Saul Becomes a Believer. The Conversion of Saul.
Why was Saul going to Damascus? Who did Saul meet? What did Jesus tell Saul to do?
Saul used to punish and destroy people because they were Christians. Jesus showed Saul He was real so Saul Saul could do a special job for God.
What special job did God have for Saul?
God called Saul to go tell people in other countries about Jesus. Someday, you might be called by God to do a special job for God.
Saul first needed to believe in Jesus before he could God's special job.
Saul continued to oppose the Lord's followers. He said they would be destroyed. He went to the high priest.
He asked the priest for letters to take to the synagogues in Damascus. He wanted to find men and women who belonged to the Way of Jesus. The letters would allow him to take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.
On his journey, Saul approached Damascus. Suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground. He heard a voice speak to him. "Saul Saul! Why are you opposing me?"
"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus," he replied. I am the one you are opposing.
Now get up and go into the city. There you will be told what you must do."
The men traveling with Saul stood there. They weren't able to speak. They had heard the sound. But they didn't see anyone.
Saul got up from the ground. He opened his eyes but he couldn't see. So they led him by the hand into Damascus.
For three days he was blind. He didn't eat or drink anything.
In Damascus there was a believer named Ananias. The Lord called out to him in a vision. "Ananias!" he said. "Yes Lord," he answered.
The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street. Ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying.
In a vision Saul has seen a man come and place his hands on him. That man's name is Ananias. In the vision, Ananias placed his hands on Saul so he could see again."
"Lord," Ananias answered. "I've heard many reports about this man. They say he has done great harm to your holy people in Jerusalem.
Now he has come here to arrest all those who worship you. The chief priests have given him authority to do this."
But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! I have chosen this man to work for me. He will announce Jesus name to the Gentiles and to their kings. He will announce Jesus' name to the people of Israel.
Jesus will show him how much he must suffer for Him."
Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. He placed his hands on Saul. "Brother Saul," he said, "you saw the Lord Jesus. He appeared to you on the road as you were coming here. He has sent me so that you will be able to see again. You will be filled with the Holy Spirit."
Right away something like scales fell from Saul's eyes. And he could see again. He got up and was baptized.
After eating some food, he got his strength back.
Reference Scripture used from The NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017.
Angela Watkins Christian Writer, Reviewer, God's Avenue to Success, Virtual Creator. Matthew 6:33; 3 John 1:2; Deuteronomy 8:13, Open for Collaboration
Showing posts with label Jerusalem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerusalem. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Sunday - Peter and John Speak Up for Jesus - Acts 4:1-22 - Children's Sunday School Lesson - 5/20/18
Peter and John Are Taken to the Sanhedrin. Peter and John Arrested. Threat and Release.
Peter and John were speaking to the people. The priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees came to the apostles. They were very upset by what the apostles were teaching the people.
The apostles were saying that people can be raised from the dead. They said this can happen because Jesus rose from the dead.
So the temple authorities arrested Peter and John. They said this can happen because Jesus rose from the dead.
So the temple authorities arrested Peter and John. It was already evening, so they put them in prison until the next day.
But many who heard the message believed. The number of men who grew to about 5,000.
The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem.
They had Peter and John brought to them. They wanted to question, "By what power did Peter and John do this?" they asked. "And through whose name?"
Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. He said to them "Rulers and Elders of the people, are you asking us to explain our actions today?" Do you want to know why we are kind to a man who could not walk?
Are you asking how he was healed? Then listen to this, you and all the people of Israel! You nailed Jesus Christ of Nazareth to the Cross.
But God raised Him from the dead. It is through Jesus' name that this man stands healed in front of you.
Scripture says that Jesus is "the stone you builders did not accept." But it has become the most important of all.
Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. And seeing the man who had been healed standing, they had nothing to say in reply.
But when they had ordered them to go aside of the Council, they began to confer with one another, saying, "What shall we do with these men?
For the fact that a noteworthy miracle has taken place through them is all who live in Jerusalem, and they could not deny it.
But in order that it may not spread any further among the people, they warned Peter and John to speak no more to any man in Jesus name.
For the man was more than 40 years old on whom this miracle of healing had been performed.
When they had been released, they went to their own companions, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.
Reference Scripture used from the NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017
Peter and John were speaking to the people. The priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees came to the apostles. They were very upset by what the apostles were teaching the people.
The apostles were saying that people can be raised from the dead. They said this can happen because Jesus rose from the dead.
So the temple authorities arrested Peter and John. They said this can happen because Jesus rose from the dead.
So the temple authorities arrested Peter and John. It was already evening, so they put them in prison until the next day.
But many who heard the message believed. The number of men who grew to about 5,000.
The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem.
They had Peter and John brought to them. They wanted to question, "By what power did Peter and John do this?" they asked. "And through whose name?"
Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. He said to them "Rulers and Elders of the people, are you asking us to explain our actions today?" Do you want to know why we are kind to a man who could not walk?
Are you asking how he was healed? Then listen to this, you and all the people of Israel! You nailed Jesus Christ of Nazareth to the Cross.
But God raised Him from the dead. It is through Jesus' name that this man stands healed in front of you.
Scripture says that Jesus is "the stone you builders did not accept." But it has become the most important of all.
Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. And seeing the man who had been healed standing, they had nothing to say in reply.
But when they had ordered them to go aside of the Council, they began to confer with one another, saying, "What shall we do with these men?
For the fact that a noteworthy miracle has taken place through them is all who live in Jerusalem, and they could not deny it.
But in order that it may not spread any further among the people, they warned Peter and John to speak no more to any man in Jesus name.
For the man was more than 40 years old on whom this miracle of healing had been performed.
When they had been released, they went to their own companions, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.
Reference Scripture used from the NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Sunday - Jesus Returns to Heaven - Children's Sunday School Lesson - Luke 24:50-53; Mark 16:19; Acts 1:9-11 - 4/29/18
Jesus Is Taken Up Into Heaven. The Ascension.
The Disciples Commissioned.
Where did Jesus go? Will people on earth ever see Jesus again?
Acts 1:11 ... "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. But He will come back in the same way you saw Him go."
Jesus' work on earth was done. He got to go back to heaven and reign with God, His Father. He promised to come back someday. If we, believe in Him, He will take us to heaven to live with Him.
When Jesus went to heaven, He was no longer a man. He had a heavenly body. He now could reign in heaven with God.
Jesus led His disciples out to the area near Bethany. Then He lifted up His hands and blessed them.
While He was blessing them, He left them. He was taken up into the heaven.
Then they worshiped Him. With great joy, they returned to Jerusalem.
Every day they went to the temple, praising God.
When the Lord Jesus finished speaking to them, He was taken up into heaven. He sat down at the right hand of God.
After Jesus said this, He was taken up to heaven. The apostles watched until a cloud Him from their sight.
While He was going up, they kept on looking at the sky. Suddenly two men dressed in white clothing stood beside them.
"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. But He will come back in the same way you say Him go."
1. Jesus went to heaven.
2. Jesus reigns in heaven with God.
3. Jesus is coming back someday.
Reference scripture used from The NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017 and The New American Standard Bible (Parallel Bible) Zondervan Bible Publishers
The Disciples Commissioned.
Where did Jesus go? Will people on earth ever see Jesus again?
Acts 1:11 ... "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. But He will come back in the same way you saw Him go."
Jesus' work on earth was done. He got to go back to heaven and reign with God, His Father. He promised to come back someday. If we, believe in Him, He will take us to heaven to live with Him.
When Jesus went to heaven, He was no longer a man. He had a heavenly body. He now could reign in heaven with God.
Jesus led His disciples out to the area near Bethany. Then He lifted up His hands and blessed them.
While He was blessing them, He left them. He was taken up into the heaven.
Then they worshiped Him. With great joy, they returned to Jerusalem.
Every day they went to the temple, praising God.
When the Lord Jesus finished speaking to them, He was taken up into heaven. He sat down at the right hand of God.
After Jesus said this, He was taken up to heaven. The apostles watched until a cloud Him from their sight.
While He was going up, they kept on looking at the sky. Suddenly two men dressed in white clothing stood beside them.
"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. But He will come back in the same way you say Him go."
1. Jesus went to heaven.
2. Jesus reigns in heaven with God.
3. Jesus is coming back someday.
Reference scripture used from The NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017 and The New American Standard Bible (Parallel Bible) Zondervan Bible Publishers
Friday, April 27, 2018
Sunday - Jesus Gives His Followers a Job to Do - Children's Sunday School Lesson - Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:36-49 - 4/22/18
Matthew 28:16-20 ... Jesus' Final Orders to His Disciples. The Great Commission.
Luke 24:36-49 ... Jesus Appears to the Disciples. Jesus Other Appearances.
A witness is someone who has seen something happen and tells others about it. The disciples were witnesses of Jesus'miracles, His death, and how He came back to life. Jesus wanted to tell other people about all the things He had done.
A good exercise is to let children spell the name of the city and state they live in and name states from a map that is close to their state.
You may pray that people in this country learn about Jesus. Someday, God may even use you and or others to tell people in that country about Jesus.
Acts 1:8 ... You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Then the 11 disciples went to Galilee. They went to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw Him they worshiped Him. But some still had their doubts.
Then Jesus came to them. He said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end."
The disciples were still talking about this when Jesus Himself suddenly stood among them (Jesus Appears to the Disciples).
They were surprised and terrified. They thought they were seeing a ghost.
Jesus told the disciples to look at His hands and feet.
Jesus told them it was really Him. He told them to touch Him and see. A ghost does not have a body or bones. But they could see that He did.
After Jesus said that, He showed them His hands and feet.
But they still did not believe it. They were amazed and filled with joy. So Jesus asked them do you have anything to eat? They gave Him a piece of cooked fish.
Jesus took it and ate it in front of them.
Jesus said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you. Everything written about Jesus in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms must come true."
Then Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
He told them, "This is what is written. The Messiah will suffer. He will rise from the dead on the third day.
His followers will preach in His name. They will tell others to turn away from their sins and be forgiven. People from every nation will hear it, beginning at Jerusalem.
You have seen these things with your own eyes.
I am going to send you what my Father has promised. Stay there until you have received power from heaven."
Reference scripture used from The NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017 and The New American Standard Bible (Parallel Bible) Zondervan Bible Publishers
Luke 24:36-49 ... Jesus Appears to the Disciples. Jesus Other Appearances.
A witness is someone who has seen something happen and tells others about it. The disciples were witnesses of Jesus'miracles, His death, and how He came back to life. Jesus wanted to tell other people about all the things He had done.
A good exercise is to let children spell the name of the city and state they live in and name states from a map that is close to their state.
You may pray that people in this country learn about Jesus. Someday, God may even use you and or others to tell people in that country about Jesus.
Acts 1:8 ... You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Then the 11 disciples went to Galilee. They went to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw Him they worshiped Him. But some still had their doubts.
Then Jesus came to them. He said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end."
The disciples were still talking about this when Jesus Himself suddenly stood among them (Jesus Appears to the Disciples).
They were surprised and terrified. They thought they were seeing a ghost.
Jesus told the disciples to look at His hands and feet.
Jesus told them it was really Him. He told them to touch Him and see. A ghost does not have a body or bones. But they could see that He did.
After Jesus said that, He showed them His hands and feet.
But they still did not believe it. They were amazed and filled with joy. So Jesus asked them do you have anything to eat? They gave Him a piece of cooked fish.
Jesus took it and ate it in front of them.
Jesus said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you. Everything written about Jesus in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms must come true."
Then Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
He told them, "This is what is written. The Messiah will suffer. He will rise from the dead on the third day.
His followers will preach in His name. They will tell others to turn away from their sins and be forgiven. People from every nation will hear it, beginning at Jerusalem.
You have seen these things with your own eyes.
I am going to send you what my Father has promised. Stay there until you have received power from heaven."
Reference scripture used from The NIrV May the Faith Be With You Holy Bible @ Zondervan 2017 and The New American Standard Bible (Parallel Bible) Zondervan Bible Publishers
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Sunday - Called to Preach - Acts 9:10 - 20 - 8/20/17
(Jesus Calls Saul/Shaul/Paul on Damascus Road - Saturday - 8/19/17)
Paul was an outstanding missionary, theologian, and writer of the early church.
Paul was born in a Jewish family in Tarsus. Paul's family was of the tribe of Benjamin. Paul probably came from a family of tentmakers or leatherworkers and, according to Jewish custom, was taught this trade by his father. Apparently the business thrived and Paul's family became moderately wealthy.
The true way of the Lord was one of the earliest names for Christianity. The glory of God (or Christ) is often described as the light. The street called Straight, which runs through Damascus from east to west. Saul, like the prophets, was chosen for a special purpose.
Saul's conversion marks a turning-point in the history of the early church. The encounter with Christ was followed by three sightless days: Saul was identified with Jesus in his death and three days in the grave, and identified with him too in baptism and newness of life.
The Way was the name given to the church before the people of Antioch invented the new name 'Christian.'
Damascus, a key commercial city, was located about 175 miles northeast of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Syria.
As Paul traveled to Damascus, pursuing Christians, he was confronted by the risen Christ and brought face to face with the truth of the Gospel.
Paul refers to this experience as the start of his new life of in Christ. At the center of this wonderful life was Jesus Christ - Paul did not see a vision, he saw the risen Christ himself (Acts 9:17).
Anyone who persecutes believers today is also guilty of persecuting Jesus because believers are the body of Christ on earth.
Paul opened his eyes - but could not see - he was temporarily blinded.
Ananias was sent by God to Paul. He greeted Paul as "Brother Saul." Ananias feared this meeting because Paul had come to Damascus to persecute believers and take them in chains to Jerusalem. But in obedience to the Holy Spirit, he greeted Paul lovingly.
Immediately after receiving his sight and being with the believers in Damascus, Paul went to the synagogue to tell the Jews about Jesus Christ. Paul took time alone to learn about Jesus before beginning his worldwide ministry, but he did not wait to witness. Although we should not rush into a ministry unprepared, we do need to wait before telling others what has happened to us.
Reference summary used from The New Oxford Annotated Bible with The Apocrypha RSV; The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL; and The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Paul was an outstanding missionary, theologian, and writer of the early church.
Paul was born in a Jewish family in Tarsus. Paul's family was of the tribe of Benjamin. Paul probably came from a family of tentmakers or leatherworkers and, according to Jewish custom, was taught this trade by his father. Apparently the business thrived and Paul's family became moderately wealthy.
The true way of the Lord was one of the earliest names for Christianity. The glory of God (or Christ) is often described as the light. The street called Straight, which runs through Damascus from east to west. Saul, like the prophets, was chosen for a special purpose.
Saul's conversion marks a turning-point in the history of the early church. The encounter with Christ was followed by three sightless days: Saul was identified with Jesus in his death and three days in the grave, and identified with him too in baptism and newness of life.
The Way was the name given to the church before the people of Antioch invented the new name 'Christian.'
Damascus, a key commercial city, was located about 175 miles northeast of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Syria.
As Paul traveled to Damascus, pursuing Christians, he was confronted by the risen Christ and brought face to face with the truth of the Gospel.
Paul refers to this experience as the start of his new life of in Christ. At the center of this wonderful life was Jesus Christ - Paul did not see a vision, he saw the risen Christ himself (Acts 9:17).
Anyone who persecutes believers today is also guilty of persecuting Jesus because believers are the body of Christ on earth.
Paul opened his eyes - but could not see - he was temporarily blinded.
Ananias was sent by God to Paul. He greeted Paul as "Brother Saul." Ananias feared this meeting because Paul had come to Damascus to persecute believers and take them in chains to Jerusalem. But in obedience to the Holy Spirit, he greeted Paul lovingly.
Immediately after receiving his sight and being with the believers in Damascus, Paul went to the synagogue to tell the Jews about Jesus Christ. Paul took time alone to learn about Jesus before beginning his worldwide ministry, but he did not wait to witness. Although we should not rush into a ministry unprepared, we do need to wait before telling others what has happened to us.
Reference summary used from The New Oxford Annotated Bible with The Apocrypha RSV; The Life Application Bible, KJV, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL; and The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Sunday - Isaiah in the Temple - Isaiah 6:1-8 - 7/9/17
Isaiah was considered the greatest Old Testament prophet. He had powerful messages of both judgment and hope.
God is purely and perfectly holy, and just, and loving.
In Jerusalem - Isaiah was a Scribe and Prophet.
King Uzziah died of leprosy for trying to take over the High Priest's duties. Although he was generally a good king and his reign was long and prosperous, many of his people turned away from God.
The lofty throne, the attending angels, and the threefold holy all stressed God holiness. We need to rediscover God holiness. We need the Bible's view of God as high and lifted us out of our problems and concerns.
Isaiah's vision was his call to be God's messenger to his people. Isaiah was given a difficult mission. He had to tell people who believed they were blessed by God that God was going to destroy them because of their disobedience.
The seraphims are an order of angelic beings created by God. Here they functioned as God's agents in commissioning Isaiah. Isaiah could understand them when they spoke to him and when they praised God. They were awe-inspiring and powerful creatures - their singing shook the Temple!
Listening to the praise of the angels, Isaiah realized he was common and unclean before God, with no hope of measuring up to God's standard of holiness. When his lips were touched with a burning coal, however, he was told his sins were forgiven. It wasn't the coal that cleansed him, but God. No matter how difficult his task would be, he said, "Here am I; send me." Before we accept God's call to speak for him to those around us, we must be cleansed as Isaiah was. Letting God purify us may be painful, but we must be purified so that we can truly represent God, who is pure and holy.
Reference summary used from the Life Application Bible; KJV, Tyndale Bible Publishers, Wheaton, IL
God is purely and perfectly holy, and just, and loving.
In Jerusalem - Isaiah was a Scribe and Prophet.
King Uzziah died of leprosy for trying to take over the High Priest's duties. Although he was generally a good king and his reign was long and prosperous, many of his people turned away from God.
The lofty throne, the attending angels, and the threefold holy all stressed God holiness. We need to rediscover God holiness. We need the Bible's view of God as high and lifted us out of our problems and concerns.
Isaiah's vision was his call to be God's messenger to his people. Isaiah was given a difficult mission. He had to tell people who believed they were blessed by God that God was going to destroy them because of their disobedience.
The seraphims are an order of angelic beings created by God. Here they functioned as God's agents in commissioning Isaiah. Isaiah could understand them when they spoke to him and when they praised God. They were awe-inspiring and powerful creatures - their singing shook the Temple!
Listening to the praise of the angels, Isaiah realized he was common and unclean before God, with no hope of measuring up to God's standard of holiness. When his lips were touched with a burning coal, however, he was told his sins were forgiven. It wasn't the coal that cleansed him, but God. No matter how difficult his task would be, he said, "Here am I; send me." Before we accept God's call to speak for him to those around us, we must be cleansed as Isaiah was. Letting God purify us may be painful, but we must be purified so that we can truly represent God, who is pure and holy.
Reference summary used from the Life Application Bible; KJV, Tyndale Bible Publishers, Wheaton, IL
Thursday, June 15, 2017
4 of ... The Heart: The Key to Everything in the Christian Life - Book Review
The Second Soil of the Heart: Rocks, Scorching & Withering.
Let's examine the second soil of the heart & what happens when the seed of the Word of God is sown into it.
As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word & immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, & when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. (Matthew 13:20-21, ESV)
On the surface, this second soil of the heart looks like good, fertile ground for the Word of God. The seed has a sudden, brief growth spurt, but its young root can never develop & become strong. Once it hits the rock, the root soon withers away causing the tiny plant that has emerged from the soil to die. The second soil of the heart is the great enemy to the growth of the Word of God.
Never forget how important it is for the seed of the Word of God to take root deeply in our hearts so it can produce fruit. The seed of the Word of God contains everything that God is: His love, righteousness, grace, salvation, goodness, holiness, faithfulness, peace & joy just to name a few. Faith comes by hearing this magnificent seed of the Word of God & allowing it to grow & become engrafted into the very fiber of the heart.
Importance of a Strong Root System. For the seed of the Word of God to prosper & grow into a strong, healthy tree, it must have a deep root system. The root system allows the heart to be anchored to the character of God.
2 Kings 19:30 declares that we must take root downward, so that we can bear fruit upward! Proverbs 12:12 declares that the root of the righteous yields fruit, & shall not be moved, because it is anchored in the Word of God.
It is imperative as Christians that we cultivate a deep root system of the Word of God in our hearts. The truth in Psalm 1 is vital to maintain a healthy spiritual heart.
The word "blessed" describes the condition of our heart should be in daily & it is linked to what it is rooted in. The Hebrew word "blessed" conveys the idea of happiness that flows from a sense of well-being & righteous. Bad company will corrupt the heart & destroy its root system. Our delight, desire, & longing must be to know God & His Word as the great treasure of our heart.
Do we delight in the pure words of Scripture more than the words from television, radio, Internet & chatter of the trival that relentlessly bombards our lives daily?
When we delight in the Word of God & mediate upon it daily, the spiritual root system of our heart is strong in God.
Jesus Christ is the true vine & we are to abide in Him if we are to be branches that bear much spiritual fruit.
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, & let your lives be built on him.
Let's examine tribulation & persecution in more depth & see how they have such a dramatic effect on the heart.
Tribulation: The Forceful Squeezing of the Heart. The Greek word for "tribulation" is thlipsis which means to press, squeeze, compress, & crush. It was used to describe the squeezing of olives in a press to extract oil & the squeezing of grapes to produce juice.
The Lesson of Joseph. Thlipsis is the word to describe what Joseph went through before He was made governor in Egypt.
The world specializes in thlipsis.
Jesus Christ: Our Example in Times of Thlipsis. Thlipsis is nothing to Jesus Christ. He endured the worst thlipsis ever known to mankind in the ordeal of the crucifixion. His sweat was like great drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane in intense prayer to his Heavenly Father. He was about to go through forty hours of beatings, mocking, torture, physical disfigurement, & unbearable pain. He endured this brutal physical punishment to pay the price for our sin & crush the power of the kingdom of darkness, ushering us as citizens into his kingdom.
Only in Jesus Christ can we be victorious over thlipsis. Only in Jesus Christ can we endure & overcome the blistering heat of the kosmos, the entire system that the Devil has set up as the Prince of the Power of the Air.
Only in Jesus Christ can we withstand this pressure & emerge over every burden & weight thrown at our heart.
Thlipsis & the Birth of Extraordinary. God always births something extraordinary in the heart when we come through a season of thlipsis still firmly rooted in Christ & the Word of God.
God uses the word "thlipsis" to describe the anguish the female body endures in labor. The woman is pregnant with something extraordinary & amazing with a wonderful, beautiful baby forming in her womb.
Likewise our heart is pregnant with the extraordinary plans, purposes & works of God Almighty, but it is only when we come through the labor pains of thlipsis that the heart gives birth to something extraordinary. How tragic that we never give birth to God's amazing plans & purposes for our life because under the crushing pressure of thlipsis we have a miscarriage.
Jesus Christ endured the intense thlipsis of the crucifixion & bearing the sin of the human race, but now he is seated at the right hand of God having obtained eternal redemption for all those who believe.
Look what was birthed out of the heart of Joseph when he passed the thlipsis test. What an extraordinary thing God birthed in the heart of Joseph to go from a slave, condemned in prison, to a ruler of a mighty kingdom.
God birthed an extraordinary calling & work in the heart of David as he became the greatest king in the history of Israel & a man after God's own heart.
The Apostle Paul was deeply rooted in Christ & the Word of God & endured great thlipsis during his journeys to spread the gospel. He suffered beatings, stoning, false accusations, imprisonment, shipwreck, hunger, weariness, riots & persecution. His ministry turned the world upside down, & he shook the gates of hell with the truth of the gospel.
Jesus Christ: The Focal Point of all Persecution. Persecution arises out of the violent clashing between two spiritual kingdoms. The Word of God is the mighty weapon of one kingdom. The heart is at the center of this fierce battle. The Book of Revelation speaks of this. (Revelation 12:4b-5,7,9,12b,17)
Jesus Christ is the focal point of all persecution because He is God's plan for redemption. He is the Savior, the Great Shepherd, the second Adam, the Alpha & Omega, the light of the world, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the life, & the door to God's kingdom. He restored everything that Adam & Eve had lost in the Garden of Eden & conquered sin & death.
The Greek word for "hatred" in John & Luke means to pursue with hatred, to detest, to have extreme hostility towards, & to abhor.
Surprising Source of Most Persecution. The Devil is very subtle as persecution often arises from our inner circle: our churches, fellow-christians, family, friends, co-workers, teachers, professors, neighbors, & community.
The devil loves religion because it has nothing to do with the true God & is an easy facade to hide his deceptions. Look at our Savior as the constant persecution to his ministry was from the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests & scribes, who were the religious elite of his day. The great religious men & their corrupt system crucified their Messiah.
Persecution also comes from the inner circle of our family, friends, & close associates whom the Devil craftily influences to shake our faith in God & His Word.
When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem near the time of his crucifixion, great multitudes of apparent followers & disciples cried out "Hosanna (save us please) to the son of David, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord even the King of Israel! Hosanna in the highest!" This whole multitude rejoiced & praised God with a loud voice. Many of these people had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out from the grave & had heard about this great miracle. The entire city of Jerusalem was moved & the multitude declared "This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee!"
The Greek word for "seize" means to take hold of forcibly, to take into custody & arrest, to continually hold back, to hinder & restrain, to prevail & rule over, & to take into one's possession.
Jesus Christ: The Prince of Peace. Without Jesus no person on earth can ever have true peace.
In Hebrew, the word for peace, shalom, means wholeness, completeness & soundness. It is an inward & outward tranquility, a quiet assurance, & a complete well-being where nothing is lacking or broken. Peace is the highest measure of contentment, joyfulness, happiness, & satisfaction in life.
God is the source of all peace, & we have peace because of our relationship with Him. His peace is our peace. Peace can not live in a heart of unbelief.
The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history & classics. He is president of Goodness of God's Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.
Let's examine the second soil of the heart & what happens when the seed of the Word of God is sown into it.
As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word & immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, & when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. (Matthew 13:20-21, ESV)
On the surface, this second soil of the heart looks like good, fertile ground for the Word of God. The seed has a sudden, brief growth spurt, but its young root can never develop & become strong. Once it hits the rock, the root soon withers away causing the tiny plant that has emerged from the soil to die. The second soil of the heart is the great enemy to the growth of the Word of God.
Never forget how important it is for the seed of the Word of God to take root deeply in our hearts so it can produce fruit. The seed of the Word of God contains everything that God is: His love, righteousness, grace, salvation, goodness, holiness, faithfulness, peace & joy just to name a few. Faith comes by hearing this magnificent seed of the Word of God & allowing it to grow & become engrafted into the very fiber of the heart.
Importance of a Strong Root System. For the seed of the Word of God to prosper & grow into a strong, healthy tree, it must have a deep root system. The root system allows the heart to be anchored to the character of God.
2 Kings 19:30 declares that we must take root downward, so that we can bear fruit upward! Proverbs 12:12 declares that the root of the righteous yields fruit, & shall not be moved, because it is anchored in the Word of God.
It is imperative as Christians that we cultivate a deep root system of the Word of God in our hearts. The truth in Psalm 1 is vital to maintain a healthy spiritual heart.
The word "blessed" describes the condition of our heart should be in daily & it is linked to what it is rooted in. The Hebrew word "blessed" conveys the idea of happiness that flows from a sense of well-being & righteous. Bad company will corrupt the heart & destroy its root system. Our delight, desire, & longing must be to know God & His Word as the great treasure of our heart.
Do we delight in the pure words of Scripture more than the words from television, radio, Internet & chatter of the trival that relentlessly bombards our lives daily?
When we delight in the Word of God & mediate upon it daily, the spiritual root system of our heart is strong in God.
Jesus Christ is the true vine & we are to abide in Him if we are to be branches that bear much spiritual fruit.
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, & let your lives be built on him.
Let's examine tribulation & persecution in more depth & see how they have such a dramatic effect on the heart.
Tribulation: The Forceful Squeezing of the Heart. The Greek word for "tribulation" is thlipsis which means to press, squeeze, compress, & crush. It was used to describe the squeezing of olives in a press to extract oil & the squeezing of grapes to produce juice.
The Lesson of Joseph. Thlipsis is the word to describe what Joseph went through before He was made governor in Egypt.
The world specializes in thlipsis.
Jesus Christ: Our Example in Times of Thlipsis. Thlipsis is nothing to Jesus Christ. He endured the worst thlipsis ever known to mankind in the ordeal of the crucifixion. His sweat was like great drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane in intense prayer to his Heavenly Father. He was about to go through forty hours of beatings, mocking, torture, physical disfigurement, & unbearable pain. He endured this brutal physical punishment to pay the price for our sin & crush the power of the kingdom of darkness, ushering us as citizens into his kingdom.
Only in Jesus Christ can we be victorious over thlipsis. Only in Jesus Christ can we endure & overcome the blistering heat of the kosmos, the entire system that the Devil has set up as the Prince of the Power of the Air.
Only in Jesus Christ can we withstand this pressure & emerge over every burden & weight thrown at our heart.
Thlipsis & the Birth of Extraordinary. God always births something extraordinary in the heart when we come through a season of thlipsis still firmly rooted in Christ & the Word of God.
God uses the word "thlipsis" to describe the anguish the female body endures in labor. The woman is pregnant with something extraordinary & amazing with a wonderful, beautiful baby forming in her womb.
Likewise our heart is pregnant with the extraordinary plans, purposes & works of God Almighty, but it is only when we come through the labor pains of thlipsis that the heart gives birth to something extraordinary. How tragic that we never give birth to God's amazing plans & purposes for our life because under the crushing pressure of thlipsis we have a miscarriage.
Jesus Christ endured the intense thlipsis of the crucifixion & bearing the sin of the human race, but now he is seated at the right hand of God having obtained eternal redemption for all those who believe.
Look what was birthed out of the heart of Joseph when he passed the thlipsis test. What an extraordinary thing God birthed in the heart of Joseph to go from a slave, condemned in prison, to a ruler of a mighty kingdom.
God birthed an extraordinary calling & work in the heart of David as he became the greatest king in the history of Israel & a man after God's own heart.
The Apostle Paul was deeply rooted in Christ & the Word of God & endured great thlipsis during his journeys to spread the gospel. He suffered beatings, stoning, false accusations, imprisonment, shipwreck, hunger, weariness, riots & persecution. His ministry turned the world upside down, & he shook the gates of hell with the truth of the gospel.
Jesus Christ: The Focal Point of all Persecution. Persecution arises out of the violent clashing between two spiritual kingdoms. The Word of God is the mighty weapon of one kingdom. The heart is at the center of this fierce battle. The Book of Revelation speaks of this. (Revelation 12:4b-5,7,9,12b,17)
Jesus Christ is the focal point of all persecution because He is God's plan for redemption. He is the Savior, the Great Shepherd, the second Adam, the Alpha & Omega, the light of the world, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the life, & the door to God's kingdom. He restored everything that Adam & Eve had lost in the Garden of Eden & conquered sin & death.
The Greek word for "hatred" in John & Luke means to pursue with hatred, to detest, to have extreme hostility towards, & to abhor.
Surprising Source of Most Persecution. The Devil is very subtle as persecution often arises from our inner circle: our churches, fellow-christians, family, friends, co-workers, teachers, professors, neighbors, & community.
The devil loves religion because it has nothing to do with the true God & is an easy facade to hide his deceptions. Look at our Savior as the constant persecution to his ministry was from the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests & scribes, who were the religious elite of his day. The great religious men & their corrupt system crucified their Messiah.
Persecution also comes from the inner circle of our family, friends, & close associates whom the Devil craftily influences to shake our faith in God & His Word.
When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem near the time of his crucifixion, great multitudes of apparent followers & disciples cried out "Hosanna (save us please) to the son of David, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord even the King of Israel! Hosanna in the highest!" This whole multitude rejoiced & praised God with a loud voice. Many of these people had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out from the grave & had heard about this great miracle. The entire city of Jerusalem was moved & the multitude declared "This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee!"
The Greek word for "seize" means to take hold of forcibly, to take into custody & arrest, to continually hold back, to hinder & restrain, to prevail & rule over, & to take into one's possession.
Jesus Christ: The Prince of Peace. Without Jesus no person on earth can ever have true peace.
In Hebrew, the word for peace, shalom, means wholeness, completeness & soundness. It is an inward & outward tranquility, a quiet assurance, & a complete well-being where nothing is lacking or broken. Peace is the highest measure of contentment, joyfulness, happiness, & satisfaction in life.
God is the source of all peace, & we have peace because of our relationship with Him. His peace is our peace. Peace can not live in a heart of unbelief.
The author, Tim Rowe has a doctorate of jurisprudence & a bachelor's degree in biblical studies, history & classics. He is president of Goodness of God's Ministries & lives in Indianapolis with his wife & son.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday - The Spirit Made You a Believer - Galatians 3:1-5 - 1/30/17
The Galatian believers had become fascinated by the false teachers arguments, almost as thou they had been bewitched. Magic was common in the apostle Paul day. Magicians used both illusions & Satan's power to perform miracles.
The believers in Galatia, many of whom may have been in Jerusalem at Pentecost & received the Holy Spirit there, knew they didn't receive God's Spirit by obeying the Jewish laws. We must realize that we grow spiritually because of God's work in us, not by following special rules.
The Galatians knew they received the Holy Spirit when they believed, not when they obeyed the Law.
The Holy Spirit gives Christians great power to live for God. Some Christians want more than this.
Reference summary used from the KJV Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
The believers in Galatia, many of whom may have been in Jerusalem at Pentecost & received the Holy Spirit there, knew they didn't receive God's Spirit by obeying the Jewish laws. We must realize that we grow spiritually because of God's work in us, not by following special rules.
The Galatians knew they received the Holy Spirit when they believed, not when they obeyed the Law.
The Holy Spirit gives Christians great power to live for God. Some Christians want more than this.
Reference summary used from the KJV Life Application Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Wednesday - The Visit of the Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-12 - 12/7/16
Wise men from the east inquire after Christ. They worship him, & offer presents.
Verse 1 ... NOW when ... Jesus was born in Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a in the days of Her'od the king, there came wise men...
Luke 2:4,6,7, ... (The taxation. The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem) And Jo'seph also went up from Gal'i-lee, out of the city of Naz'a-reth, into Ju-de'a, unto the city of Da'vid, which is called Beth'le-hem ... (because he was of the house & lineage of Da'vid,)
And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, & wrapped him swaddling clothes, & laid him in a manager; because there were no room for them in the inn.
Matthew 2:1 ... from the east to Je-ru'sa-lem,
Genesis 10:30 ... And their dwelling was from Me'sha, as thou goest unto Se'phar, a mount of the east.
Matthew 2:2 ... Saying, ... Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen ...
Luke 2:11 ... (An angel announceth it to the shepherds) For unto you is born this day in the city of Da'vid a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Matthew 2:2 ... his star in the east, & are come to worship him.
Isaiah 60:3 ... (The Gentiles shall come to her light) And the Gen'tiles shall come to thy light, & kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Matthew 2:3 ... When Her'od the king had heard these things, he was troubled, & all Je-ru'sa-lem with him.
Matthew 2:4 ... And when he had gathered all ... the chief priests & ...
II Chronicles 36:14 ... Moreover all the chief of the priests, & the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; & polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Je-ru'sa-lem.
Matthew 2:4 ... scribes of the people together, ...
II Chronicles 34:13 ... (Josiah's provideth for the repair of the temple) Also they were over the bearers of burdens, & were overseers of all that wrought the work in any manner of service: & the Le'vites there were scribes, & officers, & porters.
Matthew 2:4 ... he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
Malachi 2:7 ... (The priests reproved for neglecting their covenant) For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, & they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.
Matthew 2:5 ... And they said unto him, In Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a: for thus it is written by the prophet,
Matthew 2:6 ... And thou Beth'le-hem, in the land of Ju'da, art not the least among the princes of Ju'da: for out of thee shall come a Governor, ...
John 7:42 ... Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of Da'vid, & out of the town of Beth'le-hem, where Da'vid was.
Matthew 2:6 ... that shall (feed) rule my people Is'ra-el.
Matthew 2:7 ... Then Her'od when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
Matthew 2:8 ... And he sent them to Beth'le-hem, & said, Go & search diligently for the young child; & when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come & worship him also.
Matthew 2:9 ... When they had heard the king, they departed; & lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came & stood over where the young child was.
Matthew 2:10 ... When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:11 ... And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Ma'ry his mother, & fell down, & worshipped him: & when they had opened their treasures, ... they (offered) presented unto him; gifts; gold, & frankincense, & myrrh.
Psalm 72:10 ... (The psalmist, praying for the king, foretelleth his prosperous & glorious reign. A Psalm (of) for Solomon) The kings of Tar'shish & of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of She'ba & Se'ba shall offer gifts.
Matthew 2:12 ... And being warned of God ... in a dream that they should not return to Her'od, they departed into their own country another way.
Matthew 1:20 ... (An angel removeth the doubts of Joseph) But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Jo'seph, thou son of Da'vid, fear not to take thee Ma'ry thy wife: for that which is (begotten) conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 1 ... NOW when ... Jesus was born in Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a in the days of Her'od the king, there came wise men...
Luke 2:4,6,7, ... (The taxation. The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem) And Jo'seph also went up from Gal'i-lee, out of the city of Naz'a-reth, into Ju-de'a, unto the city of Da'vid, which is called Beth'le-hem ... (because he was of the house & lineage of Da'vid,)
And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, & wrapped him swaddling clothes, & laid him in a manager; because there were no room for them in the inn.
Matthew 2:1 ... from the east to Je-ru'sa-lem,
Genesis 10:30 ... And their dwelling was from Me'sha, as thou goest unto Se'phar, a mount of the east.
Matthew 2:2 ... Saying, ... Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen ...
Luke 2:11 ... (An angel announceth it to the shepherds) For unto you is born this day in the city of Da'vid a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Matthew 2:2 ... his star in the east, & are come to worship him.
Isaiah 60:3 ... (The Gentiles shall come to her light) And the Gen'tiles shall come to thy light, & kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Matthew 2:3 ... When Her'od the king had heard these things, he was troubled, & all Je-ru'sa-lem with him.
Matthew 2:4 ... And when he had gathered all ... the chief priests & ...
II Chronicles 36:14 ... Moreover all the chief of the priests, & the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; & polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Je-ru'sa-lem.
Matthew 2:4 ... scribes of the people together, ...
II Chronicles 34:13 ... (Josiah's provideth for the repair of the temple) Also they were over the bearers of burdens, & were overseers of all that wrought the work in any manner of service: & the Le'vites there were scribes, & officers, & porters.
Matthew 2:4 ... he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
Malachi 2:7 ... (The priests reproved for neglecting their covenant) For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, & they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.
Matthew 2:5 ... And they said unto him, In Beth'le-hem of Ju-de'a: for thus it is written by the prophet,
Matthew 2:6 ... And thou Beth'le-hem, in the land of Ju'da, art not the least among the princes of Ju'da: for out of thee shall come a Governor, ...
John 7:42 ... Hath not the Scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of Da'vid, & out of the town of Beth'le-hem, where Da'vid was.
Matthew 2:6 ... that shall (feed) rule my people Is'ra-el.
Matthew 2:7 ... Then Her'od when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
Matthew 2:8 ... And he sent them to Beth'le-hem, & said, Go & search diligently for the young child; & when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come & worship him also.
Matthew 2:9 ... When they had heard the king, they departed; & lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came & stood over where the young child was.
Matthew 2:10 ... When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:11 ... And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Ma'ry his mother, & fell down, & worshipped him: & when they had opened their treasures, ... they (offered) presented unto him; gifts; gold, & frankincense, & myrrh.
Psalm 72:10 ... (The psalmist, praying for the king, foretelleth his prosperous & glorious reign. A Psalm (of) for Solomon) The kings of Tar'shish & of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of She'ba & Se'ba shall offer gifts.
Matthew 2:12 ... And being warned of God ... in a dream that they should not return to Her'od, they departed into their own country another way.
Matthew 1:20 ... (An angel removeth the doubts of Joseph) But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Jo'seph, thou son of Da'vid, fear not to take thee Ma'ry thy wife: for that which is (begotten) conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Sunday - Alpha & Omega - Revelation 22:12-21 - 11/27/16
Nothing may be added to or taken from the words of this book.
Verse 12 ... And, behold, I come quickly; & ...
Verse 7 ... Behold, I come: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
Revelation 22:12 ... my reward is with me, ...
Isaiah 40:10 ... Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, & his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, & his work before him.
Revelation 22:12 ... to give every man according to his work shall be.
Revelation 20:12 ... (The general resurrection & judgment) And I saw the dead, small & great, stand before God; & the books were opened: & another book was opened, which is the book of life: & the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Revelation 22:13 ... I am Al'pha & O'me-ga, the beginning & the end, the first & the last.
Revelation 21:6 ... And he said unto me, It is done. I am Al'pha & O'me-ga, the beginning & the end. I will give unto him that is athrist of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Revelation 22:14 ... Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right ...
Revelation 22:2 ... (The river & tree of life) In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Revelation 22:14 ... & may enter in through the gates into the city.
Revelation 21:27 ... (Nothing that defileth can enter therein) And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Revelation 22:15 ... For without are ...
Colossians 3:6 ... For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.
Revelation 22:15 ... dogs, & sorcerers, & whoremongers, & murderers, & idolaters, & whosoever loveth & maketh a lie.
Philippians 3:2 ... (The apostle warneth them against them false teachers) Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Revelation 22:16 ... I Jesus have sent mine angle to testify unto you these things in the churches.
Revelation 1:1 ... THE Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; & he sent & signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Revelation 22:16 ...I am the root & the offspring of Da'vid, & the offspring of Da'vid ...
Revelation 5:5 ... And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Ju'da, the Root of Da'vid hath prevailed to open the book, & to loose the seven seals thereof.
Revelation 22:16 ... the bright & morning star.
Numbers 24:17 ... I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Ja'cob, & a Sceptre shall rise out of Is'ra-el, & shall (smite through the princes of Moab) smite the corners of Mo'ab, & destroy all the children of Sheth.
Revelation 22:17 ... And the Spirit and ... the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come.
Revelation 21:2,9 ... (A new heaven & new earth. The heavenly Jerusalem described) And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru'sa-lem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plaques, & talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
Revelation 22:17 ... And let him that is athrist come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
John 7:37 ... (Jesus teacheth in the temple) In that last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood & cried, saying, If any man thrist, let him come unto me, & drink.
Revelation 22:18 ... For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, ... If any many shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plaques that are written in this book:
Proverbs 30:6 ... Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, & thou be found a liar.
Re3velation 22:19 ... And if any man shall take away from the words of this prophecy, ... God shall take away his part (from the tree of life) out of the book of life, & out of ...
Exodus 32:33 ... And the LORD said unto Mo'ses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.
Revelation 22:19 ... the holy city, & from the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 21:2 .... (A new heaven & new earth) And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru'sa-lem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Revelation 22:20 ... He which testifieth these things saith, ... Surely I come quickly:
Revelation 22:12 ... And, behold, I come quickly; & my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Revelation 22:20 ... Amen ...
John 21:25 ... And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
Revelation 22:20 ... Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.
II Timothy 4:8 ... Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: & not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Revelation 22:21 ... The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen
II Thessalonians 3:18 ... (Prayer & Salutation) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Verse 12 ... And, behold, I come quickly; & ...
Verse 7 ... Behold, I come: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
Revelation 22:12 ... my reward is with me, ...
Isaiah 40:10 ... Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, & his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, & his work before him.
Revelation 22:12 ... to give every man according to his work shall be.
Revelation 20:12 ... (The general resurrection & judgment) And I saw the dead, small & great, stand before God; & the books were opened: & another book was opened, which is the book of life: & the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Revelation 22:13 ... I am Al'pha & O'me-ga, the beginning & the end, the first & the last.
Revelation 21:6 ... And he said unto me, It is done. I am Al'pha & O'me-ga, the beginning & the end. I will give unto him that is athrist of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Revelation 22:14 ... Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right ...
Revelation 22:2 ... (The river & tree of life) In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Revelation 22:14 ... & may enter in through the gates into the city.
Revelation 21:27 ... (Nothing that defileth can enter therein) And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Revelation 22:15 ... For without are ...
Colossians 3:6 ... For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.
Revelation 22:15 ... dogs, & sorcerers, & whoremongers, & murderers, & idolaters, & whosoever loveth & maketh a lie.
Philippians 3:2 ... (The apostle warneth them against them false teachers) Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Revelation 22:16 ... I Jesus have sent mine angle to testify unto you these things in the churches.
Revelation 1:1 ... THE Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; & he sent & signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Revelation 22:16 ...I am the root & the offspring of Da'vid, & the offspring of Da'vid ...
Revelation 5:5 ... And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Ju'da, the Root of Da'vid hath prevailed to open the book, & to loose the seven seals thereof.
Revelation 22:16 ... the bright & morning star.
Numbers 24:17 ... I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Ja'cob, & a Sceptre shall rise out of Is'ra-el, & shall (smite through the princes of Moab) smite the corners of Mo'ab, & destroy all the children of Sheth.
Revelation 22:17 ... And the Spirit and ... the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come.
Revelation 21:2,9 ... (A new heaven & new earth. The heavenly Jerusalem described) And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru'sa-lem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plaques, & talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
Revelation 22:17 ... And let him that is athrist come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
John 7:37 ... (Jesus teacheth in the temple) In that last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood & cried, saying, If any man thrist, let him come unto me, & drink.
Revelation 22:18 ... For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, ... If any many shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plaques that are written in this book:
Proverbs 30:6 ... Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, & thou be found a liar.
Re3velation 22:19 ... And if any man shall take away from the words of this prophecy, ... God shall take away his part (from the tree of life) out of the book of life, & out of ...
Exodus 32:33 ... And the LORD said unto Mo'ses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.
Revelation 22:19 ... the holy city, & from the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 21:2 .... (A new heaven & new earth) And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru'sa-lem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Revelation 22:20 ... He which testifieth these things saith, ... Surely I come quickly:
Revelation 22:12 ... And, behold, I come quickly; & my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Revelation 22:20 ... Amen ...
John 21:25 ... And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
Revelation 22:20 ... Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.
II Timothy 4:8 ... Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: & not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Revelation 22:21 ... The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen
II Thessalonians 3:18 ... (Prayer & Salutation) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Scripture reference used from The KJV Bible, SouthWestern Co., Nashville, TN
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Wise Men . East . Worship Plan ... 12/25/1988 Sermon
The Wise Men from the East & Their Worship Plan: 12-25-1988 Sermon
Jesus/Yeshua . Bethlehem . Judea . Herod the king . wise men . east . Jerusalem . King of the Jews . Worship . Matthew 2:1.2
Wise Men ... The Magi of Eastern sages who came to homage to the new-born King-Messiah, belonged to a castle of Persian notables which embraced philosophers & priests (Matthew 2:1,2).
Worship ... An act of homage or reverence - paid to God. To praise: direct acknowledgement to God, of HIS nature, attributes, ways, & claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise & thanksgiving or by deed in such acknowledgement.
Jesus ("Joshua" meaning 'Jehovah is Salvation'), the Saviour. Given to the Son of God in Incarnation as HIS personal name in obedience to the command of the angel to Joseph, the husband of HIS Mother, Mary, shortly before HE was born (Matthew 1:21).
This sermon was preached by one of my former Pastors' on Christmas Day in 1988, at my home Church.
Matthew 2:1,2
The Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
Verse 1 ... Now when ... Jesus (Daniel 9:24; Luke 2:4) ... was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men ... from (I Kings 4:30; Isaiah 11:10) ... the east to Jerusalem.
Verse 2 ... Saying, ... Where (Luke 2:11) ... is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his ... star (Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 60:3) ... in the east, & are come to worship him.
Matthew 2:2 (Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 9:9; Numbers 24:17)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & Zondervan Bible Commentary
Jesus/Yeshua . Bethlehem . Judea . Herod the king . wise men . east . Jerusalem . King of the Jews . Worship . Matthew 2:1.2
Wise Men ... The Magi of Eastern sages who came to homage to the new-born King-Messiah, belonged to a castle of Persian notables which embraced philosophers & priests (Matthew 2:1,2).
Worship ... An act of homage or reverence - paid to God. To praise: direct acknowledgement to God, of HIS nature, attributes, ways, & claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise & thanksgiving or by deed in such acknowledgement.
Jesus ("Joshua" meaning 'Jehovah is Salvation'), the Saviour. Given to the Son of God in Incarnation as HIS personal name in obedience to the command of the angel to Joseph, the husband of HIS Mother, Mary, shortly before HE was born (Matthew 1:21).
This sermon was preached by one of my former Pastors' on Christmas Day in 1988, at my home Church.
Matthew 2:1,2
The Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
Verse 1 ... Now when ... Jesus (Daniel 9:24; Luke 2:4) ... was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men ... from (I Kings 4:30; Isaiah 11:10) ... the east to Jerusalem.
Verse 2 ... Saying, ... Where (Luke 2:11) ... is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his ... star (Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 60:3) ... in the east, & are come to worship him.
Matthew 2:2 (Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 9:9; Numbers 24:17)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Special Arrangement New Testament, Vine's Expository Dictionary of O.T. & N.T. Words & Zondervan Bible Commentary
Friday, September 27, 2013
Taking Pride in Accomplishment ... 8/18/2013
Gilgal . Geba . Azmaveth . Judah . Hoshaiah . Azariah . Meshullam . Benjamin . Shemiah . Mattianiah . Zaccur . Asaph . Milalai . Gilalai . Nethaneel . Hanani . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson for 8/18/2013 is shared from Nehemiah 12:27-36, 38-43 (Background Scripture: Nehemiah 12:27-43; Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 96)
Gilgal (wheel, whirlwind) Verse 29: house of Gilgal. (Joshua encamps there) (Saul made king there)
Geba (a hill) a town of Benjamin assigned to the priests. Verse 29: fields of Geba
Azmaveth, a village near Jerusalem. Verse 29
Judah (praise), son of Jacob. Blessed by Jacob. They make David king. Verse 31: princes of Judah
Hashaiah (Jehovah is deliverance) Verse 32
Azariah (Jehovah helps) Verse 33
Meshullam (devoted) Verse 33
Benjamin (son of the right hand) youngest son of Jacob. Blessed by Moses. The Tribe of Paul. Verse 34
Shemiah (Jehovah hears) Verse 34
Mattianiah (gift of Jehovah) Verse 35: son of Mattianiah
Zaccur (mindful) Verse 35: son of Zaccur
Asaph ( a collector) a Levite musical composer. Verse 35: son of Asaph
Milalai (eloquent) Verse 36
Gilalai (dungy) Verse 36
Nettaneel (given of God) Verse 36
Hanani (inclined to grace) brother of Nehemiah. Verse 36
Nehemiah 12:27-43 ... The Dedication of Jerusalem walls
Nehemiah 12:27-36, 38, 43
Verses 27-30 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah 4465-433 B.C., The Dedication of the Wall
(Nehemiah 12:1-26; Nehemiah 12:1-11; Nehemiah 12:12-21; Nehemiah 8-10; I Chronicles 23 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 31-36, 38
Verses 31,32,33,34 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; For Deliverance from Enemies
Verses 35,36 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, The Dedication of the Wall
Verse 38 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; For Deliverance from Enemies
(I Chronicles 16:2-5; Psalm/Tehillim 50:73-83; 116:1)
Verse 43 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, The Dedication of the Wall
Psalm/Tehillim 46 ... Exhortation to praise God for His general judgments. ... Psalm of Supplication: Relative to public worship ... Psalm of Adoration: Of God's power, majesty, & glory
Monday - August 12, 2013 - Celebrating God's Greatness - Psalm/Tehillim 96:1-9
Tuesday - August 13, 2013 - Celebrating the Lord's Coming - Psalm/Tehillim 96:1-10
Wednesday - August 14, 2013 - Celebrating God's Blessings - Deuteronomy 12:12-7
The Law of the Sanctuary (Deuteronomy 12:1-28) ... The Covenant Laws (Deuteronomy 12:1-26:19)
Thursday - August 15, 2013 - Celebrating Freedom from Oppression - Nahum 1:6-15
Epiphany of The Divine Avenger. (Nahum 1:1-15)
Epiphany ... apperance, manifestation, to manifest
Friday - August 16, 2013 - Celebrating the Restored Nation - Jeremiah 30:18-22
Messages of hope & blessing (Jeremiah 30:1-31:40) ... Prophecies concerning God's Action At Home & Abroad
Saturday - August 17, 2013 - Celebrating the Restored Jeruslaem - Isaiah 66:10-14
Final promises & stern warning (Isaiah 66:1-24) ... The Return of The Exiles (Isaiah 40:1-66:24)
August 18, 2013 - Sunday - Celebrating a Completed Task - Nehemiah 12:27-36,38,43
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, Zondervan Commentary & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary
The Sunday School Lesson for 8/18/2013 is shared from Nehemiah 12:27-36, 38-43 (Background Scripture: Nehemiah 12:27-43; Devotional Reading: Psalm/Tehillim 96)
Gilgal (wheel, whirlwind) Verse 29: house of Gilgal. (Joshua encamps there) (Saul made king there)
Geba (a hill) a town of Benjamin assigned to the priests. Verse 29: fields of Geba
Azmaveth, a village near Jerusalem. Verse 29
Judah (praise), son of Jacob. Blessed by Jacob. They make David king. Verse 31: princes of Judah
Hashaiah (Jehovah is deliverance) Verse 32
Azariah (Jehovah helps) Verse 33
Meshullam (devoted) Verse 33
Benjamin (son of the right hand) youngest son of Jacob. Blessed by Moses. The Tribe of Paul. Verse 34
Shemiah (Jehovah hears) Verse 34
Mattianiah (gift of Jehovah) Verse 35: son of Mattianiah
Zaccur (mindful) Verse 35: son of Zaccur
Asaph ( a collector) a Levite musical composer. Verse 35: son of Asaph
Milalai (eloquent) Verse 36
Gilalai (dungy) Verse 36
Nettaneel (given of God) Verse 36
Hanani (inclined to grace) brother of Nehemiah. Verse 36
Nehemiah 12:27-43 ... The Dedication of Jerusalem walls
Nehemiah 12:27-36, 38, 43
Verses 27-30 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah 4465-433 B.C., The Dedication of the Wall
(Nehemiah 12:1-26; Nehemiah 12:1-11; Nehemiah 12:12-21; Nehemiah 8-10; I Chronicles 23 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Verses 31-36, 38
Verses 31,32,33,34 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; For Deliverance from Enemies
Verses 35,36 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, The Dedication of the Wall
Verse 38 ... Duties To God; Thanksgiving; For Deliverance from Enemies
(I Chronicles 16:2-5; Psalm/Tehillim 50:73-83; 116:1)
Verse 43 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(Then)/Holy Land(Now); Administration of Nehemiah, The Dedication of the Wall
Psalm/Tehillim 46 ... Exhortation to praise God for His general judgments. ... Psalm of Supplication: Relative to public worship ... Psalm of Adoration: Of God's power, majesty, & glory
Monday - August 12, 2013 - Celebrating God's Greatness - Psalm/Tehillim 96:1-9
Tuesday - August 13, 2013 - Celebrating the Lord's Coming - Psalm/Tehillim 96:1-10
Wednesday - August 14, 2013 - Celebrating God's Blessings - Deuteronomy 12:12-7
The Law of the Sanctuary (Deuteronomy 12:1-28) ... The Covenant Laws (Deuteronomy 12:1-26:19)
Thursday - August 15, 2013 - Celebrating Freedom from Oppression - Nahum 1:6-15
Epiphany of The Divine Avenger. (Nahum 1:1-15)
Epiphany ... apperance, manifestation, to manifest
Friday - August 16, 2013 - Celebrating the Restored Nation - Jeremiah 30:18-22
Messages of hope & blessing (Jeremiah 30:1-31:40) ... Prophecies concerning God's Action At Home & Abroad
Saturday - August 17, 2013 - Celebrating the Restored Jeruslaem - Isaiah 66:10-14
Final promises & stern warning (Isaiah 66:1-24) ... The Return of The Exiles (Isaiah 40:1-66:24)
August 18, 2013 - Sunday - Celebrating a Completed Task - Nehemiah 12:27-36,38,43
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, Zondervan Commentary & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Celebrating What Is Meaningful ... 6/30/2013 Sunday School Lesson
Ezra . Sheshbazzar . Zerubbabel . Cyrus . Darius . Jesus . Jerusalem . Judgment . Babylonians . God . Worship . Feast of Tabernacles . Lebanon . Sunday School Lesson
The Sunday School Lesson for June 30, 2013 is shared from Ezra 3:1-7 (Devotional Reading Matthew 23:29-39). Unit II. Worshipping in Jerusalem Again (Ezra).
For Babylonians history read the week of June 23, 2013 at my blog "Biblical History of Assyria/Assyrians."
Ezra 1-6 describes the 1st return of the Jews under Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel & Joshua, the high priest, in the 1st year of Cyrus (536 B.C.), & the rebuilding of the temple, completed in the 6th year of Darius ()516 B.C.).
Ezra 3:1-7 ... The altar is setup. Offerings frequented. Workmen prepared.
Sheshbazzar: Persian name of Zerubbabel (fire worshipper) Ezra 1:8
Zerubbabel (scattered in Babylon) (Zorobabel) prince of Judah (Ezra 2:2) ... restores the worship of God (Ezra 3:1); Nehemiah 12:47; Haggai 1:1,14; 2:1; Zechariah 4:6).
Cyrus: King of Persia, his proclamation for rebuilding the temple (II Chronicles 36:22,23; Ezra 1) ... Chronological Tables Of The Old Testament: The Jews ... Babylonia & Persia; 537 B.C.; Edict of Cyrus for restoration of Jews 536 B.C. 538; Cyrus. (Table information used/taken from KJV Precious Promise Bible).
Darius (presever), Hystaspes, his decree concerning the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 6).
Lebanon (white mountain) its cedar (Psalm/Tehillim 92:12; Song of Solomon 3:9; II Chronicles 2:8) ... very narrow & rugged range of mountains on the north of Canaan (I Kings 5:14; Isaiah 40:16)
Jerusalem (the habitation of peace). Captives return & Cyrus begins to rebuild the temple, Ezra 1:2,3, continued by Artaxerxes, Nehemiah 2 ... Temple built at (I Kings 5-8; I Chronicles 2-7). Laments over it (Matthew 23:37).
Feast of Tabernacles/Festival (Hebrews). Three great feasts or festivals in the Jewish year. Tabernacles came in the fall. Day of Atonement, held a week before the feast of Tabernacles ... Held in commemoration of the 40 years' outdoor life in the wilderness, after the Israelite came out of Egypt, when they lived in tents & "booths." This began on the 15th day of the 7th month, Tishri, & continued for one week. (Leviticus 23:25; 23:33-43; Exodus 23:16).
Ezra 3:1-3 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(II Chronicles 36:15-21; Ezra 2:2; 3:8: Nehemiah 12:18; Deuteronomy 12:5-6 ... Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)
Ezra 4:5 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built,& the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(Numbers 29:12-34; Genesis 10; Deuteronomy 29:2-3,5,7,8; Deuteronomy 29:4; Numbers 28:2-8)
Ezra 3:6-7
Verse 6 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built, & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); Materials Provided for the Temple.
(Ezra 1:2-4; 1:6; 2:68; 1:7-11; 6:3-5)

Monday - June 24, 2013 - Jesus/Yeshua Laments Over Jerusalem - Matthew 23:29-39
Of the scribes & Pharisees ... good doctrine, but evil examples for life. Matthew/Levi wrote for Jewish Christians. Matthew 23 (discourses of Jesus Christ).
Tuesday - June 25, 2013 - The Coming Judgment - Jeremiah 7:30-8:3
Jeremiah 1-45 prophecies relating to Judah & the kingdom of God. Personal history of the prophet, & events that happened during his ministry.
Wednesday - June 26, 2013 - Jerusalem Falls to the Babylonians - II Kings 24:1-12
Jehoiakim procures his own ruin. Books of Kings: history of the northern kingdom after the separation from Judah.
Thursday - June 27, 2013 - The Destruction of Jerusalem - II Chronicles 36:15-21
Authors object written from a Levitical & religious standpoint... II Chronicles 10-36, history of the southern kingdom down to the Babylonian captivity.
Friday - June 28, 2013 - Rebuild a House for God - Ezra 1:1-8
The proclamation of Cyrus for the building of the temple. Cyrus restoreth the vessels of the temple to Sheshbazzar.
Saturday - June 29, 2013 - The People Respond - Ezra 2:64-70
Return of the Jewish Exile Under Sheshbazzar (Ezra 12:1-2:70) ... 13 short of 50,000 returned ... Many Jews, remained in Babylonian, comfortable, & ran thriving businesses which they had to abandon.
Sunday - June 30, 2013 - Restoring the Worship of God - Ezra 3:1-7
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, & Zondervan Commentary
The Sunday School Lesson for June 30, 2013 is shared from Ezra 3:1-7 (Devotional Reading Matthew 23:29-39). Unit II. Worshipping in Jerusalem Again (Ezra).
For Babylonians history read the week of June 23, 2013 at my blog "Biblical History of Assyria/Assyrians."
Ezra 1-6 describes the 1st return of the Jews under Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel & Joshua, the high priest, in the 1st year of Cyrus (536 B.C.), & the rebuilding of the temple, completed in the 6th year of Darius ()516 B.C.).
Ezra 3:1-7 ... The altar is setup. Offerings frequented. Workmen prepared.
Sheshbazzar: Persian name of Zerubbabel (fire worshipper) Ezra 1:8
Zerubbabel (scattered in Babylon) (Zorobabel) prince of Judah (Ezra 2:2) ... restores the worship of God (Ezra 3:1); Nehemiah 12:47; Haggai 1:1,14; 2:1; Zechariah 4:6).
Cyrus: King of Persia, his proclamation for rebuilding the temple (II Chronicles 36:22,23; Ezra 1) ... Chronological Tables Of The Old Testament: The Jews ... Babylonia & Persia; 537 B.C.; Edict of Cyrus for restoration of Jews 536 B.C. 538; Cyrus. (Table information used/taken from KJV Precious Promise Bible).
Darius (presever), Hystaspes, his decree concerning the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 6).
Lebanon (white mountain) its cedar (Psalm/Tehillim 92:12; Song of Solomon 3:9; II Chronicles 2:8) ... very narrow & rugged range of mountains on the north of Canaan (I Kings 5:14; Isaiah 40:16)
Jerusalem (the habitation of peace). Captives return & Cyrus begins to rebuild the temple, Ezra 1:2,3, continued by Artaxerxes, Nehemiah 2 ... Temple built at (I Kings 5-8; I Chronicles 2-7). Laments over it (Matthew 23:37).
Feast of Tabernacles/Festival (Hebrews). Three great feasts or festivals in the Jewish year. Tabernacles came in the fall. Day of Atonement, held a week before the feast of Tabernacles ... Held in commemoration of the 40 years' outdoor life in the wilderness, after the Israelite came out of Egypt, when they lived in tents & "booths." This began on the 15th day of the 7th month, Tishri, & continued for one week. (Leviticus 23:25; 23:33-43; Exodus 23:16).
Ezra 3:1-3 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(II Chronicles 36:15-21; Ezra 2:2; 3:8: Nehemiah 12:18; Deuteronomy 12:5-6 ... Reference Scriptures from Sunday School Book)
Ezra 4:5 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built,& the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
(Numbers 29:12-34; Genesis 10; Deuteronomy 29:2-3,5,7,8; Deuteronomy 29:4; Numbers 28:2-8)
Ezra 3:6-7
Verse 6 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); The Altar Built, & the Old Order of Festivals & Services Restored
Verse 7 ... The Hebrews; The Hebrews Again In Palestine(then)/Holy Land(now); Materials Provided for the Temple.
(Ezra 1:2-4; 1:6; 2:68; 1:7-11; 6:3-5)

Monday - June 24, 2013 - Jesus/Yeshua Laments Over Jerusalem - Matthew 23:29-39
Of the scribes & Pharisees ... good doctrine, but evil examples for life. Matthew/Levi wrote for Jewish Christians. Matthew 23 (discourses of Jesus Christ).
Tuesday - June 25, 2013 - The Coming Judgment - Jeremiah 7:30-8:3
Jeremiah 1-45 prophecies relating to Judah & the kingdom of God. Personal history of the prophet, & events that happened during his ministry.
Wednesday - June 26, 2013 - Jerusalem Falls to the Babylonians - II Kings 24:1-12
Jehoiakim procures his own ruin. Books of Kings: history of the northern kingdom after the separation from Judah.
Thursday - June 27, 2013 - The Destruction of Jerusalem - II Chronicles 36:15-21
Authors object written from a Levitical & religious standpoint... II Chronicles 10-36, history of the southern kingdom down to the Babylonian captivity.
Friday - June 28, 2013 - Rebuild a House for God - Ezra 1:1-8
The proclamation of Cyrus for the building of the temple. Cyrus restoreth the vessels of the temple to Sheshbazzar.
Saturday - June 29, 2013 - The People Respond - Ezra 2:64-70
Return of the Jewish Exile Under Sheshbazzar (Ezra 12:1-2:70) ... 13 short of 50,000 returned ... Many Jews, remained in Babylonian, comfortable, & ran thriving businesses which they had to abandon.
Sunday - June 30, 2013 - Restoring the Worship of God - Ezra 3:1-7
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Reference Bible, & Zondervan Commentary
Friday, May 31, 2013
Books of Ezra & Nehemiah ... 6/30/1203 - 7/25/2013 .. Sunday School Lessons
Ezra 3,6,8, Nehemiah 8,9,12,13, Sunday School Lesson, Jews, Sheshbazzar, Zerubbabel, Joshua, high priest, Cyrus, Temple, Darius, Joshua, Babylon, Ezra's prayer,Confession, Religion, restoration, Law, Feast of Tabernacle, Levites, Covenant, Jerusalem, dedication,abuses
My Sunday School Lesson is coming from the Books of Ezra & Nehemiah starting June 30,2013 - August 25, 2013.
These books were regarded in ancient times as one.
They may be divided into four parts: 1. Ezra 1-6 describes the first return of the Jews under Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel and Joshua, the high priest, in the first year of Cyrus (536 B.C.), and the rebuilding of the temple (516 B.C.)... 2. Ezra 7-10 narrates the second migration from Babylon under Ezra, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimaus (458-457 B.C.), and includes Ezra's prayer and confession.
Nehemiah 8-13 describes the combined efforts of Ezra & Nehemiah to effect the restoration of religion,including the solemn reading of the Law, the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, the confession of the Levites, a list of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and other cities, the dedication of the walls, and the removal of certain abuses.
Sunday - June 30, 2013 - Celebrating What Is Meaningful - Ezra 3:1-7
Commencement Of The Rebuilding Of The Temple (Ezra 3:1-4:24)
Sunday - July 7, 2013 - Finding Joy in Restoration - Ezra 3:8-13
Sunday - July 14, 2013 - Celebrating with Joy - Ezra 6:13-22
Completion Of The Rebuilding Of The Temple (Ezra 5:1-6:2)
Sunday - July 21, 2013 - Preparing for a Journey - Ezra 8:21-23
Return of More Jewish Exiles Under Ezra (Ezra 7:1-8:36)
July 28, 2013 - Generous Gifts - Ezra 8:24-30
Sunday - August 4, 2013 - Great Rejoicing - Nehemiah 8:13-18
The Reading & Exposition Of The Law (Nehemiah 7:73b-8:18)
August 11, 2013 - Admitting Shortcomings - Nehemiah 9:2,6-7, 9-10, 30-36
The Renewal Of The Covenant (Nehemiah 9:1-1039)
August 18, 2013 - Taking Pride in Accomplishment - Nehemiah 12:27-36;38,43
The Dedication Of Jerusalem's Walls (Nehemiah 12:27-43)
August 25, 2013 - Getting It Right - Nehemiah 13:15-22
Nehemiah's Second Period of Administration (Nehemiah 13:1-31)
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible & Zondervan Bible Commentary
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