges himself for Benjamin, tribe of blessed by Moses, Jews derived from Judah, Israelites first called Judah
Azekah (plowed), a town of Judah
Saul ... troubled by an evil spirit, favors David & seeks to destroy him
Goliath (shining?)
Gath(a wine-press), David flees to, taken by David
6 cubits & span ... about 11 ft & 1/2
Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, God
Azariah (Jehovah helps) ten others
Oded (strengthening), prophet
Benjamin (son of the right hand), youngest son of Jacob, tribe of apostle Paul
Mt. Ephraim, a mountain; (wood of - one of the oak woods to the SW)
Ephraim & Manasseh blessed by Jacob
Simeon (hearing), son of Jacob
Covenant ... promise, unchangeable, everlasting
Nehemiah (Jehovah comforts), his grief & prayer for Jerusalem
Hachalial (Jehovah saddens)
Chisleu/Kislev (November - December), 9th month
Shushah ... capital of Persia
Commandments ... law, 10 delivered, fulfilled by Christ, end of the commandment is charity - love
Moses (saved from water), an Egyptian name, meets God in Mount Sinai, delivers law to people
Abraham (Abram), sends for a wife for Issac his son, father of a multitude, called by God (children of: Genesis/Bereshith 21:2-3; 25:1-4; I Chronicles 1:32-34)
camels ... In common use among Jews & other nations of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now) was the Arabian or one-humped camel, 'camelus arabicus.'
Rebekah ... Daughter of Bethuel, grand-niece of Abraham, becomes Issac's wife, mother of Esau & Jacob
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Bethuel (house of God) son of Nabor, father of Rebekah
Nahor (snoring), Abram's brother
Milcah (queen), wife of Nahor & mother of Bethueln
Right hand ... right side - act was often the sign of a pledge, right, straight, righteous
Left ... left hand, good name
Laban (white), hospitable, gives Jacob his two daughters, envies & oppresses him, made a covenant with him
earth ... country, ground, land, world, created by God
fool ... character & conduct, folly, depise understanding & wisdom
wisdom ... given by God, obtained in answer to prayer by Solomon, danger of despising, of Joseph, Solomon, Daniel
tongue ... unruly
James 3:1-12 ... Teachers & the tongue (Sins, Social, & Spiritual)
Verses 1-4
Verse 1 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue, Required
Verse 2 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 3 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Travelling, Different Modes
Verse 4 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Ships & Navigation; Working Ships, Steering
(James 1:19,26; 4:11-12; 5:12; Psalm/Tehillim 39:1 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 5-8
Verses 5,6,8 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verse 7 ... External Nature; Man & The Animal Creation; Man's Dominion over Animals
Verses 9-12
Verses 9,10 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Government of the Tongue
Verses 11,12 ... External Nature; Water; Wells & Fountains, Figurative
Verse 12 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Tilling The Ground; Fig Trees & Figs
(Revelation 3:16)
Monday - 2/17/2014 - Lying & Flattering Lips - Psalm/Tehillim 12
David's destitute of human comfort, craveth help of God. He comforteth himself with God's judgment on the wicked, & confidence in God's tried promises.... Psalm of Supplication: Expressing trust in god; Didactic (instruct/teach) Psalm: showing the blessing of God's people & the misery of HIS enemies
Tuesday - 2/18/2014 - Words that Imtimidate - I Samuel 17:1-11
The Israelites & Philistines being ready to battle. Goliath challenges a combat;
Wednesday - 2/19/2014 - Words that Lead to Repentance - II Chronicles 15:1-12
Judah makes a solemn covenant with God
Thursday - 2/20/2014 - Words that Lead to Mourning - Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah understanding by hannai the afflicted state of Jerusalem, mourns, fasts, & prays, his prayer
Friday - 2/21/2014 - Words that Lead to Worship - Genesis/Bereshith 24:42-52
Abraham sendeth his servant to get a wife for his son, Issac; he obtaineth Rebekah
Saturday - 2/22/2014 - Words Guided by Wisdom - Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13
The Proverbs of Solomon ... wise & foolish man, righteous & wicked, sound advice on words & tongue, lazy man/slack work, pverty & wealth
Sunday - 2/23/2014 - Taming the Tongue - James 3:1-12
We must not rashly or arrograntly reprove others: the importance of governing the tongue.
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, Zondervan Bible Commentary, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible
King David,
persian king,
Spirit of God,
Sunday School Lesson,
wall of Jerusalem,
Live What You Believe ... 2/16/2014 Sunday School Lesson
II Thessalonians 1 . I Timothy 6 . perdition . I Thessalonians 3 . Timotheus . Luke 7 . Capernaum . Pharisees . Simon . Colossains 2 . Laodicea . James 2 . Abraham . Issac . Rahab . God . your faith . charity . Churches of God . tribulations . Jesus/Yeshua . Lord Jesus . Heaven . flaming fire . punished . pray always . Lord Jesus Christ . godliness . content . destruction . love of money . righteousness - love - patience - meekness . fight good fight of faith . lay hold - Eternal Life . stand fast - in Lord . night & day praying . God - our Father . love . certain centurion's servant - sick - ready to die . elders of Jews . servant whole - had been sick . woman in city - sinner -alabaster box of ointment . certain creditors - debtors - forgave them both . her sins - are many - forgiven - for she loved much . any man beguile you - enticing words . steadfastness . walk in HIM . thanksgiving . faith - works . one God - devils believe & tremble . justified by works - received messengers . Sunday School Lesson . heal. Israel . faith - works
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 2:14-26 (Background Scripture: James 2:14-26; Devotional Reading: Luke 7:1-10) for 2/16/2014.
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
perdition ... utter destruction, eternal damnation
Timotheous (Timothy), accompanies the apostle Paul. Timothy had been left in Ephesus to check erroneous (containing errors) doctrine, while Paul went on to Macedonia to visit his loved Philippians
Capernaum (village of comfort), a city on the west shore of the sea of Galilee
Phariesees ... the word derived from the Hebrew word 'to separate,' & this title was given to the Pharisees, because of their superior strictness in adhering to the law. A class among the scribes - but not identical to scribes. Spirtually proud - without moral excellence.
Simon, reproved Pharisee
Laodicea, a city of Phrygia ( a district of Asia Minor/Turkey), near Colasse
Abraham (father of a multitude), his faith counted for righteousness - his faith in offering Issac
heal ... cure, to care for the sick, to treat, made whole, spiritual healing, to save, medical service, Divinely imparted gifts in he Churches in Apostolic times, reaching completion.
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Israel (God fights), Jacob so called
faith(Hebrews 11), trust without seeing - works (action)
Works by love (I Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 10:23)
faith without works is dead (James 2:17,20)
James 2:14-26 ... faith & works (Sins, Social,& Spiritual: James 2:1-5:6)
Verses 14-17
Verses 14,17 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 15,16 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Ministering to the Necessity of Saints
Verses 18-22
Verse 18 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verse 19 ... Angels, Evil Angels, Are Not Believers
Verse 20 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 21,22 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 21 (Genesis/Bershith 22:1,14)
(Matthew 8:29; Mark 5:7; Galatians 3:6-29 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 23-26
Verse 23 ... Man Redeemed; Justification; Faith the Instrumental Clause
Justification ... to justify. All that was necessary on God's part for our justification had been effected in the Death of Christ. He was raised from the dead. The propitation (atonement) being perfect & complete.
Verse 23 (Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; Isaiah 41:8; II Chronicles 20:7)
Verses 24,25 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 25 (Joshua 2:1,21)
Verse 26 ... Man Redeemed; Faith, Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
(Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; Joshua 2:1-21)
Monday - February 10, 2014 - The Work of Faith With Power - II Thessalonians 1:3-12
Prayer & Encouragement
Tuesday - February 11, 2014 - Faith Distracted by Loving Money - I Timothy 6:6-12
False teachers (I Timothy 6:3-10) ... The man of God (I Timothy 6:11-16) ... Regarding Relationships (I Timothy 5:1-6:21)
Wednesday - February 12, 2014 - Completeing What's Lacking in Faith - I Thessalonians 3:4-13
apostle Paul & The Thessalonian Church (I Thessalonians 2:17-3:13)
Thursday - February 13, 2014 - An Example of Great Faith - Luke 7:1-10
The centurion's servant ... The Return To Galilee (Luke 4:14-8:56)
Friday - February 14, 2014 - A Faith that Saves - Luke 7:36-50
The anointing of Jesus/Yeshua
Saturday - February 15, 2014 - Living Your Life in Christ - Colossians 2:1-7
apostle Paul's Ministry ... Christ's Person & Work (Colossians 1:3-2:7)
Sunday - February 16, 2014 - Faith Demonstrated through Works - James 2:14-26
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Editon Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from James 2:14-26 (Background Scripture: James 2:14-26; Devotional Reading: Luke 7:1-10) for 2/16/2014.
The Sunday School Lesson for 2/23/2014 is shared from James 3:1-12 (Background Scripture: James 3:1-12; Devotional Reading: Proverbs/Mishle 18:2-13)
perdition ... utter destruction, eternal damnation
Timotheous (Timothy), accompanies the apostle Paul. Timothy had been left in Ephesus to check erroneous (containing errors) doctrine, while Paul went on to Macedonia to visit his loved Philippians
Capernaum (village of comfort), a city on the west shore of the sea of Galilee
Phariesees ... the word derived from the Hebrew word 'to separate,' & this title was given to the Pharisees, because of their superior strictness in adhering to the law. A class among the scribes - but not identical to scribes. Spirtually proud - without moral excellence.
Simon, reproved Pharisee
Laodicea, a city of Phrygia ( a district of Asia Minor/Turkey), near Colasse
Abraham (father of a multitude), his faith counted for righteousness - his faith in offering Issac
heal ... cure, to care for the sick, to treat, made whole, spiritual healing, to save, medical service, Divinely imparted gifts in he Churches in Apostolic times, reaching completion.
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Israel (God fights), Jacob so called
faith(Hebrews 11), trust without seeing - works (action)
Works by love (I Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 10:23)
faith without works is dead (James 2:17,20)
James 2:14-26 ... faith & works (Sins, Social,& Spiritual: James 2:1-5:6)
Verses 14-17
Verses 14,17 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 15,16 ... Man Redeemed; Duties & Graces Of The New Life; Ministering to the Necessity of Saints
Verses 18-22
Verse 18 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verse 19 ... Angels, Evil Angels, Are Not Believers
Verse 20 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Faith Without Works Insufficient
Verses 21,22 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works; Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 21 (Genesis/Bershith 22:1,14)
(Matthew 8:29; Mark 5:7; Galatians 3:6-29 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 23-26
Verse 23 ... Man Redeemed; Justification; Faith the Instrumental Clause
Justification ... to justify. All that was necessary on God's part for our justification had been effected in the Death of Christ. He was raised from the dead. The propitation (atonement) being perfect & complete.
Verse 23 (Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; Isaiah 41:8; II Chronicles 20:7)
Verses 24,25 ... Man Redeemed; Faith; Relation of Faith to Works, Works Required in Order to Justification
Verse 25 (Joshua 2:1,21)
Verse 26 ... Man Redeemed; Faith, Relation of Faith to Works, Faith Without Works Insufficient
(Genesis/Bereshith 15:6; II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; Joshua 2:1-21)
Monday - February 10, 2014 - The Work of Faith With Power - II Thessalonians 1:3-12
Prayer & Encouragement
Tuesday - February 11, 2014 - Faith Distracted by Loving Money - I Timothy 6:6-12
False teachers (I Timothy 6:3-10) ... The man of God (I Timothy 6:11-16) ... Regarding Relationships (I Timothy 5:1-6:21)
Wednesday - February 12, 2014 - Completeing What's Lacking in Faith - I Thessalonians 3:4-13
apostle Paul & The Thessalonian Church (I Thessalonians 2:17-3:13)
Thursday - February 13, 2014 - An Example of Great Faith - Luke 7:1-10
The centurion's servant ... The Return To Galilee (Luke 4:14-8:56)
Friday - February 14, 2014 - A Faith that Saves - Luke 7:36-50
The anointing of Jesus/Yeshua
Saturday - February 15, 2014 - Living Your Life in Christ - Colossians 2:1-7
apostle Paul's Ministry ... Christ's Person & Work (Colossians 1:3-2:7)
Sunday - February 16, 2014 - Faith Demonstrated through Works - James 2:14-26
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Editon Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words, Zondervan Bible Commentary, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary
alabaser box of ointment,
Asia Minor,
cure - heal,
flaming fire,
love of money,
Sunday School Lesson,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Vision Dreams: Jacob - Israel ... 10/27/2013 Sunday School Lesson
Sychar . Samaria . Jacob's Well . Living Water - Eternal Life . Genesis/Bereshith . Gospel of John . Issac . Esau . Rebekah . Jacob . Jabbok . Jacob - Israel . Peniel . Padan-aram . Israel . Abraham . Bethel . Canaan . Bethuel . Laban . Beer-sheba . Haran . Luz . Promises . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis/Bereshith 21:1a,10-22 (Devotional Reading: John 4:1-15; Background Scripture: Genesis 27:19-29; 28:1-4,10-22; 32:22-30; 35:9-15) for October 27, 2013.
Sychar, a village at the foot of Mount Ebal in Samaria, near Jacob's well; now Iskar.
Samaria (Shomeron) (watch tower) visited by Christ. Capital of the Kingdom of the Ten Tribes. To the east are the ruins of the Church of St. John, with its ancient Hebrew tombs.
Issac, marries Rebecca, blesses his sons, his death.
Esau, son of Issac, sells his birthright, deprived of the blessing, his anger against Jacob, & reconciliation. (His descendants: Genesis 36; I Chronicles 1:35).
Rebekah or Rebecca, history of: Genesis 22; 24:15,67; 27:6,42; 49:31; Romans 9:10
Jacob (he supplants), obtains the blessing, sent to Padan-aram, vision & vow, vision of God's host, prayer, wrestles with an angel, reconciled with Esau, builds an altar.
Jacob's Well, a fountain near Shechem.
Jabbok (pouring out), a river on the east side of the Jordan.
Jacob - Israel (God fights), Jacob so called.
Peniel or Penuel (face of God), a place on the east of Jordan, scene of Jacob's wrestling with an angel.
Bethuel (house of God).
Laban, hospitable. Gave Jacob his two daughters. Envies & oppresses him. (Made a Covenant with him: Genesis 31:43).
Haran (mountainous), Jacob flees to Laban at.
Luz (almond tree), ancient name of Bethel.
Genesis 28 ... Jacob is blessed, & sent to Padan-aram: his vision & God's promise in a dream. The stone at Beth-el. Jacob's vow. ... Issac blesseth Jacob & sendeth him to Padan-aram. Esau marrieth Mahalath, the daughter of Ishamel. The vision of Jacob's ladder.
Genesis 28:1a,10-12
Verse 1 ... The Family; The Institution & Laws of Marriage; Marriages with Gentiles, Objected to
Verses 10,11 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Travelling, Sleeping Out of Doors
Verse 12 ... Mediums & Methods of Revelation; Dreams & Their Interpretations; Jacob's Dream
(Genesis 28:2; 27:41; 11:1-9 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 13-17
Verses 13,14,15 ... Mediums & Methods of Revelation; Dreams & Their Interpretations; Jacob's Dream
Verse 15 ... The Upright are Blessed & Prospered (Prosperity means different things to different individuals)
Verses 16,17 ... Sacred Places; Altars & Holy Places; Memorial Pillars of Stone, To Mark the Place of a Vision
(Galatians 3:8; Genesis 35:6; Isaiah 6:5)
Verses 18-22
Verse 18 ... Sacred Places; Altars & Holy Places; Memorial Pillars of Stone, To Mark the Place of a Vision
Verse 19 ... Other Nations; The Canaanites; Gentile Names of Places in Canaan
Verses 20,21,22 ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Covenants, Vows, & Oaths; Instances of Vows, by Jacob
Verse 20 ... Food & Clothing Provided for the Lord's Children
Verse 22 ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Taxes For Sacred Purposes; Tithes, Vowed by Jacob.
(Genesis 12:8; 35:1-15; Joshua 16:2; 18:13; Genesis 35:6-7; 25:29-34; 33:18)
Monday - October 21, 2013 - One Greater than Jacob - John 4:1-15
Christ revealeth himself to a woman of Samaria.
Tuesday - October 22, 2013 - The Plot to Gain a Blessing - Genesis 27:1-10
Issac sendeth Esau for vension. Jacob instructed by Rebekah, obtaineth the blessing.
Wednesday - October 23, 2013 - Planning the Deception - Genesis 27:11-17
Rebekah instructeth Jacob to obtain the blessing. Jacob under the person of Esau obtaineth it.
Thursday - October 24, 2013 - A Blessing Gained through Deceit - Genesis 27:18-29
Look under '10/23/2013'
Friday - October 25, 2013 - Jacob Received God's Blessing - Genesis 32:22-30
He sendeth a present to Esau; he wrestleth with an angel at Peniel, & is called Israel.
Saturday - October 26, 2013 - Jacob's Name Changed to Israel - Genesis 35:9-15
God blesseth him there.
Sunday - October 27, 2013 - God's Assurance for Jacob - Genesis 28:1a,10-22
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
Sunday, October 20, 2013
2013 Preview & 2007: Vision of Jacob's Ladder Sunday School Lesson
2013 Preview of the Sunday School Lesson for October 27, 2013:
Vision Dreams ... Devotional Reading: John 4:1-15; Background Scripture: Genesis/Bereshith: 27:19-29; 28:1-4,10-22; 32:22-30; 35:9-15 & Sunday School Lesson Text: Genesis/Bereshith 28:1a,10-22
Genesis/Bereshith 24: Abraham sendeth his servant to get a wife for his son Issac: he obtaineth Rebekah; Issac meeteth her.
Genesis/Bereshith 25:9 Issac and Ishmael bury Abraham in the cave of Mach-pe-lah
Genesis/Bereshith 25: The sons of Abraham by Keturah: his age and death. The generations of Ishmael. The birth of Esau and Jacob. Esau selleth his birthright.
I have not checked the links as of 2013, that I have shared in this article. But at the time they were accurate and Christian links.
10-14-07 Sunday School Lesson
Background Scripture: Genesis 27:41-28:22, Lesson Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22
10-21-07 Sunday School Lesson --- Story of Love - Jacob & Rachel (Background Scripture: Genesis 29:1-35) Lesson Scripture: Genesis 29:20-35.
Before I go unto the lesson I know that you know what Issac & Ishmael (Abraham's sons) did together.
Genesis 25:9 -- Abraham's sons "Issac" & "Ishmael" buried Abraham in the cave of Machpelah.
Esau(Edom) had three (3) wives ... Genesis 36:1-3.
To be honest I do not know how to tell anyone how to deal with dreams ... I would say it would have to line up with the Word of God-Bible.
Can you pay close attention to a dream-vision? Maybe yes or no. Joel 2:28 & Acts 2:17.
Something that was on my mind -- now I am not saying that it relates to the sunday school lesson but it was on my mind --- -- 8/01 -- A Prophetic Call to Sound the Shofar (Abrabram's Son -- Issac's Descendant) --- Praise Team in Egypt -- Christian Arabs --- Abraham's Son -- Ishmael Descendant) ( -- 3 or 4 years if not longer)the end........ now I will go back to the sunday school lesson.
Genesis 28:10-22
Key Verse -- And, behold, "I" am with thee, & will "keep" thee in all places whither thou goest, & will "bring" thee again into this land: for "I" will not leave thee "until" I have done that which I have spoken to thee of (Genesis 28:15)
Mediums & Methods of Revelations -- Dreams & Their Interpretations -- Jacob's Dreams
"I" -- Genesis 13:14 -- The Hebrews God's Chosen People -- Canaan Promised
"keep" -- Genesis 48:16 -- Angels, God's angels, The Angel of the LORD, OR, of God -- Identified with God
"bring" -- Genesis 35:6 -- Sacred Places -- Altars & Holy Places -- Patriarchal (In Biblical Times -- Father, Ruler, Founder of a Family or tribe) Altars
"I" -- I Kings 8:57 -- Duties to God -- Pleading in Prayer -- By Good Works to Come
"until" -- Numbers 23:19 -- Works of God -- The Purposes of God -- God's Purposes, Eternal & Immutable (unchangedable)
How long is Eternal? Forever ... unlimited TIME ...
Genesis 28:10-22
Verse 10 -- And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, & went toward Haran.
Civil & Social Life -- Travelling -- Sleeping Out of Doors
Beer-sheba -- Jacob comforted there (Genesis 46:1) Haran -- mountainous. Jacob flees there (Genesis 28:10)
Leave/flee/run. Think twice before you trick someone. Jacob had to leave/flee/run away from home for he was afraid of what Esau would do to him since he tricked their father into giving him the birthright/blessing. Mother's love their children and will do all they can to protect them/provide for them.. she learned that Esau had plans to harm her favorite son, so she had him to flee/run. Jacob had to flee/run to save his life.
Issac told Jacob to find him a wife in Haran. Haran -- was the same place where Rebekah came from.
Question -- Food for Thought --- Have you ever wondered why sometime that there will be available females to marry in the same place that a male is in and he will go and get a wife from away from his home and or local area?
Verse 11 -- And he lighted upon a certain place ... & tarried there ... all night ... & he took the stones of that place ... & put them for his pillows ... & lay down in that place to sleep.
Civil & Social Life -- Travelling -- Sleeping Out of Doors
"certain place" ........ stones was his pillow that Jacob laid his head on outside
Verses 12, 13, 14, 15 --- Mediums & Methods of Revelations -- Dreams & Their Interpretations -- Jacob's Dream
And he dreamed ... and behold a ladder set up on the earth ... & the top of it reached to heaven ... & behold the angels of God ascending (came down/coming down) ... & decending on it.
And ... behold ... the LORD stood above it ... & said ... I am the LORD God of Abraham thy Father ... and the God of Issac ... the land whereon thou liest ... to thee will I give it ... & to thy seed.
And thy seed (children, children's children, etc.) shall be as the dust of the eart ... & thou shalt spread abroad ... to the east ... & to the north ... & to the south ... & in thy seed shall ... all ... the families of the earth ... be blessed.
And, behold I am with thee ... & will keep thee in all places whither thou goest ... & will bring thee again into this land ... for I will not leave thee ... until ... I have done ... that which I have ... spoken to thee of.
God's angels, messengers of God, good angels, move at God's command
Can you imagine how Jacob felt? Looking up at the top of a stairway/ladder & see the LORD standing fromn heaven to earth? God spoke to Jacob and told him who HE was .. God made it plain.
Abraham & Issac was promised the land that he was lying on ... had slept on. His family line would be too great to count -- compared to dust on earth.
God spoke & said that they would return to their land -- home.
Food for Thought --This is a personal question. Have you ever had to flee/leave/run away from home? Jesus said a prophet is without honor in his own country.
Jesus Christ --- seed of David, seed of Jacob (Galatians 3:16 -- Prophecies concerning Jesus Christ/Yeshua)
Verses 16,17,18 -- Sacred Places -- Altars & Holy Places -- Memorial Pillars of Stone -- To Mark the Place of a Vision
And Jacob awaked ... out of his sleep ... & he said ... Surely the LORD ... is in this place ... & I knew it not.
And he was afraid ... and said ... How dreadful is this place? ... this is none other than the House of God ... & this is the gate of heaven.
And Jacob rose up early in the morning ... & took the stone ... that he had put for his pillows ... & set it up for a pillar ... & poured ... oil ... upon the top of it.
After Jacob woke up he knew he had been in God's presence. He found out that the LORD was where he was -- In this place
Wisdom -- Proverbs 9:10 --- The fear of the LORD, is the beginning of Wisdom.
Jacob recognized where he was -- it was the house of the LORD.
Jacob dedicated the place he slept at ... for holy purposes ... holy ground. Jacob poured "oil" on the ground as to anoint it.
holy anointing oil -- Exodus 30:31 -- Sacred Rites & Forms -- Inauguration of the Hebrew Sacrifical System -- The Holy Anointing Oil
Joel 2:28 -- The Pentecostal Beginning, Promised
Acts 2:17 -- The Pentecostal Beginning, Realized
Acts 2:17 -- It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: & your sons & your daughters shall prophesy, & your young men shall see visions, & your old men shall dream dreams:
Genesis 28:10-22
Verse 19 -- he called the name of that place Beth-el: but the name of the city was called Luz at first.
Other Nations -- The Canaanites -- Gentile Names of Places in Canaan
Bethel -- house of God (Genesis 28:19 -- Jacob's vision there; II Kings 2:2, 3 -- prophet's dwell there)
Luz -- almond tree, ancient name of Bethel
As you noticed there was no worship house/church/temple where Jacob slept -- where Jacob dreamed for he was outside on the ground.
Verses 20, 21, 22 -- Sacred Rites & Forms -- VOWS -- Instances of Vows by Jacob
And Jacob vowed a vow ... saying, If God will be with me ... & keep me ... in the way that I go ... & will give me bread to eat ... & raiment to put on,
So that I come again ... to my father's house in peace ... there shall the LORD be my God.
And the stone ... which I have set for a pillar ... shall be God's house ... & of all that thou shalt give me ... I will surely give the tenth unto thee.
VOW -- promise. Be careful what you promise the LORD, this is serious business.
Question -- Food for Thought --- What did Jacob promise the LORD?
Jacob did not ask the LORD for riches, fame, nor fortune ... he asked God for bread (food to eat) & raiment (clothing to wear). Jacob promised to give God a tithe (10th - 10 percent) back to the LORD.
Jacob was telling the LORD if you keep your arm/hand of protection on me then you will be my God. (Daniel in the Lion's Den knew that God could deliver him -- God would have still been God if HE did not deliver Daniel as well)
Scripture reference taken from:
KJV, Topical Reference Bible, Bible Crusade Publishers, Mt. Juliet, TN
KJV, Precious Promise Bible
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Hot Chocolate For The Spirit: Book Review
I reviewed this book, I think before 2005.
There's nothing better than setting down with a hot cup of chocolate, especially on a cold, dreary night. It's soothing & warms the insides through & through.
May you also begin to experience the victorious life Jesus came to give you.
Remember the Israelites? It was a short journey from the Red Sea to Canaan, the Promised Land. God had delivered the Israelites from Slavery in Egypt, & in Canaan the Israelites would be free to serve & worship HIM.
Then they wandered for forty years.
Someone shared this Biblical Truth with the author, & she realized she was "wandering in the wilderness." Her book is a product of her decision to become unstuck.
Are you wandering in the wilderness?
Whatever you desire, it will take faith in God for changes in your life to happen.
Make a list of your goals & vision if you haven't already. Make a list of the tasks you do daily, weekly, monthly & yearly to reach your mission.
Keep this list handy & pray over it each day. Find a scripture that aligns with each of your goals & pray those verses daily.
John 8 reveals two sides of God's LOVE.
The chapter begins with a woman caught in the act of adultery. The Scribes & Pharisees bring her to Jesus & tell him about her sin. According to the law of Moses, she deserves death by stoning.
Jesus said ... He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her (John 8:7). One by one they walked away.
Jesus asked the woman, where are thine accusers? Jesus said unto her, go, & sin no more (John 8:10-11).
Love is tender & it is sometimes tough. Love forgives & it also confronts.
Moving higher means growing up, & in order to grow up there must be a separation.
Abraham, Issac, & Jacob all went through a separation process & reaped great rewards.
Abraham left his family & caught the vision of a Promised Land & descendants who became innumerable as the stars.
Issac, Abraham's son, left familiar surroundings & traveled to Egypt. There God prospered him in the middle of a famine.
Jacob's greed & selfishness drove him to deceive. To help him escape the wrath of his brother, Jacob's parents sent him away.
The transformation in Jacob was so great that God changed his name from Jacob(trickster) to Israel(Prince of God).
Separation is challenging & painful, but let God have HIS way.
There is a parable in Luke 18 that reveals a key to getting our prayers answered. In verse one Jesus told this parable to encourage men to keep praying & never faint.
Jesus asks if - a man who had no reverence for God & no consideration for people - will help someone because of their persistence, how much more will God respond to you, HIS very own child whom HE loves dearly?
We should never beat ourselves up. God forgives when we ask, once we repent. We should learn from our mistakes.
Jesus said in John 15:5 that without HIM we can do nothing.
Pray Psalm 150 -- Praise ye the LORD, Praise God in HIS sanctuary ... Praise him for HIS mighty acts ... Praise HIM with the sound of the trumpet ... Let every thing that hath breath praise th LORD.
The author shared she's had several opportunities to move past her comfort zone.
II Kings 7: The city of Samaria had been surrounded by the army of Syria. The prophet Elisha foretold that the city would have relief within one day.
Four lepers sat on the outskirts of the city talking among themselves.
So, they decided upon a bold plan. They would visit the Syrian camp.
When the lepers arrived at the camp no one was there! II Kings 7:6-7 tells us the LORD caused a great noise that sounded like a mighty army approaching. The Syrians had panicked & fled into the night, leaving behind their belongings.
Leaps of faith aren't easy.
Taking a leap of faith will mean different things to different people.
God has appointed you to reach out & touch the life of at least one person.
One night the author dreamed she was in prison along with several friends. Her friends decided to break out.
Terrified of the bulldogs that guarded the place, she wasn't in agreement with their plan. Her companions were not afraid.
But as they walked towards the gate that would take them beyond the prison walls, the bulldogs cleared the path for them. They walked through & were not harmed in any way.
The author feels God spoke to her through her dream -- if she responded to HIS guidance with faith & boldness, the "bulldogs" in her life would move aside.
Has a bad experience made you fearful?
Our good works should flow out from our communion with God.
Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to love others as you love yourself.
Take time to renew & refresh.
The Bible is our blueprint.
Living a Godly life is a fight, & we need every piece of information we can get our hands on.
We should strive to do a first-rate job in whatever we are involved with. Someone may be watching.
God is certainly watching. The Bible tells us to do everything as unto the LORD.
The author shares she's been through the ups & downs. And, boy have she shed a lot of tears. Through it all, she shares there has been one thing that sustained her: hope.
Karin Peavy is the author of Hot Chocolate For The Spirit. A rich, meaningful book. Shares on dealing with difficult transitions. Comfort for your heart throughout every season of your life.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sibling Rivalry ... 10/20/2013 Sunday School Lesson
Genesis/Bereshith . Hebrews 11 . Beer-sheba . Paran . Abraham . Issac . Ishmael . Pray (Global peace for all peoples of faith & Christian Arabs) . angel of God . Eliezer . Damascus . Hagar . Sarah . Beer-la-hai-roi . Kadesh . Moriah . Jehovah-jireh . Abimelech . Gerar . Ahuzzath . Faith . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis/Bereshith 21:13-14,17-21; 26:2-56,12-13 (Devotional Reading: Hebrews 11:17-22; Background Scripture: Genesis/Bereshith 15:1-6; 16; 17:1-14,18,20-27; 21:9-21; 26:1-25).
Genesis 21:12b-13 ... In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Issac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.
Beer-sheba (well of the oath) city and site of three great wells, with Christian ruins, now called Bir-es-sebaast.
Paran, site of the Israelite encampment. ... desert of, in Arabia Petraea.
Eliezer (my God is help), Abraham's steward.
Damascus, an ancient and celebrated city of Syria. ... apostle Paul's journey to.
Beer-la-hai-roi, a well near Kadesh-barnea.
Kadesh (holy) or Kadesh-Barnea (sacred desert), a place on the borders of the promised land, modern Ain Qadees, 12 miles east-southeast of Beer-sheba.
Moriah (provided by Jehovah).
Jehovah-jireh (the Lord will provide).
Abimelech, Issac rebuked by and makes a covenant with. (Not the same King of Gerar, that was reproved by God about Abraham's wife).
Gerar (halting place), a royal city of the Philistines.
Ahuzzath (possession).
Hebrews 11:17-22 ... The nature and fruits of faith. The worthy fruits thereof in the father's of old time.
Genesis 21:13-14
Verse 13 ... Other Nations; Offshoots Of The Abrahamic Stock; Ishmaelites
Verse 14 ... The Family; The Institution & Laws of Marriage; Polygamy & Concubinage Practised, Trouble from It.
(Genesis 21:10; 13 ... Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book)

Genesis 21:17-21
Verse 17 ... Angela; Good Angels: The Angel of The Lord, Or, Of God; Instances of His Appearing.
Verse 18 ... Angels; Good Angels: The Angel of The Lord, Or, Of God; Utters Predictions.
Verse 19 ... Miracles; Supernatural Bodily Gifts & Deprivation; Gift of Bodily Vision.
Verses 20,21 ... Other Nations; Offshoots Of The Abrahamic Stock; Ishmaelites.
(Genesis 21:15-16; 16:3)
Genesis 26:2-5,12-13
Verses 2,3 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Canaan Promised.
Verse 3 ... The Upright Are Blessed & Prospered (Prosperity means different things to different individuals).
Verse 4 ... Other Nations; The Conversion Of The Gentiles; The Promise Made to Abraham ... The Hebrews; The Height from Which the Hebrews Fell, The Prosperity Promised.
Verse 5 ... Works of God; God's Providence In Moral Discipline; Their Prosperity.
Verse 12 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Tilling The Ground; How Fertile It Was.
Verse 13 ... Civil & Social Life; Social Relations & Duties; Riches, Instances.
(Genesis 22:1-19; 23; 25; 26; 12:10; Galatians 3:8)
Monday - October 14, 2013 - The Promise of Many Descendants - Genesis 15:1-6
Verse 1 ... The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children. Safety from All Harm & Danger. (This does not mean you will not have trials & tribulations).
God encourageth Abram: promiseth him a son & a numerous seed: he is justified by faith.
Tuesday - October 15, 2013 - A Child Born in Affliction - Genesis 16:7-16
Verse 13 ... The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children.
Hagar fleeth from her mistress, is sent back by an angel to submit to her. Ishmael is born.
Wednesday - October 16, 2013 - The Symbol of the Covenant - Genesis 17:9-14
Circumcision instituted.
Thursday - October 17, 2013 - Abraham's Test of Faith - Genesis 22:1-8
Abraham offering Issac.
Friday - October 18, 2013 - Abraham's Obedience Blessed - Genesis 22:9-18
Abraham is stayed by an angel: he is blessed again.
Saturday - October 19, 2013 - The Blessed of the Lord - Genesis 26:26-31
Verse 29 ... The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children. The Upright are Blessed & Prospered.
Abimelech's Covenant with Issac.
Sunday - October 20, 2013 - Blessing Two Family Branches - Genesis 21:13-21; 26:2-5,12-13
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Handy Teacher's Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis/Bereshith 21:13-14,17-21; 26:2-56,12-13 (Devotional Reading: Hebrews 11:17-22; Background Scripture: Genesis/Bereshith 15:1-6; 16; 17:1-14,18,20-27; 21:9-21; 26:1-25).
Genesis 21:12b-13 ... In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Issac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.
Beer-sheba (well of the oath) city and site of three great wells, with Christian ruins, now called Bir-es-sebaast.
Paran, site of the Israelite encampment. ... desert of, in Arabia Petraea.
Eliezer (my God is help), Abraham's steward.
Damascus, an ancient and celebrated city of Syria. ... apostle Paul's journey to.
Beer-la-hai-roi, a well near Kadesh-barnea.
Kadesh (holy) or Kadesh-Barnea (sacred desert), a place on the borders of the promised land, modern Ain Qadees, 12 miles east-southeast of Beer-sheba.
Moriah (provided by Jehovah).
Jehovah-jireh (the Lord will provide).
Abimelech, Issac rebuked by and makes a covenant with. (Not the same King of Gerar, that was reproved by God about Abraham's wife).
Gerar (halting place), a royal city of the Philistines.
Ahuzzath (possession).
Hebrews 11:17-22 ... The nature and fruits of faith. The worthy fruits thereof in the father's of old time.
Genesis 21:13-14
Verse 13 ... Other Nations; Offshoots Of The Abrahamic Stock; Ishmaelites
Verse 14 ... The Family; The Institution & Laws of Marriage; Polygamy & Concubinage Practised, Trouble from It.
(Genesis 21:10; 13 ... Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book)
Genesis 21:17-21
Verse 17 ... Angela; Good Angels: The Angel of The Lord, Or, Of God; Instances of His Appearing.
Verse 18 ... Angels; Good Angels: The Angel of The Lord, Or, Of God; Utters Predictions.
Verse 19 ... Miracles; Supernatural Bodily Gifts & Deprivation; Gift of Bodily Vision.
Verses 20,21 ... Other Nations; Offshoots Of The Abrahamic Stock; Ishmaelites.
(Genesis 21:15-16; 16:3)
Genesis 26:2-5,12-13
Verses 2,3 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Canaan Promised.
Verse 3 ... The Upright Are Blessed & Prospered (Prosperity means different things to different individuals).
Verse 4 ... Other Nations; The Conversion Of The Gentiles; The Promise Made to Abraham ... The Hebrews; The Height from Which the Hebrews Fell, The Prosperity Promised.
Verse 5 ... Works of God; God's Providence In Moral Discipline; Their Prosperity.
Verse 12 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Tilling The Ground; How Fertile It Was.
Verse 13 ... Civil & Social Life; Social Relations & Duties; Riches, Instances.
(Genesis 22:1-19; 23; 25; 26; 12:10; Galatians 3:8)
Monday - October 14, 2013 - The Promise of Many Descendants - Genesis 15:1-6
Verse 1 ... The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children. Safety from All Harm & Danger. (This does not mean you will not have trials & tribulations).
God encourageth Abram: promiseth him a son & a numerous seed: he is justified by faith.
Tuesday - October 15, 2013 - A Child Born in Affliction - Genesis 16:7-16
Verse 13 ... The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children.
Hagar fleeth from her mistress, is sent back by an angel to submit to her. Ishmael is born.
Wednesday - October 16, 2013 - The Symbol of the Covenant - Genesis 17:9-14
Circumcision instituted.
Thursday - October 17, 2013 - Abraham's Test of Faith - Genesis 22:1-8
Abraham offering Issac.
Friday - October 18, 2013 - Abraham's Obedience Blessed - Genesis 22:9-18
Abraham is stayed by an angel: he is blessed again.
Saturday - October 19, 2013 - The Blessed of the Lord - Genesis 26:26-31
Verse 29 ... The Lord's Love & Care for HIS Children. The Upright are Blessed & Prospered.
Abimelech's Covenant with Issac.
Sunday - October 20, 2013 - Blessing Two Family Branches - Genesis 21:13-21; 26:2-5,12-13
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Handy Teacher's Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
Hebrews 11,
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
2013 .. A Promise Kept ... 10/13/2013 'Sunday School Lesson'
Sarai/Sarah . Issac - promise . Haran . Hagar . Ishmael . Pray for all that we may lead a peaceable life . Pray for Christian Arabs . Canaan . Abraham . Kirjath-arba . Heth . Genesis/Bereshith . Isaiah 51 . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7 (Devotional Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6; Background Scripture: Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7). In order to gain a good understanding of this lesson, you will need to read/study the Daily Home Bible Readings that go with this lesson at the end of this article. ... My study came from two different KJV Bibles (one of them from around 1915).
Sarah (princess)
Issac, promise child
Haran, town of Padan-aram (field of Aram), country of Mesopotamia. Aram, country northeast of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now), usually called Syria.
Hagar (flight), mother of Ishmael
Ishmael (God hears), son of Abraham
Kirjath-arba (city of Baal)
Heth, father of Hittities (early dwellers in Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria & parts of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now).
Genesis 17:15-17 ... Circumcision instituted. Issac with a numerous issue is promised. Sarai her name is changed, & she is blessed. Issac is promised.
Genesis 18:9-15 ... Sarah reproved. Sarah is reproved for laughing at the strange promise.
Genesis 21:1-7 ... Issac is born. He is circumcision. Sarah's joy.
Isaiah 51:1-6 ... The righteous exhorted, after the pattern of Abraham, to trust in Christ: certainity of his salvation.
Genesis 18:9-15
Verse 9 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Human Abodes; Tents, Used by Abraham & the Hebrews.
Verses 10,14 ... Miracles; Miracles Considered; Miracles Foretold.
Verses 11,12,13,15 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Barreness, Miraculously Removed
(Genesis 17:115-17; 18; John 1:18; Genesis 18:2; 12; 15; 17; Habakkuk 2:3 ... Reference in Sunday School Book)
Verses 21:1-7
Verses 1,2,5,6,7 ... Miracles; Supernatural Bodily Gifts & Deprivations; Gift or Denial of Children
Verse 3 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Naming at Birth
Verse 4 ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Sacraments, Worship, & Church-Fellowship; Circumcision, Applied by Abraham
(Genesis 21; 17:12; 17:17; 18:16-20; 18:19; 17:9-14; 17:12-13)
Monday - October 7, 2013 - A Childless Wife - Genesis 11:27-32
The generations of Shem & of Terah. Terah goeth from Ur to Haran.
Tuesday - October 8, 2013 - A Beautiful Wife - Genesis 12:10-20
Canaan promised.
Wednesday - October 9, 2013 - A Threatened Wife - Genesis 16:1-6
Sarai, being barren, giveth Hagar to Abram. Hagar fleeth from her mistress.
Thursday - October 10, 2013 - The Promise of a Covenant - Genesis 17:18-22
Issac is promised.
Friday - October 11, 2013 - Dispelling the Competition - Genesis 21:8-14
Sarah's joy. Hagar & Ishmael are cast forth.
Saturday - October 12, 2013 - Mourning a Beloved Wife - Genesis 23:1-6
The age & death of Sarah. The purchase of Machpelah.
Sunday - October 13, 2013 - Bearing a Child of Promise - Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible & The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7 (Devotional Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6; Background Scripture: Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7). In order to gain a good understanding of this lesson, you will need to read/study the Daily Home Bible Readings that go with this lesson at the end of this article. ... My study came from two different KJV Bibles (one of them from around 1915).
Sarah (princess)
Issac, promise child
Haran, town of Padan-aram (field of Aram), country of Mesopotamia. Aram, country northeast of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now), usually called Syria.
Hagar (flight), mother of Ishmael
Ishmael (God hears), son of Abraham
Kirjath-arba (city of Baal)
Heth, father of Hittities (early dwellers in Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria & parts of Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now).
Genesis 17:15-17 ... Circumcision instituted. Issac with a numerous issue is promised. Sarai her name is changed, & she is blessed. Issac is promised.
Genesis 18:9-15 ... Sarah reproved. Sarah is reproved for laughing at the strange promise.
Genesis 21:1-7 ... Issac is born. He is circumcision. Sarah's joy.
Isaiah 51:1-6 ... The righteous exhorted, after the pattern of Abraham, to trust in Christ: certainity of his salvation.
Genesis 18:9-15
Verse 9 ... Industrial Employments & Products; Human Abodes; Tents, Used by Abraham & the Hebrews.
Verses 10,14 ... Miracles; Miracles Considered; Miracles Foretold.
Verses 11,12,13,15 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Barreness, Miraculously Removed
(Genesis 17:115-17; 18; John 1:18; Genesis 18:2; 12; 15; 17; Habakkuk 2:3 ... Reference in Sunday School Book)
Verses 21:1-7
Verses 1,2,5,6,7 ... Miracles; Supernatural Bodily Gifts & Deprivations; Gift or Denial of Children
Verse 3 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Naming at Birth
Verse 4 ... Sacred Rites & Forms; Sacraments, Worship, & Church-Fellowship; Circumcision, Applied by Abraham
(Genesis 21; 17:12; 17:17; 18:16-20; 18:19; 17:9-14; 17:12-13)
Monday - October 7, 2013 - A Childless Wife - Genesis 11:27-32
The generations of Shem & of Terah. Terah goeth from Ur to Haran.
Tuesday - October 8, 2013 - A Beautiful Wife - Genesis 12:10-20
Canaan promised.
Wednesday - October 9, 2013 - A Threatened Wife - Genesis 16:1-6
Sarai, being barren, giveth Hagar to Abram. Hagar fleeth from her mistress.
Thursday - October 10, 2013 - The Promise of a Covenant - Genesis 17:18-22
Issac is promised.
Friday - October 11, 2013 - Dispelling the Competition - Genesis 21:8-14
Sarah's joy. Hagar & Ishmael are cast forth.
Saturday - October 12, 2013 - Mourning a Beloved Wife - Genesis 23:1-6
The age & death of Sarah. The purchase of Machpelah.
Sunday - October 13, 2013 - Bearing a Child of Promise - Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7
Scripture reference used/taken from: KJV Topical Edition Bible & The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible
2007 ... Abraham & Hagar Have a Son Ishmael ... Sunday School Lesson
One of my 2007 Writings, that is at a couple other another sites....
What season are we in?...And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.
GOD has a plan....GOD Is In Total Control.
God keeps HIS promises. God is All Powerful, HE Knows All Things, Sees ALL Things.
9-23-07 Sunday School Lesson: Genesis 21:9-21
Sharing my sunday school notes (Read Genesis 21:9-21)
9-30-07 Lesson (Next Week) "Issac & Rebekah" Genesis 24:34-40, 42-45, 48
Genesis 21:12-13 "God said unto Abraham....also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed."
I want you to keep your mind on this but this was not in my sunday school book for some reason my mind went to this --- Acts 2:8-11, 16, 20, 38, 41, 42 - The Pentecostal Beginning, Realized. What season are we in? Now I have never been to seminary nor theology school but this is my thought.
Genesis 21:9-21
Verses 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21 --- OTHER Nations, Offshoots of The Abrahamic Stock, Ishmaelites
(My understanding the Arabs are from Ishmael & Abraham)
And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian (Genesis 16:1) which she had born unto Abraham(Genesis 16:15)
Abraham was a man of faith. Abraham was a father of two sons at this time by two different women and they were all living in the same dwelling place - home.
Was it and is it possible for two women that have had a child by the same man to dwell - live in peace all under the same roof with one man? Abraham was grievous when he had to send his son, Ishmael away.
Verse 14 -- THE FAMILY, Polygamy (more than one wife or husband at the same time) & Concubinage (to dwell or live together) Practised Trouble From It
And Abraham rose up ...... early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: (John 8:35) and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness in Beer-sheba.
Abraham was kind for he prepared water and bread for Hagar and his son before sending them away from his dwelling place. This is how men should care for their child(children) making preparations for them.
Beer-shea .......... Genesis 21:14 Hagar was relieved there, I Kings 19:3 Elijah flees there
Verses 15, 16 -- THE FAMILY, Family Affections, Parent & Children, Love to Children
And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast her child under the shrubs.
And she went, and sat her down over against him.....a good way off, as it were a bowshoot, for she said, Let me not see the death of the child.....And she sat over against him, and lifted up her voice, and wept.
Food for thought -- Was she praying for her child? What mother, what good mother would not have been praying for their child hoping that they would be heard? Was her cry heard?
Verse 17 -- Angels, The Angel of The LORD, OR, OF God, Instances of HIS Appearing
And God heard the voice of the lad; (Exodus 3:7) and the angel of God....called to Hagar....out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not, for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.
God ask Hagar what aileth thee...God called her by name. God told her not to fear for he had heard the lad -- the lad was her son.
Food for thought -- What was Moses? Do you remember what Moses calling was?
Exodus 3:7 --- The Hebrews, ISRAEL in Egypt, God Remembers HIS Covenant
And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.
Verse 18 -- Angels, The ANGEL Of The LORD, OR, OF God, Utters Predictions
Arise,.....lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation (Genesis 21:13)
him - Ishmael
Verse 19 -- MIRACLES, Supernatural Bodily Gifts, Gifts of Bodily Vision
And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad a drink.
Food for thought --- Pray, Pray seriously, Believe, ACTION "ASK, SEEK, KNOCK"
Genesis 25:12-17
Verses 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 --- Descendants of Ishmael
Verse 16 -- 12 princes according to their nations
Verse 17 -- Other Nations, Ishmaelites, Ishmael lived 137 years
Scripture reference taken from KJV, Topical Bible, Crusade Bible Publishers, Mt. Juliet, TN
Book Reviewer, Web Content Provider/Writer/Blogger, Researcher, Sunday School Teacher
What season are we in?...And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.
GOD has a plan....GOD Is In Total Control.
God keeps HIS promises. God is All Powerful, HE Knows All Things, Sees ALL Things.
9-23-07 Sunday School Lesson: Genesis 21:9-21
Sharing my sunday school notes (Read Genesis 21:9-21)
9-30-07 Lesson (Next Week) "Issac & Rebekah" Genesis 24:34-40, 42-45, 48
Genesis 21:12-13 "God said unto Abraham....also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed."
I want you to keep your mind on this but this was not in my sunday school book for some reason my mind went to this --- Acts 2:8-11, 16, 20, 38, 41, 42 - The Pentecostal Beginning, Realized. What season are we in? Now I have never been to seminary nor theology school but this is my thought.
Genesis 21:9-21
Verses 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21 --- OTHER Nations, Offshoots of The Abrahamic Stock, Ishmaelites
(My understanding the Arabs are from Ishmael & Abraham)
And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian (Genesis 16:1) which she had born unto Abraham(Genesis 16:15)
Abraham was a man of faith. Abraham was a father of two sons at this time by two different women and they were all living in the same dwelling place - home.
Was it and is it possible for two women that have had a child by the same man to dwell - live in peace all under the same roof with one man? Abraham was grievous when he had to send his son, Ishmael away.
Verse 14 -- THE FAMILY, Polygamy (more than one wife or husband at the same time) & Concubinage (to dwell or live together) Practised Trouble From It
And Abraham rose up ...... early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: (John 8:35) and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness in Beer-sheba.
Abraham was kind for he prepared water and bread for Hagar and his son before sending them away from his dwelling place. This is how men should care for their child(children) making preparations for them.
Beer-shea .......... Genesis 21:14 Hagar was relieved there, I Kings 19:3 Elijah flees there
Verses 15, 16 -- THE FAMILY, Family Affections, Parent & Children, Love to Children
And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast her child under the shrubs.
And she went, and sat her down over against him.....a good way off, as it were a bowshoot, for she said, Let me not see the death of the child.....And she sat over against him, and lifted up her voice, and wept.
Food for thought -- Was she praying for her child? What mother, what good mother would not have been praying for their child hoping that they would be heard? Was her cry heard?
Verse 17 -- Angels, The Angel of The LORD, OR, OF God, Instances of HIS Appearing
And God heard the voice of the lad; (Exodus 3:7) and the angel of God....called to Hagar....out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not, for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.
God ask Hagar what aileth thee...God called her by name. God told her not to fear for he had heard the lad -- the lad was her son.
Food for thought -- What was Moses? Do you remember what Moses calling was?
Exodus 3:7 --- The Hebrews, ISRAEL in Egypt, God Remembers HIS Covenant
And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.
Verse 18 -- Angels, The ANGEL Of The LORD, OR, OF God, Utters Predictions
Arise,.....lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation (Genesis 21:13)
him - Ishmael
Verse 19 -- MIRACLES, Supernatural Bodily Gifts, Gifts of Bodily Vision
And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad a drink.
Food for thought --- Pray, Pray seriously, Believe, ACTION "ASK, SEEK, KNOCK"
Genesis 25:12-17
Verses 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 --- Descendants of Ishmael
Verse 16 -- 12 princes according to their nations
Verse 17 -- Other Nations, Ishmaelites, Ishmael lived 137 years
Scripture reference taken from KJV, Topical Bible, Crusade Bible Publishers, Mt. Juliet, TN
Book Reviewer, Web Content Provider/Writer/Blogger, Researcher, Sunday School Teacher
Monday, October 7, 2013
Quiz: Abram/Abraham & Lot & Paths of Life '10/6/2013 Sunday School Lesson'
Genesis/Bereshith 13:7-18 . Genesis/Bereshith 3:23,24 . Genesis/Bereshith 13:8-18 . Abram/Abraham . Lot . Obedience . Directions - Path . Garden of Eden . Bible Quiz . My Discovery at Sunday School on October 6, 2013 . Faith
Now, first let me start off by saying that I was at a visiting Church that studied the same Scripture lessons that I study from and those I shared on last week, but they brought out some points that was not in my Sunday School Lesson, nor any study guides that I studied from.
And, as I have said before I am not a Seminary/Theology student, but I just want us to think about these things.
Genesis 13:3,6,7-18:
a. Study which direction - path Lot went in.
b. Study which direction - path Abram went in.
c. Does it pay to be obedience and faithful?
Genesis 3:23,24:
Go back and look at the Garden of Eden and study where the Lord God placed the Cherubims.
Now look at what the Lord told Abraham.
Wednesday - October 2, 2013 - Settling in the Land - Genesis 13:8-18 ... Home Daily Bible Reading
October 6, 2013 - Background Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7; 13; 15:7-21; 17:8
Angela Watkins
Now, first let me start off by saying that I was at a visiting Church that studied the same Scripture lessons that I study from and those I shared on last week, but they brought out some points that was not in my Sunday School Lesson, nor any study guides that I studied from.
And, as I have said before I am not a Seminary/Theology student, but I just want us to think about these things.
Genesis 13:3,6,7-18:
a. Study which direction - path Lot went in.
b. Study which direction - path Abram went in.
c. Does it pay to be obedience and faithful?
Genesis 3:23,24:
Go back and look at the Garden of Eden and study where the Lord God placed the Cherubims.
Now look at what the Lord told Abraham.
Wednesday - October 2, 2013 - Settling in the Land - Genesis 13:8-18 ... Home Daily Bible Reading
October 6, 2013 - Background Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7; 13; 15:7-21; 17:8
Angela Watkins
Bible Quiz,
Genesis 13,
Genesis 3,
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
A Lasting Inheritance ... October 6, 2013 'Sunday School Lesson'
Genesis/Bereshith . Hebrews 11 . Psalm/Tehillim . Joshua 24 . Ur . Chaldeans . Abram . Abraham . Amorites . Terra Sancta - Holy Land . Palestine . Canaan . Euphrates . Kenites . Kenizzites . Kadmonites . Hittites . Perizzites . Rephaims . Canaanites . Girgashites . Jebusites . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis/Bereshith 15:7-21 (Background Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7; 13; 15:7-21; 17:8 & Devotional Reading: Hebrews 11:8-16).
Ur or Urfa (light), an ancient city of Mesopotamia (Greek name of country between Euphrates & Tigris).
Chaldea, southern province of Babylonia.
Abram (high father).
Abraham (father of a multitude), called by God & sent to Canaan.
Amorites (high landers), Early inhabitants of Palestine. Dispossessed for their iniquities.
Terra Sancta - the Holy Land ... In our time Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now).
Palestine (Psalm/Tehillim 105:11), known as 'Canaan' or 'land of Canaan,' country west of Jordan, as opposed to 'to the land of Gilead.'
Canaan (lowland), the country named from Canaan, son of Ham, promised to Abraham.
Euphrates, the largest & most important river of western Asia.
Kenties, connected with Cain. Were a branch of the Midianites & dwelt among the Amalekites. A portion of them followed the Israelites on their entrance into Canaan.
Kenizzites (hunters), who lived to the south of Palestine, were among the descendants of Esau.
Kadmonies (men of the east), a people supposed to have resided by Mount Hermon.
Hittites, in Abraham's time they were at Hebron. Early dwellers in Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria, & parts of Palestine.
Perizzites (villagers), tribe of the ancient Canaanites.
Rephaim, probably the oldest people in Palestine.
Girgashites (dwellers in clay), a tribe of the ancient Canaanites.
Jebusites, small tribe, one of importance, they occupied the mountains of Jerusalem & the neighborhood.
Genesis 15:7-21 ... Canaan is again promised, & confirmed by a sign & a vision.
Verses 7-11
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Canaan Promised.
Verses 8,9,10,11 ... Mediums & Methods Of Revelation; Signs & Symbolic Acts; Division of Animals.
(Exodus 3; Genesis 12-13 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 12-16
Verse 12 ... Mediums & Methods Of Revelation; Trances & Visions.
Verse 13 ... The Hebrews; Israel In Egypt; The Sojurn in Egypt Foretold.
Verses 14,16 ... The Hebrews; Israel In Egypt; Deliverance Promised.
Verse 15 ... The Outward Man; The Body In Old Age; Promised.
Verse 16 ... The Hebrews; In The Wilderness; Gradual Expulsion of the Canaanites Promised.
(Genesis 47-50; Genesis 39-47; Genesis 49-50; Exodus 1:9-10; Exodus 1:11; Exodus 7-14; Exodus 12:36; Job 33:15-18; Exodus 12:40-41; Exodus 3:7)
Verses 17-21
Verse 17 ... Miracles; Miracles In Fire; God's Presence Manifested by Fire.
Verse 18 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Canaan Promised.
Verses 19,20,21 ... Other Nations; The Canaanites; Names of Tribes Inhabiting Canaan.
(Exodus 13:21; Exodus 19:16-20; Psalm/Tehillim 97:2-6; Joel 2:2-3; I Kings 4:21; Genesis 12)
Monday - September 30, 2013 - The Faith of Abraham - Hebrews 11:8-16
Faith Defined & Illustrated (Hebrews 11:1-40) ... Final Exhortations To Perseverance & Warnings Against Indifferent (Hebrews 10:19-12:29)
Tuesday - October 1, 2013 - The Call of Abram - Genesis 12:1-7
Arrival in Canaan (Genesis 12:1-20) ... Abraham (Genesis 12:!-25:18) ... The Beginnings Of Israel (Genesis 12:1-50:26)
Wednesday - October 2, 2013 - Settling in the Land - Genesis 13:8-18
Separation from Lot (Genesis 13:1-18)
Thursday - October 3, 2013 - The Land & the Covenant - Genesis 17:1-8
The Everlasting Covenant (Genesis 17:1-27)
Friday - October 4, 2013 - The Covenant Recounted & Renewed - Joshua 24:1-13
The Covenant at Shechem (Joshua 24:1-28)
Saturday - October 5, 2013 - The Covenant Remembered - Psalm/Tehillim 105:1-11
Psalm of Gratitude: For mercies shown to the Church. ... Psalm of Adoration: Of God's power, majesty, & glory. ... Prophetical, Typical, & Historical Psalm.
Sunday - October 6, 2013 - The Covenant with Abraham - Genesis 15:7-21
The Promised Land (Genesis 15:1-21)
Scripture reference used/taken from: Zondervan Commentary, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Genesis/Bereshith 15:7-21 (Background Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7; 13; 15:7-21; 17:8 & Devotional Reading: Hebrews 11:8-16).
Ur or Urfa (light), an ancient city of Mesopotamia (Greek name of country between Euphrates & Tigris).
Chaldea, southern province of Babylonia.
Abram (high father).
Abraham (father of a multitude), called by God & sent to Canaan.
Amorites (high landers), Early inhabitants of Palestine. Dispossessed for their iniquities.
Terra Sancta - the Holy Land ... In our time Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now).
Palestine (Psalm/Tehillim 105:11), known as 'Canaan' or 'land of Canaan,' country west of Jordan, as opposed to 'to the land of Gilead.'
Canaan (lowland), the country named from Canaan, son of Ham, promised to Abraham.
Euphrates, the largest & most important river of western Asia.
Kenties, connected with Cain. Were a branch of the Midianites & dwelt among the Amalekites. A portion of them followed the Israelites on their entrance into Canaan.
Kenizzites (hunters), who lived to the south of Palestine, were among the descendants of Esau.
Kadmonies (men of the east), a people supposed to have resided by Mount Hermon.
Hittites, in Abraham's time they were at Hebron. Early dwellers in Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria, & parts of Palestine.
Perizzites (villagers), tribe of the ancient Canaanites.
Rephaim, probably the oldest people in Palestine.
Girgashites (dwellers in clay), a tribe of the ancient Canaanites.
Jebusites, small tribe, one of importance, they occupied the mountains of Jerusalem & the neighborhood.
Genesis 15:7-21 ... Canaan is again promised, & confirmed by a sign & a vision.
Verses 7-11
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Canaan Promised.
Verses 8,9,10,11 ... Mediums & Methods Of Revelation; Signs & Symbolic Acts; Division of Animals.
(Exodus 3; Genesis 12-13 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 12-16
Verse 12 ... Mediums & Methods Of Revelation; Trances & Visions.
Verse 13 ... The Hebrews; Israel In Egypt; The Sojurn in Egypt Foretold.
Verses 14,16 ... The Hebrews; Israel In Egypt; Deliverance Promised.
Verse 15 ... The Outward Man; The Body In Old Age; Promised.
Verse 16 ... The Hebrews; In The Wilderness; Gradual Expulsion of the Canaanites Promised.
(Genesis 47-50; Genesis 39-47; Genesis 49-50; Exodus 1:9-10; Exodus 1:11; Exodus 7-14; Exodus 12:36; Job 33:15-18; Exodus 12:40-41; Exodus 3:7)
Verses 17-21
Verse 17 ... Miracles; Miracles In Fire; God's Presence Manifested by Fire.
Verse 18 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; Canaan Promised.
Verses 19,20,21 ... Other Nations; The Canaanites; Names of Tribes Inhabiting Canaan.
(Exodus 13:21; Exodus 19:16-20; Psalm/Tehillim 97:2-6; Joel 2:2-3; I Kings 4:21; Genesis 12)
Monday - September 30, 2013 - The Faith of Abraham - Hebrews 11:8-16
Faith Defined & Illustrated (Hebrews 11:1-40) ... Final Exhortations To Perseverance & Warnings Against Indifferent (Hebrews 10:19-12:29)
Tuesday - October 1, 2013 - The Call of Abram - Genesis 12:1-7
Arrival in Canaan (Genesis 12:1-20) ... Abraham (Genesis 12:!-25:18) ... The Beginnings Of Israel (Genesis 12:1-50:26)
Wednesday - October 2, 2013 - Settling in the Land - Genesis 13:8-18
Separation from Lot (Genesis 13:1-18)
Thursday - October 3, 2013 - The Land & the Covenant - Genesis 17:1-8
The Everlasting Covenant (Genesis 17:1-27)
Friday - October 4, 2013 - The Covenant Recounted & Renewed - Joshua 24:1-13
The Covenant at Shechem (Joshua 24:1-28)
Saturday - October 5, 2013 - The Covenant Remembered - Psalm/Tehillim 105:1-11
Psalm of Gratitude: For mercies shown to the Church. ... Psalm of Adoration: Of God's power, majesty, & glory. ... Prophetical, Typical, & Historical Psalm.
Sunday - October 6, 2013 - The Covenant with Abraham - Genesis 15:7-21
The Promised Land (Genesis 15:1-21)
Scripture reference used/taken from: Zondervan Commentary, The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & KJV Topical Edition Bible
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Admitting Shortcomings ... 8/11/2013 Sunday School Lesson
Abrahamic Covenant . Confess/Confession . Repent/Repentance . Abram/Abraham . Ur . Mesopotamia . Sunday School Lesson
I plan to share the previous three Sunday School Lessons next week or week after. I am behind on my writing online due to being under the doctor and "Me Time." I fine though all my test came back normal for Overactive Thyroid.
Nehemiah 9 ... A Solemn Fast & Confession.
The Sunday School Lesson for 8/11/2013 is shared from Nehemiah 9:2, 6-7, 9-10, 30-36 (Background Scripture Nehemiah 9:1-37; Devotional Reading Luke 15:1-10).
Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-22; Exodus 6:4,8; Psalm/Tehillim 105:8-11; Romans 9:7-13; Galatians 3)
Confess/Confession ... denotes confession by acknowledgment of truth. Of a public acknowledgment or confession of sins.
Repent/Repentance ... change. A change for the better, and of repentance of sin. Repentance from evil or sin.
Abram/Abraham .. father of many or exalted father. Canaan given to. Relocates in Egypt because of a famine. Father of Ishmael & Issac. Blessed by Melchizedek. God's convenant with. Children of (Genesis 16:15; 21:2,3; 25:1-4; I Chronicles 32:34)
Ur ... or Urfa (light) an ancient city of Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia ... (between the rivers) Greek name of country between Euphrates & Tigris.
Nehemiah 9:2 ... A solemn fast, & repentance of the people. Duties To God; Confession; Examples of Confession, National Confession... The Hebrews; The Hebrew Polity; Separate
Polity .. a nation as a political entity
(Nehemiah 9:3; Ezra 10 ... Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book

Nehemiah 9:6,7,9,10 ... The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, & their wickedness
Verse 6 ... Works Of God; Preservation; God the Preserver of All Things ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; References to the Promise
Verse 9 ... The Hebrews; Israel in Egypt; God Remembers HIS Covenant ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 10 ... Miracles; Miracles Considered; References to the Mosiac Miracles
(Genesis 15:13-16; Exodus 12:40; Exodus 15:19; Exodus 7:3; Exodus 7:14)
Nehemiah 9:30-32 ... The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, & their wickedness
Verse 30 ... Mediums & Methods of Revelation; The Prophet's Reception By The People; Disbelieved, Penalty of Disbelief ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 31 ... God; Attributes Of God As Person; Mercy & Compassion ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 32 ... Duties To God; Pleading In Prayer; By God's Promises ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
(Daniel 1:3)
Nehemiah 9:33-36 ... The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, & their wickedness.
Verses 33,34,35 ... Duties To God; Confession; Examples of Confession, National Confession ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 36 ... Trials & Persecutions; Persecution Overruled & Avenged; Persecutors Punished
Luke 15:1-10 ... the journeyings toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-19:48)Luke was a physician, companion of the Apostle Paul... The parable of the lost sheep; of the piece of silver. (Verse 6 ... Pardcn for Sins & Iniquities Promised)
Monday - August 5, 2013 - Repent & Turn to God - Acts 3:17-26
The Name Of The Lord Jesus/Yeshua In Jerusalem (Acts 3:1-5:42) ... Peter (Simon Peter) 2ns speech (Acts 3:11-26)
Tuesday - August 6, 2013 - A Changed Mind - Matthew 21:28-32
The Way to Jerusalem (Matthew 19:1-23:39)
Wednesday - August 7, 2013 - I Repent in Dust & Ashes - Job 42:1-6
Job's second reply (Job 42:1-6)... The Yahweh Speeches (Job 38:1-42:6 ... Dialogue (Job 3:1-4:2)
Thursday - August 8, 2013 - First Be Reconciled - Matthew 5:21-26
Teaching: The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29)
Friday - August 9, 2013 - God Be Merciful to Me - Luke 18:9-14
The parable of the tax-collector & the Pharisee (Luke 18:9-14) ... Ministry in Samaria & Galilee (Luke 17:11 - 18:14)
Saturday - August 10, 2013 - Joy in Heaven - Luke 15:1-10
Teaching publicans & sinners (Luke 15:1-32)
Sunday - August 11, 2013 - The Community Confesses Together - Nehemiah 9:2,6-7, 9-10, 30-36
The Renewal Of The Covenant (Nehemiah 9:1-10:39)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, Vine's Expository Dictionary Of Old & New Testament Words, The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Zondervan Commentary & Reader's Digest Oxford Complete WordFinder
I plan to share the previous three Sunday School Lessons next week or week after. I am behind on my writing online due to being under the doctor and "Me Time." I fine though all my test came back normal for Overactive Thyroid.
Nehemiah 9 ... A Solemn Fast & Confession.
The Sunday School Lesson for 8/11/2013 is shared from Nehemiah 9:2, 6-7, 9-10, 30-36 (Background Scripture Nehemiah 9:1-37; Devotional Reading Luke 15:1-10).
Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-22; Exodus 6:4,8; Psalm/Tehillim 105:8-11; Romans 9:7-13; Galatians 3)
Confess/Confession ... denotes confession by acknowledgment of truth. Of a public acknowledgment or confession of sins.
Repent/Repentance ... change. A change for the better, and of repentance of sin. Repentance from evil or sin.
Abram/Abraham .. father of many or exalted father. Canaan given to. Relocates in Egypt because of a famine. Father of Ishmael & Issac. Blessed by Melchizedek. God's convenant with. Children of (Genesis 16:15; 21:2,3; 25:1-4; I Chronicles 32:34)
Ur ... or Urfa (light) an ancient city of Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia ... (between the rivers) Greek name of country between Euphrates & Tigris.
Nehemiah 9:2 ... A solemn fast, & repentance of the people. Duties To God; Confession; Examples of Confession, National Confession... The Hebrews; The Hebrew Polity; Separate
Polity .. a nation as a political entity
(Nehemiah 9:3; Ezra 10 ... Reference Scripture in Sunday School Book

Nehemiah 9:6,7,9,10 ... The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, & their wickedness
Verse 6 ... Works Of God; Preservation; God the Preserver of All Things ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; God's Chosen People; References to the Promise
Verse 9 ... The Hebrews; Israel in Egypt; God Remembers HIS Covenant ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 10 ... Miracles; Miracles Considered; References to the Mosiac Miracles
(Genesis 15:13-16; Exodus 12:40; Exodus 15:19; Exodus 7:3; Exodus 7:14)
Nehemiah 9:30-32 ... The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, & their wickedness
Verse 30 ... Mediums & Methods of Revelation; The Prophet's Reception By The People; Disbelieved, Penalty of Disbelief ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 31 ... God; Attributes Of God As Person; Mercy & Compassion ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 32 ... Duties To God; Pleading In Prayer; By God's Promises ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
(Daniel 1:3)
Nehemiah 9:33-36 ... The Levites make a religious confession of God's goodness, & their wickedness.
Verses 33,34,35 ... Duties To God; Confession; Examples of Confession, National Confession ... A Solemn Fast & Confession
Verse 36 ... Trials & Persecutions; Persecution Overruled & Avenged; Persecutors Punished
Luke 15:1-10 ... the journeyings toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-19:48)Luke was a physician, companion of the Apostle Paul... The parable of the lost sheep; of the piece of silver. (Verse 6 ... Pardcn for Sins & Iniquities Promised)
Monday - August 5, 2013 - Repent & Turn to God - Acts 3:17-26
The Name Of The Lord Jesus/Yeshua In Jerusalem (Acts 3:1-5:42) ... Peter (Simon Peter) 2ns speech (Acts 3:11-26)
Tuesday - August 6, 2013 - A Changed Mind - Matthew 21:28-32
The Way to Jerusalem (Matthew 19:1-23:39)
Wednesday - August 7, 2013 - I Repent in Dust & Ashes - Job 42:1-6
Job's second reply (Job 42:1-6)... The Yahweh Speeches (Job 38:1-42:6 ... Dialogue (Job 3:1-4:2)
Thursday - August 8, 2013 - First Be Reconciled - Matthew 5:21-26
Teaching: The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29)
Friday - August 9, 2013 - God Be Merciful to Me - Luke 18:9-14
The parable of the tax-collector & the Pharisee (Luke 18:9-14) ... Ministry in Samaria & Galilee (Luke 17:11 - 18:14)
Saturday - August 10, 2013 - Joy in Heaven - Luke 15:1-10
Teaching publicans & sinners (Luke 15:1-32)
Sunday - August 11, 2013 - The Community Confesses Together - Nehemiah 9:2,6-7, 9-10, 30-36
The Renewal Of The Covenant (Nehemiah 9:1-10:39)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, Vine's Expository Dictionary Of Old & New Testament Words, The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Zondervan Commentary & Reader's Digest Oxford Complete WordFinder
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Biblical Teaching: Biz & Affairs ... Decisions & Plans
Godly Worldview . Ideas . Ventures. Business . Proverbs/Mishle/Mashal . Solomon . Poor/Poverty . Temple . Tabernacle . Festival/Feast of Tabernacle . Abraham . Lydia
Through this article there are about seven excerpts from some books that I shared on June 6, 2013 with a small Church.
Proverbs 16:3; 17:8,23; 18:16; 19:21: 28:8
Proverbs 16:3 ... The Upright Are Blessed & Prospered (Prosperity means different things to different individuals) ... Man Redeemed; Faith; The Duty of Believing
Proverbs 18:16 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Gifts, Their Use
Proverbs 17:8,23
Verse 8 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Gifts, Their Use
Verse 23 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Gifts, Their Abuse
Proverbs 19:21 ... Works Of God; God's Providence In Man's Temporal Affairs; God Overrules Human Designs
Proverbs 28:8 ... Prosperity in Business .... Industrial Employments & Products; Trade & Commerce; Usury Forbidden (usury: act or practice of lending money at interest, esp., at an exorbitant rate).
Book of Proverbs 'Hebrew' title is 'Mishle,' the singular of which is 'mashal,' usually translated "proverb."
John 12:8 ... (Deuteronomy 15:11; Matthew 26:11) ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Ministry; His Ascension
Poor/Poverty ... Kindness to (Psalm/Tehillim 82:3-4; Proverbs/Mishle 22:22) ... By the apostle Paul (Romans 15:25) ... Churches at Macedonia & Achaia (Acts 11:29-30) ... The good Samaritan (Luke 10:33,35) ... Christian Church at Jerusalem ( Acts 6:1).
Abraham (Abram) (father of a multitude) called by God, & sent to Canaan (Genesis 12:1-5) ... blessed by Melchizedek, king of Salem (Genesis 14:19; Hebrews 7:1).
Sowing & Reaping ... Hebrews 7:1-2; Malachi 3:10-12; Galatians 6:7-10; Luke 6:38
Leaders Read, They are Managers, Speakers, Stewards in Service, Writers & they use Digital (Internet) Avenues. And yes there are pros and cons. Leadership is about Character. If you don't enjoy writing you will not be good at blogging. (25 Principles For Leadership That Matters by Dr. R. Albert Jr., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary).
Millionaire Mindset not based on Hollywood ... 29% stumbled across a great opportunity, 27% discovered after trial & error, 12% disliked or lost previous job, 2% discovered at Franchise Fair. 52% Attend religious services, 47% pray & 22% Bible/Devotional reading. Their spouses: down to earth, traditional values, patient & understanding. (The Millionaire Mind by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley, author, lecturer, & researcher who studied the affluent since 1973).
Chapter 11: Empowerment & Enfranchised ... (SHAPE) Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality & Experiences were given to us before we were born. Leutrell 'Mike" Osborne Sr. in the last 25 years, have increased his core competency talents. He developed a third core competency leading the (SBA) Small Business Administration. In 1984, he quit the C.I.A. after 26 years to become an entrepreneur working as an international food broker. (And yes, I have a autographed copy of his books .... Black Man In The C.I.A. by Leutrell M. Osborne Sr.)
Solomon (peaceful), King of Israel (II Samuel 12:24; I Chronicles 28:9,29) asks of God wisdom (I Kings 3:5; 4:29: II Chronicles 1:7) ... build the temple (II Chronicles 3-5) ... visited by the queen of Sheba (II Chronicles 9; Matthew 6:29; Mathew 12:42)
Temple ... built about B.C. 970, standing until B.C. 587, destroyed by the Babylonians (II Kings 25:8,9) ... Zerubbabel's Temple (Ezra 3:8) ... decrees of Cyrus & Darius for rebuilding (Ezra 6:3,13) ... Christ drives out buyers & sellers (Matthew 21:12; Luke 19:45) ... symbolical of the body of Christ (John 2:19-21) ... of God & Holy Ghost, Christians are (II Corinthians 6:16)
Tabernacle/Mischan ... its construction (Exodus 25-27; 36-38; 40) ... typical (Hebrews 8:2; 9:2) ... The First Tabernacle was doubtless the dwelling or headquarters of Moses, & the place where the public business of the nation was transacted.
Festival/Feast of Tabernacles (Hebrew) great feasts or festivals in the Jewish Year. Tabernacles was in the fall. There were also three lesser feasts. Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:25; John 7:37,38; John 8:12)
Lydia of Thyatira (Acts 16:14,40) ... a country of Asia (Ezekiel 30:5) ... She was a seller of purple (costliness) Purple between crimson & violet (Exodus 25:4; 26:36; Judges 8:26; II Chronicles 2:14)
Lydians ... A country of people in the N. Africa or Asia Minor (Isaiah 66:19; Jeremiah 46:9)
Purple, Red, Crimson, & Scarlet: Of conquest, Types & shadows of the Atonement, of iniquity, of prosperity (Isaiah 63:2; Revelation 12:3; Hebrew 9:19-23; Isaiah 63:1-3; Isaiah 1:18; Revelation 17:3-4; Proverbs/Mishle 31:21; II Samuel 1:24)
Day 289: Most people want instant success. God promotes with precision & judges your heart. When God promotes; He will sustain. God has to establish your roots so you/I can be strong when the storm comes. Being a servant first allows your roots to be established so you will know what to do once appointed a king! (Getting To The Root of Your Problem by Dr. Rico D. Short, Endodontist or Root Canal Specialist to the Stars, Celebrities, Actors, Producers, Writers, Comedians, TV Anchors, Sports Athletes, & Music Artists).
America's Family Financial Expert on Debt: When Ellie Kay & her husband married they were in $40,000 consumer debt & within 2 1/2 years they were debt free & haven't looked back since. This is my goal. (The Debt Diet: An Easy - To - Follow Plan to Shed Debt & Trim Spending by Ellie Kay, America's Family Financial Expert).
How To Protect Financial Data (Chapter 9) ... Various options you can use to protect your Financial Information data & files. Bonus CD-Rom included. (Financial Statements.xls: A Step by Step Guide to creating Financial Statements using Microsoft Excel by Joseph Rubin, CPA).
Free & A Word of Caution ... Some of the Internet's best promotional opportunities are FREE. Good ideas have been stolen from naive, cash-starved individuals by those possessing a lack or scruples & the where-withal to capitalize upon them. This is book is for anyone (for he states the only color that anyone should be interested in is 'green') but especially for Blacks/African Americans for he knows their struggles. (The Complete Startup Guide for the Black Entrepreneur by Bill Boudreaux, MBA, CPA).
Scripture Reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Edition Bible, The New Devotional & Practical Family Bible (copyright 1879 by J.R. Jones), & Reader's Digest Oxford Complete WordFinder
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