. Advent Season
The Sunday School Lesson is shared from Luke 1:26-40 (Background Scripture: Luke 1:26-45; Devotional Reading: Psalm 89:1-7).
Machil, Maskil (instructing) Psalm/Tehillim 89
David (beloved), King, son of Jesse, Prophecies connected with Psalm 89.
Horn (metaphorically to signify strength & honor/type of victory).
Salvation, to be wrought out with fear & trembling (Philippians 2:12). Only through Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
Promises: Psalm 89:4 Health & Healing ... Psalm 89:21,22,23 Victory over enemies & trouble ... Psalm 89:28 The Upright are Blessed & Prosperous ... Psalm 89:29 Blessing on Children, Relatives & Friends ... Matthew 1 Pardon for Sins & Iniquities (Healing can come supernaturally/by exercise & nutrition/by rest/by medical care & supervision/God will give Christians/Believers new perfect bodies in Heaven) ... (Prosperity does not always mean material blessings - it can mean different things for different individuals).
Ahaz (possesor), King of Judah, refuses to ask for a sign (Isaiah 7).
Virgin, Christ born of, Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:27.
Espoused, promise in marriage, Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:27; 2:5, to woo & win with reference to the Virgin Mary.
Immanuel (God with us).
Elisabeth, Grecized form of 'Elishaba, God her oath,' mother of John the Baptist.
Mary (Miriam), the Virgin, mother of Jesus.
Holy Ghost. As a Spirit (Eternal) The Teacher. The Comforter. Appoints Ministers where to preach the Gospel, HE teaches & Commissions HIS servants. Emblems of The Holy Spirit. Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Gabriel (hero of God), archangel.
Galilee (circuit district), prophecy concerning.
Nazareth (twig, brushwood), in Isaiah connected with the word "branch." Low cliff above the town is probably the site of the attempt to precipitate Christ.
Joseph, husband of the Virgin.
Jesus (Joshua, Jeshua) Saviour - Son of God. Joshua (Jehovah is Salvation).
Juda, Judah (Jews - Israelites first called).
Zacharias, father of John the Baptist.
Biblical Maps of Galilee and Nazareth
Advent (period between 4 Sundays before Christmas observed by some Christmas as a season of prayer & fasting).
Luke 1:26-40
Verses 26-30 ... Jesus Christ; Genealogy, Birth, & Early Life; As Recorded by Luke
Matthew 1 (The genealogy of Jesus Christ: Mary's miraculous conception; Jesus is born; HIS names).
Verses 31-33
Verse 31 ... Jesus Christ; Genealogy, Birth, & Early Life; As Recorded by Luke
Verses 32,33 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Is Called Lord
Verses 34-40
Verses 24,35,38 ... Jesus Christ; Genealogy, Birth, & Early Life; As Recorded by Luke
Verse 35 ... Jesus Christ; Christ's Divinity; Is Called the Son of God
Christian Books & Bibles with the names of Jesus in Hebrew and Aramaic
Verse 36 ... The Family; Parents & Children; Barrenness, Miraculously Removed ... Miracles; Supernatural Bodily Gifts & Deprivations; Gift or Denial of Children ... Christ's Birth: Recorded by Matthew & Luke.
Verse 37 ... God; Attributes of God As Person; Omnipotence (unlimited authority/power)
Verses 39,40 ... Civil & Social Life; Manners & Customs; Visiting, & Returning Home
(Isaiah 55:8; Luke 1:37 ... Reference Scriptures in Sunday School Book)
Monday - November 25, 2013 - A Covenant with David - Psalm 89:1-7
The psalmist praises God for HIS care of the Church. Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite (Psalm 89)
Tuesday - November 26, 2013 - God's Faithfulness & Steadfast Love - Psalm 89:19-24
Wednesday - November 27, 2013 - The Highest of Earthly Kings - Psalm 89:26-34
Thursday - November 28, 2013 - A Promise for a Distant Future - II Samuel 7:18-29
David's Prayer & Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day
Friday - November 29, 2013 - A Child Named Immanuel - Isaiah 7:10-15
Ahaz, having liberty to choose a sign, & refusing, hath for a sign, Christ promiseth. ... Ahaz comforted by Isaiah. Christ promised.
Saturday - November 30, 2013 - Elisabeth Blessing - Luke 1:41-45
Of Christ ... and of Christ. The prophecy of Elisabeth, & of Mary, concerning Christ (Luke 1:26-56).
Sunday - December 1, 2013 - The Announcement to Mary - Luke 1:26-40
Scripture reference used/taken from: The International Teacher's Handy Bible Encyclopedia/Concordance KJV Precious Promise Bible, KJV Topical Edition Bible, Vine's Expository of O.T. & N.T. Words, & Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition